My loyalty to creating keeping my Celtic lineage 100% pure has evaporated having witnessed Nordic foids in the flesh



30:30:40 Facial thirds Pill
Jul 12, 2019
I made a thread a while back detailing the various foid phenos I could impreganate and the likelyhood of them producing a mogger son
I put Nordic and Slav foids as 1 and 2 with barely anything to choose between them but visiting slav-land shattered my illusions while visiting Finn-land boosted my beliefs.

I thought it was a duty for me to create offspring with entirely Irish blood so that I'd have offspring who also know what it's like to suffer the curse of lifelong despair and being prone to rage for the sake of maintaining ancient warrior spirit but now I feel like creating Celtic-Nordid hybrid offspring is the only way as they can erradicate my existing failos rather than extend them.

I'd still be willing to impregnate Irish Staceys but giga status would be required to achieve that, whereas in Finland there are foids who I consider near ideal who quite likely see themselves as middle of the pack due to getting fogged by girls so often from a generic appeal standpoint
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