My acne is returning


Deleted member 5927

How is it possible that I took a low enough dose of accutane that my skin immediately started breaking out after stopping accutane but it was enough to make my fucking hair fall out? Jfl

I fucking hate acne man

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It will get worse and my entire face will get covered if the oil production goes back to normal levels. My genetics are disheartening. I already started eating healthy +cleansing and moisturizing 3x a day and the next day I wake up with this. Nothing can stop hormonal acne except accutane, and I can’t even take that.
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Retin a
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Retin A will be enough, but it will take time
Are you on any other anti acne medicine? Perhaps u should try some:
- Retin a
- Adelpelene
- Benzyl peroxide
- some oral antibiotica like doxycycline, however I personally think antibiotica is bad for you since it will hurt the gut biome.
- use clean towels everyday and clean bedsheets when sleeping.
- Take another look on what you eating and avoid diary, high Glychemic index foods and heavy processed foods.
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You've gone mad jfl
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  • JFL
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You've gone mad jfl
You have no idea what acne and hairloss does to your mental state. Do you understand that acne is a death sentence and gross and embarrassing, and hairloss is the biggest looksmin a young man can face? And then you realize I have both.
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if i recall correctly, accutane has about 80% success of killing acne for good, maybe you are in the 20%
anyway, you should finish your treatment exactly as your doctor says (doses etc)-> (if the hair regrows when you finish it, if not,then just have acne till somewhere in 20s)
keep doing your skin care and you should be good
btw try retin A
You have no idea what acne and hairloss does to your mental state. Do you understand that acne is a death sentence and gross and embarrassing, and hairloss is the biggest looksmin a young man can face? And then you realize I have both.
you're over reacting hard core you've made a hundred threads in the past month about balding and acne your cortisol levels are probably to the max right now and you're wondering why you're breaking out and losing hair just fucking relax while you figure out a plan hair is replaceable and people have had much much worse acne then you and have gotten much better
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you're over reacting hard core you've made a hundred threads in the past month about balding and acne your cortisol levels are probably to the max right now and you're wondering why you're breaking out and losing hair just fucking relax while you figure out a plan hair is replaceable and people have had much much worse acne then you and have gotten much better
You’re definitely right man. I definitely do stress the fuck out. I can’t help it for some reason. I’m only happy when my skin is clear and a full head of hair seriously. When I have acne I feel like my life is ending. Especially when it covers my face. Fuck me man.
if i recall correctly, accutane has about 80% success of killing acne for good, maybe you are in the 20%
anyway, you should finish your treatment exactly as your doctor says (doses etc)-> (if the hair regrows when you finish it, if not,then just have acne till somewhere in 20s)
keep doing your skin care and you should be good
btw try retin A
Does retin A work for acne this bad?
Could anyone tell me?

I’m just avoiding accutane at all costs now

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You’re definitely right man. I definitely do stress the fuck out. I can’t help it for some reason. I’m only happy when my skin is clear and a full head of hair seriously. When I have acne I feel like my life is ending. Especially when it covers my face. Fuck me man.
bro its really not that serious trust me, just accept what you're going through and distract yourself while you find ways to work on it. retin A does wonders for acne combine it with minimizing your cortisol levels which will dramatically improve both hairloss and acne
I did 2 Accutane cycles when I was younger. It lessened the acne severly but it didn't get rid of it 100%. Lucky enough i didn't get any hairloss. I think it got my joint less oily so I am more prone to joint injury. Tomorrow a specialist will examine my joints and I will hear from it.

Looking at the reactions it seems you got alot of stress. Try to get rid of it. Otherwise your hairloss and acne will be a self-fulfilling proficy. Try some bluepill stuf like enjoying life, ashwaganda, meditating and relaxing mucis while you sleep.

Also your acne isn't that bad. A good would even prescribe Accutane in your case.
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Another issue, is it possible that the vitamin A from retin A could also cause hairloss?
some people actually use it in combination with minoxidil but some users find that it can worsen their hairloss though I think most of your hairloss atm stems from your high cortisol levels

here is a study claiming it actually helped hair re growth
also looking back at that last photo it was probably photoshop but here is a legit one
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Bro just get some duac + hibiscrub and ur fine. At least this isn't a thread about ur hair.
some people actually use it in combination with minoxidil but some users find that it can worsen their hairloss though I think most of your hairloss atm stems from your high cortisol levels

here is a study claiming it actually helped hair re growth
No man I have telogen effluvium. I didn’t start stressing until I noticed hairloss. Like I wasn’t at all stressed I was enjoying life THEN I got stressed when my hair started falling out. Even now that I’ve calmed down the rate of hair fal has only increased. It’s telogen effluvium. I’m afraid now that retin A will only contribute to my hair loss. Fuck why is acne such a death sentence. I’m losing my hair and acne is taking my face. I am over 20 years old. So unfair.
No man I have telogen effluvium. I didn’t start stressing until I noticed hairloss. Like I wasn’t at all stressed I was enjoying life THEN I got stressed when my hair started falling out. Even now that I’ve calmed down the rate of hair fal has only increased. It’s telogen effluvium. I’m afraid now that retin A will only contribute to my hair loss. Fuck why is acne such a death sentence. I’m losing my hair and acne is taking my face. I am over 20 years old. So unfair.
hairloss can take months to hit from a stressful event have you been fine for the past 6 months or so?
maybe because the stress about hair you got some small pimples but this isnt even bad everyone has those severe acne we had was only failo
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hairloss can take months to hit from a stressful event have you been fine for the past 6 months or so?
Yeah I think what happened was I started on a really high dose of accutane. Like when I first started taking accutane I started at like 60-90mg of accutane a day for like a month. I then tapered down and at the end over the last 2 months was only taking literally like hardly 20mg every few days. I think the hairloss was maybe because of the high dose and it returned because my acne is persistent and at the end I was running such a low dose. I hope HOPE this means that since I was running such a low dose (I’m 6’4” and at the end was running like hardly 20mg a day) that the hairloss will end soon. But who knows. Maybe I’ll get permanent hair loss from this.
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Yeah I think what happened was I started on a really high dose of accutane. Like when I first started taking accutane I started at like 60-90mg of accutane a day for like a month. I then tapered down and at the end over the last 2 months was only taking literally like hardly 20mg every few days. I think the hairloss was maybe because of the high dose and it returned because my acne is persistent and at the end I was running such a low dose. I hope HOPE this means that since I was running such a low dose (I’m 6’4” and at the end was running like hardly 20mg a day) that the hairloss will end soon. But who knows. Maybe I’ll get permanent hair loss from this.
exactly you don't even know JFL the stress thats happening now is only gonna worsen potential hairloss you have to relax plus look at your before and after your much better off then before so what makes you think you wont continue to get better?
exactly you don't even know JFL the stress thats happening now is only gonna worsen potential hairloss you have to relax plus look at your before and after your much better off then before so what makes you think you wont continue to get better?
Thanks for the motivation brother. I’m in class right now it’s really really difficult to focus but I am forcing myself. I’m telling you acne is such a fucking heartbreaker for confidence. You immediately just want to be alone and not talk to anyone. I care more about acne prevention than hairloss. My hair is what keeps me from taking more accutane. I just want hair and skin man.
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Thanks for the motivation brother. I’m in class right now it’s really really difficult to focus but I am forcing myself. I’m telling you acne is such a fucking heartbreaker for confidence. You immediately just want to be alone and not talk to anyone. I care more about acne prevention than hairloss. My hair is what keeps me from taking more accutane. I just want hair and skin man.
i feel you man I get your pain since i have alot of face fat and I think about it alot makes me feel like people are judging me and it ruins my confidence but its only a temporary thing and stressing about it is not gonna fix anything so just keep softmaxxing bro
i feel you man I get your pain since i have alot of face fat and I think about it alot makes me feel like people are judging me and it ruins my confidence but its only a temporary thing and stressing about it is not gonna fix anything so just keep softmaxxing bro
Thank you man. You guys don’t understand I got nobody to back me up so I come here for support. Thank you.
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Thank you man. You guys don’t understand I got nobody to back me up so I come here for support. Thank you.
dm me anytime bro im not an expert by any means but I can help ground you anytime you panic over stupid shit jfl
Use acne gels like Epiduo.. Its prevent them to get worser.. I have now zero acne because of it.
check hormones
  • So Sad
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you also have zero bitches tbh

What does this have to do with anything? I want help my bro with Acne.. Now you are talking about my virginity. Wtf. Did I miss something?
  • JFL
Reactions: Pumanator and Uglyandfat
What does this have to do with anything? I want help my bro with Acne.. Now you are talking about my virginity. Wtf. Did I miss something?
just funny tbh
You have no idea what acne and hairloss does to your mental state. Do you understand that acne is a death sentence and gross and embarrassing, and hairloss is the biggest looksmin a young man can face? And then you realize I have both.
I do have acne (mild) and am on accutane rn. I also have shit hair genetics and will probably start balding in the next years so stop the pathetic self pity. I don't even see any hairloss nor acne in your pics. PSL has fucked your brain totally, it's not even funny anymore. Search a psychiatrist asap.
I do have acne (mild) and am on accutane rn. I also have shit hair genetics and will probably start balding in the next years so stop the pathetic self pity. I don't even see any hairloss nor acne in your pics. PSL has fucked your brain totally, it's not even funny anymore. Search a psychiatrist asap.
Well dude. That’s because I was just on accutane so the acne is coming back and #2 the hairloss I don’t show you because my hair is thinning and I’m laying it flat. Please, don’t fucking deny my symptoms on the internet. I don’t get the purpose of what you are doing.
  • JFL
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Where can I get it bro???

I got it via prescription from Doctor. I had mild acne. Use it for 3 months and now they are all gone.
I got it via prescription from Doctor. I had mild acne. Use it for 3 months and now they are all gone.
I used adapalene for about 3 months and it didn’t work at all before. I definitely need something strong the issue is that the retin A is going to take a fucking MONTH to get here. How can I get retin A quicker? Can I use an online doctor somehow and get it prescribed?

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