Most people on this forum need to focus on NTmaxxing more than anything else



In a better place
Mar 31, 2019
I don’t want to sound too bluepilled here, but if you aren’t at least pretty NT your looks/height won’t mean shit most of the time. Even if you are a good looking guy a girl won’t be into you if you are autistic. Luckily, NTmaxxing is one of the easier maxxing techniques. Not only will this make you more attractive to girls, but it will also make you happier and more successful in all aspects of your life. What you need to do to start out with depends on your current level of social skills. For relative beginners with few to no real life friends, you can start by approaching strangers and asking them simple questions or complimenting them on stuff. Try to increase the amount of social interactions you have every day by as much as you can and you’ll see some progress in terms of how you interact with other people within a couple weeks as most. Lots of people on here think that it’s not possible to become more NT, but that’s untrue. You can become more or less NT depending on your interactions with other people.
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Reactions: bobt, FatmanO, Deleted member 2012 and 9 others
No point in NT maxing with a receding hairline and fucked skin
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Reactions: SayNoToRotting, TheBasementsBasement, SeiGun and 2 others
What does Nt mean
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Reactions: Aero, iamgoingtomakeit and DidntRead
I'm actually mildly NT I'm starting to normiemaxx and thugmaxx by listening to rap,piercing my ears and buying better clothes. That's actually legit.
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Reactions: CarlSagan96
I'm not autistic you autist
If you use the term NTmaxxing you’re too far down the rabbit whole to ever actually NTmaxx
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  • JFL
Reactions: Aero, fjor2096, Deleted member 2012 and 4 others
Never succed to ntmax even 1%
For real
Lots of mentalcels here
ntmaxxing as a subhuman is like a nigger trying to join the kkk white community
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  • JFL
Reactions: Aero, SayNoToRotting, AdamLanza and 6 others
some people are just so hideous that they lose some of their perceived humanity. They are sub-human and it shows in their treatment. I had a friend group but they treated me like shit cause of my looks & height so I just cut them off. I see other people in the same situation all the time round my school & just feel sorry for them.
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Reactions: SayNoToRotting
Cope and you know it
NT maxxing is a meme. If you're not NT you never will be.
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Reactions: Demir
On the surface I'm not noticeably non NT: I can talk to strangers if I need, describe my wishes accurately (like haircuts), and I do very well in one on one interactions - I can tell good stories and be humorous - assuming it's with someone I LIKE.

But deep down I just hate the idea of being social - meaningless smalltalks with someone I'm not interested in, crowded places, loud people, low iq topics and jokes etc. - things I can never genuinely enjoy. If by NT you mean being social and outgoing, then I never will and I never wish to be. It's kind of self torture for me.
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Reactions: SayNoToRotting and Deleted member 470
Im not autistic but introvert same problem
On the surface I'm not noticeably non NT: I can talk to strangers if I need, describe my wishes accurately (like haircuts), and I do very well in one on one interactions - I can tell good stories and be humorous - assuming it's with someone I LIKE.

But deep down I just hate the idea of being social - meaningless smalltalks with someone I'm not interested in, crowded places, loud people, low iq topics and jokes etc. - things I can never genuinely enjoy. If by NT you mean being social and outgoing, then I never will and I never wish to be. It's kind of self torture for me.
An outgoing introvert in a way?
keep coping
An outgoing introvert in a way?
No I won't talk if not necessary, and I don't enjoy conversations if it's not about my interests
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Reactions: Deleted member 470
If you use the term NTmaxxing you’re too far down the rabbit whole to ever actually NTmaxx

I used that term because most people on here use incel terminology. It’s true I’m not as normie as I’d like to be though
NT maxxing is a meme. If you're not NT you never will be.

This is only true to some extent, you can definitely become better at talking to people which is considered being more NT I think
Why NT when it’s all about the face?
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  • JFL
Reactions: Scarface, DidntRead, hebbewem and 1 other person
I don’t want to sound too bluepilled here, but if you aren’t at least pretty NT your looks/height won’t mean shit most of the time. Even if you are a good looking guy a girl won’t be into you if you are autistic. Luckily, NTmaxxing is one of the easier maxxing techniques. Not only will this make you more attractive to girls, but it will also make you happier and more successful in all aspects of your life. What you need to do to start out with depends on your current level of social skills. For relative beginners with few to no real life friends, you can start by approaching strangers and asking them simple questions or complimenting them on stuff. Try to increase the amount of social interactions you have every day by as much as you can and you’ll see some progress in terms of how you interact with other people within a couple weeks as most. Lots of people on here think that it’s not possible to become more NT, but that’s untrue. You can become more or less NT depending on your interactions with other people.
I completely agree with you, being NT is the most important thing for many users here. I had been autistic for years and my NTmaxing was the most important self-improvement for me in my late teens.

tips to become neurotypical:
if you start with 0 social interactions:
- go to the gym, try to talk as much as possible with people there
- when you are at school/university/workplace talk as much as possible to other people, focusing on topics related to the place you are in

once you have some friends:
- try to expand your social circle, or join the social circle of your acquaintances.
- improve your conversation skills: write down the best conversation topics, try to talk about normie things like trending sitcoms and movies.
  • +1
Reactions: CarlSagan96
I completely agree with you, being NT is the most important thing for many users here. I had been autistic for years and my NTmaxing was the most important self-improvement for me in my late teens.

tips to become neurotypical:
if you start with 0 social interactions:
- go to the gym, try to talk as much as possible with people there
- when you are at school/university/workplace talk as much as possible to other people, focusing on topics related to the place you are in

once you have some friends:
- try to expand your social circle, or join the social circle of your acquaintances.
- improve your conversation skills: write down the best conversation topics, try to talk about normie things like trending sitcoms and movies.
Legit for average people.
I have friends and can talk though I am weird introvert. But looks overwhelm in my case.
just do magic mushroom to become low inhib
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Reactions: hebbewem
No point in NT maxxing when you look like me.

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