
Deleted member 4014

Deleted member 4014

Nov 20, 2019
We all talk about how to improve looks but rarely do I ever see people stressing the importance of keeping your mind and mental health in a positive state so I've decided to make a guide on what I do and have been doing over the past 5 years of self improvement that have made a huge difference in my life and improved the relationship with myself and other people.

We all talk about how to improve looks but rarely do I ever see people stressing the importance of keeping your mind and mental health in a positive state
Before you continue I want you to have an open mind and question the idea that "I'm miserable because I am ugly or don't have this amount of mm in my face."
I will never deny the fact that people will treat you differently depending on how attractive/ugly you are however, you will be surprised how much you can shift your perspective and mentality just by making small changes in your mindset and habits throughout the day.

1. Pornography & Masturbation
Porn use and PMO (porn, masturbation, orgasm) addiction is responsible for more than half of your problems in life. The only reason people use porn is because it numbs them of their problems for a short while until the dopamine receptors in your brain drop back down to normal functioning levels. I want you to ask yourself, what has all those years of watching porn and masturbating given you? If you can think of things other than temporary fake pleasure then you are lying to yourself. PMO gives you nothing. The only thing it does is rob you of your happiness and drains you of the energy you need to actually go out and pursue shit in life. Do you think that men who are successful with women, money and business are wasting their energy and time watching pixels rub together on a screen? And don't kid yourself by saying "oh I will stop watching it eventually." If not now, when? I want you to be 100% honest with yourself. When are you going to stop letting this porn continue to trap you and take your life force, happiness, energy and charisma away from you?
I recommend absolutely everyone who has tried to stop the use of porn and nothing has worked to read this book: https://easypeasymethod.org/
The book doesn't ask you to use the willpower method to stop watching or even discourage the use of PMO while you read through the book. In fact, it advises you to do as you please while you read through, the only thing it does ask you to do is to not skip chapters and read through till the end. It is a short read and should only take you a couple of hours, but believe me when I say that this book will cure you of your addiction. It did for me. Having doubts? Read it. Think you've tried everything and nothing has worked? Read it. Think it's all bullshit? Read it.

Everything is energy. You, the chair you're sitting on, the screen you're reading this through and the semen you hold inside your ball sack. Once you understand this concept then you start to have an awareness that watching porn and releasing your seed drains you of the vital nutrients and pheromones you need to look and feel better as well as even have a chance of attracting women. When you start to live in accordance to mans nature by retaining your semen then you are open to the natural attraction women have towards wanting you. It's nature. I'm serious when I say it makes you feel so amazing, rids you of all doubts with women and makes you feel superhuman in social interactions. If you have social anxiety then I urge you to try retaining your semen and not masturbating for at least 2 weeks to a month and see how you feel. This does not include the use of porn without masturbating, don't expect to feel any different if you decide to watch porn and not masturbate.
Furthermore, I want you to whenever you have the urge to masturbate, do pushups till you can't go any further then ask yourself if you feel like doing it. 99% of the time you don't.

2. Mindfulness & Meditation
One of the biggest things that changed my life was introducing small changes of perception through meditating each morning. If you're someone that has racing thoughts and mental illness, then creating a routine in which you take time out of your day to become still and notice your thoughts makes a huge difference. The absolute worst and most beta thing you can do is first thing waking up in the morning, go on your phone and scroll social media, .me, youtube. I want you to try every morning, get up and make your bed first thing, then go and sit outside somewhere and focus on your breath for 5 minutes and if your mind starts to wander just bring it back to the breathe. Overtime it'll become easier and easier to do this and you'll start to notice changes in your thought patterns. Meditation is proven to change the default mode of your personality and overtime literally rewires the outdated neurones/mental illness program. Don't use excuses for yourself and say "I don't have time in the day." If you're reading this now then I know you have time for this and can do this.

You create your reality by the thoughts you consciously tell yourself every day so imagine what days, weeks, months and years of negative self talk does to someone? What kind of reality do you think that person has? Do you think that exposing yourself to news, negative nsfw articles on .me and negative people will change anything in your life? If you desire a girlfriend I want you just for a moment put yourself in females shoes for a second and imagine meeting yourself. If you're having more thoughts about how women are manipulative whores and that you hate the state of the dating market then you will give off that feeling and she will become repulsed by this. Remember that everything is energy, and the energy you give off is responsible for 99% the way people and especially women are going to treat you.

Too many people these day have a scarcity and lack mindset instead of an abundance mindset.
The most effective change I've had mentally is through following Dr. Joe Dispenza's work on neuroscience, understanding energy, human psychology as well as how to reprogram your mind and through the practice of following the meditations, I've been able to switch my perception and improve my mental state to a level I never knew existed. If you have thoughts about roping or anything along those lines then I heavily recommend looking into this stuff further.
Listen to this short interview without distractions and things will start to make sense and you WILL start to understand patterns in your own thinking.

3. Working out
There isn't a person on this forum that shouldn't have some form of working out routine or movement in their day to day life. I cannot stress this enough honestly. There is so much evidence out there that supports the claim that consistent working out can cure depression and multiple diseases so I don't believe I have to go into this topic too much. The 5 second rule is a tool that you should use if you struggle with laziness to push yourself into keeping a routine going. Whenever you do not feel like working out, count down 5,4,3,2,1 and in-between the countdown you should've already made a decision if you're going to do it or not (This method is effective in every area of building discipline not just working out.) This helps build discipline because t's like a drill sergeant in your head kicking your ass into gear.

Studies show that doing 10-15minutes of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is proven to be more effective in dealing with depression and reducing the hormones of stress in the mind and body then any antidepressant on the market.

4. Diet & Nutrition
If you still haven't gotten your eating habits in check then never expect anything in this guide to work for you. This is one of the main pillars on mindsetmaxxing. Not only does eating organic whole foods make your skin glow but it also creates a space in your brain for more positive and rational thought. Sugar and junk raises insulin levels and causes your blood sugar levels to spike as well as dopamine, and when this drops your brain looks for more ways to satiate itself through other means which is usually mindless youtube videos and pornography. Think about 5 or 10 years from now, what will all this shit food do to your thinking let alone skin and health? Realise that when you eat a good whole meal high in organic fats your brain returns to homeostasis and functions like a well lubricated bike chain without the need of craving anything else. Make it a habit of only buying healthy food and learn to cook properly, and you'll be surprised how this snowballs positively into every single other area of your life.

Learn to intermittent fast.. I eat dinner at 7pm and then start breakfast at 2pm. This gives the body time to naturally remove toxins and heal itself through the abstinence of food. Studies show this also resets and repairs damaged neurological pathways in the brain since there is nothing fluctuating chemicals that cause stress such as cortisol.

5. Cold Showers & Stretching
To wrap everything in this guide up this is something that is self explanatory. Cold showers raise cortisol and triggers the fight or flight response which in turn has positive effects if done consistently. When your body and mind is being exposed to the levels of stress that cold showers gives you then it builds up the resistance to stress hormones like building muscle does in the gym. The more you do it the better you are at dealing with everyday life stress and so forth.

Stretching is something that should also be done for 20 minutes in the morning preferably after you've meditated and had a cold shower. It's unbelievable how good and calm/relaxed you feel after doing these things and I urge everyone to just try it if only for one time.

Hope this post at least reaches someone who has been in a shitty headspace and has thoughts about ending it all. People like to joke about it on this forum but it genuinely concerns me so please if you feel hopeless then try doing some of the things in this guide before anything else. And don't hesitate to reach out to me in PM i'm always down for a talk.

Love u all.
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Reactions: blonde chad, Zeruel, Deleted member 761 and 13 others
This feels like something I’d read from Reddit
  • JFL
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Reactions: brickbomz14, Deleted member 10987, Deleted member 4887 and 2 others
@copingvolcel essay.
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Reactions: Deleted member 761
Most here don't actually want help
Doesn't really concern me whether you don't want it, felt like putting the information out there to people who need it.
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Reactions: Merćer and Favela_cake
To be honest my confidence skyrockets when I don't masturbate for 2/3 days. Maybe I should just do it every 3 days
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4014
All good info..Must develope mind and body..
To be honest my confidence skyrockets when I don't masturbate for 2/3 days. Maybe I should just do it every 3 days
I think you should try for 7 days, double that confidence
All good info..Must develope mind and body..
JFL at people on here who think once they have surgery or achieved a certain looks aesthetic then all their problems will go away and everyone will love them
Beautiful thread. I started doing mindfulness meditation and re owning my disowned past and I feel so happy now and my self-esteem is also improving
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Reactions: Deleted member 4014
I got nothing left to live for
JFL at people on here who think once they have surgery or achieved a certain looks aesthetic then all their problems will go away and everyone will love them
I agree..I just replied to a guy on this fourm who is worried about his hair colour..and has a good looking woman hanging on his arm..These Men are sad and will never resolve anything..

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