Mohammed was right



Godking of Narcy Pirates (Soul of a Curry) šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø
Sep 19, 2021
IN saying that women are the devil šŸ˜ˆ

Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger (ļ·ŗ) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her. He then went to his Companions and told them: (I swear Mohammed was a Deviant lmfao šŸ¤£)

The woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife, for that will repel what he feels in his heart.

I was on Snapchat and saw a sexy foid, she ruined me my cock got rock solid seeing her provocative videos and picture :feelswhy::feelswah:. Im incel so this is how I get off, but I didnā€™t want this I try fight the urge but then I search her online and see this

Now my cocks rock solid and I wanna jack off but instead I am going to PRAY for god to cleanse my soul and thoughts.
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@SecularIslamist @MaghrebGator @Gengar @Xangsane i have to admit your profit is 100% spot on regarding women I cannot deny it :feelsrope:
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Don't be sad Even Tyrone falls for this.

Don't be sad Even Tyrone falls for this.

Itā€™s tough man Iā€™m alwyas horny but I overcame Satan that comes in the form of a foid

I get so rock hard and wanna rape foids man :feelswah: why did WHYPIPO make raiding for wives illegal thatā€™s all I want is an gf
if i receive 4 indonesian wives ill convert to islam and build a mosque in the rural village i move to
  • JFL
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if i receive 4 indonesian wives ill convert to islam and build a mosque in the rural village i move to
Donā€™t convert to a religion over carnal pleasures thatā€™s what the devil wants. Iā€™d rather you be Christian and get 4 wives tbh. Yes my great grandad had 10 wives heā€™s Christian and Chad Iā€™m incel and not chad
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Post ur size on my profile wall
Post ur size on my profile wall
As big as Mohammedā€™s cock in Aisha. Heā€™s so based ngl everything he said about women is legit he may actually be a prophet tbh
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Kill yourself kafir
Donā€™t convert to a religion over carnal pleasures thatā€™s what the devil wants. Iā€™d rather you be Christian and get 4 wives tbh. Yes my great grandad had 10 wives heā€™s Christian and Chad Iā€™m incel and not chad
Hes deffo african (uncle)
  • JFL
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Cry you son of Satan follower of Antichrist disgusting little pedoiphile bitch you drink lead you fucking pussy bitch boy
how about you try and defend your faggot 3 in 1 shampoo religion instead of ad hominem like a bitch :feelstastyman:

filthy pagan polytheist
how about you try and defend your faggot 3 in 1 shampoo religion instead of ad hominem like a bitch :feelstastyman:

filthy pagan polytheist
Its the trinity you dumbass the religion and belief that ALL THE PROPHETS belived in including your pedophile prophets supposed ancestor Hagar (Hadjr to mudslides like you) who refered to the angle of the Lord (Jesus before his incarnation into humanity) as ā€œGODā€ here lemme show your little mudslime ass you filthy son of the devil

Genisis 16:13ā€œ Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees; for she said, ā€œHave I also here seen Him who sees me?ā€

Now is Abraham committing shirk? By saying the angel of the Lord is god?? Why is there two YHWHā€™s whatā€™s going on here Iā€™m confused.

The fact is your gods a genetic monotheistic god and it isnā€™t the god of Abraham you mudslimes worship a fictional demon šŸ˜ˆ possibly Satan himself you are in no position to claim your false god as the one true god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob like my God if yours has none of the Ontological similarities as stated by all of the prophets.
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Its the trinity you dumbass the religion and belief that ALL THE PROPHETS belived in including your pedophile prophets supposed ancestor Hagar (Hadjr to mudslides like you) who refered to the angle of the Lord (Jesus before his incarnation into humanity) as ā€œGODā€ here lemme show your little mudslime ass you filthy son of the devil

Genisis 16:13ā€œ Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees; for she said, ā€œHave I also here seen Him who sees me?ā€

Now is Abraham committing shirk? By saying the angel of the Lord is god?? Why is there two YHWHā€™s whatā€™s going on here Iā€™m confused.

The fact is your gods a genetic monotheistic god and it isnā€™t the god of Abraham you mudslimes worship a fictional demon šŸ˜ˆ possibly Satan himself you are in no position to claim your false god as the one true god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob like my God if yours has none of the Ontological similarities as stated by all of the prophets.

My God is the One True God, the Lord of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the greatest being to have ever been created, my master and the master of all mankind and jinn, Muhammad Al Mustafa, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his pure progeny.

My God is the One True God, the Lord of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the greatest being to have ever been created, my master and the master of all mankind and jinn, Muhammad Al Mustafa, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his pure progeny.


> Old testament
> From the bible

Are you fucking retarded?
Go back to your church pride parade faggot and glad tidings on moving to the fiery pits of hell
> Old testament
> From the bible

Are you fucking retarded?
Go back to your church pride parade faggot and glad tidings on moving to the fiery pits of hell
What book did the Jews follow both ancient and current ?

Which book mentions the prophets?

Which book did your faggot prophet copy from?

There you go now stfu you Mohemmeden bitch. You got rkt all of the prophets would spit on you and your pedophile Lord for being KAFIR, for being a perverter your no different from the various Abrahamic cults of Mormonism and Jewhova witnesses. Even modern Judaism is a cult only Christianity is closest to the fiery of the prophets and we worship god in his full entirety as the prophets decreed and as GOD (ANGEL OF THE LORD YHWH) SAID in the BURNING BUSH

EXODUS 3:2-8
2 There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up.3 So Moses thought, ā€œI will go over and see this strange sightā€”why the bush does not burn up.ā€

4 When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush,ā€œMoses! Moses!ā€

And Moses said, ā€œHere I am.ā€

5 ā€œDo not come any closer,ā€ God said. ā€œTake off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.ā€ 6 Then he said, ā€œI am the God of your father,[a] the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.ā€ At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.

7 The Lord said, ā€œI have indeed seen the miseryof my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.
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@murdah another Christian W ā˜¦ļø32-0ā˜Ŗļø
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What book did the Jews follow both ancient and current ?

Which book mentions the prophets?

Which book did your faggot prophet copy from?

There you go now stfu you Mohemmeden bitch. You got rkt all of the prophets would spit on you and your pedophile Lord for being KAFIR, for being a perverter your no different from the various Abrahamic cults of Mormonism and Jewhova witnesses. Even modern Judaism is a cult only Christianity is closest to the fiery of the prophets and we worship god in his full entirety as the prophets decreed and as GOD (ANGEL OF THE LORD YHWH) SAID in the BURNING BUSH

EXODUS 3:2-8
2 There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up.3 So Moses thought, ā€œI will go over and see this strange sightā€”why the bush does not burn up.ā€

4 When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush,ā€œMoses! Moses!ā€

And Moses said, ā€œHere I am.ā€

5 ā€œDo not come any closer,ā€ God said. ā€œTake off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.ā€ 6 Then he said, ā€œI am the God of your father,[a] the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.ā€ At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.

7 The Lord said, ā€œI have indeed seen the miseryof my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.
Yeah you're debating a Muslim not a Jew

The Torah Bible and Quran all mentioned the prophets, doesn't mean you can use it to disprove Islam

My master and leader Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not copy any book, he received revelation from the Almighty

It's Muslim there's no such thing as a Mohammeden

No all the prophets would laugh at your pagan polytheistic religion

Using your own book to prove your own religion :lul: that's like an atheist saying God isn't real because Richard Dawkins said it in his book
Yeah you're debating a Muslim not a Jew

The Torah Bible and Quran all mentioned the prophets, doesn't mean you can use it to disprove Islam

My master and leader Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not copy any book, he received revelation from the Almighty

It's Muslim there's no such thing as a Mohammeden

No all the prophets would laugh at your pagan polytheistic religion

Using your own book to prove your own religion :lul: that's like an atheist saying God isn't real because Richard Dawkins said it in his book
Ok you really wanna go there? Lemme show you a big Achilles heeel in Islamic theology that cucks Islam. Its called the Quranic Dilemma look it up šŸ˜‰

If the Quran is true then the bible is true if the bible is true the Quran is false because my book rejects the Quran several times in over 10 verses. Oh well as the Quran confirms the bible and the bible confirms the Quran is false lol

What does your book say about the bible? Hmm :feelshmm:

Letā€™s see little bitch boy.

Sura 5:68 Say, Ė¹O Prophet,Ėŗ ā€œO People of the Book! You have nothing to stand on unless you observe the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord.ā€ And your Lordā€™s revelation to you Ė¹O ProphetĖŗ will only cause many of them to increase in wickedness and disbelief. So do not grieve for the people who disbelieve.

So the Quran says to Christianā€™s to follow the bible hmm? Ok sure

Ok letā€™s see what the Quran says about the bible

(5:47) Let the followers of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein, and those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are the transgressors. (5:48) Then We revealed the Book to you (O Muhammad!) with Truth, confirming whatever of the Book was revealed before,78 and protecting and guarding over it.

So another verse infact this one says that the Quran says the bible is true and ā€œUncourrptedā€ as mudslimes love to chat.

Hereā€™s the Quran confirming Christianā€™s beliefs on Jews being retarded as true
(5:43) Yet how will they appoint you a judge when they have the Torah with them, wherein there is Allah's judgement - and still they turn away from it? The fact is, they are not believers.

Now letā€™s see sura 3 what it says about the bible being legit again
(3:3) He has revealed this Book to you, setting forth the truth and confirming the earlier Books, and earlier He revealed the Torah and Gospel (3:4) for the guidance of mankind;2 and He has also revealed the Criterion (to distinguish truth from falsehood).


@SecularIslamist @Gengar thisnis why sah the islams a failed religion it canā€™t even maintain its own theology without fucking itself. INB4 ā€œinjeelā€ courript

(18:27) (O Prophet),26 recite to them from the Book of your Lord what has been revealed to you for none may change His words; (and were you to make any change in His words) you will find no refuge from Him.

and if the bible is courported then god failed. Can god ever fail are you saying the apostles esp Paul are more powerful than God? ASTARGRULLAHHHA YOU COMMIT FISQ CAN EVEN BE CONSIDERED A FORM OF KUFR BELIVING GOD CANNOT KEEP HIS WORD PURE.
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  • Hmm...
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then people wonder why arabs and muslins overall behave like animals in europe

let's bring people who have a culture based on the teachings of a paedophile illiterate murderer
  • +1
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then people wonder why arabs and muslins overall behave like animals in europe

let's bring people who have a culture based on the teachings of a paedophile illiterate murderer
I already destroyed their entire religion in the comment above yours proving Christianity moggs Islam according to ISLAM ITSELF YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS UP
  • +1
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Ok you really wanna go there? Lemme show you a big Achilles heeel in Islamic theology that cucks Islam. Its called the Quranic Dilemma look it up šŸ˜‰

If the Quran is true then the bible is true if the bible is true the Quran is false because my book rejects the Quran several times in over 10 verses. Oh well as the Quran confirms the bible and the bible confirms the Quran is false lol

What does your book say about the bible? Hmm :feelshmm:

Letā€™s see little bitch boy.

Sura 5:68 Say, Ė¹O Prophet,Ėŗ ā€œO People of the Book! You have nothing to stand on unless you observe the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord.ā€ And your Lordā€™s revelation to you Ė¹O ProphetĖŗ will only cause many of them to increase in wickedness and disbelief. So do not grieve for the people who disbelieve.

So the Quran says to Christianā€™s to follow the bible hmm? Ok sure

Ok letā€™s see what the Quran says about the bible

(5:47) Let the followers of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein, and those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are the transgressors. (5:48) Then We revealed the Book to you (O Muhammad!) with Truth, confirming whatever of the Book was revealed before,78 and protecting and guarding over it.

So another verse infact this one says that the Quran says the bible is true and ā€œUncourrptedā€ as mudslimes love to chat.

Hereā€™s the Quran confirming Christianā€™s beliefs on Jews being retarded as true
(5:43) Yet how will they appoint you a judge when they have the Torah with them, wherein there is Allah's judgement - and still they turn away from it? The fact is, they are not believers.

Now letā€™s see sura 3 what it says about the bible being legit again
(3:3) He has revealed this Book to you, setting forth the truth and confirming the earlier Books, and earlier He revealed the Torah and Gospel (3:4) for the guidance of mankind;2 and He has also revealed the Criterion (to distinguish truth from falsehood).


@SecularIslamist @Gengar thisnis why sah the islams a failed religion it canā€™t even maintain its own theology without fucking itself. INB4 ā€œinjeelā€ courript

(18:27) (O Prophet),26 recite to them from the Book of your Lord what has been revealed to you for none may change His words; (and were you to make any change in His words) you will find no refuge from Him.

and if the bible is courported then god failed. Can god ever fail are you saying the apostles esp Paul are more powerful than God? ASTARGRULLAHHHA YOU COMMIT FISQ CAN EVEN BE CONSIDERED A FORM OF KUFR BELIVING GOD CANNOT KEEP HIS WORD PURE.
None of the verses you mentioned prove your point because the verse says Gospel and you're talking about the Bible which are not the same thing.

Yeah we know Jews are retarded.

None may change his words means no one is allowed to. Doesn't say it can't happen. It can only not happen to the Quran.

Kill yourself kafir you don't know shit about anything. My fault for expecting anything from a delusional Christ cuck that worships 3 gods. Just as bad as the Hindus.
None of the verses you mentioned prove your point because the verse says Gospel and you're talking about the Bible which are not the same thing.

Yeah we know Jews are retarded.

None may change his words means no one is allowed to. Doesn't say it can't happen. It can only not happen to the Quran.

Kill yourself kafir you don't know shit about anything. My fault for expecting anything from a delusional Christ cuck that worships 3 gods. Just as bad as the Hindus.
I knew you was going to say this Iā€™m so used to bashing Muslims on the bottom and raping them with their own book :forcedsmile::ROFLMAO:

Hereā€™s a lesson Mudlsime bitch. Injeel is a word stolen from the Syriac word for Euangelion (gospel)
Etymology. The Arabic word Injil (Jini!) as found in Islamic texts, now used also by non-Arab Muslims and non-Muslim Arabs, comes from the Classical Syriac:
lak, romanized:
ewangellion found in the Peshitta, the Syriac translation of the Bible.

Ok now guess what ā€œingeel, Gospel and Euangelionā€ mean. It means GOOD NEWS.

And so it seems we Christianā€™s have the ā€œGood newsā€ in English called the ā€œGospelsā€

your Ontologically impossible god of fiction said his words cannot be changed. Dont make me re post the Sura verse and quote it here.

Now letā€™s see when the oldest bible we have fully compiled was aka codex Vaticanus 350AD latest and Sinaticus 360AD.

Now remeber Mohammed came around 300 years later so if the bible was courppted he would had said so in his book :feelshmm::forcedsmile: filthy little faggot mudslime

And letā€™s now ask ChatGPT how close this bible is to the modern ones

Confidence Level

Scholars estimate that around 99.9% of the Bibleā€™s text is identical to the original manuscripts. However, there may be minor variations in wording or phrasing due to the transmission process.ā€

Hmm šŸ¤” big L for Islam ahallahu ackbarrrr indeed.

So the bibles of the time 300 years before your prophet are the same ones as we have today with the differences being ours in Anglosphere are in English and the ancient bibles are in Koinic Greek.

The 99 names of Allah and the Quran can be considered distinct from Allah therefore you worship 100 gods as the trinity are distinct but not seperate as there can be complexity in singularity. So you have 100 gods if I have 3 that means Allahs 99 names are all their own unique Gods. And the Quran is the phsycal manifestation of Allahs mind and thoughts.

Wow truly sad for ABDOOLS.

Now after I have raped you with facts you resort to Ad Hominems I donā€™t blame you tbh. When your whole worldview gets raped you have naught but to cry šŸ˜¢
IMG 9381

IMG 9382

I knew you was going to say this Iā€™m so used to bashing Muslims on the bottom and raping them with their own book :forcedsmile::ROFLMAO:

Hereā€™s a lesson Mudlsime bitch. Injeel is a word stolen from the Syriac word for Euangelion (gospel)
Etymology. The Arabic word Injil (Jini!) as found in Islamic texts, now used also by non-Arab Muslims and non-Muslim Arabs, comes from the Classical Syriac:
lak, romanized:
ewangellion found in the Peshitta, the Syriac translation of the Bible.

Ok now guess what ā€œingeel, Gospel and Euangelionā€ mean. It means GOOD NEWS.

And so it seems we Christianā€™s have the ā€œGood newsā€ in English called the ā€œGospelsā€

your Ontologically impossible god of fiction said his words cannot be changed. Dont make me re post the Sura verse and quote it here.

Now letā€™s see when the oldest bible we have fully compiled was aka codex Vaticanus 350AD latest and Sinaticus 360AD.

Now remeber Mohammed came around 300 years later so if the bible was courppted he would had said so in his book :feelshmm::forcedsmile: filthy little faggot mudslime

And letā€™s now ask ChatGPT how close this bible is to the modern ones

Confidence Level

Scholars estimate that around 99.9% of the Bibleā€™s text is identical to the original manuscripts. However, there may be minor variations in wording or phrasing due to the transmission process.ā€

Hmm šŸ¤” big L for Islam ahallahu ackbarrrr indeed.

So the bibles of the time 300 years before your prophet are the same ones as we have today with the differences being ours in Anglosphere are in English and the ancient bibles are in Koinic Greek.

The 99 names of Allah and the Quran can be considered distinct from Allah therefore you worship 100 gods as the trinity are distinct but not seperate as there can be complexity in singularity. So you have 100 gods if I have 3 that means Allahs 99 names are all their own unique Gods. And the Quran is the phsycal manifestation of Allahs mind and thoughts.

Wow truly sad for ABDOOLS.

Now after I have raped you with facts you resort to Ad Hominems I donā€™t blame you tbh. When your whole worldview gets raped you have naught but to cry šŸ˜¢
View attachment 3038241
View attachment 3038245
Wow it means good news. Didn't counter my point at all that the Injeel is not the modern bible.

Yeah the polytheist Christian scholars that want the gay trinity to be correct.

The 99 names of Allah cannot be considered distinct from Allah. Just making up Islamic theology now, are we?

I resort to ad hominem? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

"mudslime" "faggot" "cuck" "pedo"

trying to mock Arabic names and phrases (that Arab Christians also use :lul:)

Right, I'm doing ad hominem.

Kill yourself kafir you bring nothing to do this earth. All you do is try to insult Islam on an obscure looksmaxing forum because it's rapidly overtaking your polytheistic pagan religion that has 63 updates a year :feelskek:. Sad to think you Christians believe you're still in the debate about what the truth is.

Have fun with Dajjal when he comes and you retards start thinking he's Jesus and start worshipping him because muh god can become human bro! :soy::feelstastyman:

Don't speak to me again pussy ass cuck.
Wow it means good news. Didn't counter my point at all that the Injeel is not the modern bible.

Yeah the polytheist Christian scholars that want the gay trinity to be correct.

The 99 names of Allah cannot be considered distinct from Allah. Just making up Islamic theology now, are we?

I resort to ad hominem? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

"mudslime" "faggot" "cuck" "pedo"

trying to mock Arabic names and phrases (that Arab Christians also use :lul:)

Right, I'm doing ad hominem.

Kill yourself kafir you bring nothing to do this earth. All you do is try to insult Islam on an obscure looksmaxing forum because it's rapidly overtaking your polytheistic pagan religion that has 63 updates a year :feelskek:. Sad to think you Christians believe you're still in the debate about what the truth is.

Have fun with Dajjal when he comes and you retards start thinking he's Jesus and start worshipping him because muh god can become human bro! :soy::feelstastyman:

Don't speak to me again pussy ass cuck.
Prove the Injeel isnā€™t the bible? Prove that the bible we have today isnā€™t the same as the old ones. Prove that the injeel is not the Euangelion prove it prooovvvvvveeeeee ITTTTTT because scholars disagree with you šŸ˜‰ reality is you cannot prove it thefore I suggest you STFU and accept your Quran is a false book šŸ“– that destroys itself

Yes because you are an ABDOOL, and you resort to ad hominems to attack me rather than the argument. I attack and dismantle your argument like a kid dismantles spiders AND THEN I mock you. And yes Iā€™m aware Christian Arabs have same names and shit and they KNOW Iā€™m not mocking them but ABDOOLS.

Christianity is still growin and by 2100 we will have 3.3 billion followers whilst you have 3 billion take the L you lot will only overtake us in 2078-2082 and then we will come back and usurp you šŸ˜‰

We donā€™t belive in your ā€œDjallā€ because he has Kufr on his head and has ā€œone eyeā€ so easy to tell apart lmfao. your Djall is not real heā€™s a simplistic myth from an schotzoid pedophile warmongering proFIT. I guess Muslims will fall for it because they fell for a schitzo possessed man being a prophet :ROFLMAO::forcedsmile:

Have fun on the day of judgement when Jesus turns you away for being an worshipper of Satan and asks ā€œwhy did you worship Satan instead of meā€ and you Muslims will cry and say ā€œWALLAHIIII WE DIDNT KNOW ALLAH WE WORSHIP IS SATAN AND NOT THE TRUE GODā€
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@SecularIslamist @
@Gengar thisnis why sah the islams a failed religion it canā€™t even maintain its own theology without fucking itself. INB4 ā€œinjeelā€ courript
You canā€™t expect me to agree with you when you spout nonsense like this, right? :forcedsmile:
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