Missing out in Teen Love = OVER

Deleted member 4612

Deleted member 4612

mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Jan 4, 2020


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You will never fucking have this and the reality is that she probably got fucked by an utter subhuman who ran just be first game on her
48367635 2300787040143170 2495428255843090432 n
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Reactions: Highrise, Deleted member 6997, Deleted member 7776 and 5 others
Teen love.
Is often most intense.
Which makes it special.
Which makes the highs, the highest. And the Lows, the worst.

Hormones on steroids.

P.s. I missed out. I had to wait until mid 20's for it happened.
Looking back. I think 50% of men/boys. Miss out on teen love, probs more.
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Born just in time for the rope thank god
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  • JFL
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missing out teen love=never began
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i had teen love and honestly you really did not miss out on much

all it has done is make me not want a relationship ever again
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  • Hmm...
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Bro just get me a RPG and let me point it toward myself for xool and badass xuicide
They day it happens I’m buying everyone on here a Ferrari
i had teen love and honestly you really did not miss out on much

all it has done is make me not want a relationship ever again
elab plz. maybe it will help me cope
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Does teen love at 19 count tbh?
  • Woah
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I had a gf when I was 14-15 yo and it sucked, I don't even consider it a proper LTR
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Lol fuck love? I have never loved a girl tbh. I just want to fuck as many jbs as possible
  • JFL
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i missed teen love , will miss adult love and even granny love:feelsrope:
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You will never fucking have this and the reality is that she probably got fucked by an utter subhuman who ran just be first game on her
View attachment 540162
That is indeed the way it was when I was in high school. Utter subhumans with decent height + connections + just be first took all the hot JBs.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Highrise, Deleted member 4612 and Deleted member 6538
Teen love doesn't exist unless you were together since your were teens then got married and had a family. Now that is teen love
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Teen love doesn't exist unless you were together since your were teens then got married and had a family. Now that is teen love
Maxresdefault 1
Download 19
over if not chad 😿
Hill taylor image
Apmr9Dp 700b
Liza Soberano
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elab plz. maybe it will help me cope
okay so when I was 16 i got kicked out of football academy since i was not good enough so i became really depressed. i lost all muscle became a skeleton, ugly as fuck Mcdonalds hairline, acne-ridden, skeleton, who had recessed chin and no jaw. I looked like an absolute freak. Like most of the posters on this forum

there was a girl in my class (solid 8/10) and i got speaking to her and she fucked me around, pretty much only spoke to me to annoy the chads she was talking to/ make them jealous. eventually i managed to get with her after like 2 months (had sex) and from there we eventually starting going out. i was really in love with her and she was with me but i was still resentful about how she treated me when we first started talking.

i ascended hard had a big puberty hit and my face developed a shit ton, i took the longhair pill to cover the mcdonalds hairline and started dressing well. i became chad overtime and overtime she got fatter and develop acne, she became like a 5/10 and i became the mogger. i developed my personality a lot and she never grew up and was incredibly clingy, cringy, she wouldnt even answer the door if the mail or a package came she would hide. she was honestly so annoying but she manipulated me into staying with her. whenever i wanted to break up with her she would cry and threaten to kill herself. so i stayed with her for 3 years JFL. i wanted to break up with her after the first year.

it got to a point where i would ignore her for days, then respond to her, she would act like she was mentaly broken down blame it all on me make me feel like shit. i was cheating on her a ton. she started blackmailing me telling me she would tell people really bad lies about me so that i would pay her more attention. she would send me snapchats of her cutting my name into her arm. it was the worst shit ever.

eventually i broke up with her. and im so glad. but she has spread so much bullshit about me in my home town that it is nearly impossible for me to talk to any girls from there
  • +1
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Reactions: Highrise, yorker12 and Deleted member 6873
i had teen love and honestly you really did not miss out on much

all it has done is make me not want a relationship ever again
Teen love started my descent into inceldom, it made me fear rejection more than anything. It's the reason why I'm now rotting on .me
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It's still cope because it's only innocent between ages 13 and 15. I would not call it love but
It's still cope because it's only innocent between ages 13 and 15. I would not call it love but
keep coping

we are fucked beyond belief
  • JFL
Reactions: owlofathena
All I wanted was a cute gf. But nooooo. Appearantly my life had to be a suffering ridden with totally wasted youth and no great memories behind it, I am also hating my parents for making me an ugly and autistic male who didnt even know he was autistic.

My dad is also full garbage tier trash who never teached me anything about being a teen or even driving, and I was autistic, getting bullied in MS but he didnt even notice anything.

My mom is overdosed on bluepilled, ethnic mom who tries to make his son waste his youth so he can be betabuxx when he is in his late 20s.

Its not just love, I failed at life
  • So Sad
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Reactions: Highrise, Deleted member 4430, Reiraku and 1 other person
elab plz. maybe it will help me cope
all teens are fucking retarded. Especially girls under 21.

Everyone who is in their early 20's drooling over jbs for anything else other than sex are certified virgins or have no self respect.

Sure a hot jb is gonna be fun to fuck for a while, but most are fucking retarded because they don't need to learn how to make good conversation to get laid.

Sure, you missed something, like the intensity and novelty of experimenting with a cute girl, you and her doing degenerate and hot shit for the first time. But its literally the same as with virgins. Hyping something up they haven't had only for them to realize that its nothing that special when they get it.

Literally the same this is happening with y'all teen love copers, only you, unlike virgins, won't be able to ever experience it again which makes it a harder pill to swallow. It's nothing that life changing, just something that you have put on a pedestal and overamplifying it.

TLDR: It is fun for a while, but jbs are immature and stupid, the older you get the less fun they become for anything else than bootycalls.

Hope that helped with the cope
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  • JFL
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okay so when I was 16 i got kicked out of football academy since i was not good enough so i became really depressed. i lost all muscle became a skeleton, ugly as fuck Mcdonalds hairline, acne-ridden, skeleton, who had recessed chin and no jaw. I looked like an absolute freak. Like most of the posters on this forum

there was a girl in my class (solid 8/10) and i got speaking to her and she fucked me around, pretty much only spoke to me to annoy the chads she was talking to/ make them jealous. eventually i managed to get with her after like 2 months (had sex) and from there we eventually starting going out. i was really in love with her and she was with me but i was still resentful about how she treated me when we first started talking.

i ascended hard had a big puberty hit and my face developed a shit ton, i took the longhair pill to cover the mcdonalds hairline and started dressing well. i became chad overtime and overtime she got fatter and develop acne, she became like a 5/10 and i became the mogger. i developed my personality a lot and she never grew up and was incredibly clingy, cringy, she wouldnt even answer the door if the mail or a package came she would hide. she was honestly so annoying but she manipulated me into staying with her. whenever i wanted to break up with her she would cry and threaten to kill herself. so i stayed with her for 3 years JFL. i wanted to break up with her after the first year.

it got to a point where i would ignore her for days, then respond to her, she would act like she was mentaly broken down blame it all on me make me feel like shit. i was cheating on her a ton. she started blackmailing me telling me she would tell people really bad lies about me so that i would pay her more attention. she would send me snapchats of her cutting my name into her arm. it was the worst shit ever.

eventually i broke up with her. and im so glad. but she has spread so much bullshit about me in my home town that it is nearly impossible for me to talk to any girls from there
Damn, sad shit man :/
My status is already ruined so hey :lul:
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Reactions: xdxdxnice1 and Deleted member 5522
Damn, sad shit man :/
My status is already ruined so hey :lul:
fuck ur status now, that shit will reset when you go to university and you will become the ultimate slayer. you are not retarded and look great
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All I wanted was a cute gf. But nooooo. Appearantly my life had to be a suffering ridden with totally wasted youth and no great memories behind it, I am also hating my parents for making me an ugly and autistic male who didnt even know he was autistic.

My dad is also full garbage tier trash who never teached me anything about being a teen or even driving, and I was autistic, getting bullied in MS but he didnt even notice anything.

My mom is overdosed on bluepilled, ethnic mom who tries to make his son waste his youth so he can be betabuxx when he is in his late 20s.

Its not just love, I failed at life
Exactly the same here. I have failed at life
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 7079 and MentalistKebab
fuck ur status now, that shit will reset when you go to university and you will become the ultimate slayer. you are not retarded and look great
Thanks boyo. Yeah that's my plan already, i just have like 6/7 months of Havo5 left after this summer break.
Thankfully i still have a decently sized friend group and a few guys i can get along with. But i just have no one i know in my "stamklas" so that'll be hell jfl.
How the status happened.

The first thing that still haunts me is my old YouTube channel i made with a friend when we were like 11, we made some shitty what do you mean parody jfl.

Second thing is some dumb video that was posted of me and a mate in a "rowingpit" at an amon amarth concert

Like that

And my dress style+ hair aint helping that much lol.
And i've always gotten better treatment from teachers. Some friends told me some guys hugely shittalk me during gym since i don't have to follow gymclasses jfl
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Thanks boyo. Yeah that's my plan already, i just have like 6/7 months of Havo5 left after this summer break.
Thankfully i still have a decently sized friend group and a few guys i can get along with. But i just have no one i know in my "stamklas" so that'll be hell jfl.
How the status happened.

The first thing that still haunts me is my old YouTube channel i made with a friend when we were like 11, we made some shitty what do you mean parody jfl.

Second thing is some dumb video that was posted of me and a mate in a "rowingpit" at an amon amarth concert

Like that

And my dress style+ hair aint helping that much lol.
And i've always gotten better treatment from teachers. Some friends told me some guys hugely shittalk me during gym since i don't have to follow gymclasses jfl

the culture at different schools is so strange. at my school people would have probably found your dress sense and hair cool and would not think anything about the rowing pit video.

people will say it’s bluepilled bs, but it isn’t honestly being yourself is the best way to be it will make you much happier in the long run than listening to a bunch of spastics who are giving you a hard time because of what you like.
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the culture at different schools is so strange. at my school people would have probably found your dress sense and hair cool and would not think anything about the rowing pit video.

people will say it’s bluepilled bs, but it isn’t honestly being yourself is the best way to be it will make you much happier in the long run than listening to a bunch of spastics who are giving you a hard time because of what you like.
Yeah very true, it varies from school to school. Yeah at my school it's mostly tracksuits n shit and a few "kakkers"
But i'm not too bothered with it, most "bad" treatment (basically only shittalking jfl) has been from other males. I've never really had negative feedback from the opposite sex tbh.
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I just wonder how are you blackpilled but still believe in love?
Love doesnt mean shit and you must know it after watching only one faceandlms video, foids "love" only what you bring to the table whether it is looks, money or status, its just that looks have the most worth
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It ruined my friends who've had it.
in my whole class there was litteraly 1 couple teen love is not that common for boys , only some girls whore out to 18 year olds while 15 and stuff
I just wonder how are you blackpilled but still believe in love?
Love doesnt mean shit and you must know it after watching only one faceandlms video, foids "love" only what you bring to the table whether it is looks, money or status, its just that looks have the most worth
what do you call relationships then when people are getting oogly for each other?

intimacy? there has to be a term. you can't just pretend this doesn't exist
Another teen love thread

it's a meme morons
what do you call relationships then when people are getting oogly for each other?

intimacy? there has to be a term. you can't just pretend this doesn't exist
idk what it is but I can say for myself that I have never loved a girl, yes I have felt desire to fuck but after it disappears I suddenly stop being so much into a foid

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