Moneypill: Even rich people in Eastern Europe are poor



May 30, 2024
Was doing some math and the average person in the 1 percent in Poland only has $1M in net worth on average. If that's on average, the median must be much lower and the threshold to enter the 1% there even lower. Poland is one of the more developed Eastern Europe countries as well, places like Serbia or Romania must be even worse.

If you are upper middle class in the US, get a remote job and fraud your physical location via VPN and move to Poland. You'll immediately moneymog 99% of the population and due to the lower cost of living can spend on money on nice car/apartment in the city center/clothes to statusmog people as well.
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Russians are Rich
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not surprising. eastern european women go to amsterdam and sell their pussy while their husbands build toilets in berlin. still infinitely richer than most of asia or africa though
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Was doing some math and the average person in the 1 percent in Poland only has $1M in net worth on average. If that's on average, the median must be much lower and the threshold to enter the 1% there even lower. Poland is one of the more developed Eastern Europe countries as well, places like Serbia or Romania must be even worse.

If you are upper middle class in the US, get a remote job and fraud your physical location via VPN and move to Poland. You'll immediately moneymog 99% of the population and due to the lower cost of living can spend on money on nice car/apartment in the city center/clothes to statusmog people as well.
Water. Having 40k per year here is the same as getting 800k per year in the USA @russiancelreturns
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  • Hmm...
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Water. Having 40k per year here is the same as getting 800k per year in the USA @russiancelreturns
its not that bad in the big cities, krakow, warsaw, etc. people have money there.

only countryside in poland is poor asf
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its not that bad in the big cities, krakow, warsaw, etc. people have money there.

only countryside in poland is poor asf
I rot in a major city as well, bucko. Oligarchs drive in their bentleys whilst 99.99% of the pop rots in these pods
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Wtf is "moneypill" money matters no way thanks for letting us know
Don’t work that’s slavery

You need rich sugar momma
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It’s deffo not the same whatsoever
My granny worked for 50 years and she acquired 80k dollars and subhuman commieblock with 3 rooms throughout those years
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My granny worked for 50 years and she acquired 80k dollars and subhuman commieblock with 3 rooms throughout those years
P sure commieblocks were given out for free during Sovietskiy times
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P sure commieblocks were given out for free during Sovietskiy times
That one was bought but either way. Born in eastern jewrope = spawnkilled unless @chawaje face and height. Best thing a slavoid can do is to leave slavistan. Simple as that.
is that your living condition as well?
Yes because I'm sub oligarch
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Looks like a great place for a crime story movie plot
No need for a movie plot. Already happens. Rival gangs used to shoot each other up 5 years ago. It got better now but it's filled with bums and drunkards rotting on the streets.
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80k? thats slavery
Ok, what am I supposed to do? I already told you that I'm the process of leaving this shithole either way.
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No need for a movie plot. Already happens. Rival gangs used to shoot each other up 5 years ago. It got better now but it's filled with bums and drunkards rotting on the streets.
Report them wtf
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Report them wtf
You know how cops 0 the calls in Baltimoore slums. Same shit here. Sure, they'll come later to examine what the fuck happened but in the end of the day it doesn't even matter. It's going to keep happening until one day rusoids decide to chimpout and nuke the entire region.
  • JFL
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Reactions: murdah and Jason Voorhees
You know how cops 0 the calls in Baltimoore slums. Same shit here. Sure, they'll come later to examine what the fuck happened but in the end of the day it doesn't even matter. It's going to keep happening until one day rusoids decide to chimpout and nuke the entire region.
Find slavic stacy, do Irréversible scene irl and leave the city.
  • JFL
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Find slavic stacy,
No such thing. Most are capped at 3 PSL. You wouldn't believe how many noviop foids I saw yesterday @mrriceguyreturn . Legit 7 of them had Homelander lips JFL.
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No such thing. Most are capped at 3 PSL. You wouldn't believe how many noviop foids I saw yesterday @mrriceguyreturn . Legit 7 of them had Homelander lips JFL.
No lips is better than nigger lips
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No need for a movie plot. Already happens. Rival gangs used to shoot each other up 5 years ago. It got better now but it's filled with bums and drunkards rotting on the streets.
What country?
  • JFL
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No lips is better than nigger lips
Delusional. Males can get away with those lips if they are robust enough but for females, it's a legit death sentence. Looks like utter shit.
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Was doing some math and the average person in the 1 percent in Poland only has $1M in net worth on average. If that's on average, the median must be much lower and the threshold to enter the 1% there even lower. Poland is one of the more developed Eastern Europe countries as well, places like Serbia or Romania must be even worse.

If you are upper middle class in the US, get a remote job and fraud your physical location via VPN and move to Poland. You'll immediately moneymog 99% of the population and due to the lower cost of living can spend on money on nice car/apartment in the city center/clothes to statusmog people as well.
Language for me is a problem. Not that I can't learn Polish, or Romanian, etc., it's just that I will never be able to express myself with the same degree of nuance as I do in English. I'm already a Japanese-style shut-in. I don't need to feel even more isolated than I already do.
It’s deffo not the same whatsoever

That's true, which is why specified upper middle class. Like an American making 150K-300K a year is doing okay in Manhattan, but if they move to Warsaw that is a god tier existence while also saving like 50-100K a year for retirement.

Cost of things that are made domestically tend to scale with cost of living. So cost of a plate of pierogie at a milk bar or beer from the biedronka is going to be uber cheap if you are an American. Rent will be substantially lower as well.

But if you move from US to Poland, the cost of iPhones, Nike, BMW, won't change dramatically. As those are all imports,
That's true, which is why specified upper middle class. Like an American making 150K-300K a year is doing okay in Manhattan, but if they move to Warsaw that is a god tier existence while also saving like 50-100K a year for retirement.

Cost of things that are made domestically tend to scale with cost of living. So cost of a plate of pierogie at a milk bar or beer from the biedronka is going to be uber cheap if you are an American. Rent will be substantially lower as well.

But if you move from US to Poland, the cost of iPhones, Nike, BMW, won't change dramatically. As those are all imports,
So, how the hell does everyone sport an iphone in dirt-poor countries, like this??
So, how the hell does everyone sport an iphone in dirt-poor countries, like this??

If you're a tourist you usually go to the uber rich areas tbh, most people in Poland are not rocking a modern iPhone and if they are they are financing it or it's an old model. Yea if you're a tourist walking around Zoliborz or Srodemeice (spelling?) in Warsaw everyone has iPhone but like you're seeing like the top .2% of the country.

Most like 90% of the population in Poland is using android and a lot of that is shitty Chinese phones lmao, most people def can't afford apple.
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If you're a tourist you usually go to the uber rich areas tbh, most people in Poland are not rocking a modern iPhone and if they are they are financing it or it's an old model. Yea if you're a tourist walking around Zoliborz or Srodemeice (spelling?) in Warsaw everyone has iPhone but like you're seeing like the top .2% of the country.

Most like 90% of the population in Poland is using android and a lot of that is shitty Chinese phones lmao, most people def can't afford apple.
LOL, android literally has the most expensive smartphone in the market.
Wtf is "moneypill" money matters no way thanks for letting us know

This is cope. Money can pay for plastic surgeries, botox, skin care, roids, personal trainer, nice clothes, etc.

It also can buy status.

If someone drives by you in a Lamborghini Aventador, you automatically look and think wow. You're lying, if you've never done this.

Obviously no one on this forum can afford to even lease a car like that but there's enough UMC Americans here working as engineers or consultants or whatever that they can move abroad and get a BMW somewhere and have a similar experience in some foreign country.
LOL, android literally has the most expensive smartphone in the market.

Yes Magda the Zabka employee who makes $700 a month and eats nothing but old unsold polish hot dogs can totally afford some top of the line android phone and isn't using some $200 chinese android knockoff.
  • JFL
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This is cope. Money can pay for plastic surgeries, botox, skin care, roids, personal trainer, nice clothes, etc.

It also can buy status.

If someone drives by you in a Lamborghini Aventador, you automatically look and think wow. You're lying, if you've never done this.

Obviously no one on this forum can afford to even lease a car like that but there's enough UMC Americans here working as engineers or consultants or whatever that they can move abroad and get a BMW somewhere and have a similar experience in some foreign country.
It sounds like youre a poor guy venting about money, good luck
@HTN_Mentalcel @murdah the West is so bad they want to move East now. Fucking invaders. Their ilusions will quickly end when they realize that westernoids won't survive in that environment.
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@HTN_Mentalcel @murdah the West is so bad they want to move East now. Fucking invaders. Their ilusions will quickly end when they realize that westernoids won't survive in that environment.
The westerners did it to themself by voting left and democrat, even right wing parties are advocating for mass immigration nowadays, they’re pandering to the (((elites))). I respect the eastern europeans for keeping immigration strict, especially Poland.
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I respect the eastern europeans for keeping immigration strict, especially Poland.
I'm not very sure about that, I don't know how it is. In my country there's zero inmigration but maybe because the average wage is 400 euros:feelshah:.
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Poland is pretty developed compared to other Slavic countries, but still pretty underdeveloped compared to a proper western country. I eat out almost every week in poland and the drinks here is cheap af compared to the US.
The westerners did it to themself by voting left and democrat, even right wing parties are advocating for mass immigration nowadays, they’re pandering to the (((elites))). I respect the eastern europeans for keeping immigration strict, especially Poland.
lmao, this has no basis in reality. The right wing governments in EE have all massively increased legal immigration and it's actually extremely easy to move to Poland and. work. You just need like $2K to get enrolled in a fake polish for-profit education institution and you get a 2 year work visa and temporary residence permit.

EE is going through now what France/UK went through 40 years ago. Only countries in eastern europe that aren't experiencing this are complete irredeemable shitholes like Moldova, Ukraine, or Bosnia and Herzergovina.
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I respect the eastern europeans for keeping immigration strict, especially Poland.
Tusk literally gave away 1 million immigration visas to pajeets. What are you even talking about?
  • JFL
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lmao, this has no basis in reality. The right wing governments in EE have all massively increased legal immigration and it's actually extremely easy to move to Poland and. work. You just need like $2K to get enrolled in a fake polish for-profit education institution and you get a 2 year work visa and temporary residence permit.

EE is going through now what France/UK went through 40 years ago. Only countries in eastern europe that aren't experiencing this are complete irredeemable shitholes like Moldova, Ukraine, or Bosnia and Herzergovina.
Lifefuel, might get myself a slavic stacy when I geomax :feelsgood:
The process takes years…
Everyone in eastern eurpoe has right to roam, they can leave and work in germany without processing
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Geomaxxing to Poland to get 5’10 slav Stacy
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