my experiences with the ongoing debate of thumbpulling



Jul 28, 2024
I want to start this thread off by saying I am violently hungover from a Saint Patrick’s day party and I am sorry for mistakes or just shitty sentences. By the way this is also my first attempt at a structured thread….after all I am a greycel lmao but let’s get into it


In the looksmaxxing community there is just a plethora of misinformation. It can be stressful and even defeating when you can’t find methods that are viable to your specific needs. I guess I have always had a knack for proving people wrong with evidence my whole life. Even in sports, school, everything. So when I got into all this looksmaxxing stuff and heard about thumbpulling I was determined to find the truth. I honestly think that todays technology is still so new and that a lot of things that we believe to be true….especially in this field (Orthodontics, orthotropics, any type of cranial medical field) just are not true. For example, I think braces are one of the stupidest things someone could do if they don’t have proper spacing for it. I could go on and on about this but I won’t. And that leads me to my next point…

Every indivuals body is so unique to their own and what works for one person might not work for another. This also of course isn’t limited to looksmaxxing either I mean this is true for every single aspect of your life.
I wanted to bring this up because people need to understand that they need to find methods for their specific palatal needs and not copy someone else’s exact methods although they will probably be very similar.

Now…let’s get into the real conversation.

Can thumbpulling be effective if done correctly….?

In my case..yes. Thumbpulling has been the single most effective thing for my “ascension.” And I’m not here to debate why or why not it works but I am here to show u the changes I have made to my face in the past year

the pictures linked below with a red star on them are from the end of last summer. All of the other pictures have been taken in the past 3 weeks. I am currently 16 years old. (2 years past the age that your suture “fuses” forever JFL.) You don’t have to look very hard to see the incremental changes I have made through manual palatal expansion. I spend about an hour on all my methods every day. But not an hour all at once. The methods that I use are NOT….AND I REPEAT….NOT THE BASIC ONES U SEE ON TIKTOK!!!!! Pushing up against ur palate with random pressure might be the stupidest thing ever. I’m not going to release my methods yet (although they are very similar to Jordan wood and cranial autist on tiktok they are the only 2 people i trust on tiktok.) because I want to see what people are going to say about my transformation first and then I will come back and make a part 2 with my methods and why my methods would work. Lmk what u guys think and not trying to hate on people who don’t believe in it.


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Bump actually read this shit 🙏
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it worked for me to i dont know why people say its cope
it worked for me to i dont know why people say its cope
Exactly bro it’s all in the fucking mindset as well our brain is so much fucking stronger than we think if u genuinely believe it is working then it will actually work
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Exactly bro it’s all in the fucking mindset as well our brain is so much fucking stronger than we think if u genuinely believe it is working then it will actually work
i dont know about that i dont have faith in myself only in christ
I want to start this thread off by saying I am violently hungover from a Saint Patrick’s day party and I am sorry for mistakes or just shitty sentences. By the way this is also my first attempt at a structured thread….after all I am a greycel lmao but let’s get into it


In the looksmaxxing community there is just a plethora of misinformation. It can be stressful and even defeating when you can’t find methods that are viable to your specific needs. I guess I have always had a knack for proving people wrong with evidence my whole life. Even in sports, school, everything. So when I got into all this looksmaxxing stuff and heard about thumbpulling I was determined to find the truth. I honestly think that todays technology is still so new and that a lot of things that we believe to be true….especially in this field (Orthodontics, orthotropics, any type of cranial medical field) just are not true. For example, I think braces are one of the stupidest things someone could do if they don’t have proper spacing for it. I could go on and on about this but I won’t. And that leads me to my next point…

Every indivuals body is so unique to their own and what works for one person might not work for another. This also of course isn’t limited to looksmaxxing either I mean this is true for every single aspect of your life.
I wanted to bring this up because people need to understand that they need to find methods for their specific palatal needs and not copy someone else’s exact methods although they will probably be very similar.

Now…let’s get into the real conversation.

Can thumbpulling be effective if done correctly….?

In my case..yes. Thumbpulling has been the single most effective thing for my “ascension.” And I’m not here to debate why or why not it works but I am here to show u the changes I have made to my face in the past year

the pictures linked below with a red star on them are from the end of last summer. All of the other pictures have been taken in the past 3 weeks. I am currently 16 years old. (2 years past the age that your suture “fuses” forever JFL.) You don’t have to look very hard to see the incremental changes I have made through manual palatal expansion. I spend about an hour on all my methods every day. But not an hour all at once. The methods that I use are NOT….AND I REPEAT….NOT THE BASIC ONES U SEE ON TIKTOK!!!!! Pushing up against ur palate with random pressure might be the stupidest thing ever. I’m not going to release my methods yet (although they are very similar to Jordan wood and cranial autist on tiktok they are the only 2 people i trust on tiktok.) because I want to see what people are going to say about my transformation first and then I will come back and make a part 2 with my methods and why my methods would work. Lmk what u guys think and not trying to hate on people who don’t believe in it.
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Attach before and after palatal expansion pics.

Your zygos popped out from *thumbpulling*? jfl palatal expansion would never cause such a significant increase in bi-zygomatic width.

It makes your cheekbones prominent however it doesn't affect the width like it did in yours.

Check out every single palate expansion transformation done through actual orthodontic tools, none of them has increased bi-zygomatic width as dominantly as yours which is pretty weird, "manual low force vs constant calculated force".

There are 3 possibilities.

1. The pics are morphed (very unlikely).
2. Puberty helped you (unlikely).
3. You had fillers (quite likely).
Yo this is the best day of my entire life I just got accused of having fillers u just made me so happy
Attach before and after palatal expansion pics.

Your zygos popped out from *thumbpulling*? jfl palatal expansion would never cause such a significant increase in bi-zygomatic width.

It makes your cheekbones prominent however it doesn't affect the width like it did in yours.

Check out every single palate expansion transformation done through actual orthodontic tools, none of them has increased bi-zygomatic width as dominantly as yours which is pretty weird, "manual low force vs constant calculated force".

There are 3 possibilities.

1. The pics are morphed (very unlikely).
2. Puberty helped you (unlikely).
3. You had fillers (quite likely).
Also, my methods are not limited to palatial expansion….i might’ve failed to mention that in the thread whoops
Yo this is the best day of my entire life I just got accused of having fillers u just made me so happy
Attach the pics as I've said before.

Those were possibilities, not necessarily the truth and one of the possibilities was also your natural development.
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Attach before and after palatal expansion pics.

Your zygos popped out from *thumbpulling*? jfl palatal expansion would never cause such a significant increase in bi-zygomatic width.

It makes your cheekbones prominent however it doesn't affect the width like it did in yours.

Check out every single palate expansion transformation done through actual orthodontic tools, none of them has increased bi-zygomatic width as dominantly as yours which is pretty weird, "manual low force vs constant calculated force".

There are 3 possibilities.

1. The pics are morphed (very unlikely).
2. Puberty helped you (unlikely).
3. You had fillers (quite likely).
Also, orthodontists fail to expand the palate 3 dimensionally.
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Attach the pics as I've said before.

Those were possibilities, not necessarily the truth and one of the possibilities was also your natural development.
Okay I will go take the pictures rn, I also tracked my increase in interpremolar width using a Apple cut in half, I bite down and measure the interpremolar width
Also, orthodontists fail to expand the palate 3 dimensionally.
I've edited my reply for now.

make another thread addressing all those supposed "methods" so I can either debunk them or let your transformation be helpful to othwrs.
dnr, give tldr
but looks like u js leaned out
Okay I will go take the pictures rn, I also tracked my increase in interpremolar width using a Apple cut in half, I bite down and measure the interpremolar width
An apple is not concrete enough of an evidence.

I would like you to provide pictures that actively show your whole mouth (inside) and so we can see the expansion.
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I've edited my reply for now.

make another thread addressing all those supposed "methods" so I can either debunk them or let your transformation be helpful to othwrs.
Sounds good I’ll tag u. It’s refreshing to have a normal debate on this website without being berated
Dnr because I already know it works
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Also, orthodontists fail to expand the palate 3 dimensionally.
You've failed to talk about thesw topics in the original post.

How would I know? I only concluded my statements on the basis of whatevwr you talked about.

Be more precise and specific.
yes you fucking do. litteraly SO much in puberty. i did no thumbpulling or any of that shit and i had way more drastic changes.
Okay bro that’s good for u but that’s ur body not mine 😂 ur coping
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yes you fucking do. litteraly SO much in puberty. i did no thumbpulling or any of that shit and i had way more drastic changes.
Can’t wait until I grow up then gonna love looking at myself in the mirror when I’m 21 in 5 years bro 😂
maybe it worked because u started ur "thumbpulling" at the 14 years old:lul: its called puberty and growing up
Thanks bro preciate it but don’t knock it until u try bro trust me
what u even achieve from thumb pulling? i my only big dfailo is downgrown jaw i dont think it will fix that
oh mb. Still probably just better angles and lighting
I mean yea I didn’t try to line the pictures up as well as I could. I’m working on another thread with lined up pics and same lighting as well as lined up palatal pictures
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tag me in the next post you explain the methods that you did and also where did you Thumbpull and which direction (ex: forward and upward on the hard palate or outward on the soft palate or BLT pulling) also follow me
I mean yea I didn’t try to line the pictures up as well as I could. I’m working on another thread with lined up pics and same lighting as well as lined up palatal pictures
maybe pics from ur palate or measuring ur palate before and after would work:p
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Is your jaw down grown because of your maxilla?
idk man i think its genetics but my my maxilla is kind of projected and i have decent chin projection but downward growth at the same time
idk man i think its genetics but my my maxilla is kind of projected and i have decent chin projection but downward growth at the same time
I’m sorry bro I just can’t really picture this could u maybe PM a pic?
Can’t wait until I grow up then gonna love looking at myself in the mirror when I’m 21 in 5 years bro 😂
I already love looking at myself. No thumbpulling needed.
Okay bro that’s good for u but that’s ur body not mine 😂 ur coping
Everyones body drastically changes in puberty unless you're estrogenic af. Also, Coping? how?
I already love looking at myself. No thumbpulling needed.

Everyones body drastically changes in puberty unless you're estrogenic af. Also, Coping? how?
Your coping because your failing to realise that yes, u might’ve achieved these changes, maybe even more changes, naturally. However, my body is nothing like yours and is so unique to its own. So stop coping u sound fucking stupid.
Your coping because your failing to realise that yes, u might’ve achieved these changes, maybe even more changes, naturally. However, my body is nothing like yours and is so unique to its own. So stop coping u sound fucking stupid.
Okay but its a literal fact that your bidy changes drastically in puberty?
I want to start this thread off by saying I am violently hungover from a Saint Patrick’s day party and I am sorry for mistakes or just shitty sentences. By the way this is also my first attempt at a structured thread….after all I am a greycel lmao but let’s get into it


In the looksmaxxing community there is just a plethora of misinformation. It can be stressful and even defeating when you can’t find methods that are viable to your specific needs. I guess I have always had a knack for proving people wrong with evidence my whole life. Even in sports, school, everything. So when I got into all this looksmaxxing stuff and heard about thumbpulling I was determined to find the truth. I honestly think that todays technology is still so new and that a lot of things that we believe to be true….especially in this field (Orthodontics, orthotropics, any type of cranial medical field) just are not true. For example, I think braces are one of the stupidest things someone could do if they don’t have proper spacing for it. I could go on and on about this but I won’t. And that leads me to my next point…

Every indivuals body is so unique to their own and what works for one person might not work for another. This also of course isn’t limited to looksmaxxing either I mean this is true for every single aspect of your life.
I wanted to bring this up because people need to understand that they need to find methods for their specific palatal needs and not copy someone else’s exact methods although they will probably be very similar.

Now…let’s get into the real conversation.

Can thumbpulling be effective if done correctly….?

In my case..yes. Thumbpulling has been the single most effective thing for my “ascension.” And I’m not here to debate why or why not it works but I am here to show u the changes I have made to my face in the past year

the pictures linked below with a red star on them are from the end of last summer. All of the other pictures have been taken in the past 3 weeks. I am currently 16 years old. (2 years past the age that your suture “fuses” forever JFL.) You don’t have to look very hard to see the incremental changes I have made through manual palatal expansion. I spend about an hour on all my methods every day. But not an hour all at once. The methods that I use are NOT….AND I REPEAT….NOT THE BASIC ONES U SEE ON TIKTOK!!!!! Pushing up against ur palate with random pressure might be the stupidest thing ever. I’m not going to release my methods yet (although they are very similar to Jordan wood and cranial autist on tiktok they are the only 2 people i trust on tiktok.) because I want to see what people are going to say about my transformation first and then I will come back and make a part 2 with my methods and why my methods would work. Lmk what u guys think and not trying to hate on people who don’t believe in it.
bump highiqcel
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Okay but its a literal fact that your bidy changes drastically in puberty?
It does, but I am no where near a point in puberty where my face/profile would expand and come forward naturally

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