My life and the state of modern society and young men.



Nov 30, 2022
I have no friends, i have no job, i have poor health, i am an ugly manlet and oldcel, i have no interaction with the opposite gender, i just rot in my room all day like a dog.
Worse than a dogs life because atleast the dog gets affection and is generally happy.
There is no such thing as Karma tbh because i don't deserve this at all. Year after year i have suffered, again and again, how much more? how much more must i suffer?
If i wasn't 100% sure that God is real, i would have streamed me blowing my brains out for you failed normalfags. I firmly believe Karma does not exist, i am a prime example of it not existing because i did not do anything to deserve this. Normal people have ups and downs but my life has just been down down and just continuing to get worse, when is it my turn for something good to happen? i'm waiting and waiting and it never fucking happens, i try so hard to change things but nothing good ever happens. My dad has cancer, my mother has early signs of dementia, what kind of shit life is this? Karma isn't real, maybe the next life will be better, whatever happens after my soul leaves my body, i hope there is no more suffering from this hellhole planet and life.

Message to all youngcels 25 and below, Do not waste even a single day, don't be lazy or say you'll do it soon or whatever, improve non-stop all the fucking time, go get experiences. Life is all about experiences, none of this other shit even matters, when you are 60 years old you will only have memories of what you did. For your own sake do not end up like me, nobody deserves to go through what i have gone through.
It is inhumane to "live" like this. I don't deserve to live in a 1st world country if i'm being honest, i've wasted every opportunity and done nothing with my life, there are millions of people in 3rd world countries who would have killed for a chance to grow up here and have the same options available and i threw it all away. I don't even know why if i'm being honest.
I don't want any of you youngcels to end up like me, i cannot describe into words the sadness, regret, anger i feel. You waste your prime years "looksmaxxing" and not even living. You need to do both, you can't just rot in your room trying to looksmaxx, you have to leave your fucking room and house and go outside every single day and do something of note. Do it or forever hold your peace until you inevitably an hero or lead a life full of regret.

I wish the internet had never come to me. It is an abomination of an invention and although i have had some fun experiences with people on the internet when i was a teenager a decade ago, majority of the total time spent on the internet has been a complete and utter waste of fucking time and it is the computer/internet addiction which is mostly responsible for why i have turned out like this. Even now i see so many people below the age of 25 jsut rotting away on this forum, doing absolutely nothing, you aren't looksmaxxing, you aren't learning anything or trying to progress your life in any area, you just waste it away and it's painful to see. Day in day out i see some idiot 20 year old kid on here just spamming posts and for what reason? so you can get the validation from random internet strangers which is completely unnatural and instead you are wanting validation from people IRL which is how it should be. Human beings are social creatures, we aren't meant to be alone in our room most of the day staring at fucking screens. Modern society is cancer, we have gotten complacent and cannot continue to live like this.
The real epidemic is one of loneliness in young men. So many young men have nobody to talk to in real life, they have no guidance, their parents aren't really interested, all their peers are internet addicted, the women their age are completely delusional and have no idea the damage they have done not only to themselves but to their entire generation. So i am not surprised so many young men are on the internet trying to cope or looking for an outlet where they can be themselves or vent their frustrations or even just have some resemblance of socialization, i know this because i was the same, when i was a 13 year old boy, i knew even back then that i was an outcast, i wasn't like the other kids, as soon as i hit puberty i knew i was different, inferior. Ultimately this realization at a young age only leads to two paths, the first is the one i have taken where you shut yourself off from the world and just rot away, the other is you use the hate and everything that happens to you as fuel and you become an over-achiever to prove everyone wrong, especially those who have wronged you.

I and quite a few others use this forum primarily to socialize with people around our ages (younger for me since most of you aren't my age, but still), because we have no friends, our peers reject us, women do not even look in our direction, our parents are absent or simply don't care and are partly why we are so fucked up anyways. I'm not some 90 IQ gorilla who wasn't capable of doing something with my life, neither are so many people like me around the world and i know there's a decent amount of men in their 20s who feel trapped and like they wasted their life and did nothing with it. We went down the wrong path, we weren't given the right guidance. When i look at these young men who become criminals and deviants, i don't get angry at them, i know something happened in their life for them to turn out that way, if their personality type was different, they would have become like me, if i wasn't a non-nt autist, i would have become a criminal and probably be in jail by now for some violent crime because of what i perceived as being taken from me, a life that i desired, a life that i wanted and watched my peers obtain. You lash out at the world, you either lash out or you self-destruct if you don't let it out. It's just a total shame what is happening to men in modern society, whether it's women, our food and water being poisoned, social media replacing real socialization that every human being needs, the list goes on and on and on. It's a total fucking joke and i cannot believe men have not only allowed this to happen but also done nothing about it or anything to change it. Then you have people like wishiwaschico and a select few individuals who are praised non-stop even though these are the guys who are ruining it for you, yes you who aren't slayers are getting fucked more than you can imagine because of immature retards with a god-complex who use women and throw them away, they ruin women beyond repair and who pays the price? that's right, it's 99% of you who are below chadlite. They do not deserve praise, they deserve contempt. They are primary contributors to the disaster that is modern women, them and people just like them who did the same thing year after year and it has been going on for too long.
Kaczynski was right. If there was no internet, my life would have turned out so differently. We aren't meant to live like this, it's unnatural.

I hope all of you achieve your dreams and desires, modern society has turned against young men and made us this way. Women aren't to blame because they are emotional creatures who are easily brainwashed and that's in their nature because they're programmed to follow and men have not lead the way, they've allowed evil people to brainwash women and now look at the state of modern society. Degeneracy rampant everywhere, nobody cares as long as they can step on the guy behind them to get ahead. The truth is not what you see on this forum not the full truth anyways. There is more to life, the true meaning of life and human beings is not something you will find here. Our soul is in our keeping alone and we are put in a society that encourages us to degrade our soul and we cannot let that happen.

@Salino438 It's over my friend, i wish things had turned out better for you and me but again this is the world we live in, men like you and me cannot "succeed" with women or anything really, you are someone who deserves everything and yet instead it's some random piece of shit who doesn't have any empathy or care about others who has everything instead of you or me or people like us, we deserve more out of life but we aren't going to get it. There is no way to cope with such a realization. We are simply "surviving", not truly living. We are spectators of people who are actually living the live we dream of.
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • Woah
Reactions: Lelouch Lamperouge, Annihilator, CreepyJewel1 and 20 others
Nobody gives a shit even about your threads, it's jova for real
Nobody gives a shit even about your threads, it's jova for real
It can't be over because it never even began. This was just me venting my frustration, the recent islamic holiday Eid is why i am in such a bad mood/depressed more than usual, going outside and seeing people living a happy life with foids everywhere and i am .....
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: boss8055, rg1235, Lucid and 4 others
It can't be over because it never even began. This was just me venting my frustration, the recent islamic holiday Eid is why i am in such a bad mood/depressed more than usual, going outside and seeing people living a happy life with foids everywhere and i am .....
Probably mentalcel like 95% of incels
Probably mentalcel like 95% of incels
Not really, i am 5'8 ugly and balding from my crown oldcel. Explain to me how the fuck i can get pussy and i will do as you say, it's not possible
Not really, i am 5'8 ugly and balding from my crown oldcel. Explain to me how the fuck i can get pussy and i will do as you say, it's not possible
Shave your head completely, grow your beard out, wear insoles to height fraud.

You won't slay ofc, but you will find some roastie to fuck for sure.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: CarrotMaxxer, Lucid, Richard Cheese and 2 others
Are you also deathnic? Did read everything btw
  • JFL
Reactions: try2beme and JohnDoe
I have no friends, i have no job, i have poor health, i am an ugly manlet and oldcel, i have no interaction with the opposite gender, i just rot in my room all day like a dog.
Worse than a dogs life because atleast the dog gets affection and is generally happy.
There is no such thing as Karma tbh because i don't deserve this at all. Year after year i have suffered, again and again, how much more? how much more must i suffer?
If i wasn't 100% sure that God is real, i would have streamed me blowing my brains out for you failed normalfags. I firmly believe Karma does not exist, i am a prime example of it not existing because i did not do anything to deserve this. Normal people have ups and downs but my life has just been down down and just continuing to get worse, when is it my turn for something good to happen? i'm waiting and waiting and it never fucking happens, i try so hard to change things but nothing good ever happens. My dad has cancer, my mother has early signs of dementia, what kind of shit life is this? Karma isn't real, maybe the next life will be better, whatever happens after my soul leaves my body, i hope there is no more suffering from this hellhole planet and life.

Message to all youngcels 25 and below, Do not waste even a single day, don't be lazy or say you'll do it soon or whatever, improve non-stop all the fucking time, go get experiences. Life is all about experiences, none of this other shit even matters, when you are 60 years old you will only have memories of what you did. For your own sake do not end up like me, nobody deserves to go through what i have gone through.
It is inhumane to "live" like this. I don't deserve to live in a 1st world country if i'm being honest, i've wasted every opportunity and done nothing with my life, there are millions of people in 3rd world countries who would have killed for a chance to grow up here and have the same options available and i threw it all away. I don't even know why if i'm being honest.
I don't want any of you youngcels to end up like me, i cannot describe into words the sadness, regret, anger i feel. You waste your prime years "looksmaxxing" and not even living. You need to do both, you can't just rot in your room trying to looksmaxx, you have to leave your fucking room and house and go outside every single day and do something of note. Do it or forever hold your peace until you inevitably an hero or lead a life full of regret.

I wish the internet had never come to me. It is an abomination of an invention and although i have had some fun experiences with people on the internet when i was a teenager a decade ago, majority of the total time spent on the internet has been a complete and utter waste of fucking time and it is the computer/internet addiction which is mostly responsible for why i have turned out like this. Even now i see so many people below the age of 25 jsut rotting away on this forum, doing absolutely nothing, you aren't looksmaxxing, you aren't learning anything or trying to progress your life in any area, you just waste it away and it's painful to see. Day in day out i see some idiot 20 year old kid on here just spamming posts and for what reason? so you can get the validation from random internet strangers which is completely unnatural and instead you are wanting validation from people IRL which is how it should be. Human beings are social creatures, we aren't meant to be alone in our room most of the day staring at fucking screens. Modern society is cancer, we have gotten complacent and cannot continue to live like this.
The real epidemic is one of loneliness in young men. So many young men have nobody to talk to in real life, they have no guidance, their parents aren't really interested, all their peers are internet addicted, the women their age are completely delusional and have no idea the damage they have done not only to themselves but to their entire generation. So i am not surprised so many young men are on the internet trying to cope or looking for an outlet where they can be themselves or vent their frustrations or even just have some resemblance of socialization, i know this because i was the same, when i was a 13 year old boy, i knew even back then that i was an outcast, i wasn't like the other kids, as soon as i hit puberty i knew i was different, inferior. Ultimately this realization at a young age only leads to two paths, the first is the one i have taken where you shut yourself off from the world and just rot away, the other is you use the hate and everything that happens to you as fuel and you become an over-achiever to prove everyone wrong, especially those who have wronged you.

I and quite a few others use this forum primarily to socialize with people around our ages (younger for me since most of you aren't my age, but still), because we have no friends, our peers reject us, women do not even look in our direction, our parents are absent or simply don't care and are partly why we are so fucked up anyways. I'm not some 90 IQ gorilla who wasn't capable of doing something with my life, neither are so many people like me around the world and i know there's a decent amount of men in their 20s who feel trapped and like they wasted their life and did nothing with it. We went down the wrong path, we weren't given the right guidance. When i look at these young men who become criminals and deviants, i don't get angry at them, i know something happened in their life for them to turn out that way, if their personality type was different, they would have become like me, if i wasn't a non-nt autist, i would have become a criminal and probably be in jail by now for some violent crime because of what i perceived as being taken from me, a life that i desired, a life that i wanted and watched my peers obtain. You lash out at the world, you either lash out or you self-destruct if you don't let it out. It's just a total shame what is happening to men in modern society, whether it's women, our food and water being poisoned, social media replacing real socialization that every human being needs, the list goes on and on and on. It's a total fucking joke and i cannot believe men have not only allowed this to happen but also done nothing about it or anything to change it. Then you have people like wishiwaschico and a select few individuals who are praised non-stop even though these are the guys who are ruining it for you, yes you who aren't slayers are getting fucked more than you can imagine because of immature retards with a god-complex who use women and throw them away, they ruin women beyond repair and who pays the price? that's right, it's 99% of you who are below chadlite. They do not deserve praise, they deserve contempt. They are primary contributors to the disaster that is modern women, them and people just like them who did the same thing year after year and it has been going on for too long.
Kaczynski was right. If there was no internet, my life would have turned out so differently. We aren't meant to live like this, it's unnatural.

I hope all of you achieve your dreams and desires, modern society has turned against young men and made us this way. Women aren't to blame because they are emotional creatures who are easily brainwashed and that's in their nature because they're programmed to follow and men have not lead the way, they've allowed evil people to brainwash women and now look at the state of modern society. Degeneracy rampant everywhere, nobody cares as long as they can step on the guy behind them to get ahead. The truth is not what you see on this forum not the full truth anyways. There is more to life, the true meaning of life and human beings is not something you will find here. Our soul is in our keeping alone and we are put in a society that encourages us to degrade our soul and we cannot let that happen.

@Salino438 It's over my friend, i wish things had turned out better for you and me but again this is the world we live in, men like you and me cannot "succeed" with women or anything really, you are someone who deserves everything and yet instead it's some random piece of shit who doesn't have any empathy or care about others who has everything instead of you or me or people like us, we deserve more out of life but we aren't going to get it. There is no way to cope with such a realization. We are simply "surviving", not truly living. We are spectators of people who are actually living the live we dream of.
There is good news bro. In less than 20 years this world will all be dust.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: CreepyJewel1, CarrotMaxxer, vermillioncorefan and 2 others
There is good news bro. In less than 20 years this world will all be dust.
says who? and even if so... what the fuck do i do for the next 20 years bhai? sometimes i ask Allah to show mercy and take my soul while i sleep
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass and HTN_Mentalcel
Shave your head completely, grow your beard out, wear insoles to height fraud.

You won't slay ofc, but you will find some roastie to fuck for sure.
no man my head is really weird shaped, i would be the ugliest guy on earth if i shaved my head. Hair is everything for me. besides it's just my crown that is really noticeable, small bald spot. I can use toppik fibers for the tme being to cover it. i already fraud with old ultraboost shoes that give 1.5" boost, no lifts though because any more is too obvious as short limbs. beard doesn't look good on me, i mostly have stubble which is best on me. i don't like non-paki foids tbh, not attracted to them
Are you also deathnic? Did read everything btw
yes my fellow 5'8 manlet i am indeed deathnic, although when it comes to south asia, pakis are above indians and bengalis so that's something i guess. If i would stop balding and hair would fill in my crown, all i really need is rhino + ottoplasty and some teeth implants and i will be strong LTN imo, this way i can get some ugly foid r-right?? or passport halo some MTB from PK
  • +1
Reactions: butterworld
yes my fellow 5'8 manlet i am indeed deathnic, although when it comes to south asia, pakis are above indians and bengalis so that's something i guess. If i would stop balding and hair would fill in my crown, all i really need is rhino + ottoplasty and some teeth implants and i will be strong LTN imo, this way i can get some ugly foid r-right?? or passport halo some MTB from PK
Geomaxx boyo
Geomaxx boyo
geomaxx where? i'm in the UK, i ain't going back to a 3rd world country, if you mean i should passport halo and get a foid from PK then yh i agree
  • +1
Reactions: HumidVent and butterworld
There is good news bro. In less than 20 years this world will all be dust.
Not really most people are capable of attaching to false hope and copes their entire lives. People watch jewish shit like porn,tiktok, alcohol, drugs etc. There wont be no resistance or nothing because people are addicted to the copes.

Listen to ex prisoners, alot of them said they prefered life when they were in prison compared to wageslaving and having a "free life". Most are natural born slaves, jews will oppress people more but people are fine with that. In the past you needed to own all of this bullshit, now? People are perfectly content to wageslave and come back to watch nigflix and chinktok.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: robtical, IndraBC, emeraldglass and 1 other person
Not really most people are capable of attaching to false hope and copes their entire lives. People watch jewish shit like porn,tiktok, alcohol, drugs etc. There wont be no resistance or nothing because people are addicted to the copes.

Listen to ex prisoners, alot of them said they prefered life when they were in prison compared to wageslaving and having a "free life". Most are natural born slaves, jews will oppress people more but people are fine with that. In the past you needed to own all of this bullshit, now? People are perfectly content to wageslave and come back to watch nigflix and chinktok.
I don't watch porn or tiktok, i don't even masturbate anymore. I've never touched alcohol or any drugs. Copes simply don't do it for me anymore, too old. The average normalfag is beyond boring, 9-5 wagecuck, come home and then it's dinner + football and later in the evning it's netflix with the wifey. Weekends are predictable for these NPCs aswell. Most people get used to routine and do not like straying from it. This is what jews use to their advantage.
  • +1
Reactions: boss8055, robtical, rg1235 and 1 other person
geomaxx where? i'm in the UK, i ain't going back to a 3rd world country, if you mean i should passport halo and get a foid from PK then yh i agree
Right, I meant passportmaxx. Treat yourself to some surgeries and get a paki wifey
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe
i am incapable of reconciling the the act of reproduction and raising a family to secure the future of humanity with the meaningless and finite material reality in which we live.

at the end of the day, a leap of faith is absolutely required. you have to believe the impossible to be motivated to have children.
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Lelouch Lamperouge and JohnDoe
I don't watch porn or tiktok, i don't even masturbate anymore. I've never touched alcohol or any drugs. Copes simply don't do it for me anymore, too old. The average normalfag is beyond boring, 9-5 wagecuck, come home and then it's dinner + football and later in the evning it's netflix with the wifey. Weekends are predictable for these NPCs aswell. Most people get used to routine and do not like straying from it. This is what jews use to their advantage.
The thing is people will fight for the system probebly forever. If you told people tommorow that all porn sites are banned, all goyslop is banned, niglfix is banned, chinktok is banned. People would riot. Jews have won. I used to think people would go ER and it would end but its cope tbh
Last edited:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: rg1235, raleqtambrobret, IndraBC and 1 other person
I have no friends, i have no job, i have poor health, i am an ugly manlet and oldcel, i have no interaction with the opposite gender, i just rot in my room all day like a dog.
Worse than a dogs life because atleast the dog gets affection and is generally happy.
There is no such thing as Karma tbh because i don't deserve this at all. Year after year i have suffered, again and again, how much more? how much more must i suffer?
If i wasn't 100% sure that God is real, i would have streamed me blowing my brains out for you failed normalfags. I firmly believe Karma does not exist, i am a prime example of it not existing because i did not do anything to deserve this. Normal people have ups and downs but my life has just been down down and just continuing to get worse, when is it my turn for something good to happen? i'm waiting and waiting and it never fucking happens, i try so hard to change things but nothing good ever happens. My dad has cancer, my mother has early signs of dementia, what kind of shit life is this? Karma isn't real, maybe the next life will be better, whatever happens after my soul leaves my body, i hope there is no more suffering from this hellhole planet and life.

Message to all youngcels 25 and below, Do not waste even a single day, don't be lazy or say you'll do it soon or whatever, improve non-stop all the fucking time, go get experiences. Life is all about experiences, none of this other shit even matters, when you are 60 years old you will only have memories of what you did. For your own sake do not end up like me, nobody deserves to go through what i have gone through.
It is inhumane to "live" like this. I don't deserve to live in a 1st world country if i'm being honest, i've wasted every opportunity and done nothing with my life, there are millions of people in 3rd world countries who would have killed for a chance to grow up here and have the same options available and i threw it all away. I don't even know why if i'm being honest.
I don't want any of you youngcels to end up like me, i cannot describe into words the sadness, regret, anger i feel. You waste your prime years "looksmaxxing" and not even living. You need to do both, you can't just rot in your room trying to looksmaxx, you have to leave your fucking room and house and go outside every single day and do something of note. Do it or forever hold your peace until you inevitably an hero or lead a life full of regret.

I wish the internet had never come to me. It is an abomination of an invention and although i have had some fun experiences with people on the internet when i was a teenager a decade ago, majority of the total time spent on the internet has been a complete and utter waste of fucking time and it is the computer/internet addiction which is mostly responsible for why i have turned out like this. Even now i see so many people below the age of 25 jsut rotting away on this forum, doing absolutely nothing, you aren't looksmaxxing, you aren't learning anything or trying to progress your life in any area, you just waste it away and it's painful to see. Day in day out i see some idiot 20 year old kid on here just spamming posts and for what reason? so you can get the validation from random internet strangers which is completely unnatural and instead you are wanting validation from people IRL which is how it should be. Human beings are social creatures, we aren't meant to be alone in our room most of the day staring at fucking screens. Modern society is cancer, we have gotten complacent and cannot continue to live like this.
The real epidemic is one of loneliness in young men. So many young men have nobody to talk to in real life, they have no guidance, their parents aren't really interested, all their peers are internet addicted, the women their age are completely delusional and have no idea the damage they have done not only to themselves but to their entire generation. So i am not surprised so many young men are on the internet trying to cope or looking for an outlet where they can be themselves or vent their frustrations or even just have some resemblance of socialization, i know this because i was the same, when i was a 13 year old boy, i knew even back then that i was an outcast, i wasn't like the other kids, as soon as i hit puberty i knew i was different, inferior. Ultimately this realization at a young age only leads to two paths, the first is the one i have taken where you shut yourself off from the world and just rot away, the other is you use the hate and everything that happens to you as fuel and you become an over-achiever to prove everyone wrong, especially those who have wronged you.

I and quite a few others use this forum primarily to socialize with people around our ages (younger for me since most of you aren't my age, but still), because we have no friends, our peers reject us, women do not even look in our direction, our parents are absent or simply don't care and are partly why we are so fucked up anyways. I'm not some 90 IQ gorilla who wasn't capable of doing something with my life, neither are so many people like me around the world and i know there's a decent amount of men in their 20s who feel trapped and like they wasted their life and did nothing with it. We went down the wrong path, we weren't given the right guidance. When i look at these young men who become criminals and deviants, i don't get angry at them, i know something happened in their life for them to turn out that way, if their personality type was different, they would have become like me, if i wasn't a non-nt autist, i would have become a criminal and probably be in jail by now for some violent crime because of what i perceived as being taken from me, a life that i desired, a life that i wanted and watched my peers obtain. You lash out at the world, you either lash out or you self-destruct if you don't let it out. It's just a total shame what is happening to men in modern society, whether it's women, our food and water being poisoned, social media replacing real socialization that every human being needs, the list goes on and on and on. It's a total fucking joke and i cannot believe men have not only allowed this to happen but also done nothing about it or anything to change it. Then you have people like wishiwaschico and a select few individuals who are praised non-stop even though these are the guys who are ruining it for you, yes you who aren't slayers are getting fucked more than you can imagine because of immature retards with a god-complex who use women and throw them away, they ruin women beyond repair and who pays the price? that's right, it's 99% of you who are below chadlite. They do not deserve praise, they deserve contempt. They are primary contributors to the disaster that is modern women, them and people just like them who did the same thing year after year and it has been going on for too long.
Kaczynski was right. If there was no internet, my life would have turned out so differently. We aren't meant to live like this, it's unnatural.

I hope all of you achieve your dreams and desires, modern society has turned against young men and made us this way. Women aren't to blame because they are emotional creatures who are easily brainwashed and that's in their nature because they're programmed to follow and men have not lead the way, they've allowed evil people to brainwash women and now look at the state of modern society. Degeneracy rampant everywhere, nobody cares as long as they can step on the guy behind them to get ahead. The truth is not what you see on this forum not the full truth anyways. There is more to life, the true meaning of life and human beings is not something you will find here. Our soul is in our keeping alone and we are put in a society that encourages us to degrade our soul and we cannot let that happen.

@Salino438 It's over my friend, i wish things had turned out better for you and me but again this is the world we live in, men like you and me cannot "succeed" with women or anything really, you are someone who deserves everything and yet instead it's some random piece of shit who doesn't have any empathy or care about others who has everything instead of you or me or people like us, we deserve more out of life but we aren't going to get it. There is no way to cope with such a realization. We are simply "surviving", not truly living. We are spectators of people who are actually living the live we dream of.
  • So Sad
Reactions: JohnDoe
says who? and even if so... what the fuck do i do for the next 20 years bhai? sometimes i ask Allah to show mercy and take my soul while i sleep
The prediction of the end time have almost all already come true. Just hold on a little bit longer Bhai.
  • WTF
Reactions: JohnDoe
Not really most people are capable of attaching to false hope and copes their entire lives. People watch jewish shit like porn,tiktok, alcohol, drugs etc. There wont be no resistance or nothing because people are addicted to the copes.

Listen to ex prisoners, alot of them said they prefered life when they were in prison compared to wageslaving and having a "free life". Most are natural born slaves, jews will oppress people more but people are fine with that. In the past you needed to own all of this bullshit, now? People are perfectly content to wageslave and come back to watch nigflix and chinktok.
I meant this whole world will perish soon, it’s inevitable.
I went outside plenty from 17 to 22. We're relegated to our rooms because we're social rejects. Whenever I was fortunate enough to go out in a group, the foids would make sure to stay aloof from me and give me cold responses so that I became pushed to the fringe of the group. Meanwhile others get warm responses and included instantly and effortlessly.
  • WTF
Reactions: JohnDoe
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: rg1235, JohnDoe, romanstock and 1 other person
The prediction of the end time have almost all already come true. Just hold on a little bit longer Bhai.
I meant this whole world will perish soon, it’s inevitable.
Let's not put a timescale on it. It's already predetermined. So many different periods in history from Mongols, to crusades to World wars last century everyone thought end of times were here. The trumpets will blow when they need to, nothing humans do will change that. Whether it happens in our lifetime not worth speculating.
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Not really, i am 5'8 ugly and balding from my crown oldcel. Explain to me how the fuck i can get pussy and i will do as you say, it's not possible
Go to Thailand if your that desperate
  • JFL
Reactions: ReadBooksEveryday and JohnDoe
I read it all

And I deeply sympathize with you. I thought this was @the BULL 's life version tbh

Insane to see so many youngies stuck in the same trap. Im a youngie too but blessed with higher IQ as Im Jewish so time and time again I feel like I have to guide the lost goyim.
  • JFL
Reactions: JohnDoe
I read it all

And I deeply sympathize with you. I thought this was @the BULL 's life version tbh

Insane to see so many youngies stuck in the same trap. Im a youngie too but blessed with higher IQ as Im Jewish so time and time again I feel like I have to guide the lost goyim.
based jew
dnr but got the idea by quick glance

i feel you man, i cant relate but i feel bad for you

i sincerely wish you all the best for life, and remember to never give up man:feelspanties:
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe
I read it all

And I deeply sympathize with you. I thought this was @the BULL 's life version tbh

Insane to see so many youngies stuck in the same trap. Im a youngie too but blessed with higher IQ as Im Jewish so time and time again I feel like I have to guide the lost goyim.
Bro name dropped the bull
I don't deserve to live in a 1st world country if i'm being honest, i've wasted every opportunity and done nothing with my life, there are millions of people in 3rd world countries who would have killed for a chance to grow up here and have the same options available and i threw it all away.
Yeah nigga I would have killed for that

This is why I don't believe in God, life is just chance and then it disappears
Yeah nigga I would have killed for that

This is why I don't believe in God, life is just chance and then it disappears
what cuntry? you could always take a one way flight to america and refuse to leave
no man my head is really weird shaped, i would be the ugliest guy on earth if i shaved my head. Hair is everything for me. besides it's just my crown that is really noticeable, small bald spot. I can use toppik fibers for the tme being to cover it. i already fraud with old ultraboost shoes that give 1.5" boost, no lifts though because any more is too obvious as short limbs. beard doesn't look good on me, i mostly have stubble which is best on me. i don't like non-paki foids tbh, not attracted to them
Paki foids should be easier to attract anyway no? That’s a good thing bhai
whites simply are not reproducing. society is crumbling as a result. the decline of america can be perfectly matched with it's demographic shift from majority european whites to, east euro jews, then to blacks and browns from the 3rd world. atheism is a targeted jewish psyop that makes people unproductive and non reproductive. you have to be either really low iq and incapable of conceiving anything beyond spiritualism and religion(ie deathniks), or you have to be very high iq and motivated by an unwillingness to let jews win(whites), to reproduce. unfortunately the former far outnumber the latter.
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geomaxx where? i'm in the UK, i ain't going back to a 3rd world country, if you mean i should passport halo and get a foid from PK then yh i agree
Your from Pakistan wow brutal are you possibly inbred. Feel bad for you man seem like a genuine person looking out for others, but bc I’m brachid/bengali n dark I have to have beef with you.
You are paying for the sins in your former life
There’s no way to remember
whites simply are not reproducing. society is crumbling as a result. the decline of america can be perfectly matched with it's demographic shift from majority european whites to, east euro jews, then to blacks and browns from the 3rd world. atheism is a targeted jewish psyop that makes people unproductive and non reproductive. you have to be either really low iq and incapable of conceiving anything beyond spiritualism and religion(ie deathniks), or you have to be very high iq and motivated by an unwillingness to let jews win(whites), to reproduce. unfortunately the former far outnumber the latter.
Tbh i used to think same but would these poor ethnic last? In future, at least the white ppl who invested into their children(better education, quality and all) will be able to get a job or survive by making money. But what about the majority of the poor ethnics? They will die out. Kinda like these cities


The poor only exist to serve the rich. The moment poor go after the rich, police and army steps in and put them in check. What is the point if they are larger in numbers? If the whole purpose of their existance is serving the rich(white) and have no socioeconomic mobility.
I read it all

And I deeply sympathize with you. I thought this was @the BULL 's life version tbh

Insane to see so many youngies stuck in the same trap. Im a youngie too but blessed with higher IQ as Im Jewish so time and time again I feel like I have to guide the lost goyim.
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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Did you not get many IOIs today?
Yeah i did. People don't understand that everyone has his own pace. Someone Is fully realized at 28, others are still trying to build something, Life Is not a fucking race
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel
Yeah i did. People don't understand that everyone has his own pace. Someone Is fully realized at 28, others are still trying to build something, Life Is not a fucking race
Plenty of slayers have lost their virginity past 18

look at Jon zherka nigga is 6’5 and was a dark triad vampire terachad in his teens and he lost it at 20


Retard niggas don’t realize not everybody advances in life at the same pace
  • +1
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Plenty of slayers have lost their virginity past 18

look at Jon zherka nigga is 6’5 and was a dark triad vampire terachad in his teens and he lost it at 20


Retard niggas don’t realize not everybody advances in life at the same pace
Yeah people here think Life Is over at 30 but for me It starts at 30. I Needed more time to mature, couldn't even drive a car until i was 27
  • +1
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Plenty of slayers have lost their virginity past 18

look at Jon zherka nigga is 6’5 and was a dark triad vampire terachad in his teens and he lost it at 20


Retard niggas don’t realize not everybody advances in life at the same pace
I lost mine the day I turned 20
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