
NT Master
Prophet of the Racepill
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Everybody here should read this book. Never before have I felt so ambivalent about a book before reading this. It has great quotes and some not-so-great quotes. Apparently, this book inspired Laveyan Satanism, Fascism, and Nietzschean philosophy.
Some quotes I like:
Some quotes I like:
“ In all industrial relations, Might is ‘monarch of all it surveys.’ Authority is Authority, though it may take on a thousand diverse forms. What is the elemental difference between a Roman mandamus, a Turkish firman, a Russian ukase, a ‘Supreme’ Court injunction, or an Order in Chancery? They are exact synonyms. Whatever their salient phraseology may be; in operation they are visible manifestations of Imperial Power-of Sceptred Majesty. No sacerdotal sophistry can permanently disguise this fact; and what is more important, no emotional demagoguery can remove it.”
“Christ explicitly condemns the use of force, and yet all existent nations (without exception) were founded by unlimited throat-cutting and piracy. The rulers of the world, the directors of concentrated Power, are not now, and never have been, sad-eyed Saviors —mournful, immaculate tramp-gods —but masters of majestic violence. To use the language of Isaiah, not only Zion, but every nation on earth ‘has been built with blood.’ Nations cannot be built otherwise.
The Romans first appear in history as a gang of banditti — the English as a nest of pirates—the Germans as a horde of roving
freebooters—the Russians as a band of mounted horse-thieves — the Americans as pious anarchists and nigger stealers — the Australians as exiled cut-purses —the Turks as Bedouin brigands. Everywhere symbols of Kingship, tribal totems, and
insignia of state, speak of Violence, Defiance and War”
The fasces carried before a Roman Prsetor, consisted of an axe for chopping necks, and a bundle of rods for whipping backs.
The Mace of the English parliamentary organization, of which the American system is an imitative offshoot (‘that bauble of
Cromwell’) also all Royal Sceptres are but carved and gilded clubs. Originally both Mace and Sceptre were in daily use for breaking recalcitrant skulls. They are still emblematic of Legislative Authority—and offensive Violence —as much so indeed, as the knotted bludgeon, the barbed lance, or the greenstone skullsplitter of an orthodox cannibal chief.
National crests are selected, not as a rule from doves, lambs, goats, magpies, and hares; but from lions, tigers, she-wolves,
serpents, dragons, bears, eagles, and the Fighting Man.”
“In the centres of ‘our highest civilization,’ force is recognized as the underlying principle of Authority. Between Nation and nation it is in constant requisition, as the basis of all diplomacy, and between contending factions (within the nation) it is often effectively applied. The policeman’s loaded truncheon, the huzzar’s slicing sabre, and the artillery company’s field piece, are still the ultimo ratio of Order, Liberty, Peace. The maxim-gun is a development, and a decided improvement upon the old time bludgeon; especially when dealing with rabid revolutionary masses. One of those beautiful engines and a half dozen trained men, if supplied with plenty of ammunition, could wipe out in half a day, the largest mob of would-be insurgents that London, Paris, orChicago ever saw.”
“When citizens disobey legal ‘regulations’ they are generally interviewed at first, by a blue-coated ‘guardian of the Peace,’ with an official warrant and varnished club; who tamely leads them away to a State dungeon, or indicts them before a State Inquisitor. Behind the armed police and the suave Judge, stand in threatening array, the whole military and naval forces of Government and Law. Law Courts and Thrones are (de facto) built upon bayonets. Likewise all Statutes, Constitutions, and Moral Codes are written by the Sword. Material Strength is now, and ever has been, and ever must be, the true basis upon which all political institutions rest. No other foundation is feasible.”
“The operation of the ‘Law’ itself, is also an apt illustration of the paradoxical nature of Right and Wrong. Citizens who break
the written law are hauled before judges, inquisitorially cross- examined, and chained for long years in State dungeons; but the
statesmen and legislators may sell their country for gold, and break every statute law and constitution in the land; without the least fear of legal intimidation. Indeed the approbation of the State, is all-sufficient nowadays to sanctify any crime—even the most
abominable. In this particular (of granting absolution) the State is gradually supplanting and absorbing the Church”
“All ‘good Christian men’ regard the judicial murder of Jesus as a crime of the blackest dye, but they chant church-paeans of joy over Jael’s murder of Sisera, and the assassination of Eglon King of Moab, etc. It is not very long ago since Catholic and Protestant idolators, mutually roasted each other alive ‘for the glory of God and the uplifting of his Holy Name.’ Each side proclaimed themselves right, with rack and thumbscrew, and other little instruments of persuasion. Protestants still think it a crime and a scandal to worship the mother of their God; but Catholics consider it right and proper to deify the Hebrew maid, who remained a maid (what a paradox?) after borning a son.
To eat pork and beans is frightfully wicked for a Jew, but passable for a cultured Bostonian. To drink whiskey is iniquity to a
Turk, but exhilarating to a Scotlander. Roast beef is a goodly dish to an English ‘barbarian,’ but famine-stricken orthodox Hindoos
die rather than taste thereof. Duelling is honorable in some countries but dishonorable in others. So also pugilism, private revenge, tyrannicide, bull-fighting, regicide, and warfare. The Quakers, Anarchists, and Young Men’s Christian Associations, are unceasingly railing against ‘war and all its horrors,’ whereas there are not a few benighted infidels, (including the author) who regard war as nature’s Greatest Prophylactic.
Polygamy is ‘wrong’ in England and America, but monogamy is righteousness, and polyandry ‘right’ (being licensed
by the State); whereas in eastern Europe and among all ‘savage’ tribes, polyandry is iniquity; polygamy —blessedness; and
“Slay one man (in order to rob him) and you are a murderer. Slay a million men (in order to rob them) and you are a renowned
general. Annex from one person and you are a felonious ruffian, but annex from the whole population, or from rival nations, and you are made Chancellor of the Exchequer; Chairman of Ways and Means; or decorated with the grand cross of the Legion of Honor. Maraud direct for your own profit, and you are a heinous rascal, counterfeiter, forger, bandit; but maraud indirect, ‘on public service only’ and you are proclaimed “our opulent fellow-citizen and distinguished patriot.”
Take from the peasantry even an infinitesimal proportion of their petty property, and they will lynch you as a lazy thievish
tramp; but take two-thirds of their harvests by law and rule (rent, interest or tax assessments) and they will turn out in the middle of the night, to cheer you in your steam-horsed palace car, as it whirls through their ‘God forsaken’ villages.”
“Darwin’s law exists —may be seen in operation—is practicable—of daily demonstration—therefore it also is right. It is
not a dream like ‘Religion,’ it is not an invention like ‘Morals’; it is not an assumption like ‘God.’ It is a cosmic Fact, like the sunshine, the rain, and the tides! Nature does not set up Idols, does not found Superstitions, does not invent Decalogues. These toys and fetters have been constructed by man, for his own infinite —damnation.”
“Neither morals, laws, nor creeds are First Principles, but they may (probably) have their uses; just as guillotines, and
gardeners’ hoes have their uses. They may be convenient engines for the deletion of Lower Organisms, for extirpating individuals of infantile intellec t. Indeed the secret object of all superstitions possibly is, to provide an ultra-rational sanction for fraudulent standards of Right and Wrong.
To base a Lie upon a Myth is certainly much safer than to base it on a Reality, lor you cannot run a tape-measure over a Myth.
Christliness, as social quietism, has never yet been accepted by men of super-eminent strength, courage, and wisdom. Such men
have everywhere regarded the Christ Ideal as a model for slavish souls only —to be humored for strategic purposes but never
practiced by masters, conquerors, kings. “Don’t do as I do, but do as I say” has ever been the dicta of High Priests and Rulers —to
docile multitudes.”
“Those literary ‘luminaries’ (whose business is to dwarf public opinion) wit spectacles on their noses —
madness in their cerebrums —congestion in their livers — saplessness in their bones—fear in their hearts and pens between
their snaky fingers, are never enthusiastically ‘selected’ by virile women. When these poor miserable manlings (geniuses they name each other) do happen (by some lucky chance), to get a woman, they make her life a torment, and scarcely ever leave any progeny behind them, for the doom of degeneracy is upon every nerve and filament of their bodies. Who ever heard of a lovelorn virgin risking her life, or her reputation, to mate herself with a sanctimonious creeping-thing, or bespectacled savant? Did you ever look upon a great drama wherein the hero did not do a bit of fighting? Prince Charming is ever a performer of gallant actions —he conquers giants —outwits knaves-slaughters monsters—pulverizes wicked enchanters and is an all round perambulating Terror to the wicked—that is to say to ‘the other fellow.’
“Women of vanquished races are usually very prone to wed with the men who have slaughtered their kindred in battle. Better the mistress of a king, than the wife of a subject,” was a saying once popular amongst European women, in the ages
when kings were really kings of men. All through the Iliad epic, women are at once the property, the conqueror’s prize, and the inspiration of all the Homeric Warriors.”
“Other things being equal, women prefer a rich-man to a poor-man for a husband —and they are scientifically justified. He who is without wealth amidst unlimited quantities of it, is either a coward, a born slave, or a lunatic; and no self-respecting woman should marry such an imbecile.”
“Among virile conquering tribes, the Ideal Man is ever the all-daring Jove, the splendid Apollo, the self-reliant Achilles, of the
Constructive Genius. It is only in centuries of dotage —in ages of cankersome down-going and nervous disease, that the Model Man becomes a Christ. The Model Man of our forefathers was Odin, a War Lord, but our Ideal Man is a weeping, horsewhipped Jew* A Jew for a God!
The deities of the Greeks and Vikings, Goths and Romans, were all (originally) mighty-men-of-valor, or virile women of
surpassing beauty, afterwards held up (before their warlike posterity) as splendid examples of natural nobility, conscious
power, daring courage, shrewdness, sexual vigor and boundless strength of character. The gods and heroes of antiquity spent their vital force in the destruction of monsters, in the seizure of new hunting-grounds, in the slaughtering of tyrants, and in the breeding of unconquerable sons.”
“Equality can only exist amongst equals. Civilization implies division of labor and division of labor implies subordination and
subordination implies injustice and inequality.”
Indeed it is an accepted truism among criminals and police that ‘only the fools are caught.’ Many of our most eminent men in law and medicine, science, religion and statesmanship, are criminals —criminals of the most atrocious description, The difference between the man who rules in the Castle, and the other man who is chained in the castle-dungeon, is the difference between success and failure. There is a strong affinity between the criminal and the conqueror. If Washington for for example, had failed, he would (most probably) have been hunted-down, and hung as an outlaw and traitor. However he ‘won’ by force, and consequently became a mighty potentate. King David was a sheep-stealer and blackmailer, until he triumphed. Then he became ‘a man after God’s own heart.’ William the Norman was also a criminal, and fifty per cent of his invading army were exiled outlaws; but by conquest he became king of England, and his followers blossomed into nobles.
But whether a criminal is successful or not, he seems to have a peculiar fascination for women. He who ‘risks his life to
advance his fortunes’ may reckon beforehand upon unlimited feminine approval. If he succeeds and becomes a millionaire, a
chancellor, a president, or a king; he has only to ‘hold up his hand’ to be literally ‘rushed’ by the handsomest feminines in the land; and even if he fails bravely, women will gather in shoals to visit him in gaol, besieging him with bouquets and proposals of marriage, even at the gallows. In Michigan a law has lately been enacted, to prohibit female adorers, from sending flowers to condemned murderers, burglars, and bank wreckers. Lombroso says somewhere that ‘good and passionate women have a fatal propensity to love bad men,’ but with characteristic want of the logical faculty, he abstains enthusiastically, from defining ‘good’
and ‘bad.’
Some quotes I don't like:“Is not the Communion Service allegorical anthropophagy? Is it not a pious periodical cannibal feast in more ways than one?
Does not the wine symbolize human blood, and the wafers typify human flesh?
Metaphorically considered, every trading Christian State is a meat market, wherein the flesh, bones, and blood not only of men,
but of women and little children are bought and sold daily — ‘offered up’ nominally for the ‘Love of God’ really for the Love of
Dollars. Atrocities of the most revolting description are of daily, hourly occurrence, not only in Turkey and Siam, but in New York and Chicago; not only in Cuba and Port Arthur, but in London, Madrid, and Paris; not only in Mashonaland, and on the Congo, but
in St. Petersburg and Berlin. Men, women, and little children are being everywhere starved slowly to the grave, worked till they fall down, driven insane by legislation, and even tortured to death, inch
by inch.”
The necessities of environment make of each man, the enemy or rival of other men, more especially, those with whom he
comes in direct personal conflict. Where then does equality come in? It does not ‘come in’ at all. It is an idiotic myth. There must
always be a substratum of victimized organisms. How could the tiger live if there were no lambs to devour? How could there b<
heroes if there were no slaves? How could there be great nations if there were no contemptible ones?
“Knowing all this, why not let Nature alone to work out her own silent ends? Why should communities of creeping-things try to
safe-guard their incapables? Why obstruct the drastic and significant removal of corrupt organisms? The Jesus type of men
were clearly made to be crucified and flogged. The Buddha type were (evidently) born to die of pestilence and famine—poor, weak, cowardly swarms of rotting vermin that they are! Behold them in the distance there, with their ribs sticking through their hides, accepting with doleful thankfulness the alms of their Conquerors. Brahma! Buddha! Confucius! Juggernaut! Christ! —
Behold—Your glorious handiwork!”
“ From the earliest ages, Man has captured his wife by force or stratagem and to this day he does the same. Marriage ceremonies symbolize his proprietorship—his capture. The marriage ring is one link of a chain, emblematic of the fact that the pre-historic bridegroom chained his ‘beloved one’ in a cave; till she became tame, tractable, Reciprocative.”
“The ‘man and brother’ lie has certainly succeeded in writing itself in a ‘constitutional amendment’ but in real life it is as far from
actuality as ever it was. The ‘free’ Negro of New Orleans or Charleston is a more degraded, more despised being; and of less
money value to his proprietors now than when it was customary to buy and sell him at the auction block, instead of as at present on the Stock Exchange.”
“Even the giddy doctrinaire who so cunningly concocted the bombastes-furioso fictions of the Declaration of Independence could not apparently have believed them himself. Was he (T.J.) not a slave-driver (residing slave-drivers) who bought and auctioned human cattle for dollars and cents all the days of his life? No doubt for purposes of
state-craft and necessary war-craft he wove his philosophic preamble of Strong Deceit. Probably also, he was comparatively
honest, and even sincere but among the alluring piiests of Unreason, the most dangerous is the fanatical propagandist.” “Are all men really brethren? —Negro and Indian, Blackfellow, Kalmuck, and Coolie— the well-born, the base-bred,* -beer-soaked loafer, and hero-hearted patriot—belted chieftain and ignoble mechanic-slave,—pot of iron and pot of clay?” “You have only to look at some men, to know that they belong to an inferior breed. Take the Negro for example. His narrow cranial development, his prognathous jaw, his projecting lips, his wide nasal aperture, his simian disposition, his want of forethought, originality and mental capacity: are all peculiarities strictly inferior. Similar language may be applied to the Chinaman,
the Coolie, the Kanaka, the Jew, and to the rotten-boned, city degenerates of Anglo-Saxondom, rich and poor. Vile indeed are the inhabitants of those noxious cattle kraals”
“A woman is primarily a reproductive cell-organism, a womb structurally embastioned by a protective, defensive, osseous
network; and surrounded with the antennae, and blood vessels, necessary for supplying nutriment to the growing ovum or embryo. Sexualism and maternity dominate the lives of all true women. To such an extent is this so, that they have little time left (or inclination) to ‘think’ and therefore they’ve never been fitted out ab-initio with reasoning organs. Probably this is what Mahomet alluded to, when he sententiously affirmed that “women have no soul.” (Even in man, the soul is probably a fiction, but in women its absence is an absolute certainty). Women are made sexually attractive to equilibrate their lesser masculinity. It is man —the warrior’s —business to supply their wants; and select the best of them for his own enjoyment and the propagation of his seed. They will not object—except in a giggling, semi-sentimental sort of way, because they comprehend their own incapacity for self-mastership, and logical business methods. They are never touched with any sense of personal responsibility; are mere babies in worldly concerns —hysterical, well supplied with tear glands, verbal mechanism —but lovable always. Slaves and women are notoriously incompetent of self-control —of holding their own in ‘business’—when not inspired and assisted by male friends. They are intended by nature to be loved and defended but not to be ‘Equalized.’”
“What white father for example, would encourage the marriage of a hulking thick-skulled Negro with his beautiful and accomplished daughter? Would he enthusiastically ‘give her away’ to the matrimonial embraces of a Chinaman, a Coolie or the leper-hugs of a polluted ‘mean white?’ Are there ten such citizens even in North America, where equality of birth and condition is so much speechified and —never seen? Are there five? Is there one who would not rather see the daughter of his loins, stiff, stark and cold in her shroud? Should that one exist (he being of sound mind) let he speak. Then and only then, can this diabolical gospel of intrinsic equality be reconsidered.”