My ex dumped me but she's hurt because I have a new girlfriend



Jul 11, 2019
My ex broke up with me after 8 months. It's been 1 month now but we kept in touch. Found a new gf whos more attractive than her two weeks into the breakup. I brought it up in a whatsapp convo I was having with my ex and she told me she was genuinely hurt to hear I had already found someone else.

She sent me like a few essays just to describe how she was feeling. I kept apologizing but she still kept going at it with bittersweet answers : "I'm happy for you!!" then the next message would be something along the lines of : "Even if I no longer love you at all it still brings me down to hear that". So eventually we stopped talking because she told me she was tired of all the suffering. But wtf?

Why is she hurt?? I mean, she dumped me out of nowhere and clearly said she no longer loved me. Was she expecting me to just run after her and fap on her profile picture?? I just don't get it tbh. Also my ex is like a 4 and my new gf is a 5 I would say, like she noticeably mogs her bodywise.
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I think I just shattered his ego into pieces, she definitely wasn't expecting me to move on that quick.
You should block her and never talk to her again
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She's jealous
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My ex broke up with me after 8 months. It's been 1 month now but we kept in touch. Found a new gf whos more attractive than her two weeks into the breakup. I brought it up in a whatsapp convo I was having with my ex and she told me she was genuinely hurt to hear I had already found someone else.

She sent me like a few essays just to describe how she was feeling. I kept apologizing but she still kept going at it with bittersweet answers : "I'm happy for you!!" then the next message would be something along the lines of : "Even if I no longer love you at all it still brings me down to hear that". So eventually we stopped talking because she told me she was tired of all the suffering. But wtf?

Why is she hurt?? I mean, she dumped me out of nowhere and clearly said she no longer loved me. Was she expecting me to just run after her and fap on her profile picture?? I just don't get it tbh. Also my ex is like a 4 and my new gf is a 5 I would say, like she noticeably mogs her bodywise.
Lol, that's easy as shit, she is jealous and she wants you back, girls are turned on when they see a guy with options who also doesn't care anymore about her

I had this oneitis about a chick, we went to the HS together and in our final year I developed a crush on her, I thought she was really into me, but later she told she had a boyfriend, nvm (3 months later they broke up or something lmao) And during our gap year I was simping for her really hard, although later I realized she isn't really an option so I gradually didn't give a shit about her. So, we went together to the same Uni class and we talked to each other like friends since we didn't know anyone else and I randomly mentioned that I like this one blonde girl from our class and lmao, she was really sad, like I just told her that someone died lmao And what happened is that she started simping for me really hard lmao Texted me and phoned me almost every day and tried to show her outfit which showcased her boobs lmao Although I don't talk to her anymore because she is a dumb bitch

Conclusion: When the girl with whom you were involed is jealous, she is turned on
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You should block her and never talk to her again
Everyone tells me to do that
I don't really see the point in doing this

She's jealous
She said she no longer loved me though

Lol, that's easy as shit, she is jealous and she wants you back, girls are turned on when they see a guy with options who also doesn't care anymore about her

I had this oneitis about a chick, we went to the HS together and in our final year I developed a crush on her, I thought she was really into me, but later she told she had a boyfriend, nvm (3 months later they broke up or something lmao) And during our gap year I was simping for her really hard, although later I realized she isn't really an option so I gradually didn't give a shit about her. So, we went together to the same Uni class and we talked to each other like friends since we didn't know anyone else and I randomly mentioned that I like this one blonde girl from our class and lmao, she was really sad, like I just told her that someone died lmao And what happened is that she started simping for me really hard lmao Texted me and phoned me almost every day and tried to show her outfit which showcased her boobs lmao Although I don't talk to her anymore because she is a dumb bitch

Conclusion: When the girl with whom you were involed is jealous, she is turned on
Makes sense tbh
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Texting with an ex is a waste of life. Only send her pictures of yourself doing amazing shit with your new gf here and there.
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I love how this is posted in the success and money making section

Almost as if to suggest breaking up with the silly little tart helped you gain success and money
  • JFL
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My ex broke up with me after 8 months. It's been 1 month now but we kept in touch. Found a new gf whos more attractive than her two weeks into the breakup. I brought it up in a whatsapp convo I was having with my ex and she told me she was genuinely hurt to hear I had already found someone else.

She sent me like a few essays just to describe how she was feeling. I kept apologizing but she still kept going at it with bittersweet answers : "I'm happy for you!!" then the next message would be something along the lines of : "Even if I no longer love you at all it still brings me down to hear that". So eventually we stopped talking because she told me she was tired of all the suffering. But wtf?

Why is she hurt?? I mean, she dumped me out of nowhere and clearly said she no longer loved me. Was she expecting me to just run after her and fap on her profile picture?? I just don't get it tbh. Also my ex is like a 4 and my new gf is a 5 I would say, like she noticeably mogs her bodywise.
who cares
also lol why would you apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. The absolute FARTHEST you should go on the apology route is "sorry you feel that way" but I wouldn't even do that tbh

it's an ego thing, she doesn't give a shit about you or she wouldn't have dumped you, and she wouldn't get back with you if you dumped your new girl either
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My ex broke up with me after 8 months. It's been 1 month now but [1]we kept in touch. Found a new gf whos more attractive than her two weeks[2] into the breakup. I brought it up in a whatsapp convo I was having with my ex and she told me she was genuinely hurt to hear I had already found someone else.

She sent me like a few essays just to describe how she was feeling. I kept apologizing but she still kept going at it with bittersweet answers : "I'm happy for you!!" then the next message would be something along the lines of : "Even if I no longer love you at all it still brings me down to hear that". So eventually we stopped talking because she told me she was tired of all the suffering. But wtf?

Why is she hurt??[3] I mean, she dumped me out of nowhere and clearly said she no longer loved me. Was she expecting me to just run after her and fap on her profile picture?? I just don't get it tbh. Also my ex is like a 4 and my new gf is a 5 I would say, like she noticeably mogs her bodywise.
[1] Cringe.
[2] Nice, gj if true.
[3] Many possibilities. 1) she might actually have regained attraction to you because you turned it around instantly. I deem this unlikely but not impossible. 2) she simply wants to control you and feel higher status than you by making you fall in love with her again / stay in love with her. This is for her own validation only.

The fact that you are speaking with your ex tells me that you want to be with her, which is extremely cucked. She broke up with you, and you're still in contact with her? You claim you found a better looking gf 2 weeks after the breakup, yet you are clearly cucked into eternity by your ex. Her words still controls you, you care about her.

If a girl breaks up with you, you cut all fucking ties dude. You have NOTHING to gain EVER. If it was the other way around, you could keep her around as a fukbuddy or maybe even get back with her. But when she broke up with you, there is ZERO reason to have contact. The fact that you haven't cut contact and lose sleep over why she cares about you tells me you still want her back. Newsflash: its never going to end well for you. Cut contact with her man.
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Very good op, in this situation you must destroy the girl's ego
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She is jealous and her ego is destroyed, seeing that you got a girl and she is even more beautiful, made her feel inferior and disposable
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[1] Cringe.
[2] Nice, gj if true.
[3] Many possibilities. 1) she might actually have regained attraction to you because you turned it around instantly. I deem this unlikely but not impossible. 2) she simply wants to control you and feel higher status than you by making you fall in love with her again / stay in love with her. This is for her own validation only.

The fact that you are speaking with your ex tells me that you want to be with her, which is extremely cucked. She broke up with you, and you're still in contact with her? You claim you found a better looking gf 2 weeks after the breakup, yet you are clearly cucked into eternity by your ex. Her words still controls you, you care about her.

If a girl breaks up with you, you cut all fucking ties dude. You have NOTHING to gain EVER. If it was the other way around, you could keep her around as a fukbuddy or maybe even get back with her. But when she broke up with you, there is ZERO reason to have contact. The fact that you haven't cut contact and lose sleep over why she cares about you tells me you still want her back. Newsflash: its never going to end well for you. Cut contact with her man.
Keeping in touch with the ex is something normal, and nt, and they're just talking
  • Hmm...
Reactions: ManzareK
Keeping in touch with the ex is something normal, and nt, and they're just talking
1. Being a cuck is also normal and NT
2. "Just talking" - right, so what exactly does OP have to gain by talking to someone that should have no value in his life what so ever because its a girl that broke up with him, and he already got a better girl? Oh right, he has nothing to gain.
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1. Being a cuck is also normal and NT
2. "Just talking" - right, so what exactly does OP have to gain by talking to someone that should have no value in his life what so ever because its a girl that broke up with him, and he already got a better girl? Oh right, he has nothing to gain.
It doesn't work like that, you don't interact with people thinking about winning or losing, you just interact.
He will not miss anything interacting with her, because it is just a casual conversation between friends.
If she is a waste of time, Op must say
It doesn't work like that, you don't interact with people thinking about winning or losing, you just interact.
He will not miss anything interacting with her, because it is just a casual conversation between friends.
If she is a waste of time, Op must say
Ask yourself this:

You're in a relationship with a girl. She breaks up with you. You find a new girlfriend that is an upgrade after 2 weeks. You don't give a fuck about your ex, besides the fact that she left you. Would you seriously keep in touch with her as "friends" after that? If so, why? Why give someone that has zero value to you in any sense of the word the time of day? She's a girl, she's not interesting, she's not gonna give you sex, she's not gonna give you anything. Why talk "as friends"? How much of a loser are you to spend time chatting with the ex that dumped you, that is trying to mindfuck you into liking her again? I'm seriously struggling to understand just how cucked you'd have to be to do that.
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Ask yourself this:

You're in a relationship with a girl. She breaks up with you. You find a new girlfriend that is an upgrade after 2 weeks. You don't give a fuck about your ex, besides the fact that she left you. Would you seriously keep in touch with her as "friends" after that? If so, why? Why give someone that has zero value to you in any sense of the word the time of day? She's a girl, she's not interesting, she's not gonna give you sex, she's not gonna give you anything. Why talk "as friends"? How much of a loser are you to spend time chatting with the ex that dumped you, that is trying to mindfuck you into liking her again? I'm seriously struggling to understand just how cucked you'd have to be to do that.
I was wrong saying "friend", I just would not cut off contact with her, if she texted, I would just reply.
I was wrong saying "friend", I just would not cut off contact with her, if she texted, I would just reply.
Ok but again, that should depend on exactly what is being exchanged. Would you be her psychiatrist when she whines about her issues? Would you discuss your relationship with her so she can feel validated ? Would you follow up on her small talk knowing that she is gauging your interest?

Blocking her on every possible platform isn't necessary, but if she is texting you, she is doing so for a reason. If you have no interest in getting back together with her, then you have no interest in engaging with her. If a disgusting sub human fat -10/10 is texting Chad, do you think he is answering and talking with her? Fuck no, because he's not going to fuck her, she has nothing to offer him at all.

Men engage with girls either because 1) they're family 2) they're discussing literal business 3) he wants to fuck her 4) he wants to get back into a relationship because he's cucked

Only 3 of the 4 stated reasons are legitimate.
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Ok but again, that should depend on exactly what is being exchanged. Would you be her psychiatrist when she whines about her issues? Would you discuss your relationship with her so she can feel validated ? Would you follow up on her small talk knowing that she is gauging your interest?

Blocking her on every possible platform isn't necessary, but if she is texting you, she is doing so for a reason. If you have no interest in getting back together with her, then you have no interest in engaging with her. If a disgusting sub human fat -10/10 is texting Chad, do you think he is answering and talking with her? Fuck no, because he's not going to fuck her, she has nothing to offer him at all.

Men engage with girls either because 1) they're family 2) they're discussing literal business 3) he wants to fuck her 4) he wants to get back into a relationship because he's cucked

Only 3 of the 4 stated reasons are legitimate.
If she was just texting to validate herself (same as op), I would just ignore it.

You forgot about the social circle, interacting with as many people as possible. If you just blocked the ex, you couldn't use it anymore
If she was just texting to validate herself (same as op), I would just ignore it.

You forgot about the social circle, interacting with as many people as possible. If you just blocked the ex, you couldn't use it anymore
True, social circle might be relevant - if you have a lot of mutual friends, keeping up appearances might be necessary. However, blocking / burning bridges isn't a necessity. Simply ignoring her will work completely fine, as she cannot expect someone she broke up with to engage with her via text or 1 on 1.
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I’m personally against talking to a girl after breaking up
Not necessarily block her but you keep her on your ignore watch. If she messages you, keep her on seen
If she calls you, don’t answer

ignoring them usually hurts more than anything
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The most valuable thing a man can give to a woman is attention. And you're basically giving it for free

All I gotta say
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My ex broke up with me after 8 months. It's been 1 month now but we kept in touch. Found a new gf whos more attractive than her two weeks into the breakup. I brought it up in a whatsapp convo I was having with my ex and she told me she was genuinely hurt to hear I had already found someone else.

She sent me like a few essays just to describe how she was feeling. I kept apologizing but she still kept going at it with bittersweet answers : "I'm happy for you!!" then the next message would be something along the lines of : "Even if I no longer love you at all it still brings me down to hear that". So eventually we stopped talking because she told me she was tired of all the suffering. But wtf?

Why is she hurt?? I mean, she dumped me out of nowhere and clearly said she no longer loved me. Was she expecting me to just run after her and fap on her profile picture?? I just don't get it tbh. Also my ex is like a 4 and my new gf is a 5 I would say, like she noticeably mogs her bodywise.
It’s so fucking weird but all girls are like this, my girl did the same thing but worse.
Everyone tells me to do that
I don't really see the point in doing this

She said she no longer loved me though

Makes sense tbh
First thing i noticed about you is that you have a very masculine logical way of thinking. Which is good for science but bad for social relations (sometimes).

"Said she no longer loved me"

Im Balkan we have a saying : "Thinks one thing, speaks The other thing and does something completely else" which basically translates to female behaviour AKA never Listen to women rambling
thats how women operate
she dumped you because she thought she had you around a leash and you would be a simp to her
but you werent and thats good
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