My friends who slay a lot irl



Dec 7, 2018
It will be nice if you can rate them

These guys slay? The fuck is wrong with girls nowadays smfh. 3PSL at max. I'd say 4PSL but all of them look like twinks from gay porn so that's -1 PSL point, and I'm not even anti-gay.
Ur average prettyboy chadlites, probably slay lot's of jb pussy 5,5-6/10
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dont Forget that they are between 18 and 20 yo
yea, chadlites
Your friend is a good looking guy
Vincent psl 4.5-5 max
alex psl 4.2
the other two guys idk
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First one is a 5 PSL the rest are like 4.5s.
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Wow guys that hard I though they were like 6-7
1: Chad

2: upper tier normie

3: lite Chad
These guys slay? The fuck is wrong with girls nowadays smfh. 3PSL at max. I'd say 4PSL but all of them look like twinks from gay porn so that's -1 PSL point, and I'm not even anti-gay.

Id have their looks tbh, no wonder they slay
First guy looks good jfl @ 4.5 rates
Second guy seems to have a good bone structure but can’t see his face
Third guy shit picture can’t say for sure, maybe PSL 5.5-6
Fourth pic ???? Who are we supposed to rate.
The third and 4th guy are the same bro look on the pic the blond guy
First one looks charismatic and Italian. Girls are into darker features that he has.
Second guy could be a Chad if he had a better eye area
Third one is nichemaxxed and looks gay with his Gucci shoes tbh
First is Chadlite
The other ones are high tier normies
I agree but you know who slays the most ? The second guy, he was the chad of the high school
who‘s the most charismatic one?
No one really they don’t have charisma but they are self confident and good looking.
But I have the advantage compare to them to speak good and be funny to attract girls cause they clearly mog be physically
No one really they don’t have charisma but they are self confident and good looking.
But I have the advantage compare to them to speak good and be funny to attract girls cause they clearly mog be physically
They don't mog you
They slay more than me bro, like girls are more attracted to them I have the impression idk
1. fashion maxxed normie
2. Hard to rate, but chad jaw. Lips are probably bad if he's hiding them.
3. blonde guy is a chad, looks a bit on the short side tho, so chad-lite
These guys slay? The fuck is wrong with girls nowadays smfh. 3PSL at max. I'd say 4PSL but all of them look like twinks from gay porn so that's -1 PSL point, and I'm not even anti-gay.
These guys slay? The fuck is wrong with girls nowadays smfh. 3PSL at max. I'd say 4PSL but all of them look like twinks from gay porn so that's -1 PSL point, and I'm not even anti-gay.

They both mog you lmao

That’s me in comparaison to my slayer friends, if I go with all of them in a night club, will I be the ugliest one, like girls will only talk to my friends ?

That’s me in comparaison to my slayer friends, if I go with all of them in a night club, will I be the ugliest one, like girls will only talk to my friends ?

Welcome to my world :feelsree:. And no they will still talk to you.
Yess hopefully I never go out with all these friends together
Yess hopefully I never go out with all these friends together
Very autistic point of view. If they're your friends i wouldnt worry about who mogs who
dont Forget that they are between 18 and 20 yo
Who cares, I'm 21 and mog these faggots.
They both mog you lmao
You wish hahaha
Reality hurts doesn'T it little boy? That the guys you just fapped to you are mogged by a manlier man instead of a gay-looking cunt. I bench press 3x these faggots' weight they're so skinny.

Id have their looks tbh, no wonder they slay
I don't need any cope :feelshmm:
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Who cares, I'm 21 and mog these faggots.

You wish hahaha

Reality hurts doesn'T it little boy? That the guys you just fapped to you are mogged by a manlier man instead of a gay-looking cunt. I bench press 3x these faggots' weight they're so skinny.

You got a 404’d lower third and only take autistic bathroom selfies. While they have a social circle and more Inherit value than you by default

They mog you
Who cares, I'm 21 and mog these faggots.

You wish hahaha

Reality hurts doesn'T it little boy? That the guys you just fapped to you are mogged by a manlier man instead of a gay-looking cunt. I bench press 3x these faggots' weight they're so skinny.

I don't need any cope :feelshmm:
Looks like they mog you to be completley honest
Yess hopefully I never go out with all these friends together
You definitely mog the third guy. The second guy mogs you. The first guy is the same looks level as you.
You definitely mog the third guy. The second guy mogs you. The first guy is the same looks level as you.

For real ? Idk bro any other opinions ?
What guys do you think about it ?
You got a 404’d lower third and only take autistic bathroom selfies. While they have a social circle and more Inherit value than you by default

They mog you
Agreed, my lower third sucks donkey's ass, but I'm def not a mogged-by-these-fags autist lolz I also agree on the introverted notion regarding me, I need to go out more
Looks like they mog you to be completley honest
Get glasses then:lul::feelskek:
Agreed, my lower third sucks donkey's ass, but I'm def not a mogged-by-these-fags autist lolz I also agree on the introverted notion regarding me, I need to go out more

Get glasses then:lul::feelskek:
Why are there so many narcissists on this site who are high tier normies looks-wise at best. Stop being fucking delusional. I bet you get no tinder matches but OP gets quite a few.
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Why are there so many narcissists on this site who are high tier normies looks-wise at best. Stop being fucking delusional. I bet you get no tinder matches but OP gets quite a few.

What do you think bro me in comparaison to my bros ?
Agreed, my lower third sucks donkey's ass, but I'm def not a mogged-by-these-fags autist lolz I also agree on the introverted notion regarding me, I need to go out more

Get glasses then:lul::feelskek:
You have an extreme case of unjustified narrsism
1. He mogs you but only because he's fashion/style maxxed, boneswise you guys seem pretty similar
2. Better jaw, but rest of his face is hidden
3. about the same imo
Okok thanks
1. He mogs you but only because he's fashion/style maxxed, boneswise you guys seem pretty similar
2. Better jaw, but rest of his face is hidden
3. about the same imo
you are a decent normie. 5-6/10 real world.

first one is best looking out of all of them, and clearly above average

the others are in that above-average normie range of 5-7.5.

how I'm grading:

7.5+ - chad, easy mode
5-7.5 - girls won't approach but will say yes a lot
2.5-5 - this is where you have to max out to be a normie. betabux and "personality" and travel tinder pics etc.
0-2.5 - it's fucking over unless you're going for equally over girls

in any case, you aren't in the bottom half, but you should probably try and max out what you can to get better chances

you shou
Thats to harsch even for psl, first dude is atleast 6 psl, other dudes are atleast 5 psl at minimum.
Women are too harsh bro. :feelsbadman:
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