My Looksmax Plan 2025



Jan 11, 2024
This thread is for me mainly, make me remember and plan out what I am going to focus on this year, instead of mindlessly rotting / not actively trying to improve myself.
This year will mainly be focused on healthmaxxing, since health = looks for the most part.
During my healthiest years, I looked the best. By healthiest I don’t mean I had a prefect diet etc, I did eat goyslop, but not as a replacement of the healthy meals, and not extremely often - every meal had some form of meat, weatherit was fish, beef etc. I never tracked calories back then, and was still very very lean,probably due to how I was active, way more so than now, through spots which I stopped playing, and the occasional gym session.

I've adopted a zero carb diet a while ago, and feel a tone better on this, in every way. I’ll be continuing this diet since I cannot see any reason why I would stop.
Most people do it wrong, feel shit, and talk shit about the diet.
How to do it properly (very very simple):
- Hit your protein intake each day like normal
- All the rest should be fat (ratio should be AT LEAST 1:1 protein:fat)
- Eat when hungry
- And eat till your comfortably stuffed - don't continue eating just to finish the plate, if it stops tasting good, bin/eat the rest when your hungry again

Don't be some idiot and keep consuming more protein. This is a high fat diet, not a high protein diet.
And no, carbs are not needed for the gym, I have continued progressing my lifts each session and looking leaner in the mirror.

I will put a physique pic here - I am going to focus a lot this year on improving it, I have only been training for 2.5months so don't come at me:
IMG 1125

I do believe this to be optimal diet since it consists of basically the only the most nutritious foods.
Fruit now a days is the same as a choc bar, deadass. The amount of bs that has been injected in that shit, no way you can classify it as natural.
quitting oral minox.
Caused me bloating which I only now realised after a very long time. from what I hear it will take 2 weeks upwards to resolve. I wouldn’t expect more than a month, which some people I have spoken to have experienced.

It may have also reduced my collagen slightly. I am hoping this side will resolve also in time. I have spoken to some, and they say in time it should resolve which is good.

I am also hoping my eyebrow gains will fall out and I will be left with my previous eyebrows as I feel they were more harmonious with my face. I do expect them to fall and return to pre minox state. I don't believe they become terminal from people I have spoken to.

Eyelashes will also fall I think. I will cover what I will do for lashes below
Simple. Dye. That's it. I have and will continue to dye with Refectocil Blue Black dye (the darkest dye they got) and the 3% Developer (weather it is liquid or cream doesn't matter) - both are professional products.
I apply using just regular mascara brush, and after 10 mins, remove the dye.

I have realised the length of the lashes doesn’t even really matter, it’s mainly about the contract given with dark lashes. Very long bottom lashes can also make your eye appear larger, so may not be ideal for some of you.
I’ll continue consistent gym like I have been doing recently. I will be lifting natty, no test or anything. Since my lifts progress each time, I have no reason to inject and I don't think any form of PED is needed to reach an optimal female gaze physique. Girls care about being lean/shredded with some muscle. Yes, it will take longer being done naturally, but @Alexanderr said "looksmaxxing is not a sprint, it's a marathon".

Gym Plan:
Will be hitting shoulders 3x a week since it's a smaller muscle that recovers quickly, and is the most important muscle imo
Every other muscle will be hit twice a week
Each session is no more than 1hr long
I don’t play the amount of spots I used to, when I was my leanest. I used to play competitive so you can imagine a tone of calories would have been burnt each time I played.
Getting back into it is honestly too much effort so I have started, and will continue walking a minimum of 10k steps a day, if I do more all the better. imo its better than doing proper cardio, yes its less effort, relaxing, I can think, listen to music, doesn’t spike my hunger. Just because it is less effort, doesn't make it a bad thing.
Looking back at older pictures, i did have higher collagen looking skin. either because of minox, or because i completely stopped my skincare routine in general. probably a combination of both. I have restarted using the products I used to use since they seemed to work well, and why change what's not broke. I use a Salicylic Acid Cleanser from The Inky List and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Fragrance Free. I did check the ingredients of both, and they seem to be clean products without endocrine disruptors.
water intake.
Deadass idk how this made the list. but I barely drink 1L of water a day. this obviously causes dehydration and can cause increased hunger and food craving and a bunch of other shit. I am trying to consciously increase my water intake.
Simple, I will grow it out this whole year, I am buzzed, and my hair is wavy brown but turned curly dark brown/ black after minox. since minox doesn’t cause permanent scalp gains it will hopefully return to wavy brown.
Since I live in the UK, i will continue the supplementation of 8000IU vit D3 since there is fuck all sun.
I also supplement magnesium glycinate before sleeping. considering my diet consists of the most nutritious foods, I don't feel the need to supplement anything else.

very water list of what I am doing looksmaxx wise. It's basically all lifestyle improvements. but I do believe if you don’t surgery max this is all you need.
Leanness 90% of the game, and the rest is just little bits here and there like skin, hair etc. those 10% could be more for you since hair can have a massive effect your looks, but i pulled off buzz cut well, and girls liked it so hair matters less which is which I neglected it for so long. but medium length > short length regardless.
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dnr just ldar
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Brainmaxx with some nootropics supplements aswell
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This thread is for me mainly, make me remember and plan out what I am going to focus on this year, instead of mindlessly rotting / not actively trying to improve myself.
This year will mainly be focused on healthmaxxing, since health = looks for the most part.
During my healthiest years, I looked the best. By healthiest I don’t mean I had a prefect diet etc, I did eat goyslop, but not as a replacement of the healthy meals, and not extremely often - every meal had some form of meat, weatherit was fish, beef etc. I never tracked calories back then, and was still very very lean,probably due to how I was active, way more so than now, through spots which I stopped playing, and the occasional gym session.

I've adopted a zero carb diet a while ago, and feel a tone better on this, in every way. I’ll be continuing this diet since I cannot see any reason why I would stop.
Most people do it wrong, feel shit, and talk shit about the diet.
How to do it properly (very very simple):
- Hit your protein intake each day like normal
- All the rest should be fat (ratio should be AT LEAST 1:1 protein:fat)
- Eat when hungry
- And eat till your comfortably stuffed - don't continue eating just to finish the plate, if it stops tasting good, bin/eat the rest when your hungry again

Don't be some idiot and keep consuming more protein. This is a high fat diet, not a high protein diet.
And no, carbs are not needed for the gym, I have continued progressing my lifts each session and looking leaner in the mirror.

I will put a physique pic here - I am going to focus a lot this year on improving it, I have only been training for 2.5months so don't come at me:

I do believe this to be optimal diet since it consists of basically the only the most nutritious foods.
Fruit now a days is the same as a choc bar, deadass. The amount of bs that has been injected in that shit, no way you can classify it as natural.
quitting oral minox.
Caused me bloating which I only now realised after a very long time. from what I hear it will take 2 weeks upwards to resolve. I wouldn’t expect more than a month, which some people I have spoken to have experienced.

It may have also reduced my collagen slightly. I am hoping this side will resolve also in time. I have spoken to some, and they say in time it should resolve which is good.

I am also hoping my eyebrow gains will fall out and I will be left with my previous eyebrows as I feel they were more harmonious with my face. I do expect them to fall and return to pre minox state. I don't believe they become terminal from people I have spoken to.

Eyelashes will also fall I think. I will cover what I will do for lashes below
Simple. Dye. That's it. I have and will continue to dye with Refectocil Blue Black dye (the darkest dye they got) and the 3% Developer (weather it is liquid or cream doesn't matter) - both are professional products.
Lo applico semplicemente usando uno scovolino da mascara normale e dopo 10 minuti rimuovo la tinta.

Ho capito che la lunghezza delle ciglia non ha importanza, è soprattutto una questione di contratto dato con le ciglia scure. Le ciglia inferiori molto lunghe possono anche far sembrare l'occhio più grande, quindi potrebbero non essere l'ideale per alcune di voi.
Continuerò a fare palestra regolarmente come ho fatto ultimamente. Farò sollevamento pesi, niente test o altro. Dal momento che i miei sollevamenti migliorano ogni volta, non ho motivo di fare iniezioni e non credo che sia necessaria alcuna forma di PED per raggiungere un fisico da sguardo femminile ottimale. Alle ragazze interessa essere magre/scolpite con un po' di muscoli. Sì, ci vorrà più tempo se fatto in modo naturale, ma @Alexanderr ha detto "looksmaxxing non è uno sprint, è una maratona".

Piano palestra:
Farò lavorare le spalle 3 volte a settimana perché è un muscolo più piccolo che recupera velocemente ed è il muscolo più importante, secondo me.
Ogni altro muscolo verrà colpito due volte a settimana
Ogni sessione non dura più di 1 ora
Non gioco più così tanto come facevo quando ero più magro. Giocavo in modo competitivo, quindi puoi immaginare che bruciassi un sacco di calorie ogni volta che giocavo.
Riprendere è onestamente troppo faticoso, quindi ho iniziato e continuerò a camminare almeno 10.000 passi al giorno, se ne faccio di più tanto meglio. secondo me è meglio che fare cardio vero e proprio, sì, è meno faticoso, rilassante, riesco a pensare, ascoltare musica, non mi fa aumentare la fame. Solo perché è meno faticoso, non lo rende un male.
Riguardando le vecchie foto, avevo una pelle con un più alto contenuto di collagene. O a causa del minox, o perché ho completamente interrotto la mia routine di cura della pelle in generale. Probabilmente una combinazione di entrambi. Ho ricominciato a usare i prodotti che usavo prima perché sembravano funzionare bene, e perché cambiare ciò che non è rotto. Uso un detergente all'acido salicilico di The Inky List e un gel d'acqua Neutrogena Hydro Boost senza profumo . Ho controllato gli ingredienti di entrambi e sembrano prodotti puliti senza interferenti endocrini.
assunzione di acqua.
Deadass non so come sia finito in questa lista. Ma bevo a malapena 1L di acqua al giorno. Questo ovviamente causa disidratazione e può causare aumento della fame e voglia di cibo e un sacco di altre stronzate. Sto cercando di aumentare consapevolmente la mia assunzione di acqua.
Semplice, li farò crescere per tutto l'anno, sono rasata e i miei capelli sono castani ondulati, ma sono diventati ricci castano scuro/neri dopo il trattamento con Minox. Dal momento che Minox non provoca miglioramenti permanenti sul cuoio capelluto, spero che torneranno castani ondulati.
Dal momento che vivo nel Regno Unito, continuerò ad assumere 8000 UI di vitamina D3, visto che non c'è quasi niente sole.
Assumo anche integratori di glicinato di magnesio prima di dormire. Considerando che la mia dieta è composta dai cibi più nutrienti, non sento il bisogno di aggiungere altro.

molto acqua elenco di ciò che sto facendo looksmaxx saggio. Fondamentalmente sono tutti miglioramenti dello stile di vita. ma credo che se non fai l'operazione max questo è tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno.
La magrezza è il 90% del gioco, e il resto sono solo piccoli dettagli qua e là come pelle, capelli ecc. Quel 10% potrebbe essere di più per te poiché i capelli possono avere un effetto enorme sul tuo aspetto, ma io ho portato bene il taglio a rasatura, e alle ragazze è piaciuto, quindi i capelli contano meno, ed è per questo che li ho trascurati per così tanto tempo. Ma la lunghezza media è sempre meglio della lunghezza corta.

Stopped reading after seeing no reason to inject.
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actually half decent thread
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This thread is for me mainly, make me remember and plan out what I am going to focus on this year, instead of mindlessly rotting / not actively trying to improve myself.
This year will mainly be focused on healthmaxxing, since health = looks for the most part.
During my healthiest years, I looked the best. By healthiest I don’t mean I had a prefect diet etc, I did eat goyslop, but not as a replacement of the healthy meals, and not extremely often - every meal had some form of meat, weatherit was fish, beef etc. I never tracked calories back then, and was still very very lean,probably due to how I was active, way more so than now, through spots which I stopped playing, and the occasional gym session.

I've adopted a zero carb diet a while ago, and feel a tone better on this, in every way. I’ll be continuing this diet since I cannot see any reason why I would stop.
Most people do it wrong, feel shit, and talk shit about the diet.
How to do it properly (very very simple):
- Hit your protein intake each day like normal
- All the rest should be fat (ratio should be AT LEAST 1:1 protein:fat)
- Eat when hungry
- And eat till your comfortably stuffed - don't continue eating just to finish the plate, if it stops tasting good, bin/eat the rest when your hungry again

Don't be some idiot and keep consuming more protein. This is a high fat diet, not a high protein diet.
And no, carbs are not needed for the gym, I have continued progressing my lifts each session and looking leaner in the mirror.

I will put a physique pic here - I am going to focus a lot this year on improving it, I have only been training for 2.5months so don't come at me:

I do believe this to be optimal diet since it consists of basically the only the most nutritious foods.
Fruit now a days is the same as a choc bar, deadass. The amount of bs that has been injected in that shit, no way you can classify it as natural.
quitting oral minox.
Caused me bloating which I only now realised after a very long time. from what I hear it will take 2 weeks upwards to resolve. I wouldn’t expect more than a month, which some people I have spoken to have experienced.

It may have also reduced my collagen slightly. I am hoping this side will resolve also in time. I have spoken to some, and they say in time it should resolve which is good.

I am also hoping my eyebrow gains will fall out and I will be left with my previous eyebrows as I feel they were more harmonious with my face. I do expect them to fall and return to pre minox state. I don't believe they become terminal from people I have spoken to.

Eyelashes will also fall I think. I will cover what I will do for lashes below
Simple. Dye. That's it. I have and will continue to dye with Refectocil Blue Black dye (the darkest dye they got) and the 3% Developer (weather it is liquid or cream doesn't matter) - both are professional products.
I apply using just regular mascara brush, and after 10 mins, remove the dye.

I have realised the length of the lashes doesn’t even really matter, it’s mainly about the contract given with dark lashes. Very long bottom lashes can also make your eye appear larger, so may not be ideal for some of you.
I’ll continue consistent gym like I have been doing recently. I will be lifting natty, no test or anything. Since my lifts progress each time, I have no reason to inject and I don't think any form of PED is needed to reach an optimal female gaze physique. Girls care about being lean/shredded with some muscle. Yes, it will take longer being done naturally, but @Alexanderr said "looksmaxxing is not a sprint, it's a marathon".

Gym Plan:
Will be hitting shoulders 3x a week since it's a smaller muscle that recovers quickly, and is the most important muscle imo
Every other muscle will be hit twice a week
Each session is no more than 1hr long
I don’t play the amount of spots I used to, when I was my leanest. I used to play competitive so you can imagine a tone of calories would have been burnt each time I played.
Getting back into it is honestly too much effort so I have started, and will continue walking a minimum of 10k steps a day, if I do more all the better. imo its better than doing proper cardio, yes its less effort, relaxing, I can think, listen to music, doesn’t spike my hunger. Just because it is less effort, doesn't make it a bad thing.
Looking back at older pictures, i did have higher collagen looking skin. either because of minox, or because i completely stopped my skincare routine in general. probably a combination of both. I have restarted using the products I used to use since they seemed to work well, and why change what's not broke. I use a Salicylic Acid Cleanser from The Inky List and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Fragrance Free. I did check the ingredients of both, and they seem to be clean products without endocrine disruptors.
water intake.
Deadass idk how this made the list. but I barely drink 1L of water a day. this obviously causes dehydration and can cause increased hunger and food craving and a bunch of other shit. I am trying to consciously increase my water intake.
Simple, I will grow it out this whole year, I am buzzed, and my hair is wavy brown but turned curly dark brown/ black after minox. since minox doesn’t cause permanent scalp gains it will hopefully return to wavy brown.
Since I live in the UK, i will continue the supplementation of 8000IU vit D3 since there is fuck all sun.
I also supplement magnesium glycinate before sleeping. considering my diet consists of the most nutritious foods, I don't feel the need to supplement anything else.

very water list of what I am doing looksmaxx wise. It's basically all lifestyle improvements. but I do believe if you don’t surgery max this is all you need.
Leanness 90% of the game, and the rest is just little bits here and there like skin, hair etc. those 10% could be more for you since hair can have a massive effect your looks, but i pulled off buzz cut well, and girls liked it so hair matters less which is which I neglected it for so long. but medium length > short length regardless.
not reading all that but bro zero carbs 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you need carbs for energy. when you’re on a low carb diet, the only reason you lose weight fast is because you’re cutting out water weight. the moment you touch a single molecule of a carbohydrate all of that water is going back in you
not reading all that but bro zero carbs 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you need carbs for energy. when you’re on a low carb diet, the only reason you lose weight fast is because you’re cutting out water weight. the moment you touch a single molecule of a carbohydrate all of that water is going back in you
ofc but it’s best to run of fat stores. i only eat carbs on cheat day like once a month or every fortnight. apart from that i run off fats
not reading all that but bro zero carbs 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you need carbs for energy. when you’re on a low carb diet, the only reason you lose weight fast is because you’re cutting out water weight. the moment you touch a single molecule of a carbohydrate all of that water is going back in you
if he doesnt eat carbs his body will create carbs with proteins and fat it called Gluconeogenesis
Good luck buddy boyo
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lmao how do you even have 8000iu d3, is it a prescription? ive heard of 10000iu before on prescription but i thought 4000iu was the max unless youve been prescribed it
lmao how do you even have 8000iu d3, is it a prescription? ive heard of 10000iu before on prescription but i thought 4000iu was the max unless youve been prescribed it
bro what? just take 2 4000iu pills then
bro what? just take 2 4000iu pills then
still got some 10000iu from a friend of mine thankfully lmfao, will make sure i look for 8000iu when this batch runs out tho, never knew it was sold without prescription
still got some 10000iu from a friend of mine thankfully lmfao, will make sure i look for 8000iu when this batch runs out tho, never knew it was sold without prescription
10k is fine also
This thread is for me mainly, make me remember and plan out what I am going to focus on this year, instead of mindlessly rotting / not actively trying to improve myself.
This year will mainly be focused on healthmaxxing, since health = looks for the most part.
During my healthiest years, I looked the best. By healthiest I don’t mean I had a prefect diet etc, I did eat goyslop, but not as a replacement of the healthy meals, and not extremely often - every meal had some form of meat, weatherit was fish, beef etc. I never tracked calories back then, and was still very very lean,probably due to how I was active, way more so than now, through spots which I stopped playing, and the occasional gym session.

I've adopted a zero carb diet a while ago, and feel a tone better on this, in every way. I’ll be continuing this diet since I cannot see any reason why I would stop.
Most people do it wrong, feel shit, and talk shit about the diet.
How to do it properly (very very simple):
- Hit your protein intake each day like normal
- All the rest should be fat (ratio should be AT LEAST 1:1 protein:fat)
- Eat when hungry
- And eat till your comfortably stuffed - don't continue eating just to finish the plate, if it stops tasting good, bin/eat the rest when your hungry again

Don't be some idiot and keep consuming more protein. This is a high fat diet, not a high protein diet.
And no, carbs are not needed for the gym, I have continued progressing my lifts each session and looking leaner in the mirror.

I will put a physique pic here - I am going to focus a lot this year on improving it, I have only been training for 2.5months so don't come at me:

I do believe this to be optimal diet since it consists of basically the only the most nutritious foods.
Fruit now a days is the same as a choc bar, deadass. The amount of bs that has been injected in that shit, no way you can classify it as natural.
quitting oral minox.
Caused me bloating which I only now realised after a very long time. from what I hear it will take 2 weeks upwards to resolve. I wouldn’t expect more than a month, which some people I have spoken to have experienced.

It may have also reduced my collagen slightly. I am hoping this side will resolve also in time. I have spoken to some, and they say in time it should resolve which is good.

I am also hoping my eyebrow gains will fall out and I will be left with my previous eyebrows as I feel they were more harmonious with my face. I do expect them to fall and return to pre minox state. I don't believe they become terminal from people I have spoken to.

Eyelashes will also fall I think. I will cover what I will do for lashes below
Simple. Dye. That's it. I have and will continue to dye with Refectocil Blue Black dye (the darkest dye they got) and the 3% Developer (weather it is liquid or cream doesn't matter) - both are professional products.
I apply using just regular mascara brush, and after 10 mins, remove the dye.

I have realised the length of the lashes doesn’t even really matter, it’s mainly about the contract given with dark lashes. Very long bottom lashes can also make your eye appear larger, so may not be ideal for some of you.
I’ll continue consistent gym like I have been doing recently. I will be lifting natty, no test or anything. Since my lifts progress each time, I have no reason to inject and I don't think any form of PED is needed to reach an optimal female gaze physique. Girls care about being lean/shredded with some muscle. Yes, it will take longer being done naturally, but @Alexanderr said "looksmaxxing is not a sprint, it's a marathon".

Gym Plan:
Will be hitting shoulders 3x a week since it's a smaller muscle that recovers quickly, and is the most important muscle imo
Every other muscle will be hit twice a week
Each session is no more than 1hr long
I don’t play the amount of spots I used to, when I was my leanest. I used to play competitive so you can imagine a tone of calories would have been burnt each time I played.
Getting back into it is honestly too much effort so I have started, and will continue walking a minimum of 10k steps a day, if I do more all the better. imo its better than doing proper cardio, yes its less effort, relaxing, I can think, listen to music, doesn’t spike my hunger. Just because it is less effort, doesn't make it a bad thing.
Looking back at older pictures, i did have higher collagen looking skin. either because of minox, or because i completely stopped my skincare routine in general. probably a combination of both. I have restarted using the products I used to use since they seemed to work well, and why change what's not broke. I use a Salicylic Acid Cleanser from The Inky List and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Fragrance Free. I did check the ingredients of both, and they seem to be clean products without endocrine disruptors.
water intake.
Deadass idk how this made the list. but I barely drink 1L of water a day. this obviously causes dehydration and can cause increased hunger and food craving and a bunch of other shit. I am trying to consciously increase my water intake.
Simple, I will grow it out this whole year, I am buzzed, and my hair is wavy brown but turned curly dark brown/ black after minox. since minox doesn’t cause permanent scalp gains it will hopefully return to wavy brown.
Since I live in the UK, i will continue the supplementation of 8000IU vit D3 since there is fuck all sun.
I also supplement magnesium glycinate before sleeping. considering my diet consists of the most nutritious foods, I don't feel the need to supplement anything else.

very water list of what I am doing looksmaxx wise. It's basically all lifestyle improvements. but I do believe if you don’t surgery max this is all you need.
Leanness 90% of the game, and the rest is just little bits here and there like skin, hair etc. those 10% could be more for you since hair can have a massive effect your looks, but i pulled off buzz cut well, and girls liked it so hair matters less which is which I neglected it for so long. but medium length > short length regardless.
nigga just starve yourself and workout like dam nigga really out here doing all this extra shit. if you ugly, you ugly. if you lose weight and take care of yourself and you ugly what you think that mean? ya ugly stop coping
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nigga just starve yourself and workout like dam nigga really out here doing all this extra shit. if you ugly, you ugly. if you lose weight and take care of yourself and you ugly what you think that mean? ya ugly stop coping
this cope thread form me should be deleted.

i’ve hopped on dut 0.5mg, 600mg test a week, Aromasin 12.5mg
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No looksmaxxing for your NIGGER face
no steroids? W.
This thread is for me mainly, make me remember and plan out what I am going to focus on this year, instead of mindlessly rotting / not actively trying to improve myself.
This year will mainly be focused on healthmaxxing, since health = looks for the most part.
During my healthiest years, I looked the best. By healthiest I don’t mean I had a prefect diet etc, I did eat goyslop, but not as a replacement of the healthy meals, and not extremely often - every meal had some form of meat, weatherit was fish, beef etc. I never tracked calories back then, and was still very very lean,probably due to how I was active, way more so than now, through spots which I stopped playing, and the occasional gym session.

I've adopted a zero carb diet a while ago, and feel a tone better on this, in every way. I’ll be continuing this diet since I cannot see any reason why I would stop.
Most people do it wrong, feel shit, and talk shit about the diet.
How to do it properly (very very simple):
- Hit your protein intake each day like normal
- All the rest should be fat (ratio should be AT LEAST 1:1 protein:fat)
- Eat when hungry
- And eat till your comfortably stuffed - don't continue eating just to finish the plate, if it stops tasting good, bin/eat the rest when your hungry again

Don't be some idiot and keep consuming more protein. This is a high fat diet, not a high protein diet.
And no, carbs are not needed for the gym, I have continued progressing my lifts each session and looking leaner in the mirror.

I will put a physique pic here - I am going to focus a lot this year on improving it, I have only been training for 2.5months so don't come at me:

I do believe this to be optimal diet since it consists of basically the only the most nutritious foods.
Fruit now a days is the same as a choc bar, deadass. The amount of bs that has been injected in that shit, no way you can classify it as natural.
quitting oral minox.
Caused me bloating which I only now realised after a very long time. from what I hear it will take 2 weeks upwards to resolve. I wouldn’t expect more than a month, which some people I have spoken to have experienced.

It may have also reduced my collagen slightly. I am hoping this side will resolve also in time. I have spoken to some, and they say in time it should resolve which is good.

I am also hoping my eyebrow gains will fall out and I will be left with my previous eyebrows as I feel they were more harmonious with my face. I do expect them to fall and return to pre minox state. I don't believe they become terminal from people I have spoken to.

Eyelashes will also fall I think. I will cover what I will do for lashes below
Simple. Dye. That's it. I have and will continue to dye with Refectocil Blue Black dye (the darkest dye they got) and the 3% Developer (weather it is liquid or cream doesn't matter) - both are professional products.
I apply using just regular mascara brush, and after 10 mins, remove the dye.

I have realised the length of the lashes doesn’t even really matter, it’s mainly about the contract given with dark lashes. Very long bottom lashes can also make your eye appear larger, so may not be ideal for some of you.
I’ll continue consistent gym like I have been doing recently. I will be lifting natty, no test or anything. Since my lifts progress each time, I have no reason to inject and I don't think any form of PED is needed to reach an optimal female gaze physique. Girls care about being lean/shredded with some muscle. Yes, it will take longer being done naturally, but @Alexanderr said "looksmaxxing is not a sprint, it's a marathon".

Gym Plan:
Will be hitting shoulders 3x a week since it's a smaller muscle that recovers quickly, and is the most important muscle imo
Every other muscle will be hit twice a week
Each session is no more than 1hr long
I don’t play the amount of spots I used to, when I was my leanest. I used to play competitive so you can imagine a tone of calories would have been burnt each time I played.
Getting back into it is honestly too much effort so I have started, and will continue walking a minimum of 10k steps a day, if I do more all the better. imo its better than doing proper cardio, yes its less effort, relaxing, I can think, listen to music, doesn’t spike my hunger. Just because it is less effort, doesn't make it a bad thing.
Looking back at older pictures, i did have higher collagen looking skin. either because of minox, or because i completely stopped my skincare routine in general. probably a combination of both. I have restarted using the products I used to use since they seemed to work well, and why change what's not broke. I use a Salicylic Acid Cleanser from The Inky List and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Fragrance Free. I did check the ingredients of both, and they seem to be clean products without endocrine disruptors.
water intake.
Deadass idk how this made the list. but I barely drink 1L of water a day. this obviously causes dehydration and can cause increased hunger and food craving and a bunch of other shit. I am trying to consciously increase my water intake.
Simple, I will grow it out this whole year, I am buzzed, and my hair is wavy brown but turned curly dark brown/ black after minox. since minox doesn’t cause permanent scalp gains it will hopefully return to wavy brown.
Since I live in the UK, i will continue the supplementation of 8000IU vit D3 since there is fuck all sun.
I also supplement magnesium glycinate before sleeping. considering my diet consists of the most nutritious foods, I don't feel the need to supplement anything else.

very water list of what I am doing looksmaxx wise. It's basically all lifestyle improvements. but I do believe if you don’t surgery max this is all you need.
Leanness 90% of the game, and the rest is just little bits here and there like skin, hair etc. those 10% could be more for you since hair can have a massive effect your looks, but i pulled off buzz cut well, and girls liked it so hair matters less which is which I neglected it for so long. but medium length > short length regardless.
it’s a looksmax. girls don’t want some twink mf, cope all u want but they want muscle and lean and roids is the way to do that. also with dut and taz skin and hair will be top notch, and you’ll also have a good body with good muscle and lean.
if young enough it could effect your jaw for example positively, or even in older people soley through larger masseters.
essentially good skin + good hair + good body + good jaw you’ll be way above 99% of people

start now and u will have good bod by summer
  • +1
Reactions: not__cel
nice regimen
This thread is for me mainly, make me remember and plan out what I am going to focus on this year, instead of mindlessly rotting / not actively trying to improve myself.
This year will mainly be focused on healthmaxxing, since health = looks for the most part.
During my healthiest years, I looked the best. By healthiest I don’t mean I had a prefect diet etc, I did eat goyslop, but not as a replacement of the healthy meals, and not extremely often - every meal had some form of meat, weatherit was fish, beef etc. I never tracked calories back then, and was still very very lean,probably due to how I was active, way more so than now, through spots which I stopped playing, and the occasional gym session.

I've adopted a zero carb diet a while ago, and feel a tone better on this, in every way. I’ll be continuing this diet since I cannot see any reason why I would stop.
Most people do it wrong, feel shit, and talk shit about the diet.
How to do it properly (very very simple):
- Hit your protein intake each day like normal
- All the rest should be fat (ratio should be AT LEAST 1:1 protein:fat)
- Eat when hungry
- And eat till your comfortably stuffed - don't continue eating just to finish the plate, if it stops tasting good, bin/eat the rest when your hungry again

Don't be some idiot and keep consuming more protein. This is a high fat diet, not a high protein diet.
And no, carbs are not needed for the gym, I have continued progressing my lifts each session and looking leaner in the mirror.

I will put a physique pic here - I am going to focus a lot this year on improving it, I have only been training for 2.5months so don't come at me:

I do believe this to be optimal diet since it consists of basically the only the most nutritious foods.
Fruit now a days is the same as a choc bar, deadass. The amount of bs that has been injected in that shit, no way you can classify it as natural.
quitting oral minox.
Caused me bloating which I only now realised after a very long time. from what I hear it will take 2 weeks upwards to resolve. I wouldn’t expect more than a month, which some people I have spoken to have experienced.

It may have also reduced my collagen slightly. I am hoping this side will resolve also in time. I have spoken to some, and they say in time it should resolve which is good.

I am also hoping my eyebrow gains will fall out and I will be left with my previous eyebrows as I feel they were more harmonious with my face. I do expect them to fall and return to pre minox state. I don't believe they become terminal from people I have spoken to.

Eyelashes will also fall I think. I will cover what I will do for lashes below
Simple. Dye. That's it. I have and will continue to dye with Refectocil Blue Black dye (the darkest dye they got) and the 3% Developer (weather it is liquid or cream doesn't matter) - both are professional products.
I apply using just regular mascara brush, and after 10 mins, remove the dye.

I have realised the length of the lashes doesn’t even really matter, it’s mainly about the contract given with dark lashes. Very long bottom lashes can also make your eye appear larger, so may not be ideal for some of you.
I’ll continue consistent gym like I have been doing recently. I will be lifting natty, no test or anything. Since my lifts progress each time, I have no reason to inject and I don't think any form of PED is needed to reach an optimal female gaze physique. Girls care about being lean/shredded with some muscle. Yes, it will take longer being done naturally, but @Alexanderr said "looksmaxxing is not a sprint, it's a marathon".

Gym Plan:
Will be hitting shoulders 3x a week since it's a smaller muscle that recovers quickly, and is the most important muscle imo
Every other muscle will be hit twice a week
Each session is no more than 1hr long
I don’t play the amount of spots I used to, when I was my leanest. I used to play competitive so you can imagine a tone of calories would have been burnt each time I played.
Getting back into it is honestly too much effort so I have started, and will continue walking a minimum of 10k steps a day, if I do more all the better. imo its better than doing proper cardio, yes its less effort, relaxing, I can think, listen to music, doesn’t spike my hunger. Just because it is less effort, doesn't make it a bad thing.
Looking back at older pictures, i did have higher collagen looking skin. either because of minox, or because i completely stopped my skincare routine in general. probably a combination of both. I have restarted using the products I used to use since they seemed to work well, and why change what's not broke. I use a Salicylic Acid Cleanser from The Inky List and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Fragrance Free. I did check the ingredients of both, and they seem to be clean products without endocrine disruptors.
water intake.
Deadass idk how this made the list. but I barely drink 1L of water a day. this obviously causes dehydration and can cause increased hunger and food craving and a bunch of other shit. I am trying to consciously increase my water intake.
Simple, I will grow it out this whole year, I am buzzed, and my hair is wavy brown but turned curly dark brown/ black after minox. since minox doesn’t cause permanent scalp gains it will hopefully return to wavy brown.
Since I live in the UK, i will continue the supplementation of 8000IU vit D3 since there is fuck all sun.
I also supplement magnesium glycinate before sleeping. considering my diet consists of the most nutritious foods, I don't feel the need to supplement anything else.

very water list of what I am doing looksmaxx wise. It's basically all lifestyle improvements. but I do believe if you don’t surgery max this is all you need.
Leanness 90% of the game, and the rest is just little bits here and there like skin, hair etc. those 10% could be more for you since hair can have a massive effect your looks, but i pulled off buzz cut well, and girls liked it so hair matters less which is which I neglected it for so long. but medium length > short length regardless.
Lmk how it goes
This thread is for me mainly, make me remember and plan out what I am going to focus on this year, instead of mindlessly rotting / not actively trying to improve myself.
This year will mainly be focused on healthmaxxing, since health = looks for the most part.
During my healthiest years, I looked the best. By healthiest I don’t mean I had a prefect diet etc, I did eat goyslop, but not as a replacement of the healthy meals, and not extremely often - every meal had some form of meat, weatherit was fish, beef etc. I never tracked calories back then, and was still very very lean,probably due to how I was active, way more so than now, through spots which I stopped playing, and the occasional gym session.

I've adopted a zero carb diet a while ago, and feel a tone better on this, in every way. I’ll be continuing this diet since I cannot see any reason why I would stop.
Most people do it wrong, feel shit, and talk shit about the diet.
How to do it properly (very very simple):
- Hit your protein intake each day like normal
- All the rest should be fat (ratio should be AT LEAST 1:1 protein:fat)
- Eat when hungry
- And eat till your comfortably stuffed - don't continue eating just to finish the plate, if it stops tasting good, bin/eat the rest when your hungry again

Don't be some idiot and keep consuming more protein. This is a high fat diet, not a high protein diet.
And no, carbs are not needed for the gym, I have continued progressing my lifts each session and looking leaner in the mirror.

I will put a physique pic here - I am going to focus a lot this year on improving it, I have only been training for 2.5months so don't come at me:

I do believe this to be optimal diet since it consists of basically the only the most nutritious foods.
Fruit now a days is the same as a choc bar, deadass. The amount of bs that has been injected in that shit, no way you can classify it as natural.
quitting oral minox.
Caused me bloating which I only now realised after a very long time. from what I hear it will take 2 weeks upwards to resolve. I wouldn’t expect more than a month, which some people I have spoken to have experienced.

It may have also reduced my collagen slightly. I am hoping this side will resolve also in time. I have spoken to some, and they say in time it should resolve which is good.

I am also hoping my eyebrow gains will fall out and I will be left with my previous eyebrows as I feel they were more harmonious with my face. I do expect them to fall and return to pre minox state. I don't believe they become terminal from people I have spoken to.

Eyelashes will also fall I think. I will cover what I will do for lashes below
Simple. Dye. That's it. I have and will continue to dye with Refectocil Blue Black dye (the darkest dye they got) and the 3% Developer (weather it is liquid or cream doesn't matter) - both are professional products.
I apply using just regular mascara brush, and after 10 mins, remove the dye.

I have realised the length of the lashes doesn’t even really matter, it’s mainly about the contract given with dark lashes. Very long bottom lashes can also make your eye appear larger, so may not be ideal for some of you.
I’ll continue consistent gym like I have been doing recently. I will be lifting natty, no test or anything. Since my lifts progress each time, I have no reason to inject and I don't think any form of PED is needed to reach an optimal female gaze physique. Girls care about being lean/shredded with some muscle. Yes, it will take longer being done naturally, but @Alexanderr said "looksmaxxing is not a sprint, it's a marathon".

Gym Plan:
Will be hitting shoulders 3x a week since it's a smaller muscle that recovers quickly, and is the most important muscle imo
Every other muscle will be hit twice a week
Each session is no more than 1hr long
I don’t play the amount of spots I used to, when I was my leanest. I used to play competitive so you can imagine a tone of calories would have been burnt each time I played.
Getting back into it is honestly too much effort so I have started, and will continue walking a minimum of 10k steps a day, if I do more all the better. imo its better than doing proper cardio, yes its less effort, relaxing, I can think, listen to music, doesn’t spike my hunger. Just because it is less effort, doesn't make it a bad thing.
Looking back at older pictures, i did have higher collagen looking skin. either because of minox, or because i completely stopped my skincare routine in general. probably a combination of both. I have restarted using the products I used to use since they seemed to work well, and why change what's not broke. I use a Salicylic Acid Cleanser from The Inky List and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Fragrance Free. I did check the ingredients of both, and they seem to be clean products without endocrine disruptors.
water intake.
Deadass idk how this made the list. but I barely drink 1L of water a day. this obviously causes dehydration and can cause increased hunger and food craving and a bunch of other shit. I am trying to consciously increase my water intake.
Simple, I will grow it out this whole year, I am buzzed, and my hair is wavy brown but turned curly dark brown/ black after minox. since minox doesn’t cause permanent scalp gains it will hopefully return to wavy brown.
Since I live in the UK, i will continue the supplementation of 8000IU vit D3 since there is fuck all sun.
I also supplement magnesium glycinate before sleeping. considering my diet consists of the most nutritious foods, I don't feel the need to supplement anything else.

very water list of what I am doing looksmaxx wise. It's basically all lifestyle improvements. but I do believe if you don’t surgery max this is all you need.
Leanness 90% of the game, and the rest is just little bits here and there like skin, hair etc. those 10% could be more for you since hair can have a massive effect your looks, but i pulled off buzz cut well, and girls liked it so hair matters less which is which I neglected it for so long. but medium length > short length regardless.
Supplements boron and zinc, iodine, and selenium. Everyone is deficient in those. You can find natural foods to increase these thingsTake l carnitine after workouts. Take creatine like you would a supplement, not for muscles but for nutrition. It boosts growth hormone, the amount of meat you eat can’t get to 5mg of creatine.
this cope thread form me should be deleted.

i’ve hopped on dut 0.5mg, 600mg test a week, Aromasin 12.5mg
finally someone slapped some sense into you
  • +1
Reactions: appeal
finally someone slapped some sense into you
ops on first cycle being 600mg test a week and 50mg var?

i’m already on the test
ops on first cycle being 600mg test a week and 50mg var?

i’m already on the test
looks good to me have an ai on hand in case, how long do u plan on running it?
  • +1
Reactions: appeal
looks good to me have an ai on hand in case, how long do u plan on running it?
im planning to run 16 weeks but i don’t think var is good idea for 16 weeks esp at 50mg, maybe 25mg is better.

but i also have masteron now, so im debating what to do, on if i should do mast and test or var and test or all 3 together jfl.

i’ve been on test 600 only for a week so far.

yup got ai, but if i add mast i wont even need it i think. i try limit ai usage, i haven’t used yet.
Last edited:
This thread is for me mainly, make me remember and plan out what I am going to focus on this year, instead of mindlessly rotting / not actively trying to improve myself.
This year will mainly be focused on healthmaxxing, since health = looks for the most part.
During my healthiest years, I looked the best. By healthiest I don’t mean I had a prefect diet etc, I did eat goyslop, but not as a replacement of the healthy meals, and not extremely often - every meal had some form of meat, weatherit was fish, beef etc. I never tracked calories back then, and was still very very lean,probably due to how I was active, way more so than now, through spots which I stopped playing, and the occasional gym session.

I've adopted a zero carb diet a while ago, and feel a tone better on this, in every way. I’ll be continuing this diet since I cannot see any reason why I would stop.
Most people do it wrong, feel shit, and talk shit about the diet.
How to do it properly (very very simple):
- Hit your protein intake each day like normal
- All the rest should be fat (ratio should be AT LEAST 1:1 protein:fat)
- Eat when hungry
- And eat till your comfortably stuffed - don't continue eating just to finish the plate, if it stops tasting good, bin/eat the rest when your hungry again

Don't be some idiot and keep consuming more protein. This is a high fat diet, not a high protein diet.
And no, carbs are not needed for the gym, I have continued progressing my lifts each session and looking leaner in the mirror.

I will put a physique pic here - I am going to focus a lot this year on improving it, I have only been training for 2.5months so don't come at me:

I do believe this to be optimal diet since it consists of basically the only the most nutritious foods.
Fruit now a days is the same as a choc bar, deadass. The amount of bs that has been injected in that shit, no way you can classify it as natural.
quitting oral minox.
Caused me bloating which I only now realised after a very long time. from what I hear it will take 2 weeks upwards to resolve. I wouldn’t expect more than a month, which some people I have spoken to have experienced.

It may have also reduced my collagen slightly. I am hoping this side will resolve also in time. I have spoken to some, and they say in time it should resolve which is good.

I am also hoping my eyebrow gains will fall out and I will be left with my previous eyebrows as I feel they were more harmonious with my face. I do expect them to fall and return to pre minox state. I don't believe they become terminal from people I have spoken to.

Eyelashes will also fall I think. I will cover what I will do for lashes below
Simple. Dye. That's it. I have and will continue to dye with Refectocil Blue Black dye (the darkest dye they got) and the 3% Developer (weather it is liquid or cream doesn't matter) - both are professional products.
I apply using just regular mascara brush, and after 10 mins, remove the dye.

I have realised the length of the lashes doesn’t even really matter, it’s mainly about the contract given with dark lashes. Very long bottom lashes can also make your eye appear larger, so may not be ideal for some of you.
I’ll continue consistent gym like I have been doing recently. I will be lifting natty, no test or anything. Since my lifts progress each time, I have no reason to inject and I don't think any form of PED is needed to reach an optimal female gaze physique. Girls care about being lean/shredded with some muscle. Yes, it will take longer being done naturally, but @Alexanderr said "looksmaxxing is not a sprint, it's a marathon".

Gym Plan:
Will be hitting shoulders 3x a week since it's a smaller muscle that recovers quickly, and is the most important muscle imo
Every other muscle will be hit twice a week
Each session is no more than 1hr long
I don’t play the amount of spots I used to, when I was my leanest. I used to play competitive so you can imagine a tone of calories would have been burnt each time I played.
Getting back into it is honestly too much effort so I have started, and will continue walking a minimum of 10k steps a day, if I do more all the better. imo its better than doing proper cardio, yes its less effort, relaxing, I can think, listen to music, doesn’t spike my hunger. Just because it is less effort, doesn't make it a bad thing.
Looking back at older pictures, i did have higher collagen looking skin. either because of minox, or because i completely stopped my skincare routine in general. probably a combination of both. I have restarted using the products I used to use since they seemed to work well, and why change what's not broke. I use a Salicylic Acid Cleanser from The Inky List and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Fragrance Free. I did check the ingredients of both, and they seem to be clean products without endocrine disruptors.
water intake.
Deadass idk how this made the list. but I barely drink 1L of water a day. this obviously causes dehydration and can cause increased hunger and food craving and a bunch of other shit. I am trying to consciously increase my water intake.
Simple, I will grow it out this whole year, I am buzzed, and my hair is wavy brown but turned curly dark brown/ black after minox. since minox doesn’t cause permanent scalp gains it will hopefully return to wavy brown.
Since I live in the UK, i will continue the supplementation of 8000IU vit D3 since there is fuck all sun.
I also supplement magnesium glycinate before sleeping. considering my diet consists of the most nutritious foods, I don't feel the need to supplement anything else.

very water list of what I am doing looksmaxx wise. It's basically all lifestyle improvements. but I do believe if you don’t surgery max this is all you need.
Leanness 90% of the game, and the rest is just little bits here and there like skin, hair etc. those 10% could be more for you since hair can have a massive effect your looks, but i pulled off buzz cut well, and girls liked it so hair matters less which is which I neglected it for so long. but medium length > short length regardless.
All this for a ltb
cope thread.
inject test.
600mg a week first cycle???

i might need to look into this shit properly, a blackpilled cycle with managed sides could mog hard
U r doing barely anything :lul:
how old are you?
lmao how do you even have 8000iu d3, is it a prescription? ive heard of 10000iu before on prescription but i thought 4000iu was the max unless youve been prescribed it
nigga u do realise u can just take multiple pills if u want to
nigga u do realise u can just take multiple pills if u want to
I’m not that disabled bro, it was just out of convenience, not that taking 2-3 more is much an issue anyway tbh
this cope thread form me should be deleted.

i’ve hopped on dut 0.5mg, 600mg test a week, Aromasin 12.5mg
  • +1
Reactions: Cyrus
This thread is for me mainly, make me remember and plan out what I am going to focus on this year, instead of mindlessly rotting / not actively trying to improve myself.
This year will mainly be focused on healthmaxxing, since health = looks for the most part.
During my healthiest years, I looked the best. By healthiest I don’t mean I had a prefect diet etc, I did eat goyslop, but not as a replacement of the healthy meals, and not extremely often - every meal had some form of meat, weatherit was fish, beef etc. I never tracked calories back then, and was still very very lean,probably due to how I was active, way more so than now, through spots which I stopped playing, and the occasional gym session.

I've adopted a zero carb diet a while ago, and feel a tone better on this, in every way. I’ll be continuing this diet since I cannot see any reason why I would stop.
Most people do it wrong, feel shit, and talk shit about the diet.
How to do it properly (very very simple):
- Hit your protein intake each day like normal
- All the rest should be fat (ratio should be AT LEAST 1:1 protein:fat)
- Eat when hungry
- And eat till your comfortably stuffed - don't continue eating just to finish the plate, if it stops tasting good, bin/eat the rest when your hungry again

Don't be some idiot and keep consuming more protein. This is a high fat diet, not a high protein diet.
And no, carbs are not needed for the gym, I have continued progressing my lifts each session and looking leaner in the mirror.

I will put a physique pic here - I am going to focus a lot this year on improving it, I have only been training for 2.5months so don't come at me:

I do believe this to be optimal diet since it consists of basically the only the most nutritious foods.
Fruit now a days is the same as a choc bar, deadass. The amount of bs that has been injected in that shit, no way you can classify it as natural.
quitting oral minox.
Caused me bloating which I only now realised after a very long time. from what I hear it will take 2 weeks upwards to resolve. I wouldn’t expect more than a month, which some people I have spoken to have experienced.

It may have also reduced my collagen slightly. I am hoping this side will resolve also in time. I have spoken to some, and they say in time it should resolve which is good.

I am also hoping my eyebrow gains will fall out and I will be left with my previous eyebrows as I feel they were more harmonious with my face. I do expect them to fall and return to pre minox state. I don't believe they become terminal from people I have spoken to.

Eyelashes will also fall I think. I will cover what I will do for lashes below
Simple. Dye. That's it. I have and will continue to dye with Refectocil Blue Black dye (the darkest dye they got) and the 3% Developer (weather it is liquid or cream doesn't matter) - both are professional products.
I apply using just regular mascara brush, and after 10 mins, remove the dye.

I have realised the length of the lashes doesn’t even really matter, it’s mainly about the contract given with dark lashes. Very long bottom lashes can also make your eye appear larger, so may not be ideal for some of you.
I’ll continue consistent gym like I have been doing recently. I will be lifting natty, no test or anything. Since my lifts progress each time, I have no reason to inject and I don't think any form of PED is needed to reach an optimal female gaze physique. Girls care about being lean/shredded with some muscle. Yes, it will take longer being done naturally, but @Alexanderr said "looksmaxxing is not a sprint, it's a marathon".

Gym Plan:
Will be hitting shoulders 3x a week since it's a smaller muscle that recovers quickly, and is the most important muscle imo
Every other muscle will be hit twice a week
Each session is no more than 1hr long
I don’t play the amount of spots I used to, when I was my leanest. I used to play competitive so you can imagine a tone of calories would have been burnt each time I played.
Getting back into it is honestly too much effort so I have started, and will continue walking a minimum of 10k steps a day, if I do more all the better. imo its better than doing proper cardio, yes its less effort, relaxing, I can think, listen to music, doesn’t spike my hunger. Just because it is less effort, doesn't make it a bad thing.
Looking back at older pictures, i did have higher collagen looking skin. either because of minox, or because i completely stopped my skincare routine in general. probably a combination of both. I have restarted using the products I used to use since they seemed to work well, and why change what's not broke. I use a Salicylic Acid Cleanser from The Inky List and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Fragrance Free. I did check the ingredients of both, and they seem to be clean products without endocrine disruptors.
water intake.
Deadass idk how this made the list. but I barely drink 1L of water a day. this obviously causes dehydration and can cause increased hunger and food craving and a bunch of other shit. I am trying to consciously increase my water intake.
Simple, I will grow it out this whole year, I am buzzed, and my hair is wavy brown but turned curly dark brown/ black after minox. since minox doesn’t cause permanent scalp gains it will hopefully return to wavy brown.
Since I live in the UK, i will continue the supplementation of 8000IU vit D3 since there is fuck all sun.
I also supplement magnesium glycinate before sleeping. considering my diet consists of the most nutritious foods, I don't feel the need to supplement anything else.

very water list of what I am doing looksmaxx wise. It's basically all lifestyle improvements. but I do believe if you don’t surgery max this is all you need.
Leanness 90% of the game, and the rest is just little bits here and there like skin, hair etc. those 10% could be more for you since hair can have a massive effect your looks, but i pulled off buzz cut well, and girls liked it so hair matters less which is which I neglected it for so long. but medium length > short length regardless.
Whats ur supplements for?

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