My dilemma

Should I ask them?

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Check the weather & it’s gettin real sussy outside
Oct 17, 2019
I’ve posted this before but my parents are very boomer-esque, career focused, oblivious, Berkeley grad libtards. However, they at least say they care even though they’ve never really done shit to raise me. Also, they have money. There’s probably 80-100k in my college fund and 20k more in another account for me. I’m done with school bc I dropped out to do coding bootcamp.

my mental state is pretty much fucked. I’m tired and miserable and think about suicide every day. I have a lot to gain from soft maxxing but I’ll still be recessed after. I need surgeries that’ll take me years to pay for, and I’m already 20. Also, I probably couldn’t keep a job due to the fatigue and focus issues I believe are caused by sleep apnea

the only thing that really gives me hope is browsing here and thinking that I’ll be able to convince my parents to use my college money for surgeries. My biggest fear is they say no and destroy that hope. This hope is my cope, and without it I’ll probably rope.

so wtf do I do? How do I explain lookism and get their help? I hardly get along with them and doubt they’d understand, but it really feels like my only hope to fix my sleep and face. So do I keep hoping and coping and stay in one place? Or should i shoot my shot for a chance at a good life?
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If you don't ask you'll never know. For some people cosmetic surgery will provide a much bigger increase in quality of life than a degree.
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Bro you are only 20 its okay tbh relax, focus on getting a good high paying career
for surgeries if you can convince a doctor there is a health need for the ones you want that would be best, for example I am going to do MSE in order to fix my jaw asymmetry and play it like I just want to avoid surgery
do not try and blackpill your parents
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Bro you are only 20 its okay tbh relax, focus on getting a good high paying career
for surgeries if you can convince a doctor there is a health need for the ones you want that would be best, for example I am going to do MSE in order to fix my jaw asymmetry and play it like I just want to avoid surgery
do not try and blackpill your parents
I have incredible difficulty staying focused and energized. Like it has to be sleep apnea if it’s not that then it’s over idk what tf is wrong with me
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igot my scholarship removed jfl
chad ttrait
I have incredible difficulty staying focused and energized. Like it has to be sleep apnea if it’s not that then it’s over idk what tf is wrong with me
Use that to convince them for surgeries then
you just have to frame it like its a health thing and not looks related
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I have incredible difficulty staying focused and energized. Like it has to be sleep apnea if it’s not that then it’s over idk what tf is wrong with me
Sleeping pills

Ur airways may be fucked. U might need lefort and MSE. You have a good case for Them to hand over the money. DO NOT blackpill them. I’m dead srs. They’re bluepilled to the Max. They won’t accept the blackpill and would even see the red pill as just “incel rambling”.
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Sleeping pills
Cope. I’ll sleep 9 hours, not waking up at all, then wake up naturally with no alarm and feel tired as fuck and not be able to focus. I’ve tried all kinds o shit
Use that to convince them for surgeries then
you just have to frame it like its a health thing and not looks related
I’ve tried that but they’ve got the typical “trust everything the doctor says and only what the doctor says” type of mentality. Which means schedule an appointment, wait a month, get rejected, schedule another appointment, repeat. The first ent turned me down after a weeks of waiting bc I’m not fat and I don’t snore, even though they told me on the phone that this doesn’t conclusively mean I don’t have sleep apnea
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Cope. I’ll sleep 9 hours, not waking up at all, then wake up naturally with no alarm and feel tired as fuck and not be able to focus. I’ve tried all kinds o shit

I’ve tried that but they’ve got the typical “trust everything the doctor says and only what the doctor says” type of mentality. Which means schedule an appointment, wait a month, get rejected, schedule another appointment, repeat. The first ent turned me down after a weeks of waiting bc I’m not fat and I don’t snore, even though they told me on the phone that this doesn’t conclusively mean I don’t have sleep apnea
It’s not over yet brother. Tell ur parents that your sleep apnea is ruining everything
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Sleeping pills

Ur airways may be fucked. U might need lefort and MSE. You have a good case for Them to hand over the money. DO NOT blackpill them. I’m dead srs. They’re bluepilled to the Max. They won’t accept the blackpill and would even see the red pill as just “incel rambling”.
I already brought up shit with my jaws months ago before I started connecting the dots between my jaw recession and the symptoms I now associate with apnea. But yeah unless a doctor says “he has sleep apnea and needs surgery” I don’t think it’ll happen. They still insist I just have adhd because the doctors haven’t presented an alternative
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I already brought up shit with my jaws months ago before I started connecting the dots between my jaw recession and the symptoms I now associate with apnea. But yeah unless a doctor says “he has sleep apnea and needs surgery” I don’t think it’ll happen. They still insist I just have adhd because the doctors haven’t presented an alternative
How many different doctors have you gone to?
It’s not over yet brother. Tell ur parents that your sleep apnea is ruining everything
I say shit like that to my dad all the time. I tell him I have such bad focus problems and can never get work done, and how I’m falling asleep in class while on vyvanse. He just says I have adhd and am depressed and need to work harder, or some other standard boomer shit
How many different doctors have you gone to?
One ent here in town but my gp at northwestern is calling me tmrw about setting up a sleep study there. Hopefully they’ll be more competent.
  • So Sad
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Cope. I’ll sleep 9 hours, not waking up at all, then wake up naturally with no alarm and feel tired as fuck and not be able to focus. I’ve tried all kinds o shit

I’ve tried that but they’ve got the typical “trust everything the doctor says and only what the doctor says” type of mentality. Which means schedule an appointment, wait a month, get rejected, schedule another appointment, repeat. The first ent turned me down after a weeks of waiting bc I’m not fat and I don’t snore, even though they told me on the phone that this doesn’t conclusively mean I don’t have sleep apnea
You have to try a lot of doctors until someone gives you the treatment you want sometimes. If my derma didn't give me fin for example I just would have gone to someone else to get it.
A doc turned me down for propranolol as well and I just went to another doc who gave it to me.
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I say shit like that to my dad all the time. I tell him I have such bad focus problems and can never get work done, and how I’m falling asleep in class while on vyvanse. He just says I have adhd and am depressed and need to work harder, or some other standard boomer shit
Wtf? They’ll put you on more pills for depression too, which will make you feel like shit.
  • +1
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I say shit like that to my dad all the time. I tell him I have such bad focus problems and can never get work done, and how I’m falling asleep in class while on vyvanse. He just says I have adhd and am depressed and need to work harder, or some other standard boomer shit

One ent here in town but my gp at northwestern is calling me tmrw about setting up a sleep study there. Hopefully they’ll be more competent.
This is why no one likes boomers. Old vision in a modern world. “Just work harder jfl”
if you blame it on sleep apnea and say that it is contributing to lack of motivation and poor quality of life I'm sure they would be happy to afford that surgery. no longer recessed and no more sleep apnea. 2 birds with 1 stone. if they have money and they don't even fix your sleep apnea then they are shitty parents.
They won’t listen to him about that.
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You have to try a lot of doctors until someone gives you the treatment you want sometimes. If my derma didn't give me fin for example I just would have gone to someone else to get it.
A doc turned me down for propranolol as well and I just went to another doc who gave it to me.
Yeah imma order modafinil online and see how much that helps compared to vyvanse.

I’ll also get cialis and a clamp so I can get peak erection quality. I don’t have ed but I never ever ever get morning wood even on nofap. 900 test and resting heart rate in the 50s btw. If I don’t get morning wood with that protocol then it’s 100% my sleep quality
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Yeah imma order modafinil online and see how much that helps compared to vyvanse.

I’ll also get cialis and a clamp so I can get peak erection quality. I don’t have ed but I never ever ever get morning wood even on nofap. 900 test and resting heart rate in the 50s btw. If I don’t get morning wood with that protocol then it’s 100% my sleep quality
I will probably get cialis soon also tbh as well as moda
drugs are honestly game changers
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they are shitty parents.
Wtf? They’ll put you on more pills for depression too, which will make you feel like shit.
Exactly. He sent me to a therapist today. I didn’t even bother trying to black pill her bc I’m realizing that normie are dumber than Down’s syndrome.

i told her how in high school I was off drugs, worked out daily, meditated daily, ate clean, kept a consistent sleep schedule, and wasnt depressed, but had major energy and focus problems. then I told her that now I have those same problems and am depressed on top of it and she suggested exercising more, meditating, getting better sleep, and more antidepressants. Your 76 iq mogs

Update to you all @LordNorwood @Blackout.xl @looxmakser49

my mom just got on a cunty rant bc of a video I sent her to try and explain the devaluation of men on a course to black pill her(not gonna go that route anymore). She got mad and said I was just trying to insult her bc it’s not feminism. Then just kept yelling at me about how I’m ungrateful and I can’t be dissatisfied with her parenting bc she pays for my food.

I dream that some day I get to bash her teeth in, fuckin screechy cunt.

odds are above 50% that after I milk them for any money I can get and connections to start my career I leave the city and block their numbers. I hate them so much. They yell at me and ignore me. Then virtue signal and say it’s my fault for not asking them for help even though they’ve been nothing but negative to me. Hope they get hit by a bus but knowing them I’m probably not even in their will
936A4439 A487 4714 8B9C 916363BF1051

update again inb4 attention whore
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I don’t have ed but I never ever ever get morning wood even on nofap. 900 test and resting heart rate in the 50s btw. If I don’t get morning wood with that protocol then it’s 100% my sleep quality
Could be sleep apnea but more likely a blood flow thing. Fix your zinc and vitamin C levels, don't drink too much alcohol and quit nofap. If you don't fap at all, your body will adapt and thus stop creating erections/morning wood because it thinks they are not necessary. Use common sense.
Could be sleep apnea but more likely a blood flow thing. Fix your zinc and vitamin C levels, don't drink too much alcohol and quit nofap. If you don't fap at all, your body will adapt and thus stop creating erections/morning wood because it thinks they are not necessary. Use common sense.
Forgot to add, if you are crash dieting, eating too little, this can cause this as well.
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Could be sleep apnea but more likely a blood flow thing. Fix your zinc and vitamin C levels, don't drink too much alcohol and quit nofap. If you don't fap at all, your body will adapt and thus stop creating erections/morning wood because it thinks they are not necessary. Use common sense.

Forgot to add, if you are crash dieting, eating too little, this can cause this as well.
I’m in a deficit but I didn’t have morning wood when I wasn’t so that’s not the cause. Same with nofap I didn’t get morning wood once on a 9 month streak. I rarely drink. I megadose vitamin c daily. And I eat fish and other meat often for zinc. Also like I said resting heart rate is mid low 50s/minute so blood flow cant be the problem right?
51D53FBE 6BC7 4D9F 86B8 9264A3BC1631

All that leaves is sleep apnea. And thank you for helping me break down alternatives. Also that’s true about nofap I get less random bonars
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I’m in a deficit but I didn’t have morning wood when I wasn’t so that’s not the cause. Same with nofap I didn’t get morning wood once on a 9 month streak. I rarely drink. I megadose vitamin c daily. And I eat fish and other meat often for zinc. Also like I said resting heart rate is mid low 50s/minute so blood flow cant be the problem right?
View attachment 222619

All that leaves is sleep apnea. And thank you for helping me break down alternatives. Also that’s true about nofap I get less random bonars
Sleep cycle and when you wake up can be the reason as well. You might just wake up when your morning wood has subsided already so you don't notice it in the fp
Sleep cycle and when you wake up can be the reason as well. You might just wake up when your morning wood has subsided already so you don't notice it in the fp
Even with no alarm? I sleep in and woke up naturally all summer. I woke up with a boner one time at 4 am after a day of hanging out with my fine ass oneitis all day when I hadn’t seen her in like 6 months. So t levels pushing 2000 natty that one day

Btw, last time I had a wet dream I woke up mid nut with my dick completely soft, I’m not sure what to make of that other than something is wrong
Bro nothing good will come of trying to blackpill your parents or even resenting them tbh, we just have to do what we have to do our parents and most of the people in our life will never understand.
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