Middle-aged Trinidadian BBC exposed the high protein myth in gym culture



Jul 12, 2019

When he was a broke BBC in Trinidad, he couldn't afford protein powders or high-protein diets. And he was still a ripped muscular ripped slave nigger straight from the plantation. You think all those Mandingo buck nigger slaves in the plantations in the 19th century that fucked their master's wives and daughters were downing whey protein shakes and eating entire chickens? lmfao. You think the BBC in your prison cell who fucks you up the ass every night is downing whey protein shakes and entire chickens in prison? Nigga have you seen what prison inmates are fed?
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When he was a broke BBC in Trinidad, he couldn't afford protein powders or high-protein diets. And he was still a ripped muscular ripped slave nigger straight from the plantation. You think all those Mandingo buck nigger slaves in the plantations in the 19th century that fucked their master's wives and daughters were downing whey protein shakes and eating entire chickens? lmfao. You think the BBC in your prison cell who fucks you up the ass every night is downing whey protein shakes and entire chickens in prison? Nigga have you seen what prison inmates are fed?

Well no shit he’s black
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Well no shit he’s black
I knew someone was going to bring up BBC genetics.
My genetics are not very good. My 76 year old dad is 163cm (he shrunk. He may even be shorter than 163cm now because he has a hunch back now from his back problems. He was last measured by his doctor at 163cm), 116.4 lbs and he has a big protruding belly and noodle arms. But I think a lot of gym bros use genetics as an excuse for their shit gains. I've improved my programming and my training (mostly in terms of focusing on improving my form, going full range of motion and going slow on the eccentric). So when I finish my cut and start bulking again, armed with my new experience and knowledge from training, I am hoping to look like a turbo manlet white BBC.

At the end of the day gymcelling is mostly a cope anyways. Women are mostly attracted to status and money first and foremost. But it's the only thing in life where I am firmly above average in (especially for my age. The average 38-39 year old looks like absolute shit). So I want to try to become a fitness influencer and coach gymcels for a living.

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