My fatcel journey (ultimate looksmax undertaking)

Deleted member 5185

Deleted member 5185

Feb 10, 2020
Hi guys.

I am new to this community but already enjoying discussing with you guys, good community srs. I want to motivate any fatcels or high inhib volcels with a short story and some pictures.

#1 picture: Here, I am around 160kg or 350lb at age 18, 192cm or 6'3.6. I had struggled with my weight since elementary school. Obviously I was a virgin. I remember sitting in high school class with a girl who I had a major crush on - I had enough self insight to understand that I had zero chance, but I used that pain to fuel the fire and go on a diet and join a gym. I wanted to at least have a chance the next time I crushed on someone.

#2 picture: This is about a year or so later. Obviously I've lost a lot of weight, but still poverty looking as hell. Still no chance with girls - I might be able to attract ogres but thats about it. I was starting to believe I was just ugly af.

#3 picture: 3 years has passed since the first picture. I have lost in total about 70kg. It took time, especially from pic #2 to pic #1 was a longer journey. At the time of the picture, I was no longer incel - but I had a period at this weight and looks level where I was overcome with depression and social anxiety. Probably a year or so. Self image is a difficult thing - It took years shaking the identity of the guy in the first picture in my own head. Its important to not get yourself down too much.

Anyways, during this time I was understanding that I probably had some level of appeal to women. So I started looking online for "how to get women". I remember some names - Dr. Love, Michael DeAngelo and RSD Tyler. For a little while, I actually consumed this type of content and thought it was legit. I never bought the "looks doesn't matter", but I did actually believe that how you behaved was the number one indicator of success. I would, after a couple of months of consuming but not applying this type of content give it up completely, as I was too high inhibition to attempt any of it. Knowing what I know now, obviously I just saved my self a bunch of embarrasment.

#4 picture: Recent picture, 7 years since picture #3. Severely blackpilled. I think few people are instantly blackpilled. Its a long journey, at least it has been for me. I've been through several phases. As a fat retard, I was pure bluepill, but with a sort of skepticism towards women because of being treated badly as a fat fuk. Later, as an inexperienced guy just getting his feet wet, I consumed bluepill then quickly changed to more redpill-minded thinking. After seeing friends and family having romantic issues, I became more and more redpilled, developing hate for women etc. It wasn't until probably around 2016 or so that I started to develop my own theory about looks and status. Around this time I saw FaceandLMS videos which basically backed up my exact view of the world. With time, I've come to be even more focused on aesthetics blackpill. I feel there is so much cope and misdirection. How can we figure out exactly what is the main indicator of attraction? How uniform are women in their preferences actually?

I also want to speak about the blackpill community:

If you ever mention incels, blackpill or use its terminology on reddit or similar sites, you will immediately be thrown under the buss as a retard misogynist. Now a lot of incels might be misogynistic, and many incels overlap with the MGTOW community and so on. This is a huge mistake. One of the biggest liberations of the blackpill is to let go of hate for women or society. In fact, understanding it and using that understanding to take the correct course of action depending on genetic makeup is one of the most important insights a man can make in his life. Being blackpilled is understanding that humans are just animals. Humans are predictable, and once you understand the pattern, you are free to make the best decisions. Now we can laugh and joke about subhumans and chads, we can talk about rope and cope and so on - but its important that we use this unique insight to our own advantage in life. Think about how privileged we are to have made this insight. Imagine all the sub chad people around the world, living their whole life in pure ignorance and confusion. Their pains in life unexplainable.

Anyways, I think the main takeway from my ranting story is that if you are a fatcell in any capacity, you need to diet. Even just look at picture #2 vs picture #3. Its not that many kgs between, but the difference in appearance is pretty big. If a person is smaller / less forward growth than me, then cutting to even lower bodyfat percentage is important. If you are blackpilled, you understand that my weight loss did more than put me on the dating market - it made living my life possible.


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Reactions: RAITEIII, Deleted member 7902, Deleted member 1707 and 17 others
Get a hairtransplant and go live your live chad.
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Wtf are u doing here 🤣🤣🤣
You have to be mentally retarded
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Blackpill is for all bro, so is looksmaxing
This is not a good community to be in😂😂😂😂 if i would be +6psl i wouldnt waste my time on aspie websites like these
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This is not a good community to be in😂😂😂😂 if i would be +6psl i wouldnt waste my time on aspie websites like these
This community or similar sites are the only place where people actually understand how this aspect of life works, and its probably one of the most interesting and important topics that exists. If I can motivate some fatcels to ascend then I've helped someone who are in the shoes I once were in.
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Reactions: Deleted member 1707, je3oe, Zoneator and 8 others
This community or similar sites are the only place where people actually understand how this aspect of life works, and its probably one of the most interesting and important topics that exists. If I can motivate some fatcels to ascend then I've helped someone who are in the shoes I once were in.
But everybody knows that already lol, We nearly know all the knowledge needed to looksmax, people who use this site are coping because they dont want to get surgery and shit
I mean u decide how you wanna spend your time
Lifefuel for fatcels everywhere

How was the treatment you recieved from friends, family, and strangers different during each point in your fat loss journey? Compare the differences in treatment you recieved between each picture.
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@goat2x Doesn't really cost too much to browse a forum and read about something that interests me. We're all different I suppose.

Lifefuel for fatcels everywhere

How was the treatment you recieved from friends, family, and strangers different during each point in your fat loss journey? Compare the differences in treatment you recieved between each picture.

As you can imagine, huge. First picture essentially human punching bag. Even though I was big enough to through most people my age through the air, I was subject to many demeaning comments, no respect. I had good friends who were popular make life bearable. I remember some people, especially girls would literally call me subhuman at school just walking through the hallway. One of them I actually violently pushed away, and she left me alone ever since.

Second picture I remember actually approaching some pretty ugly girls to no avail. I was attractive to the most disgusting ogre at school, and she did show interest. But she was like 3/10 on normie rating. I'd say in both the first two pictures I was generally treated with little respect. There was no point in going out partying because I knew I would be just wing manning. Girls at my looks level would rather go home alone than with me.

I went into hiding not being social at all during the last part of my weight loss, which messed me up mentally. Became mentalcel and had issues understanding what to do. I got IOIs but had no idea what to do with them. Honestly struggled with insecurity until completely consuming blackpill just around two years ago. Once I truly understood blackpill, I could relax and live my life essentially stress free. Still looksmaxxing, still striving, but knowing that I'm on the right path and that everything is based off my looks is just so liberating.

As for how people treat me now, I say I get a lot of respect. Especially men treat me very well. Some women, especially ugly ones will speak rudely to me. I simply argue back and cut them off completely, burn all bridges and thats it.
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@goat2x Doesn't really cost too much to browse a forum and read about something that interests me. We're all different I suppose.

As you can imagine, huge. First picture essentially human punching bag. Even though I was big enough to through most people my age through the air, I was subject to many demeaning comments, no respect. I had good friends who were popular make life bearable. I remember some people, especially girls would literally call me subhuman at school just walking through the hallway. One of them I actually violently pushed away, and she left me alone ever since.

Second picture I remember actually approaching some pretty ugly girls to no avail. I was attractive to the most disgusting ogre at school, and she did show interest. But she was like 3/10 on normie rating. I'd say in both the first two pictures I was generally treated with little respect. There was no point in going out partying because I knew I would be just wing manning. Girls at my looks level would rather go home alone than with me.

I went into hiding not being social at all during the last part of my weight loss, which messed me up mentally. Became mentalcel and had issues understanding what to do. I got IOIs but had no idea what to do with them. Honestly struggled with insecurity until completely consuming blackpill just around two years ago. Once I truly understood blackpill, I could relax and live my life essentially stress free. Still looksmaxxing, still striving, but knowing that I'm on the right path and that everything is based off my looks is just so liberating.

As for how people treat me now, I say I get a lot of respect. Especially men treat me very well. Some women, especially ugly ones will speak rudely to me. I simply argue back and cut them off completely, burn all bridges and thats it.
Thanks for taking the time to give this detailed response.

I was wondering if the reason I was being treated with little respect, like you were, was because of an inherent character flaw or not having adequete social skills.

Im always the butt of every joke, everything I say everyone opposes. Whenever I do something wrong everyone attacks me but if someone else does the same thing they dont do the same thing. I get ignored in conversations, and

Yea it does feel more liberating knowing that its not my fault Im being ignored and treated worse than others, but doesnt it make you feel bad that nothing you do instrincially besides looksmaxing will increase your social standing or help make friends?

I mean for you it feels better because you are good looking and you know it doesnt affect you but its over for subhumans.
Thanks for taking the time to give this detailed response.

I was wondering if the reason I was being treated with little respect, like you were, was because of an inherent character flaw or not having adequete social skills.

Im always the butt of every joke, everything I say everyone opposes. Whenever I do something wrong everyone attacks me but if someone else does the same thing they dont do the same thing. I get ignored in conversations, and

Yea it does feel more liberating knowing that its not my fault Im being ignored and treated worse than others, but doesnt it make you feel bad that nothing you do instrincially besides looksmaxing will increase your social standing or help make friends?

I mean for you it feels better because you are good looking and you know it doesnt affect you but its over for subhumans.

There are a couple of things at play here..

If you are young, then it will improve even if your looks never does. Its way worse for young people. Further, gaining power through work or hobbies is a way to garner respect even if looksmaxxing is out of the question. On top of that, most people aren't even close to looksmaxxing. More people than you'd think really just needs to cut bodyfat or do even small surgeries to drastically improve their life. When all else fails, if one is truly subhuman, career-celling to get respect and money or, as a last resort, simply giving up on being respectable in society, accepting that its out of your hand and be free to focus your efforts on basically everything that isn't related to inter-personal relationships is also possible.

Worst combination possible is of course being legit subhuman + very socially inclined, but I think before concluding with that people need to take a long hard look at themselves and be realistic - if you give yourself 5 or 10 years with real looksmaxxing or lifemaxxing efforts, you can drastically improve your life and ascend.
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Reactions: Zoneator, ScramFranklin, forwardgrowth and 1 other person
Saw you on truerateme just yesterday night, small world
Saw you on truerateme just yesterday night, small world

Yeah, just discovered this community and was waiting for account approval, went on truerateme but seemed like poverty version of this site tbh
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Yeah, just discovered this community and was waiting for account approval, went on truerateme but seemed like poverty version of this site tbh
So can you give us HOW you lost weight? And at what bf% did you lose bloated cheeks?
So can you give us HOW you lost weight? And at what bf% did you lose bloated cheeks?

Yes, could probably write a guide with personal recommendations in its own post - but for short, I'd say for me personally at 192cm I get face definition that is acceptable at sub 110kg which is like 30-35% bodyfat. Stays similar ish until sub 95kg at which my face becomes noticably more defined. Never hit my goal weight of around 80-85kg so thats my goal now.

As for the weight loss, I've done different things but I currently believe the best approach is to:

1. Take it slow-ish, 500-800kcal deficit at most starting out
2. High protein intake
3. Consistency above all, which is why not being in too steep deficit is so important - same calories day in day out and stay consistent with counting, because if not we can't know what we're doing
4. Weigh yourself + progress pictures to keep focused on the task
5. Relatively low selection of food so less chance of messing up intake. Only a selection of food are both filling, good-tasting, easy to make and acceptably priced
6. For training, weight lifting (I've done powerlifting but injury risk too large and too much focus on leg development) with bodybuilding style focus and walking to up caloric use. Can add treadmill/running or similar cardio when necessary, but the goal is to add 300-500kcal each day through low impact activity like walking.
7. Back to the first point, not being in a hurry. Weight loss has to be permanent, only works if you figure out a way to eat similar rest of your life - if dieting is not similar to permanent eating habits 100% will regain the weight.
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Formerly fat chads are the nicest
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Reactions: RAITEIII, forwardgrowth, BigBoy and 2 others
Looks good son
good thread will visit again

It might be dumb to ask but how is the change from 3rd to 4th pic related to weight loss?
it seems like there is more of your face-not less, yes it does look better but bothers me
what was the cause behind final change tbh?

edit: maybe it's different when you get to lower bodyfat% idk. or maybe just the photos
good thread will visit again

It might be dumb to ask but how is the change from 3rd to 4th pic related to weight loss?
it seems like there is more of your face-not less, yes it does look better but bothers me
what was the cause behind final change tbh?

edit: maybe it's different when you get to lower bodyfat% idk

3rd pic I am probably 92kg and 21 years old, 4th pic I am 95kg and 28 years old. I think the main difference is age. It was just to provide a current picture, no weight loss really. Since the 3 first pictures are so many years ago.
3rd pic I am probably 92kg and 21 years old, 4th pic I am 95kg and 28 years old. I think the main difference is age. It was just to provide a current picture, no weight loss really. Since the 3 first pictures are so many years ago.
thanks for clarifying
so you're like 28 rn ?
you still look 20
Saw you on truerateme just yesterday night, small world
Not rly I found this site through true rate lol that sub is a meme I got rated 6/10 even tho I’m a 5
I was quoting the other guy. Also good job on losing weight op I’m 24% body fat and this is very motivating
Ty bro, had to read your post a couple times more to get it but now I get what you meant lol, to be fair I just woke up from a nap so brain = scrambled
How did you dealt with ostracism? I might say that Im better looking but Im a social retard who dont have any friends (relocated again) How would you start the social circle game? (I work for myself without any employees so work is out)
Hi guys.

I am new to this community but already enjoying discussing with you guys, good community srs. I want to motivate any fatcels or high inhib volcels with a short story and some pictures.

#1 picture: Here, I am around 160kg or 350lb at age 18, 192cm or 6'3.6. I had struggled with my weight since elementary school. Obviously I was a virgin. I remember sitting in high school class with a girl who I had a major crush on - I had enough self insight to understand that I had zero chance, but I used that pain to fuel the fire and go on a diet and join a gym. I wanted to at least have a chance the next time I crushed on someone.

#2 picture: This is about a year or so later. Obviously I've lost a lot of weight, but still poverty looking as hell. Still no chance with girls - I might be able to attract ogres but thats about it. I was starting to believe I was just ugly af.

#3 picture: 3 years has passed since the first picture. I have lost in total about 70kg. It took time, especially from pic #2 to pic #1 was a longer journey. At the time of the picture, I was no longer incel - but I had a period at this weight and looks level where I was overcome with depression and social anxiety. Probably a year or so. Self image is a difficult thing - It took years shaking the identity of the guy in the first picture in my own head. Its important to not get yourself down too much.

Anyways, during this time I was understanding that I probably had some level of appeal to women. So I started looking online for "how to get women". I remember some names - Dr. Love, Michael DeAngelo and RSD Tyler. For a little while, I actually consumed this type of content and thought it was legit. I never bought the "looks doesn't matter", but I did actually believe that how you behaved was the number one indicator of success. I would, after a couple of months of consuming but not applying this type of content give it up completely, as I was too high inhibition to attempt any of it. Knowing what I know now, obviously I just saved my self a bunch of embarrasment.

#4 picture: Recent picture, 7 years since picture #3. Severely blackpilled. I think few people are instantly blackpilled. Its a long journey, at least it has been for me. I've been through several phases. As a fat retard, I was pure bluepill, but with a sort of skepticism towards women because of being treated badly as a fat fuk. Later, as an inexperienced guy just getting his feet wet, I consumed bluepill then quickly changed to more redpill-minded thinking. After seeing friends and family having romantic issues, I became more and more redpilled, developing hate for women etc. It wasn't until probably around 2016 or so that I started to develop my own theory about looks and status. Around this time I saw FaceandLMS videos which basically backed up my exact view of the world. With time, I've come to be even more focused on aesthetics blackpill. I feel there is so much cope and misdirection. How can we figure out exactly what is the main indicator of attraction? How uniform are women in their preferences actually?

I also want to speak about the blackpill community:

If you ever mention incels, blackpill or use its terminology on reddit or similar sites, you will immediately be thrown under the buss as a retard misogynist. Now a lot of incels might be misogynistic, and many incels overlap with the MGTOW community and so on. This is a huge mistake. One of the biggest liberations of the blackpill is to let go of hate for women or society. In fact, understanding it and using that understanding to take the correct course of action depending on genetic makeup is one of the most important insights a man can make in his life. Being blackpilled is understanding that humans are just animals. Humans are predictable, and once you understand the pattern, you are free to make the best decisions. Now we can laugh and joke about subhumans and chads, we can talk about rope and cope and so on - but its important that we use this unique insight to our own advantage in life. Think about how privileged we are to have made this insight. Imagine all the sub chad people around the world, living their whole life in pure ignorance and confusion. Their pains in life unexplainable.

Anyways, I think the main takeway from my ranting story is that if you are a fatcell in any capacity, you need to diet. Even just look at picture #2 vs picture #3. Its not that many kgs between, but the difference in appearance is pretty big. If a person is smaller / less forward growth than me, then cutting to even lower bodyfat percentage is important. If you are blackpilled, you understand that my weight loss did more than put me on the dating market - it made living my life possible.
Dafuq bro u r a chad
Typical post-fatcel acromegaly face. I'm trying to head into a similar direction in a more delicate manner drinking milk and chewing.
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Reactions: forwardgrowth
As for how people treat me now, I say I get a lot of respect. Especially men treat me very well. Some women, especially ugly ones will speak rudely to me. I simply argue back and cut them off completely, burn all bridges and thats it.

So women don't respect you now?
Typical post-fatcel acromegaly face. I'm trying to head into a similar direction in a more delicate manner drinking milk and chewing.

lmfao in what world do I have an acromegaly face?

This is acromegaly:



So women don't respect you now?

No, it should be pretty obvious that while most women do respect me now, contrary to when I was obese, some still act disrespectful for seemingly no reason.
No, it should be pretty obvious that while most women do respect me now, contrary to when I was obese, some still act disrespectful for seemingly no reason.

I'm the opposite of you. I started off lean and got a lot of female attention and people respected me. Now I'm fat and nobody likes me.

Blackpill is real. I experienced the reverse of what you experienced.

Working on diet and losing weight now.
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Typical post-fatcel acromegaly face. I'm trying to head into a similar direction in a more delicate manner drinking milk and chewing.
same son, you still taking mk?
Last edited:
Hi guys.

I am new to this community but already enjoying discussing with you guys, good community srs. I want to motivate any fatcels or high inhib volcels with a short story and some pictures.

#1 picture: Here, I am around 160kg or 350lb at age 18, 192cm or 6'3.6. I had struggled with my weight since elementary school. Obviously I was a virgin. I remember sitting in high school class with a girl who I had a major crush on - I had enough self insight to understand that I had zero chance, but I used that pain to fuel the fire and go on a diet and join a gym. I wanted to at least have a chance the next time I crushed on someone.

#2 picture: This is about a year or so later. Obviously I've lost a lot of weight, but still poverty looking as hell. Still no chance with girls - I might be able to attract ogres but thats about it. I was starting to believe I was just ugly af.

#3 picture: 3 years has passed since the first picture. I have lost in total about 70kg. It took time, especially from pic #2 to pic #1 was a longer journey. At the time of the picture, I was no longer incel - but I had a period at this weight and looks level where I was overcome with depression and social anxiety. Probably a year or so. Self image is a difficult thing - It took years shaking the identity of the guy in the first picture in my own head. Its important to not get yourself down too much.

Anyways, during this time I was understanding that I probably had some level of appeal to women. So I started looking online for "how to get women". I remember some names - Dr. Love, Michael DeAngelo and RSD Tyler. For a little while, I actually consumed this type of content and thought it was legit. I never bought the "looks doesn't matter", but I did actually believe that how you behaved was the number one indicator of success. I would, after a couple of months of consuming but not applying this type of content give it up completely, as I was too high inhibition to attempt any of it. Knowing what I know now, obviously I just saved my self a bunch of embarrasment.

#4 picture: Recent picture, 7 years since picture #3. Severely blackpilled. I think few people are instantly blackpilled. Its a long journey, at least it has been for me. I've been through several phases. As a fat retard, I was pure bluepill, but with a sort of skepticism towards women because of being treated badly as a fat fuk. Later, as an inexperienced guy just getting his feet wet, I consumed bluepill then quickly changed to more redpill-minded thinking. After seeing friends and family having romantic issues, I became more and more redpilled, developing hate for women etc. It wasn't until probably around 2016 or so that I started to develop my own theory about looks and status. Around this time I saw FaceandLMS videos which basically backed up my exact view of the world. With time, I've come to be even more focused on aesthetics blackpill. I feel there is so much cope and misdirection. How can we figure out exactly what is the main indicator of attraction? How uniform are women in their preferences actually?

I also want to speak about the blackpill community:

If you ever mention incels, blackpill or use its terminology on reddit or similar sites, you will immediately be thrown under the buss as a retard misogynist. Now a lot of incels might be misogynistic, and many incels overlap with the MGTOW community and so on. This is a huge mistake. One of the biggest liberations of the blackpill is to let go of hate for women or society. In fact, understanding it and using that understanding to take the correct course of action depending on genetic makeup is one of the most important insights a man can make in his life. Being blackpilled is understanding that humans are just animals. Humans are predictable, and once you understand the pattern, you are free to make the best decisions. Now we can laugh and joke about subhumans and chads, we can talk about rope and cope and so on - but its important that we use this unique insight to our own advantage in life. Think about how privileged we are to have made this insight. Imagine all the sub chad people around the world, living their whole life in pure ignorance and confusion. Their pains in life unexplainable.

Anyways, I think the main takeway from my ranting story is that if you are a fatcell in any capacity, you need to diet. Even just look at picture #2 vs picture #3. Its not that many kgs between, but the difference in appearance is pretty big. If a person is smaller / less forward growth than me, then cutting to even lower bodyfat percentage is important. If you are blackpilled, you understand that my weight loss did more than put me on the dating market - it made living my life possible.
So you went from 0 lays to which number, mr chad?
So you went from 0 lays to which number, mr chad?

More than ten, but honestly total number isn't that relevant - I could've had sex with more or less entirely depending on my own standards in terms of looks. I.e a certain type of girl (overweight / average looking) would be unlimited supply, whilst more GL girls are way more hit and miss.
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looks like the typical high t chad that bullies everyone

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