Moralfags are not truly blackpilled

Deleted member 4612

Deleted member 4612

mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Jan 4, 2020
It doesn't make sense that an ACTUAL BLACKPILLER can have any semblance of empathy, let alone sympathy, towards a society which has neglected to treat them as a human being on the sole basis of appearance (which was out of their control). An actual blackpiller who has become socially isolated, alienated and disconnected from society will never be able to relate to the morality of mainstream society, when that very society cast them out and left them to rot.

Humans are a tribal species. The concept of morality evolved over time as a result of human beings forming societies in which the actions of each individual had the ability to impact, influence and shape the lives of others around them. When you are not even a part of the tribe, which is modern human civilization, there is no reason for you to have a moral compass, why bother being "humane" when you are not even a part of humanity, being humane is no longer to our benefit. We are no longer part of the human species, whatever happens to other human beings (good or bad) should no longer affect you if you truly are a blackpilled individual.

Whenever i see a moralfag on the forum, i assume one of 2 things: that person is either a blue-piller, or a larper.
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.co tier post brosel
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read it and felt like i understood it but wtf is a moralfag
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that's your response?

you're a cuck tbh
i replied pretty fast without reading the post

u do have a point ngl and i have thought that too. still truecels have human rights. hope orthognatic and plastic surgery becomes a right for them
gay religious crap with no proof
read it and felt like i understood it but wtf is a moralfag
someone who tries to impose morals on others like a self righteous faggot
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gay religious crap with no proof

someone who tries to impose morals on others like a self righteous faggot
I got most of that from Alex Jones. For real, I can show you proof that anomalous cognition is a real phenomenon. That and I can dig into how the Nazis were into occult shit, and other shit
I got most of that from Alex Jones. For real, I can show you proof that anomalous cognition is a real phenomenon. That and I can dig into how the Nazis were into occult shit, and other shit
then fucking do it faggot
left wing, right wing, all the same autists, i dont care about how much you love niggers and i dont care how much you love them either. aspie trait.
Man this will set you free if you want it or not otherwise you will be a living corpse in society
Yeah, morals are for soys
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I got most of that from Alex Jones. For real, I can show you proof that anomalous cognition is a real phenomenon. That and I can dig into how the Nazis were into occult shit, and other shit
Absolutely you know about fluoride Jones and Absolutely you don't take him seriously at all.
My first step of self improvent, before even looksmaxing was to reject morals.
I owe no one nothing in this world that judged me so harshly forcing me to ldar and suffer this miserable life.
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@NarcyChadlite @TheCopefulCurry @Effortless

what reason is there to act "morally", if society has cast you out? What do you gain from being moral? I can think of only two reasons:

1. Belief in a higher power that will judge you for your actions (religion basically)
2. Ego related reasons ("I am a good person")

Other than that, I see no reason for anyone who has been cast out to act "good"
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Funny how you're still triggered about my post from yesterday

I literally don't give a fuck

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Funny how you're still triggered about my post from yesterday

I literally don't give a fuck

just laugh instead of addressing it, not surprised
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@NarcyChadlite @TheCopefulCurry @Effortless

what reason is there to act "morally", if society has cast you out? What do you gain from being moral? I can think of only two reasons:

1. Belief in a higher power that will judge you for your actions (religion basically)
2. Ego related reasons ("I am a good person")

Other than that, I see no reason for anyone who has been cast out to act "good"

What do you mean by acting “good”? Not going ER?

Being cast out from society /= logical motive to murder several innocent individuals who have not contributed directly to your so-called suffering.

Taking the life of an individual is several orders of magnitude worse than being cast out by an inherently indifferent society.

Would you beat somebody up for not giving you a pencil in class, for example? No, it’s illogical and irrational. That person will never give you a pencil again, and you have gained nothing

Sure, if you’ve been cast out, act like an asshole, don’t give charity, don’t follow social etiquette, etc.

But ending the life of another is beyond the scope of your so-called suffering.
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@NarcyChadlite @TheCopefulCurry @Effortless

what reason is there to act "morally", if society has cast you out? What do you gain from being moral? I can think of only two reasons:

1. Belief in a higher power that will judge you for your actions (religion basically)
2. Ego related reasons ("I am a good person")

Other than that, I see no reason for anyone who has been cast out to act "good"

just get whatever you want. Be selfish. good or bad tbh. Weather society has casted you out or not.
What do you mean by acting “good”? Not going ER?

Being cast out from society /= logical motive to murder several innocent individuals who have not contributed directly to your so-called suffering.

Taking the life of an individual is several orders of magnitude worse than being cast out by an inherently indifferent society.

Would you beat somebody up for not giving you a pencil in class, for example? No, it’s illogical and irrational. That person will never give you a pencil again, and you have gained nothing

Sure, if you’ve been cast out, act like an asshole, don’t give charity, don’t follow social etiquette, etc.

But ending the life of another is beyond the scope of your so-called suffering.
being cast out is basically a death sentence actually. what's the point of life if you are just an outsider? casting someone out is ruining their life, actually, studies have show loneliness is as deadly as smoking 15 cigarettes per day.

not only that, but that lonely person actually suffers for years on end, while the person who gets a bullet through their brain only suffers for a few brief moments before dying. So i'm not sure it truly is "several orders of magnitude worse" quite frankly. from a legal perspective sure, but from a suffering perspective, I don't think so
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being cast out is basically a death sentence actually. what's the point of life if you are just an outsider? casting someone out is ruining their life, actually, studies have show loneliness is as deadly as smoking 15 cigarettes per day.

not only that, but that lonely person actually suffers for years on end, while the person who gets a bullet through their brain only suffers for a few brief moments before dying. So i'm not sure it truly is "several orders of magnitude worse" quite frankly. from a legal perspective sure, but from a suffering perspective, I don't think so

Just take random peoples lives because they feel no pain and assume they don’t have any loved ones that will be devastated by the loss theory

It’s irrational. End of story son
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Just take random peoples lives because they feel no pain and assume they don’t have any loved ones that will be deeply impacted by the loss theory

It’s irrational. End of story son
You are acting like I'm morally justifying it jfl

man, it seems you don't understand that not everyone acts with morality in every situation, and if they don't, it's "irrational".
You are acting like I'm morally justifying it jfl

man, it seems you don't understand that not everyone acts with morality in every situation, and if they don't, it's "irrational".

In this particular case, it’s irrational.

But didn’t I say it’s rational to act like a dick, which is immoral, if you’ve been treated like one?
You say its an ego thing when people try to be "morally correct", guess what? not everyone has the same experience as you, not everyone gets treated like you, not everyone thinks like you.

You-yourself have an ego by trying to prove to everyone that your way of thinking is right and thinking that everyone one has to relate to you and be on your level because you got mistreated.
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You say its an ego thing when people try to be "morally correct", guess what? not everyone has the same experience as you, not everyone gets treated like you, not everyone thinks like you.

You-yourself have an ego by trying to prove to everyone that your way of thinking is right and thinking that everyone one has to relate to you and be on your level because you got mistreated.
like I said, this applies to those who have been cast out and treated like shit by society.

as I said, morality is a tribal instinct, if you are part of the tribe, morality makes sense, as I elaborated on on the OP.
In this particular case, it’s irrational.

But didn’t I say it’s rational to act like a dick, which is immoral, if you’ve been treated like one?
you kinda seem to be contradicting yourself here, saying it's rational to be a dick, but that being a massive dick and going ER is "irrational". When being a dick, is one supposed to have "limits" to the level of how much of a dick they are?
you kinda seem to be contradicting yourself here, saying it's rational to be a dick, but that being a massive dick and going ER is "irrational". When being a dick, is one supposed to have "limits" to the level of how much of a dick they are?

Tit for tat. You haven’t been killed for absolutely no reason yet, so why should you do the same?
like I said, this applies to those who have been cast out and treated like shit by society.

as I said, morality is a tribal instinct, if you are part of the tribe, morality makes sense, as I elaborated on on the OP.

You can call a tribe as well by that definition because you found a place where you can fit in and yet I don't agree with you on morality because I don't think like you, we don't all think like you.

You making a whole thread tagging people trying to prove you are correct based of a few users comments makes you egotistic.
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You can all a tribe as well by that definition because you found a place where you can fit in and yet I don't agree with you on morality because I don't think like you, we don't all think like you.
true i guess, this place is a "tribe" in some ways.

but that wasn't my point exactly, I was referring to how you relate to humanity in general, and not everyone will for reasons, such as religion which I mentioned, which is what you claimed to be if I'm not mistaken. So that could be a large factor in why you think the way you do.
Tit for tat. You haven’t been killed for absolutely no reason yet, so why should you do the same?
well, the idea is someone ruined ER's life, so he wants to ruin their life. granted it's not the same exact way, but if ER can't ruin someone's life using social power, violence is the only way he can ruin another person's life.
true i guess, this place is a "tribe" in some ways.

but that wasn't my point exactly, I was referring to how you relate to humanity in general, and not everyone will for reasons, such as religion which I mentioned, which is what you claimed to be if I'm not mistaken. So that could be a large factor in why you think the way you do.

I'm not religious at all, I said "the spear of Allah" thing as a joke

To add to your original notes, I want to ask, do you think you being bullied, picked on, having no friend and being outcasted by people is deserved and reasonable even if you've done nothing to wrong these people?
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I'm not religious at all, I said "the spear of Allah" thing as a joke
ok, thanks for clarifying
To add to your original notes, I want to ask, do you think you being bullied, picked on, having no friend and being outcasted by people is deserved and reasonable even if you've done nothing to wrong these people?
well it's not "deserved" for sure.

as for reasonable, it depends on what you mean. People who treat you like shit do it for selfish reasons. It's not a good thing, but there are reasons for it.
ok, thanks for clarifying

well it's not "deserved" for sure.

as for reasonable, it depends on what you mean. People who treat you like shit do it for selfish reasons. It's not a good thing, but there are reasons for it.

So you do have a moral because even you yourself know that is not the right way to be treated by people (e.i you dont deserved to be treated like shit for no reason)

Why do you think its for selfish reasons? why do you not think that it might be your fault?
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Why do you think its for selfish reasons? why do you not think that it might be your fault?
well if it's because of my looks, then how is that my fault? It's not my fault my genetics and upbringing caused me to be ugly
So you do have a moral because even you yourself know that is not the right way to be treated by people
having a sense of what is "right" or "wrong" in a tribal aspect does not negate the OP
well if it's because of my looks, then how is that my fault? It's not my fault my genetics and upbringing caused me to be ugly

having a sense of what is "right" or "wrong" in a tribal aspect does not negate the OP

I'm not saying its your fault, but do you deserve it?

Its like me seeing a guy who's born with no legs and making fun of him because he has no legs, its completely out of his control, its what he is born with and cannot be changed, does he still deserved to be made fun of?

And as for OP whether you like it or not, you live in a society and you are part of it, if you don't care for being humane, having morals or sympathy, why don't you go kill your parents and family right now? since there's a reason for it.
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I'm not saying its your fault, but do you deserve it?

Its like me seeing a guy who's born with no legs and making fun of him because he has no legs, its completely out of his control, its what he is born with and cannot be changed, does he still deserved to be made fun of?

And as for OP whether you like it or not, you live in a society and you are part of it, if you don't care for being humane, having moral or sympathy, why don't you go kill your parents and family right now? since there's a reason for it.
you do realize there are laws right? legality=/=morality. I'm not saying someone should break the laws. if they do, well then they are facing the risk of legal consequences

and I'm actually dependent on my dad for money anyway and he is one of the few people that helps me out so no incentive for me to kill him, even if it was legal.
you do realize there are laws right? legality=/=morality. I'm not saying someone should break the laws. if they do, well then they are facing the risk of legal consequences

and I'm actually dependent on my dad for money anyway and he is one of the few people that helps me out so no incentive for me to kill him, even if it was legal.

Ok so now you admit that you are still part of human society because the laws of that society still apply for you, and by reading OP this means you automatically have morals and are operated by morals because you are still part of society. You see how easy it is to circle jerk this all day long.
Ok so now you admit that you are still part of human society because the laws of that society still apply for you, and by reading OP this means you automatically have morals and are operated by morals because you are still part of society. You see how easy it is to circle jerk this all day long.
morals and laws are not the same. there are certain actions that can be deemed "immoral" but are not illegal.
Not all blackpilled people are incels. But yes I agree for the most part.
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morals and laws are not the same. there are certain actions that can be deemed "immoral" but are not illegal.

Yes but you affected by societies laws thus you are still in a society which according to OP makes you automatically have morals or are obligated to have morals.
Yes but you affected by societies laws thus you are still in a society which according to OP makes you automatically have morals or are obligated to have morals.
i suppose, I guess to be specific, I meant to focus on "immoral" actions that are not illegal to do.
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Yes its
It doesn't make sense that an ACTUAL BLACKPILLER can have any semblance of empathy, let alone sympathy, towards a society which has neglected to treat them as a human being on the sole basis of appearance (which was out of their control). An actual blackpiller who has become socially isolated, alienated and disconnected from society will never be able to relate to the morality of mainstream society, when that very society cast them out and left them to rot.

Humans are a tribal species. The concept of morality evolved over time as a result of human beings forming societies in which the actions of each individual had the ability to impact, influence and shape the lives of others around them. When you are not even a part of the tribe, which is modern human civilization, there is no reason for you to have a moral compass, why bother being "humane" when you are not even a part of humanity, being humane is no longer to our benefit. We are no longer part of the human species, whatever happens to other human beings (good or bad) should no longer affect you if you truly are a blackpilled individual.

Whenever i see a moralfag on the forum, i assume one of 2 things: that person is either a blue-piller, or a larper.
I had a change of heart.

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