my comment on UNZ regarding the evil of putin,let's see if these fifth column russian agents censor my comment or not



Sep 6, 2023
@Robert Bruce@Roberto73
The answer is that BRICS is just false opposition. Putin does just enough to create an illusion that their is a powerful anti Davos bloc looking to fight Western hegemony globalism. Any bloc pushing a digital globalist should be looked at with deep suspicion. Sure there is real conflict going on, but these folks don’t care about the human cost no matter how high, as long as they get total control. Think about it. The alt media has tens of millions of people in the West cheering on their own destruction via Russia/China, along with supranational control over everything, by a “new” global elite.

Replies: @Poupon Marx
Yes,Christopher Jon Bjerknes talked about this as do many others.Putin is a kabbalist that wears the red string,russia will be the capital of kabbalah according to rabbi laitman a top kabbalist rabbi.

the real reason putin just threatned the west with total asnnihilation,is because we are slowly moving away from jewish influence and philosemitism,it was a hidden threat-well understood by the western elite who have been bribed,blackmailed etc by the mossad-to better continue the jewish agenda for gentile humanity or be annihilated.

Russian agents in the west act like good christians that ‘hate’the west for being degenerate,when that is because of cultural marxists that are funded by russia and the perestroika deception is a real thing(The perestroika deception refers to the fact the soviet union is still here,their collapse was a smokescreen to let us off guard).

it is the russian soviets that influenced the west to be anti-christian and degenerate.Now they tell the christians to hate the west because of the degeneracy they themselves promoted.

they also want to create a war between leviathan(west)and behemoth(russia,islam,the east)to consume each other and they will cannaibilize the dead quiet literally and rule over the remaining 500 million with an iron fist in their antichrist age.

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