my current diet and what vitamins i take at 16



Sep 2, 2024
My current diet:

5 bananas daily (for potassium)
red meat 2-5 times a week (very nutrional and good for bones)
3-6 eggs daily (very nutrional and good for testosterone)
100g of blueberry daily (good for testosterone)
300-500ml raw milk (not store bought milk, good for bones and testosterone)
200g potato daily (for potassium)
greek yougurt 2% (low calorie and high in calcium and protein, good for bones)
green tea every morning (for debloating)
caffe 1 time a week (bad for testrosterone but good for debloating, Don't abuse it if you're under 20!)
3L water daily of course

Vitamins i take:

D3 10000 + K2 200-300mcg daily
Calcium + Magnesium 1000mg and 500mg daily (I want to double the dose)
Boron 3mg daily (I want to double the dose)
Zink 25mg daily
Potassium Gluconate 500mg daily (I want to switch to potassium chloride)

I want to start injecting HGH at a dosage of 6IU daily
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amazing diet if you can stay consistent with it
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My diet current diet:

5 bananas daily (for potassium)
red meat 2-5 times a week (very nutrional and good for bones)
3-6 eggs daily (very nutrional and good for testosterone)
100g of blueberry daily (good for testosterone)
300-500ml raw milk (not store bought milk, good for bones and testosterone)
200g potato daily (for potassium)
greek yougurt 2% (low calorie and high in calcium and protein, good for bones)
green tea every morning (for debloating)
caffe 1 time a week (bad for testrosterone but good for debloating, Don't abuse it if you're under 20!)
3L water daily of course

Vitamins i take:

D3 10000 + K2 200-300mcg daily
Calcium + Magnesium 1000mg and 500mg daily (I want to double the dose)
Boron 3mg daily (I want to double the dose)
Zing 25mg daily
Potassium Gluconate 500mg daily (I want to switch to potassium chloride)

I want to start injecting HGH at a dosage of 6IU daily
green tea lowers test. Diet is pretty amazing.
  • +1
Reactions: dark.max and zeto
you do not need hgh, amazing diet will change your life. God bless raw milk
  • +1
Reactions: Funnyunenjoyer1 and zeto
you do not need hgh, amazing diet will change your life. God bless raw milk
this is already changing my life, after the diet i started growing very fast, i grew 2 centimeters in a week, my legs are damn long
My current diet:

5 bananas daily (for potassium)
red meat 2-5 times a week (very nutrional and good for bones)
3-6 eggs daily (very nutrional and good for testosterone)
100g of blueberry daily (good for testosterone)
300-500ml raw milk (not store bought milk, good for bones and testosterone)
200g potato daily (for potassium)
greek yougurt 2% (low calorie and high in calcium and protein, good for bones)
green tea every morning (for debloating)
caffe 1 time a week (bad for testrosterone but good for debloating, Don't abuse it if you're under 20!)
3L water daily of course

Vitamins i take:

D3 10000 + K2 200-300mcg daily
Calcium + Magnesium 1000mg and 500mg daily (I want to double the dose)
Boron 3mg daily (I want to double the dose)
Zink 25mg daily
Potassium Gluconate 500mg daily (I want to switch to potassium chloride)

I want to start injecting HGH at a dosage of 6IU daily
you need more meat and protein in your diet, include chicken or beef everyday
I don't know why you're eating so many bananas and potatoes. Eat more meat, it should be every day if you are serious about ascending. Why are you talking about 6iu HGH but you don't even eat meat every day lmao. Liver is very cheap, and it has more nutrition than your entire supp stack.

This is like the lazy meal plan for a sugar addict who still wants to eat like a baby and who thinks they can take a few pills to cover the malnourishment. The bulk of your diet should be eggs, meat, organs, fish if you are serious about looksmaxing.
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you need more meat and protein in your diet, include chicken or beef everyday
I eat chicken and pork every day, I don't have enough money to eat beef every day but I eat it more than 2 times a week
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I eat chicken and pork every day, I don't have enough money to eat beef every day but I eat it more than 2 times a week
that's enough then
Я не знаю, зачем ты ешь так много бананов и картошки. Ешь больше мяса, оно должно быть каждый день, если ты серьезно настроен на восхождение. Почему ты говоришь о 6iu HGH, но ты даже не ешь мясо каждый день, лол. Печень очень дешевая, и в ней больше питательных веществ, чем во всем твоем наборе supp.

Это похоже на ленивый план питания для сахарного наркомана, который все еще хочет есть как ребенок и думает, что может принять несколько таблеток, чтобы компенсировать недоедание. Основную часть вашего рациона должны составлять яйца, мясо, органы, рыба, если вы серьезно настроены на максимальный внешний вид.
I eat meat every day, pork and chicken, I eat beef more than 2 times a week
I don't know why you're eating so many bananas and potatoes. Eat more meat, it should be every day if you are serious about ascending. Why are you talking about 6iu HGH but you don't even eat meat every day lmao. Liver is very cheap, and it has more nutrition than your entire supp stack.

This is like the lazy meal plan for a sugar addict who still wants to eat like a baby and who thinks they can take a few pills to cover the malnourishment. The bulk of your diet should be eggs, meat, organs, fish if you are serious about looksmaxing.
Based and Terry-Pilled

American psycho nod

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this is already changing my life, after the diet i started growing very fast, i grew 2 centimeters in a week, my legs are damn long
very good news, why even considering hgh then

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