My apology [Goyim GTFIH]



Popo Crew
Aug 11, 2018
I would like to apologize on behalf of all blacks that perpetuate the stereotypes.
From the lack of father figures to the dindus (to name a few). All that is our fault and I accept responsibility on behalf of my peoples.

What is not my fault is whites supporting Israel and sucking Jewish dick at any given opportunity. It is not my fault that western women are degenerate asf that they fetishize subhumans such as myself. JFL when a literal hut dwelling missing link is the sexual thrill your women seek. Do not blame me, goy, for what the media and Zogberg and Isrealgram perpetuate.

Look not to Africa in anger, but to the Near East.

To Tel Aviv.

@Nibba @Kirishima @averageblokecel @extreme-overthinker @Zesto
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  • +1
Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate
You should be thanking the Jews not dissing them, they are helping BBCs slay in the west
  • +1
Reactions: GAY
Jews are bad lol.

Like the Holocaust was horrible, but I can see why Hitler hated the Jews so much. Not saying anything that happened was Ok, but I can see the motivations you know?
Just Hezbollahmaxx bro
Jews are bad lol.

Like the Holocaust was horrible, but I can see why Hitler hated the Jews so much. Not saying anything that happened was Ok, but I can see the motivations you know?
Kikes >>>>> indians tbh
i fucking hate jews
  • +1
Reactions: iamgoingtomakeit
Kikes >>>>> indians tbh
59A28A43 7374 44B4 9B38 FDD7B91D082E
I forgive you mr popo
  • +1
Reactions: Afrikancel and RichardSpencel
Stop stealing my wimmenz you fukin neegers.

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