My beliefs:



Jul 21, 2022
- The earth is round and we are not the center of the universe.
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- Evolution is real and is the reason we exist. Creationism is fake, and we aren’t created by a intelligent mind.
Every specie has a common ancestor, we come from monkeys, monkeys come from vertebrates etc.. while these classes are human like concepts what i mean is that life is a like a bit gradiant of genetics difference. And human draw lines on that gradient to determine a specie.
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- Something created reality itself, but this something did not create humans directly. Our universe, planets, galaxies, life. All of what we know can be explained by science but we will never be able to know why reality exists at all. My solution to this problem is that there is something created the universe with sets rules and everything results from these rules. In my opinion, these rules are probably extremely simple and result into every theory we know today, but we dont know what it is.

- A creator that actually cares and made us in his image like how god portrayed in most religious is unlikely, because a creator would be nothing like us. Our life is result of chemical reactions, a creator cannot be a living being because it would be outside of its own creation. Meaning creator must be a type of being entirely different beyond our understanding. Its not a thing or a god, its something.

- Free will is not a thing. Every decision we make is based on rational thinking based on a lot of factors. The simpler a living being is, the simpler the reflexion will be meaning the result will be easier to predict. For a human doing a choice is simply result of a lot of factors that are impossible to predict with our current understanding of the brain. But if you could know every single factors and every single genetics composing someone brain, you could know the result of every single choice. If you made two different realities with someone with the same brain, same memories and same choice. The result would always be the same, meaning no truly free choice. Free will would mean you are truly free of thinking anything, but this is not true. Nothing is truly sentient, but things can be more sentient than others.

- Race is real and affects every aspect of you including IQ. The cope that iq is a socioeconomic factor is based on nothing but emotions. Truth is, everything about a human being is determined by your dna. Meaning it is not hard to understand that your iq is also affected by your genetics. While intelligence is more subjective than lets say a gene about eye colours, genetics can still affect your intelligence. Considering two differents races are simply two distinct genetic makeup resulted from divergent evolution, they will have different genetic makeup. Meaning someone of a race might have a gene that favor better neuronal connections that results in increased intelligence. Some races in the contrary developed lower iq for other factors.
Which is why jews and asians are the highest iq and africans and hispanics lower iq. These different races have different makeup and developed slightly different intellect.

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  • JFL
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I think it’s all wrong except the last one 🙂
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  • JFL
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I think its all right except the last one
  • +1
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holy fuck nigger thank you so much for this information
  • JFL
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I think its all right except the last one
Why ? Race has direct effect to iq. Its not racist to say blacks americans have geneticslly lower intellect. It is true, blacks also are stronger and faster. Which is why they are generally more muscular.
All of this is genetics.
Why ? Race has direct effect to iq. Its not racist to say blacks americans have geneticslly lower intellect. It is true, blacks also are stronger and faster. Which is why they are generally more muscular.
All of this is genetics.
1. I dont really think iq matters
2. When you get the average african iq then the average african american iq the african amereican one is higher showing that socioeconomic conditions do impact it
  • +1
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1. I dont really think iq matters
2. When you get the average african iq then the average african american iq the african amereican one is higher showing that socioeconomic conditions do impact it
african americans and africans arent the same race
1. I dont really think iq matters
2. When you get the average african iq then the average african american iq the african amereican one is higher showing that socioeconomic conditions do impact it
African americans are in the contrary more mixed with other races which mean higher genetic intellect.
Iq test is about your brain works, education is going to affect very few of that.
While yes educating someone may make them a bit better everything is gonna be limited by the genetic iq. An educated african and an educated south asia is going to yield worse results for the black because the asian has higher genetic iq. All of this is proven btw, africans americans never score even close to asian americans on average in every iq test you can test. They always score lower because they are genetically less intelligent.
  • Hmm...
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The american means nationality theyre still african buddy
nigger every african american is like 20% white. also "african" isnt a race anyways. egyptians, somalians, and congos are all extremely different
  • +1
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nigger every african american is like 20% white. also "african" isnt a race anyways. egyptians, somalians, and congos are all extremely different
It is a race those are ethnicities
Race is real and affects every aspect of you including IQ. The cope that iq is a socioeconomic factor is based on nothing but emotions. Truth is, everything about a human being is determined by your dna. Meaning it is not hard to understand that your iq is also affected by your genetics. While intelligence is more subjective than lets say a gene about eye colours, genetics can still affect your intelligence. Considering two differents races are simply two distinct genetic makeup resulted from divergent evolution, they will have different genetic makeup. Meaning someone of a race might have a gene that favor better neuronal connections that results in increased intelligence. Some races in the contrary developed lower iq for other factors.
Which is why jews and asians are the highest iq and africans and hispanics lower iq. These different races have different makeup and developed slightly different intellect.

IMG 2414
shit map
this one is more realistic
It is a race those are ethnicities
Africans americans are mixed with whites and have higher iq because of their added genetic material. 100% sub hararan africans evoluted with the lowest genetic intelligence of all the human races currently not extinct. This is a fact.
Africans americans are mixed with whites and have higher iq because of their added genetic material. 100% sub hararan africans evoluted with the lowest genetic intelligence of all the human races currently not extinct. This is a fact.
Im feeling cope
Agree but Iq is partially affected by education
Verbal intelligence for example has a vocabulary component
Fluid intelligence/pure pattern recognition is more legit
  • +1
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Every data shows the us to be slightly lower on average than canada, why is this map making it look like its not the case ?
child iq-adult iq
most of the ones are taken for adults
I just think its more fair when we compare the children iq and more accurate
Tell me why i am wrong
Ill start by telling you why I think your right about fate being predetermined. You could look st this two ways one being the a spiritual aspect and the second one being a scientific. Regardless of which one you chose it goes hand in hand. For instance If there is a powerful creator and he made us then theoretically he is controlling how our life turns out. So your points about Free will being a lie and life being predetermined is true. However you talked about how there is no supreme intellectual being but that would just contradict what you said about free will not being a choice wouldn't it?
Ill start by telling you why I think your right about fate being predetermined. You could look st this two ways one being the a spiritual aspect and the second one being a scientific. Regardless of which one you chose it goes hand in hand. For instance If there is a powerful creator and he made us then theoretically he is controlling how our life turns out. So your points about Free will being a lie and life being predetermined is true. However you talked about how there is no supreme intellectual being but that would just contradict what you said about free will not being a choice wouldn't it?
I believe your brain and body is everything that explains your existence. Every thought is simply a electrical connection between your neurons. Your body is a physical thing, which makes you who you are. Now the thing is that if we are truly all physical beings. Our brain being a physical phenomon, every single thought you have is simply the arrangement of a large amount of explicable and deterministic things. Considering per example electricity and physics are proven by science to be caused and can be predicted. The only reason a choice seems free is because it is way too complex to actually track all of these things individually to then know why someone did such choices. Which mean it may be beyond our understand and it may look random, but its still deterministic.
Example; you are hungry, electrical connection to your memories and you decide to go to mcdonald. But who says that you couldve chosen another restaurant ? In that moment of time with your brain and memories, the result was this choice. We consider humans sentient because they seem imprevisible but every aspect of science is deterministic when you actually understand it. Example: dying at a certain age can seem random but dying of old age is simply result of lot of things happening in the body. If you could know every single thing going on in your body, you could predict the moment of a heart attack because that heart attack needed to have a cause, which needs to be triggered by something of your body which has a cause. What i mean is that thinking is only imprevisible because its too complex to understand, but considering primitive life forms are deterministics in their thinking, we can consider ourself deterministic but at a higher degree of factors influencing the results of that determination.
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I believe your brain and body is everything that explains your existence. Every thought is simply a electrical connection between your neurons. Your body is a physical thing, which makes you who you are. Now the thing is that if we are truly all physical beings. Our brain being a physical phenomon, every single thought you have is simply the arrangement of a large amount of explicable and deterministic things. Considering per example electricity and physics are proven by science to be caused and can be predicted. The only reason a choice seems free is because it is way too complex to actually track all of these things individually to then know why someone did such choices. Which mean it may be beyond our understand and it may look random, but its still deterministic.
Example; you are hungry, electrical connection to your memories and you decide to go to mcdonald. But who says that you couldve chosen another restaurant ? In that moment of time with your brain and memories, the result was this choice. We consider humans sentient because they seem imprevisible but every aspect of science is deterministic when you actually understand it. Example: dying at a certain age can seem random but dying of old age is simply result of lot of things happening in the body. If you could know every single thing going on in your body, you could predict the moment of a heart attack because that heart attack needed to have a cause, which needs to be triggered by something of your body which has a cause. What i mean is that thinking is only imprevisible because its too complex to understand, but considering primitive life forms are deterministics in their thinking, we can consider ourself deterministic but at a higher degree of factors influencing the results of that determination.
And so your saying there is no supernatural entity that gives us this ability?
And so your saying there is no supernatural entity that gives us this ability?
I believe supernatural is simply things we cant understand, because the more we advance the more we can understand everything.
We thought seasons and weather was supernatural but with science progressing we realized a way to predict weather and all of those phenomons. The human mind would be similar, it looks like it cannot be predicted because its simply because we dont know how.
Everything in science has found a cause to everything, meaning the concept of thought needs to have a cause. The concept of freedom goes agaisnt that cause because it creates a reality where things that are supernatural exist because if you could be truly free, it wouldnt be real.
I believe your brain and body is everything that explains your existence. Every thought is simply a electrical connection between your neurons. Your body is a physical thing, which makes you who you are. Now the thing is that if we are truly all physical beings. Our brain being a physical phenomon, every single thought you have is simply the arrangement of a large amount of explicable and deterministic things. Considering per example electricity and physics are proven by science to be caused and can be predicted. The only reason a choice seems free is because it is way too complex to actually track all of these things individually to then know why someone did such choices. Which mean it may be beyond our understand and it may look random, but its still deterministic.
Example; you are hungry, electrical connection to your memories and you decide to go to mcdonald. But who says that you couldve chosen another restaurant ? In that moment of time with your brain and memories, the result was this choice. We consider humans sentient because they seem imprevisible but every aspect of science is deterministic when you actually understand it. Example: dying at a certain age can seem random but dying of old age is simply result of lot of things happening in the body. If you could know every single thing going on in your body, you could predict the moment of a heart attack because that heart attack needed to have a cause, which needs to be triggered by something of your body which has a cause. What i mean is that thinking is only imprevisible because its too complex to understand, but considering primitive life forms are deterministics in their thinking, we can consider ourself deterministic but at a higher degree of factors influencing the results of that determination.
  • Woah
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I believe your brain and body is everything that explains your existence. Every thought is simply a electrical connection between your neurons. Your body is a physical thing, which makes you who you are. Now the thing is that if we are truly all physical beings. Our brain being a physical phenomon, every single thought you have is simply the arrangement of a large amount of explicable and deterministic things. Considering per example electricity and physics are proven by science to be caused and can be predicted. The only reason a choice seems free is because it is way too complex to actually track all of these things individually to then know why someone did such choices. Which mean it may be beyond our understand and it may look random, but its still deterministic.
Example; you are hungry, electrical connection to your memories and you decide to go to mcdonald. But who says that you couldve chosen another restaurant ? In that moment of time with your brain and memories, the result was this choice. We consider humans sentient because they seem imprevisible but every aspect of science is deterministic when you actually understand it. Example: dying at a certain age can seem random but dying of old age is simply result of lot of things happening in the body. If you could know every single thing going on in your body, you could predict the moment of a heart attack because that heart attack needed to have a cause, which needs to be triggered by something of your body which has a cause. What i mean is that thinking is only imprevisible because its too complex to understand, but considering primitive life forms are deterministics in their thinking, we can consider ourself deterministic but at a higher degree of factors influencing the results of that determination.
And for the race determines IQ, is that just soley of stereotypical remarks commonly used to group an entire race rather than one individual from it. I mean sure some people can be naturally gifted but if they aren't put in a environment where they need to rely on their analytical behavior and comprehension then would it not just worsen? Making it seem as if they was never smart to begin with.
Example could be someone with strict parents but instead of studying they chose to slack off due to persistent influence
And for the race determines IQ, is that just soley of stereotypical remarks commonly used to group an entire race rather than one individual from it. I mean sure some people can be naturally gifted but if they aren't put in a environment where they need to rely on their analytical behavior and comprehension then would it not just worsen? Making it seem as if they was never smart to begin with.
Example could be someone with strict parents but instead of studying they chose to slack off due to persistent influence
Knowledge is different from iq. Iq is how advanced your thinking is. This is determined by how your brain is, and everything about yourself is genetic. How your brain is gonna be at birth is a genetic factor like everything else in your body. Iq is also a inherited trait. Races having small distinct genetic differences, it is easy to assume a population of a certain may have on average a gene that will make the brain more advanced.
  • +1
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Knowledge is different from iq. Iq is how advanced your thinking is. This is determined by how your brain is, and everything about yourself is genetic. How your brain is gonna be at birth is a genetic factor like everything else in your body. Iq is also a inherited trait. Races having small distinct genetic differences, it is easy to assume a population of a certain may have on average a gene that will make the brain more advanced.
Are you one of the people that think you can increase your IQ
- The earth is round and we are not the center of the universe.
View attachment 3211948

- Evolution is real and is the reason we exist. Creationism is fake, and we aren’t created by a intelligent mind.
Every specie has a common ancestor, we come from monkeys, monkeys come from vertebrates etc.. while these classes are human like concepts what i mean is that life is a like a bit gradiant of genetics difference. And human draw lines on that gradient to determine a specie.
View attachment 3211950

- Something created reality itself, but this something did not create humans directly. Our universe, planets, galaxies, life. All of what we know can be explained by science but we will never be able to know why reality exists at all. My solution to this problem is that there is something created the universe with sets rules and everything results from these rules. In my opinion, these rules are probably extremely simple and result into every theory we know today, but we dont know what it is.

- A creator that actually cares and made us in his image like how god portrayed in most religious is unlikely, because a creator would be nothing like us. Our life is result of chemical reactions, a creator cannot be a living being because it would be outside of its own creation. Meaning creator must be a type of being entirely different beyond our understanding. Its not a thing or a god, its something.

- Free will is not a thing. Every decision we make is based on rational thinking based on a lot of factors. The simpler a living being is, the simpler the reflexion will be meaning the result will be easier to predict. For a human doing a choice is simply result of a lot of factors that are impossible to predict with our current understanding of the brain. But if you could know every single factors and every single genetics composing someone brain, you could know the result of every single choice. If you made two different realities with someone with the same brain, same memories and same choice. The result would always be the same, meaning no truly free choice. Free will would mean you are truly free of thinking anything, but this is not true. Nothing is truly sentient, but things can be more sentient than others.

- Race is real and affects every aspect of you including IQ. The cope that iq is a socioeconomic factor is based on nothing but emotions. Truth is, everything about a human being is determined by your dna. Meaning it is not hard to understand that your iq is also affected by your genetics. While intelligence is more subjective than lets say a gene about eye colours, genetics can still affect your intelligence. Considering two differents races are simply two distinct genetic makeup resulted from divergent evolution, they will have different genetic makeup. Meaning someone of a race might have a gene that favor better neuronal connections that results in increased intelligence. Some races in the contrary developed lower iq for other factors.
Which is why jews and asians are the highest iq and africans and hispanics lower iq. These different races have different makeup and developed slightly different intellect.

View attachment 3211971
High iq agree with most of this
- The earth is round and we are not the center of the universe.
View attachment 3211948

- Evolution is real and is the reason we exist. Creationism is fake, and we aren’t created by a intelligent mind.
Every specie has a common ancestor, we come from monkeys, monkeys come from vertebrates etc.. while these classes are human like concepts what i mean is that life is a like a bit gradiant of genetics difference. And human draw lines on that gradient to determine a specie.
View attachment 3211950

- Something created reality itself, but this something did not create humans directly. Our universe, planets, galaxies, life. All of what we know can be explained by science but we will never be able to know why reality exists at all. My solution to this problem is that there is something created the universe with sets rules and everything results from these rules. In my opinion, these rules are probably extremely simple and result into every theory we know today, but we dont know what it is.

- A creator that actually cares and made us in his image like how god portrayed in most religious is unlikely, because a creator would be nothing like us. Our life is result of chemical reactions, a creator cannot be a living being because it would be outside of its own creation. Meaning creator must be a type of being entirely different beyond our understanding. Its not a thing or a god, its something.

- Free will is not a thing. Every decision we make is based on rational thinking based on a lot of factors. The simpler a living being is, the simpler the reflexion will be meaning the result will be easier to predict. For a human doing a choice is simply result of a lot of factors that are impossible to predict with our current understanding of the brain. But if you could know every single factors and every single genetics composing someone brain, you could know the result of every single choice. If you made two different realities with someone with the same brain, same memories and same choice. The result would always be the same, meaning no truly free choice. Free will would mean you are truly free of thinking anything, but this is not true. Nothing is truly sentient, but things can be more sentient than others.

- Race is real and affects every aspect of you including IQ. The cope that iq is a socioeconomic factor is based on nothing but emotions. Truth is, everything about a human being is determined by your dna. Meaning it is not hard to understand that your iq is also affected by your genetics. While intelligence is more subjective than lets say a gene about eye colours, genetics can still affect your intelligence. Considering two differents races are simply two distinct genetic makeup resulted from divergent evolution, they will have different genetic makeup. Meaning someone of a race might have a gene that favor better neuronal connections that results in increased intelligence. Some races in the contrary developed lower iq for other factors.
Which is why jews and asians are the highest iq and africans and hispanics lower iq. These different races have different makeup and developed slightly different intellect.

View attachment 3211971
I think ure a nigger and i will throw a bible after u if i ever see u irl

Amen god is great
Are you one of the people that think you can increase your IQ
IQ is determined by your physical brain and body structure. Everything about you is going to be a big genetic code that will determine how your body is built with these proteins. Now IQ is not changeable because we dont know how to really change dna and it is way too complex for our understanding. Plastic surgery per example works, but its like putting a metal cover on a rotten bark, it is a cover to hide the truth, but your genetic code stays unchanged.
So no iq in our current world is not possible to change, its all going to be chosen at birth depending on your parents. Smart people are not made, they are born. And our understanding of science doesnt give us the ability to modify the brain, which mean we need to rely on these genetics that are naturally chosen at birth.
IQ is determined by your physical brain and body structure. Everything about you is going to be a big genetic code that will determine how your body is built with these proteins. Now IQ is not changeable because we dont know how to really change dna and it is way too complex for our understanding. Plastic surgery per example works, but its like putting a metal cover on a rotten bark, it is a cover to hide the truth, but your genetic code stays unchanged.
So no iq in our current world is not possible to change, its all going to be chosen at birth depending on your parents. Smart people are not made, they are born. And our understanding of science doesnt give us the ability to modify the brain, which mean we need to rely on these genetics that are naturally chosen at birth.
Ok good I thought you believed you could change iq
IQ is determined by your physical brain and body structure. Everything about you is going to be a big genetic code that will determine how your body is built with these proteins. Now IQ is not changeable because we dont know how to really change dna and it is way too complex for our understanding. Plastic surgery per example works, but its like putting a metal cover on a rotten bark, it is a cover to hide the truth, but your genetic code stays unchanged.
So no iq in our current world is not possible to change, its all going to be chosen at birth depending on your parents. Smart people are not made, they are born. And our understanding of science doesnt give us the ability to modify the brain, which mean we need to rely on these genetics that are naturally chosen at birth.
Now let's talk about the idea of a all knowing entity existing and how you saying it doesn't comes off as a contradicting statement
Scientific aspect or biblical it still shows
I believe something has to explain reality itself. Because universe existing cannot simply exist out of thin air.
So more of a existentialist

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