My £1 per hour full-time employee is fucking shit.


Deleted member 26859

Greatest Blackpill Philosopher of Our Time
Feb 25, 2023
followup to a previous thread:

My $300 per month employee is fucking shit.

Her first week was terrible

Shes got basically nothing done

Things that would take me 30 minutes she cant even get completed in an entire day

shes even working overtime for free to try to please me to get the tasks done, but she is just so fucking slow and stupid

i just want to shake her and just scream in her face

i think its a good idea to have 2-3 people who you give a 1 week trial to, then pick the best one.

because some people are just simply fucking retarded.

I can see why they're worth only $300 per month

1 white man > the entire of third world

idk what to do

i feel bad firing her but shes fucking shit.

i might just try 2-3 more people or something i dont even know. ill figure it out on the weekend
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  • JFL
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  • WTF
Reactions: theRiderEffect, poopoohead, buflek and 12 others
yeah no shit they're bad at their job if you're paying them 1$ an hour :lul:
anyway you should fire her
  • JFL
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Reactions: poopoohead, PointOfNoReturn, It'snotover and 8 others
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  • JFL
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My $300 per month employee is fucking shit.

Her first week was terrible

Shes got basically nothing done

Things that would take me 30 minutes she cant even get completed in an entire day

shes even working overtime for free to try to please me to get the tasks done, but she is just so fucking slow and stupid

i just want to shake her and just scream in her face

i think its a good idea to have 2-3 people who you give a 1 week trial to, then pick the best one.

because some people are just simply fucking retarded.

I can see why they're worth only $300 per month

1 white man > the entire of third world

idk what to do

i feel bad firing her but shes fucking shit.

i might just try 2-3 more people or something i dont even know. ill figure it out on the weekend
That's what happens when you pay someone ONE FUCKING DOLLAR AN HOUR, asshole
If I were her Id do the same just to spite you
  • JFL
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Reactions: poopoohead, PointOfNoReturn, normie_joe and 8 others
That's what happens when you pay someone ONE FUCKING DOLLAR AN HOUR, asshole
If I were her Id do the same just to spite you
its literally average wage in her country u low iq flidmoid
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Reactions: WanderingBurro and PointOfNoReturn
Tell her you'll give her a rise if she does a good job. Raise her wage by like 20cents
  • JFL
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Reactions: buflek, It'snotover, ;-; and 2 others
its literally average wage in her country u retard
just hire new people until you find somebody who's high IQ enough. if the new guy is actually good you should up it to like 1.50 or something
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Reactions: Deleted member 26859
But they're in a first world country, you said. So the cost of living is higher and hence wages need to survive are higher than an $1/hour.
no im in a first world country, they're in a third world shithole
Give her cocking as a goodbye present.
  • JFL
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Reactions: onlyhereforheight, Dietsnasta and Deleted member 26859
idk what to do

i feel bad firing her but shes fucking shit.

i might just try 2-3 more people or something i dont even know. ill figure it out on the weekend
There is no cure for low iq. Imagine someone being iq 82. If a worker is unskilled but good iq, than there is hope that will learn it. But a low iq person, can't learn.

How high iq is she?
If to low for the work that needs to be done. Than 2 options. Fire, or give tasks that are doable with that iq.

Might be a good idea, to try out 2-3 more.
Maybe degrading, but asking them to do an iq test up front, might help you
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Reactions: Deleted member 26859, Deleted member 23778 and Danish_Retard
followup to a previous thread:

My $300 per month employee is fucking shit.

Her first week was terrible

Shes got basically nothing done

Things that would take me 30 minutes she cant even get completed in an entire day

shes even working overtime for free to try to please me to get the tasks done, but she is just so fucking slow and stupid

i just want to shake her and just scream in her face

i think its a good idea to have 2-3 people who you give a 1 week trial to, then pick the best one.

because some people are just simply fucking retarded.

I can see why they're worth only $300 per month

1 white man > the entire of third world

idk what to do

i feel bad firing her but shes fucking shit.

i might just try 2-3 more people or something i dont even know. ill figure it out on the weekend
The entire first world is currently held up by third world slave labor. The mistake you made was hiring a woman, the only reason women are hired in the west is because of bullshit feminism quotas, in reality women have contributed less than 1% to all of humanities achievements. So unless you plan on doing 99% of the required work yourself then you better start hiring some men
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  • +1
Reactions: House Lannister, Deleted member 26859 and thereallegend
The entire first world is currently held up by third world slave labor. The mistake you made was hiring a woman, the only reason women are hired in the west is because of bullshit feminism quotas, in reality women have contributed less than 1% to all of humanities achievements. So unless you plan on doing 99% of the required work yourself then you better start hiring some men
true tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Sleeper
yeah no shit they're bad at their job if you're paying them 1$ an hour :lul:
anyway you should fire her
That's what happens when you pay someone ONE FUCKING DOLLAR AN HOUR, asshole
If I were her Id do the same just to spite you
The black pill is that she's just that bad.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 26859
Hay guise! The $100 car that I bought keeps breaking down!! Halp!!!
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Reactions: theRiderEffect, JovenCansao, Gaygymmaxx and 2 others
Dude you can't brag about being in a first-world country, and cry about someone from 3rd world not doing work for $1. They are poor not stupid. JFL

I pay my VA base $800+ per month + incentive for amount of work done
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  • Woah
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Dude you can't brag about being in a first-world country, and cry about someone from 3rd world not doing work for $1. They are poor not stupid. JFL

I pay my VA base $800+ per month + incentive for amount of work done
$300 per month is average salary for that country and thats what shes earning so how is that not fair?

well ur stupid/a cuck then unless its a highly skilled position and depending on what country ur hiring from
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thereallegend and Deleted member 5467
What country is she from?
followup to a previous thread:

My $300 per month employee is fucking shit.

Her first week was terrible

Shes got basically nothing done

Things that would take me 30 minutes she cant even get completed in an entire day

shes even working overtime for free to try to please me to get the tasks done, but she is just so fucking slow and stupid

i just want to shake her and just scream in her face

i think its a good idea to have 2-3 people who you give a 1 week trial to, then pick the best one.

because some people are just simply fucking retarded.

I can see why they're worth only $300 per month

1 white man > the entire of third world

idk what to do

i feel bad firing her but shes fucking shit.

i might just try 2-3 more people or something i dont even know. ill figure it out on the weekend
Nigga pretty sure I told u this would happen.

Main issue is in 3rd world (includes China but not korea) like 99.99% of people are giga low IQ.

China solves this by centralizing policy and breaking tasks down to minute, mundane details for everyone to do (so only a handful of people actually think, and the ones who do will be average iq or above).

India solved it by having IIT and the relevant shit around that.

Rest of 3rd world has no solution.

So in short, realky not surprised, based on what both Darwin and Ricardo said, your employee should be working in a sweatshop stick ching nikes for bbcs to buy, not doing shit u tell them to do
  • +1
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Reactions: twilight, thereallegend and Deleted member 26859
Nigga pretty sure I told u this would happen.

Main issue is in 3rd world (includes China but not korea) like 99.99% of people are giga low IQ.

China solves this by centralizing policy and breaking tasks down to minute, mundane details for everyone to do (so only a handful of people actually think, and the ones who do will be average iq or above).

India solved it by having IIT and the relevant shit around that.

Rest of 3rd world has no solution.

So in short, realky not surprised, based on what both Darwin and Ricardo said, your employee should be working in a sweatshop stick ching nikes for bbcs to buy, not doing shit u tell them to do

yeah ive noticed u have to break everything down for them its so frustrating

whats IIT?

and yea basically, low iq shit
It takes months to train someone for a job and to keep them you need to pay market wages. keep crying instant gratification zoomer
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It takes months to train someone for a job and to keep them you need to pay market wages. keep crying instant gratification zoomer
bro it doesnt take months of training to do what i asked it was basic tasks

they were purposely not doing anything, or they were like 20 iq
bro it doesnt take months of training to do what i asked it was basic tasks

they were purposely not doing anything, or they were like 20 iq
It takes several year of training adjuaecent skills in school. if they don't have that knowledge base, you are asking an impossible task

have you ever worked an IRL job? Training takes months
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thereallegend
It takes several year of training adjuaecent skills in school. if they don't have that knowledge base, you are asking an impossible task

have you ever worked an IRL job? Training takes months
nigga its not a knowledge base all that had to do was research shit on google and write down what to do and follow basic instructions

yes i work an IRL job

and ive done this job that im trying to get them to do and it took me 20 minutes to complete the task it took her 2 days to complete, and i hadnt done it before either
nigga its not a knowledge base all that had to do was research shit on google and write down what to do and follow basic instructions

yes i work an IRL job

and ive done this job that im trying to get them to do and it took me 20 minutes to complete the task it took her 2 days to complete, and i hadnt done it before either
Where did you get the knowledge to research "shit on google". Did it magically spawn in your mind? I don't believe you
bro it doesnt take months of training to do what i asked it was basic tasks

they were purposely not doing anything, or they were like 20 iq
80 orso range iq people are Already brutal ro work with
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nigga its not a knowledge base all that had to do was research shit on google and write down what to do and follow basic instructions

yes i work an IRL job

and ive done this job that im trying to get them to do and it took me 20 minutes to complete the task it took her 2 days to complete, and i hadnt done it before either
My boomer dad can’t use the internet to research for shit, but he’s a handyman. Can’t teach old dogs new tricks.

Some people are legit stupid and have low neuroplasticity.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 26859
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 26859
followup to a previous thread:

My $300 per month employee is fucking shit.

Her first week was terrible

Shes got basically nothing done

Things that would take me 30 minutes she cant even get completed in an entire day

shes even working overtime for free to try to please me to get the tasks done, but she is just so fucking slow and stupid

i just want to shake her and just scream in her face

i think its a good idea to have 2-3 people who you give a 1 week trial to, then pick the best one.

because some people are just simply fucking retarded.

I can see why they're worth only $300 per month

1 white man > the entire of third world

idk what to do

i feel bad firing her but shes fucking shit.

i might just try 2-3 more people or something i dont even know. ill figure it out on the weekend
third world people, third word results.

the push to reshore manufacturing is not without reason.
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Reactions: Deleted member 26859
The language barrier is probably the biggest reason for it not working out.
can you see her working on camera or smth?

or you just took her word it took 2 days
Hire me .
same wage but I'm quite high iq and i can do your jobs very efficiently .
Writing (content, copywriting , emails etc), sorting, scheduling, video making, poster making , thumbnail making , chat support, comment section handling and a few more .. I learn very quickly too so much more I can do for you
  • Ugh..
  • So Sad
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets and normie_joe
I get paid £8 n hour
If I could turn you into a cockroach and crush you slowly, that would be lovely 🤗

Imagine being an absolute cheap fuck paying the bare minimum to people living in absolute shitholes.
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  • JFL
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets and JovenCansao
stupid cunt could be making quadruple her salary playing games and selling currency. whore deserves it tbh
If I could turn you into a cockroach and crush you slowly, that would be lovely 🤗

Imagine being an absolute cheap fuck paying the bare minimum to people living in absolute shitholes.
paying them an avg wage for their country, whats wrong with that

in fact im doing them a favour, and its a remote job so its an extra good deal for them
followup to a previous thread:

My $300 per month employee is fucking shit.

Her first week was terrible

Shes got basically nothing done

Things that would take me 30 minutes she cant even get completed in an entire day

shes even working overtime for free to try to please me to get the tasks done, but she is just so fucking slow and stupid

i just want to shake her and just scream in her face

i think its a good idea to have 2-3 people who you give a 1 week trial to, then pick the best one.

because some people are just simply fucking retarded.

I can see why they're worth only $300 per month

1 white man > the entire of third world

idk what to do

i feel bad firing her but shes fucking shit.

i might just try 2-3 more people or something i dont even know. ill figure it out on the weekend
Nah, you just need a proper VA and actually give them the resources they need nigga. Mine generated $30k worth of pipeline in a week. You just don’t know how to build leverage
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Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets
blud think hes mr krabs

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