My fucking cunting bastard freshie brothers from that shit-stain over in the East doing a cowboy's job on leg lengthening. MUST WATCH



Fire burning inside
Dec 4, 2021
They save money by making holes in the ground for you to shit in and they save money by skipping half the health and safety measures involved in invasive leg lengthening surgery

You wanna be like the west? You wanna copy all our best shows and then put your cringe 'BOLLYWOOD' spin on it? (Ooooo BOLLYWOOD)


Cunting cunts


You have an insane propensity to make a living mockery of yourselves, but not only yourselves, but us living in the west

Just thank my lucky spiritual stars that I remodelled my genetics during those core years of early teenage puberty. Oh yes.

Anyway, to the video boyos

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Bollywood is less cringe than hollywood in 2021
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LL is meme surgery height is cope
There's people here who are 6'7 confirming height doesn't matter
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Face is law
This 5'7 has higher SMV than anybody else you can mention

He is a white pheno high tier normie with superstar status because of sweetboy voice

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He is objectively a high tier normie and has a team of amazing makeup artists that swirl his hair and touch up his face to max is pretty boy appeal
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He is objectively a high tier normie and has a team of amazing makeup artists that swirl his hair and touch up his face to max is pretty boy appeal
6 PSL is HTN since when
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@LooksOverAll thoughts
If you have a Chad face you can slay no matter how tall you are, as long as you still have a good frame and robustness to your skull.

I used to have good proportions with ideal height for ONS (5'9") but then hit a growth spurt and grew to 6'7". My face became longer and my frame became disproportionate (ideal is wide like Stallone) as a result and I lost all my friends and ate lunch in the toilet stall alone for the rest of high school.
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He‘s beyond autistic and never leaves his room, dude doesn‘t count
He's the most authentic personal and legitimate source we have of height mattering
All others are just speculating manlets emphasizing the problem while tall people say otherwise
Height > face

What people don't get is, yes, you can be 5'7-5'9 and get away with it if you have a Chad face, but most people are high tier normie at best.

Meaning if you are 5'7-5'9 you actually don't have much appeal and/or sexual attractiveness to a girl. Your sex-appeal isn't that great. However if you made a high tier normie 6'1 with broad shoulders (Which is easily achievable in the gym) you suddenly have a 'cute hunky guy over there' who bitches will be all soft and submissive for.

THIS is why height > face - because most people are either mid tier or high tier normies. Barely anybody is a fucking Chadlite and Chads are only seen on a rare basis. It's just completely nonsensical to keep ignoring the value of height because tiktok has a craze of pretty boys doing well. These pretty boys are Chads that are scattered all across the west that has a gigantic population when you consider Canada, America, Australia the UK and parts of Europe.

REMEMBER women don't find normies that attractive. Even high tier normies. Men find the average looking girl attractive. When you get a below average girl that's 4/10 and give her tits and ass with makeup she is suddenly a 7. That's the same with guys. Give them height, wide shoulders and muscle and they too are having Chadlite sex appeal from a normie facial stand-point. MAKING HEIGHT THE NUMBR 1 REQUIREMENT FOR A MAN THAT ISN'T BELOW AVERAGE
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He's the most authentic personal and legitimate source we have of height mattering
All others are just speculating manlets emphasizing the problem while tall people say otherwise

I have friends as sources. I have family members as sources. They are 5/10 (Below me in facial attractiveness) and tall and carry more SMV


Your prototype pretty boy Chico is 6'3

Fuck outta here with that face is king bs
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I have friends as sources. I have family members as sources. They are 5/10 (Below me in attractiveness) and tall and carry more SMV


Your prototype pretty boy Chico is 6'3

Fuck outta here with that face is king bs
Just lol if you think Chico wouldn't slay at 5'8, his face is one of a kind and he would still be mired due to his face alone. Putting his 7 PSL face lower in the air wouldn't change much. You would still feel the mog even if he was 5'5 and regardless of his height he would still be "That boy is a monster" dude
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If you have a Chad face you can slay no matter how tall you are, as long as you still have a good frame and robustness to your skull.

I used to have good proportions with ideal height for ONS (5'9") but then hit a growth spurt and grew to 6'7". My face became longer and my frame became disproportionate (ideal is wide like Stallone) as a result and I lost all my friends and ate lunch in the toilet stall alone for the rest of high school.

I unblocked you just to read what shit you were coming out with next and now I'mma REPEAT MYSELF and help your dense mind understand that nobody has Chad face and barely anybody has Chadlite face

Most good looking guys you see are high tier normies

Therefore women are going to filter the high tier normies based upon one thing - HEIGHT

After that social status (Circle), social value (Profession) and social finances (Income) and yes - this even matters for getting laid and slaying easily.

As you live a lifestyle which shows you in a certain light in photos. For me I get height mogged in the vast majority of my photos out with friends etc because I am 5'8 and they are mostly 5'9-6'4. So I can't even put these photos in my swipe app (Tinder/Bumble) bio. Then take the distortion of the selfie camera and your looks lose a good 1pt compared to real life. All in all making slaying VERY hard. Then factor pheno. This is why Ive had to get with a girl in actual relationship to gain access to sex. Which is fine by me because she is a babe and completely my type, but if not for landing that lucky connection I would be sexless. Compared with several years ago where many more girls were going to bars and clubs and open to being chatted up. Sure I was at Uni/College and they were ON IT but you get the point.
Just lol if you think Chico wouldn't slay at 5'8, his face is one of a kind and he would still be mired due to his face alone. Putting his 7 PSL face lower in the air wouldn't change much. You would still feel the mog even if he was 5'5 and regardless of his height he would still be "That boy is a monster" dude
View attachment 1451380

Chico is a Chad.

Are we gonna go around in circles here? I already said Chad gets away with 5'7-5'9 height

It's the same way a drop dead beautiful chick gets away with a below average cup size or a semi flat ass
Chico is a Chad.

Are we gonna go around in circles here? I already said Chad gets away with 5'7-5'9 height

It's the same way a drop dead beautiful chick gets away with a below average cup size or a semi flat ass
Chico or Zayn could be 5'0 or even 4'6 for that matter and you would still feel intimidated by their prescence
Just accept that face is king, stop worrying about height its absolutely useless except for facial proportions, in which 5'7-5'10 is ideal
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Chico or Zayn could be 5'0 or even 4'6 for that matter and you would still feel intimidated by their prescence
Just accept that face is king, stop worrying about height its absolutely useless except for facial proportions, in which 5'7-5'10 is ideal

Now you're trolling.

I'm not wasting my time on you. You know that what you are saying is a croc of shit. Chico and Zayn could be 5ft lmao FUCKING SHUT UP
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Now you're trolling.

I'm not wasting my time on you. You know that what you are saying is a croc of shit. Chico and Zayn could be 5ft lmao FUCKING SHUT UP
Yes they could
Do you think you stand a chance just because of height alone
5'8 vs 5'0s
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Continually using terrible pictures of me during quarantine and overweight for trolling effect, taken by the shitty distorted selfie camera

you look the same except for the haircut
Bumpatastic bruv

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