Moneymaxxing does not solve the problem



Mar 19, 2020
I KNOW most people here are already aware of this. But there's still a GIGA COPE among some users about money. Yes it does rise your smv and you can fuck very hot women, but it's literally the same as fucking a prostitute.
"oh shut up faggot, but I don't care women loving me, about that, I just want to fuck women for free"
Ok, this is a fine answer if you're not looksmaxing, but if you're gonna waste tons of time, money and effort to look better you so can fuck women "for free" instead of focusing in just getting more money and fucking women that are way more hot, you're RETARDED.

If you want a partner, money can even be a hidrance since you'll NEVER know if she even likes you.
"Oh but what if I get a looksmatch woman asian woman that worships whites!!11"
73117496 149792186397675 7198666145044365312 n

inb4: water is NOT wet.
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You're the one coping you lazy cunt. Money drastically increases your quality of life in almost every aspect.

And Zuckerberg is a retarded aspie, he could have a 8 PSL wife if he wanted to

You can both moneymaxx and looksmaxx, but moneymaxxing requires a lot more effort.
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inb4 Adriana Marco pic
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You're the one coping you lazy cunt. Money drastically increases your quality of life in almost every aspect.

And Zuckerberg is just retarded, he could have a 8 PSL wife if he wanted to
agreed imagine being so bluepilled that you CHOOSE a subhuman of the worst kind to have children with.

the ultimate cuck
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  • JFL
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You're the one coping you lazy cunt. Money drastically increases your quality of life in almost every aspect.

And Zuckerberg is just retarded, he could have a 8 PSL wife if he wanted to
Where did I say it doesn't? The fact that you took this from what I wrote PROVES you're low IQ. I'm about to get into med school you dumbass how am I lazy
You're the one coping you lazy cunt. Money drastically increases your quality of life in almost every aspect.

And Zuckerberg is a retarded aspie, he could have a 8 PSL wife if he wanted to

You can both moneymaxx and looksmaxx, but moneymaxxing requires a lot more effort.
What I said: " Yes it does rise your smv and you can fuck very hot women "
"hhuhhuh but he could totally fuck hot women dude!! you're just coping!!"
"Are you saying we should NOT moneymax??? wuut??"
Like SERIOUSLY, I can't even FATHOM being so low IQ. It's literally incomprehensible to me that you're level of understanding is so LOW that you can even read something that is EXPLICIT. You must be the dumbest person I've ever seen in this website. Your counterargument is literally what I addressed in the very beginning. It's like talking to a fucking retard
  • JFL
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The point about zuckerberg wasn't even about his wife being ugly, it was about him get cucked and you didn't even understand this from the picture, honestly how dumb can you fucking be @Inclined ?
i would work mcdonald for the rest of life if i was 6'9 gigachad
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What I said: " Yes it does rise your smv and you can fuck very hot women "
"hhuhhuh but he could totally fuck hot women dude!! you're just coping!!"
"Are you saying we should NOT moneymax??? wuut??"
Like SERIOUSLY, I can't even FATHOM being so low IQ. It's literally incomprehensible to me that you're level of understanding is so LOW that you can even read something that is EXPLICIT. You must be the dumbest person I've ever seen in this website. Your counterargument is literally what I addressed in the very beginning. It's like talking to a fucking retard
Dude, you write like a retard. Do you actually think I read your whole post when you can't even write properly? Homo erectus spotted.
i would work mcdonald for the rest of life if i was 6'9 gigachad
You wouldn't be working at all but I get what you're saying. I would 1000 times rather be born a gigachad than a millionaire uggo
Your thread doesn't apply for the majority of users here.

You need money to looksmax, and not many people wouldn't looksmax having money because they think it's ideally what they did, I could only see this scenario if they just don't have the potential to looksmax...
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Dude, you write like a retard. Do you actually think I read your whole post when you can't even write properly? Homo erectus spotted.
But you read my answer, you at least read the part where I told you that I addressed your point in the very beginning, otherwise you wouldn't even make the excuse that "it's not that I didn't get, it's just that I didn't read". so:
1. You read it and didn't understand(most likely)
2. You didn't even read but had the confidence to give an answer (ridiculous)
Either way you're low IQ.
More important to get a job you like than one that makes you big money. The average human works 70% of their living hours. Doing something you don't care about with that time is worse than not having hot girls. My dad's an ER doc who's worked his entire life for nice things only to get fucked over by his ex-wife & now my mother & never have the time to enjoy anything he's worked for.
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Your thread doesn't apply for the majority of users here.

You need money to looksmax, and not many people wouldn't looksmax having money because they think it's ideally what they did, I could only see this scenario if they just don't have the potential to looksmax...
I agree with everything you said. I'm just addressing the people that think that all smv works in the same way. My point is that being rich enough to fuck hot women isn't the same as being a good looking guy that's able to fuck women of the same caliber, and I'm not talking about fucking them for free.
I KNOW most people here are already aware of this. But there's still a GIGA COPE among some users about money. Yes it does rise your smv and you can fuck very hot women, but it's literally the same as fucking a prostitute.
"oh shut up faggot, but I don't care women loving me, about that, I just want to fuck women for free"
Ok, this is a fine answer if you're not looksmaxing, but if you're gonna waste tons of time, money and effort to look better you so can fuck women "for free" instead of focusing in just getting more money and fucking women that are way more hot, you're RETARDED.

If you want a partner, money can even be a hidrance since you'll NEVER know if she even likes you.
"Oh but what if I get a looksmatch woman asian woman that worships whites!!11"
View attachment 462756

inb4: water is NOT wet.

Shitty Autistic Incoherent Rambling. Your saying to not make money because it won't improve your smv value that much to get pussy. That is true to some degree but who is saying you should use money for specifically looksmaxxing when you can use it directly for paying for sex you big dummy. Yes. Pay for some HOT ESCORTS with your money instead of focusing on this looksmaxxing pipe dream. Surgeries Roids can work , but to expect it to compete against someone who was born a chad is cope. Chads are born , not created.
More important to get a job you like than one that makes you big money. The average human works 70% of their living hours. Doing something you don't care about with that time is worse than not having hot girls. My dad's an ER doc who's worked his entire life for nice things only to get fucked over by his ex-wife & now my mother & never have the time to enjoy anything he's worked for.
Depending on the job you can learn to like it
Your saying to not make money because it won't improve your smv value that much to get pussy.
WHAT IS THIS EPIDEMIC OF FUCKING RETARDS? I LITERALLY SAID "yes it does rise your smv and you can fuck very hot women "

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i'm still disgusted about your last post so dr
WHAT IS THIS EPIDEMIC OF FUCKING RETARDS? I LITERALLY SAID "yes it does rise your smv and you can fuck very hot women "


Read your post you low iq retard. Your saying that you shouldn't waste time spending money on looksmaxxing to fuck women for free, but instead focus on making money so you can fuck a hot bitch. You make no sense you autistic. The whole point of looksmaxxing is to get free pussy. If you can't fuck a hot bitch for free you then spend your money on escorts to pay for the opportunity to fuck a hot girl. Very Simple
Read your post you low iq retard. Your saying that you shouldn't waste time spending money on looksmaxxing to fuck women for free, but instead focus on making money so you can fuck a hot bitch. You make no sense you autistic. The whole point of looksmaxxing is to get free pussy. If you can't fuck a hot bitch for free you then spend your money on escorts to pay for the opportunity to fuck a hot girl. Very Simple
It's even worse, you read it and you LITERALLY UNDERSTOOD THE OPPOSITE WHEN IT WAS EXPLICIT IN THE BEGINNING. Do you understand how low your comprehension skills are? You're literally a LESSER BEING
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It's even worse, you read it and you LITERALLY UNDERSTOOD THE OPPOSITE WHEN IT WAS EXPLICIT IN THE BEGINNING. Do you understand how low your comprehension skills are? You're literally a LESSER BEING

Trust me I read it. I comprehended it as a normal person would but your suffering from virgin rage. Come back here after paying to fuck a hot sexy escort . Once you cum after fucking a hot escort It will release that anger from that pent up sexual frustration being a virgin male.
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Trust me I read it. I comprehended it as a normal person would but your suffering from virgin rage. Come back here after paying to fuck a hot . It will release that anger from that pent up sexual frustration being a virgin male.
It won't make it less embarassing to call me a virgin.
The fact is:
You said " Your saying to not make money because it won't improve your smv "
When literally said " "yes it does rise your smv and you can fuck very hot women "
That makes you an inferior human being, lesser human, something more primitive. It makes you 10 times dumber than the other guy because he didn't even READ so he didn't understand my point, but even tho you read it, you couldn't comprehend my WORDS.
I mean, there's nothing else to say, you're dumber than a foid.
i want money maxxing for surgeries
It won't make it less embarassing to call me a virgin.
The fact is:
You said " Your saying to not make money because it won't improve your smv "
When literally said " "yes it does rise your smv and you can fuck very hot women "
That makes you an inferior human being, lesser human, something more primitive. It makes you 10 times dumber than the other guy because he didn't even READ so he didn't understand my point, but even tho you read it, you couldn't comprehend my WORDS.
I mean, there's nothing else to say, you're dumber than a foid.

Lol you just admitted to being a virgin you There is literally no way for me to be inferior considering I've put my raw cock in a hot petite foids wet pussy and nutted in it. Like I said before your putting in way to much energy into this autistic rambling about money and smv and getting laid. I read it and me and multiple others have commented on how your post makes no sense. Go fuck a escort and then come back and make a new thread. You can make some good thread with the cleared mind
agreed imagine being so bluepilled that you CHOOSE a subhuman of the worst kind to have children with.

the ultimate cuck

Zuckerberg is ugly as fuck. He doesn't deserve attractive women.
dam bro nice post. will read it later ngl
You're the one coping you lazy cunt. Money drastically increases your quality of life in almost every aspect.

And Zuckerberg is a retarded aspie, he could have a 8 PSL wife if he wanted to

You can both moneymaxx and looksmaxx, but moneymaxxing requires a lot more effort.
Amen brother.
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It's about a man tormented by a woman, does that sound funny to you?
I know. I saw that movie, it´s pretty bad shit czazy experience to watch.
Nevertheless, some scenes are memes in cinephile community.
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but moneymaxxing requires a lot more effort.

JFL no, you can moneymax lazing around all day in an air conditioned room, part of looksmaxxing is putting your body through hours of pain and fatigue exercising to get in shape, looksmaxxing is definitely more difficult
I KNOW most people here are already aware of this. But there's still a GIGA COPE among some users about money. Yes it does rise your smv and you can fuck very hot women, but it's literally the same as fucking a prostitute.
"oh shut up faggot, but I don't care women loving me, about that, I just want to fuck women for free"
Ok, this is a fine answer if you're not looksmaxing, but if you're gonna waste tons of time, money and effort to look better you so can fuck women "for free" instead of focusing in just getting more money and fucking women that are way more hot, you're RETARDED.

If you want a partner, money can even be a hidrance since you'll NEVER know if she even likes you.
"Oh but what if I get a looksmatch woman asian woman that worships whites!!11"
View attachment 462756

inb4: water is NOT wet.
Brutal height mog!
You're the one coping you lazy cunt. Money drastically increases your quality of life in almost every aspect.

And Zuckerberg is a retarded aspie, he could have a 8 PSL wife if he wanted to

You can both moneymaxx and looksmaxx, but moneymaxxing requires a lot more effort.
Agreed. Money boosts ur status up a lot, mf out here saying “love exists even bill gates, zuckerberg are married” BRO NO mf have money and status of course they are married!
Agreed. Money boosts ur status up a lot, mf out here saying “love exists even bill gates, zuckerberg are married” BRO NO mf have money and status of course they are married!
what is water
agreed imagine being so bluepilled that you CHOOSE a subhuman of the worst kind to have children with.

the ultimate cuck

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