My dopamine and serotonine levels.



Nobody mogs like Gaston
Feb 3, 2022
Brutal mog

I found a small bag of mephedrone I still had laying around (haven't used in 4 weeks). It's time to leave the sober-life behind.

30 minutes from now I will have 2500% Serotonin (25 times the normal serotonin amount).

30 minutes from now I will have 1000% Dopamine (10 times the normal dopamine amount).

  • JFL
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30 minutes from now I will have 2500% Serotonin (25 times the normal serotonin amount).

30 minutes from now I will have 1000% Dopamine (10 times the normal dopamine amount).
thats like A LOT
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View attachment 3141143

I found a small bag of mephedrone I still had laying around (haven't used in 4 weeks). It's time to leave the sober-life behind.

30 minutes from now I will have 2500% Serotonin (25 times the normal serotonin amount).

30 minutes from now I will have 1000% Dopamine (10 times the normal dopamine amount).

Does this makes you more motivated to do things? How do you feel bro
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Does this makes you more motivated to do things? How do you feel bro
makes me feel hyped as fuck.

Life is amazing, everything is amazing - type vibe
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makes me feel hyped as fuck.

Life is amazing, everything is amazing - type vibe
Yeah bro, life is all about emotions and how you feel. No wonder, if you were completely logical would you even feel the need to do something? I wrote once about it here:
  • +1
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Yeah bro, life is all about emotions and how you feel. No wonder, if you were completely logical would you even feel the need to do something? I wrote once about it here:
Yes you are completely right. Also good topic you linked.

People are way too 'rational' here when the real world is about emotions. Playing checkers on this forum while IRL is playing chess.

When I am high on drugs, Music sounds soooo fucking good. Everything feels good. I go outside and just the trees look incredible.

All of this is emotion. While high suddenly life has meaning to me because everything is interesting and feels great

This forum severely lacks any mentalmaxxing.
  • +1
Reactions: Clown Show, Alt Number 3 and twojei
Yes you are completely right. Also good topic you linked.

People are way too 'rational' here when the real world is about emotions. Playing checkers on this forum while IRL is playing chess.

When I am high on drugs, Music sounds soooo fucking good. Everything feels good. I go outside and just the trees look incredible.

All of this is emotion. While high suddenly life has meaning to me because everything is interesting and feels great

This forum severely lacks any mentalmaxxing.
And that's the reason too why some chads kill themselves, because their 'emotions machinery' is functioning bad.
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feeling good, gonna do MDMA tonight too.

Fuck man, this life is all you have and you have to make the most of it. Tonight, let's make the most of it.
Just took a pill.

What else can I do man?! I just want a nice life.

I work so fucking hard for it. I didn't drink a single drop of alcohol for 2 weeks, no drugs, nothing. Perfect diet, working out, doing everything 'expected of me'.

NOTHING. No life quality.

Man. I need to do so much more with my life. I love life, I love life so fucking much.

I just dont understand. I dont understand why I waste it. Why do I rot?

Every day is the fucking same, I don't do anything, why can't I live a nice life?


Man. Everything is fucked. I don't know what to do.

Tomorrow morning I have classes in university, in the afternoon I will workout, then I will rot again.


I hate life. I need to escape this prison.
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good song vibing hard right now.

I am in tears, I am crying. Why this life this way.

What can I do when everything I have ever tried makes me feel so bad?!
And that's the reason too why some chads kill themselves, because their 'emotions machinery' is functioning bad.
and thats fine.

my life hasnt had meaning for over a decade.
When I look back I realize I stopped enjoying life around the age of 14, I am 29yo now. I haven't had any joy or fulfillment out of life for the past 15 years.

Suicide is reasonable.
MDMA will be kicking in, ~45 mins from now, holy fuck.

I am unable to create a nice life for myself, so I need drugs/alcohol to enjoy it.

I am stuck, I have tried everything.
@PROMETHEUS ketamine too, mdma.

I can get these moments of clarity and joy, but there is no way to propogate this energy in my normal life?!

maybe I am too far gone, too traumatized. I have no family, friends, girlfriend, nothing. This is the state of bottom <1% human failures.

Maybe it wasn't meant to be. I don't know. What can we even do, why care or feel bad about these things outside of our control

I want to go ER on my company and its managers.

I have done the logical analysis and I have concluded that I am being severely underpaid for the value I bring to the company. Me and a large number of other employees.
Meanwhile a small amount of managers are being overpaid for the little value they bring.

It fuels me with rage, yet there's nothing I can do. I don't want to do years of boot-licking to get to a manager position in this shit company anyways. It holds no value to me.

Yet I know this problem will arise in any other company too, meaning I can't be employed or I would face this existential threat anyways.

My only future is self-employment, starting my own company. Either that or LDARing and sucking out social benefits as much as I can.

What the fuck is this life man. This is not what I had envisioned my life choices would be like.
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Somewhere inside of me is wanting to be a dad so bad and do things right.
My dad was entirely worthless in my childhood. My mother was an abusive narc. I want to do better.

Yet I also realize how depressed I am and I would never want to raise a kid in my current depressed state anyways.

I want to become a happy fulfilled person first. This is FAR more important than becoming a 'dad'.

I have to do whatever it takes to achieve this, and I know it will take a lot knowing where I am coming from. It will take years, if not decades.
I may not ever get to the point where I feel comfortable becoming a dad and that is fine.

I need to focus on mental healing and finding out who I am. I never got to do this in my childhood like normal people without abusive parents did.
I won't ever compare myself to normal people, I am not normal, I didn't have your privileges.

I am a lion and I will succeed. I am strong, I am powerful. I have gotten this far without family, friends, girlfriend, nothing.

I am alive, I am healthy, I am strong, I have financial means, I have a degree, I have everything I need as a launching pad to a better life.

I just need to figure out what better life I want, and I can't. I can't fucking fucking figure out what I want.
does your IQ increase on MDMA?
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Yeah bro, life is all about emotions and how you feel. No wonder, if you were completely logical would you even feel the need to do something? I wrote once about it here:
Yes life is one big rollercoaster of emotions

I had this realization once on acid when my emotions kept coming in waves over the course of an hour

I realized that that was basically a microcosm of your entire life

You experience an emotional high leading to pleasure

That emotional high inevitably fades leading leading to boredom/discomfort

you seek out new emotional high to ease boredom/discomfort

The cycle repeats until you die

However at bottom no matter how complex an activity or goal, the end goal is to relieve some form of discomfort through the emotion of pleasure

At bottom none of it is really all that significant but you are attached to life by virtue of being born and so you feel it to be significant

This is the summary for all of existence. Both Schopenhauer and Cioran speak extensively about this
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What about the crash bro
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I am a lion and I will succeed. I am strong, I am powerful. I have gotten this far without family, friends, girlfriend, nothing.

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I have tens of thousands of euros to my disposal, free to use.
I have a top-tier degree in arms reach. I can get a physics degree from a top-university easily from where I am now.
I am physically extremely healthy. I have literally 0 health issues.

I am 29yo, you know when people start complaining about not being able to drink alcohol or go to parties, feeling bad?
I go to all-nighter raves on 5 diff drugs and feel fine. My body, I love it.
My body, I can rely on it, ALWAYS. I love my body, it is unstoppable. Drugs, alcohol, 0-sleep, at 29yo still I can overcome it.

What more could a person even want?
Why can't I be happy in the situation I am in right now.

I need to stop this cycle
What about the crash bro
over-rated when you are depressed.

When I crash it just feels like I feel in general, maybe slightly worse :ogre:
literally can't care.

Depression from drug-comedown is nothing compared to the depression I feel on a daily basis.
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does your IQ increase on MDMA?
No. MDMA is a very chemical high, it decreases IQ just like alcohol decreases IQ. Same with cocaine/mephedrone, these are chemical highs which feel shallow and reduce IQ.

If you want to increase IQ with drugs, do psychedelics like shrooms/lsd.
  • JFL
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15 minutes until MDMA kicks in.
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I am a lion and I will succeed. I am strong, I am powerful. I have gotten this far without family, friends, girlfriend, nothing.

Yes. Nobody else can say this.
I don't know a single person my age without family/friends/relationship, who can sustain a normal lifestyle.

I keep mogging people, yet I live the lifestyle of a prisoner in an isolation-cell.
  • Hmm...
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No. MDMA is a very chemical high, it decreases IQ just like alcohol decreases IQ. Same with cocaine/mephedrone, these are chemical highs which feel shallow and reduce IQ.

If you want to increase IQ with drugs, do psychedelics like shrooms/lsd.
i bet it would increase my IQ, as even alcohol increases my IQ.

but ok

i bet though, that cocaine increases IQ

i surely know that AMPHETAMINE increases IQ like hell, its a known nootropic
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Just give yourself autism theory
15 minutes until MDMA kicks in.

I ate squirtle's body, which should be ~120mg MDMA. Only the head remains, shown in the picture.

MDMA is so cheap. I am thinking of ordering hundreds of pills because the gov could crackdown on it at some point or smth.
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View attachment 3141360

I ate squirtle's body, which should be ~120mg MDMA. Only the head remains, shown in the picture.

MDMA is so cheap. I am thinking of ordering hundreds of pills because the gov could crackdown on it at some point or smth.
yeah, definitely mirin

i would be a druggie too if i had the money, no doubt
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jfl honestly, my life is so fucking weird.

I am extremely high-educated, yet somehow I live like a poor loser without prospects.
I am quite rich, yet I live like a poverty-maxxed student.
I am smart, yet I live like an addict.
I am good-looking, yet I live the truecel life.
I am social, yet I have no friends.

and so on. My life is one big contradiction. One big joke.

it's insanity, even at my mental ward they can't understand me and I can't understand anyone else.
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I am the last person to deny that I have social problems due to abuse from my childhood.

But I am also well aware that I can be incredibly extroverted and social when I want or need to be.

NOBODY would ever consider me a 'weirdo' or 'loser' IRL when socializing. Yet somehow I am, since I have no friends, gf or family.

my life is a fucking joke, I can't compute or figure out how to fix this.
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just snorted a big line of ketamine too, let's go get some enjoyment tonight.

tomorrow I have to be at university all day, first day lectures. I prefer being high asf there instead of sober cuz I cant cope with being a 29yo truecel still being in university anyways.
@PROMETHEUS i've told my current therapists at the mental ward of feeling like doing drugs during therapy sessions.

I feel like when I am high on mdma I am more in touch with my inner self, my emotional state, and therefore more able to connect to my mental trauma.

They reject this though. Instead wanting to put me on anti-depressants.
Hard for me to agree with them. I feel like they are wrong and I am right here.
Why don’t you try to get your dopamine and serotonin levels better by changing up your diet to a natural one? Fixing sleep, meditating, excersising etc.

Why does it have to be drugs, synthetics can never be good. There is a reason why drugs are illegal.
Yes you are completely right. Also good topic you linked.

People are way too 'rational' here when the real world is about emotions. Playing checkers on this forum while IRL is playing chess.

When I am high on drugs, Music sounds soooo fucking good. Everything feels good. I go outside and just the trees look incredible.

All of this is emotion. While high suddenly life has meaning to me because everything is interesting and feels great

This forum severely lacks any mentalmaxxing.
just have emotions BRO :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:🙏🙏
Yes you are completely right. Also good topic you linked.

People are way too 'rational' here when the real world is about emotions. Playing checkers on this forum while IRL is playing chess.

When I am high on drugs, Music sounds soooo fucking good. Everything feels good. I go outside and just the trees look incredible.

All of this is emotion. While high suddenly life has meaning to me because everything is interesting and feels great

This forum severely lacks any mentalmaxxing.
I actually caged out loud at your utter retardedness. Legit was about to construct an essay in an attempt to correct your delusional thesis on the definition of 'happiness' and 'meaning' but it certainly looks like you know it all.

Believe it or not, people figured it out a few millenia ago that feeling good, does indeed, feel good, and drugs that directly and forcefully induce good feeling, feels good too!
Mind-blowing epiphany :eek:

Report back in a year where your 4mmc abuse took your life, Mr. Nietzsche
  • JFL
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View attachment 3141143

I found a small bag of mephedrone I still had laying around (haven't used in 4 weeks). It's time to leave the sober-life behind.

30 minutes from now I will have 2500% Serotonin (25 times the normal serotonin amount).

30 minutes from now I will have 1000% Dopamine (10 times the normal dopamine amount).

You're pathetic. ;)

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