My opinion on the user 6"4



Jul 16, 2024
Hes likely not going to reply to this because I know the type of person he is, unless he does it to prove this first sentance wrong then lol. I feel like I need to make this thread becaue there are going to be other autists out there who take him too literally and what not so I have to make something for them. He will also view me as a low status member of this "community" therefore he likely will forget about this thread after 1 minute given his mental bubble is small. Its not about him rather for more neurodivergent people to understand what this type of user is about.

First I'll bring this thread up. He is basically writing this because he is pretending to be "smart" while saying things that have been repeated hundreds if not thousands of times. He picked a safe topic to do this, he doesn't care about what hes saying of course its all part of trying to gain status in this community and make himself feel smart which is why he writes so many paragraphs. He doesn't "care" about whats hes writing at all.

I genuinely think foids have no disgust sensitivity relating to looks when it comes to fucking guys, the only disgust sensitivity they have is to lack of NT or autist traits.
HTB foids can fuck their LTN/Subhuman BFs with no issues and escorts can take 10+ dicks from utter subhumans daily while most men would feel unclean for weeks if they fucked an old or subhuman foid

He basically states here that its all about being "NT" and women are not disgusted by looks. What hes doing here is trying to be "agreeable". Given he knows most men are not in the top 20% of males, he virtue signals by saying its being "NT" and that looks don't matter despite all the data we have. Hes not really thinking too far though, as a neurodivergent person don't project too much on him. Hes just trying to be the "agreeable" person, he doesn't "see" far enough to understand lookism etc. from a neurodivergent standpoint hes "nearsighted", from his smaller bubble perspective not so. What he cares about is sex, money, and social status. Since virtue signalling that looks don't matter, hes gaining status on this forum from his point of view and going up the social ladder.

Here he outright brags about his "contribution to psl" to yet again try to gain more status.

Posted a lot while I was living abroad and preparing for surgery
Had an iconic meetup with forevergymcelling, met with a couple other PSLers as well, forum amusement was at a pretty good level with many UK crew posters
Again proving he only cares about social status in the community. For him everythings social. Hes pretending to himself to be this agreeable guy whos been in the community for years, its a "role" hes playing. Of course his authentic self is literally just a normie you pass on the street every day. Its a normie pretending to be a role. Hes likely grew up doing "intentional display" to get things, which explains why hes trying to brag about his slay count while saying its all about being "NT".

Another thing is, he never actually replies to any of his threads. Its because people with smaller mental bubbles generally pretend things don't exist. Its an easy way of withdrawing from the situation if something doesn't benefit them sexually, socially or economically. Its because he doesn't care about what hes writing, its just mental masturbation.

6"4 is basically a typical normie whos trying to compensate for insecurities or something by virtue signalling (from a neurodivergent point of view) to a community that he feels is "edgy" compared to other normies on his social level. He wants to be a normie that is different to the other normies, but at the same time keep his blue pill beliefs that its all about personality and not looks. The fact that someone can be in these spheres for years yet still be like this proves to me that most people can't be blackpilled given it goes against the normie-agreeable way of thinking.

Let 6"4 go around manipulating, hedonismmaxxing and what not. He doesn't "care" beyond social status. If he manages to find this thread he will not understand it. Why would he? He will either ignore it or maybe view it as an attack and as a way to get some attention. Nobody can change the "underlying" person though.

Well thats basically my opinion on 6"4, I hope no neurodivergent people fall for a typical dime a dozen normie like him.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: Edgarpill, Xangsane, Disrupted Gene and 28 others
I'll probably read later but I don't see the hype around him I understand his a older user but what else does he bring apart from that
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ryuken, Deleted member 23472, bloomercel and 7 others
I'll probably read later but I don't see the hype around him I understand his a older user but what else does he bring apart from that
He is here for social reasons which is why he says agreeable things all the time. I'm making this thread because neurodivergent people might take what he says literally instead of realizing its just virtue signalling and trying to status climb.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane, halloweed, Roninotrolling and 4 others
what you and those jocks did to tyler in that bathroom was pretty fucked up man :fuk:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Ghoulish, Roninotrolling, sportsmogger and 5 others
I'll probably read later but I don't see the hype around him I understand his a older user but what else does he bring apart from that
Older unc losing braincells on incel forum jfl
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed, notsocommonthumb and Suns9999
When I got outside it’s normal nt guys with girlfriends they’re nothing special
If anything the chads are alone
There’s more to it than muh looks
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, Xangsane, HTN_When_Lean and 13 others
When I got outside it’s normal nt guys with girlfriends they’re nothing special
If anything the chads are alone
There’s more to it than muh looks
If you're in a relationship then you're low status. Good looking guys fuck and theres no strings attached. Relationships are for non Chads. Of course these people will then virtue signal and tell if its their "personality" to try to brag while gaining status at the same time.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Tallooksmaxxer, infini, Roninotrolling and 9 others
If you're in a relationship then you're low status. Good looking guys fuck and theres no strings attached. Relationships are for non Chads. Of course these people will then virtue signal and tell if its their "personality" to try to brag while gaining status at the same time.
Interesting perspective
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane, Deleted member 23472, notsocommonthumb and 1 other person
If you're in a relationship then you're low status. Good looking guys fuck and theres no strings attached. Relationships are for non Chads. Of course these people will then virtue signal and tell if its their "personality" to try to brag while gaining status at the same time.
It's over for this generation 😭
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: They_are_all_whores, Deleted member 75865, notsocommonthumb and 1 other person
He's an autistic 32 year old man who got a botched maxilla surgery and looks like a chipmunk now. And he has no job just makes shitty rugby youtube videos which don't even get any views.

Also he's an extreme seether and hates to see people improving themselves he will try drag them down immediately. Pretty sad as a 32yo grown man. Lives with his mommy still.

Also his theories are completely detached from reality. He thinks he's not slaying in Ireland cos they don't care about height there but supposedly they care about height in North Europe so he will slay there so he's trying to move there (most detached from reality theory I've ever heard)
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_When_Lean, Disrupted Gene, sportsmogger and 13 others
Hes likely not going to reply to this because I know the type of person he is, unless he does it to prove this first sentance wrong then lol. I feel like I need to make this thread becaue there are going to be other autists out there who take him too literally and what not so I have to make something for them. He will also view me as a low status member of this "community" therefore he likely will forget about this thread after 1 minute given his mental bubble is small. Its not about him rather for more neurodivergent people to understand what this type of user is about.

First I'll bring this thread up. He is basically writing this because he is pretending to be "smart" while saying things that have been repeated hundreds if not thousands of times. He picked a safe topic to do this, he doesn't care about what hes saying of course its all part of trying to gain status in this community and make himself feel smart which is why he writes so many paragraphs. He doesn't "care" about whats hes writing at all.
What did I say in that thread that's been repeated hundreds/thousands of time?
If anything, the commonly held belief (particularly in the bp sphere) is that women are extremely harsh when it comes to mate selection and only select the best genes, I've been on PSL for a decade and the idea that it's possible that women's mate selection has had no impact on the upwards progression of male traits over time isn't something I've seen posted before, the idea only came to my mind yesterday.
Fair enough if it's been posted before but all I ever hear in the BP sphere is that if women are left to their own devices and have the ability to reproduce with whoever they want they will only pick the best genes but I'm arguing that may have never been the case.

He basically states here that its all about being "NT" and women are not disgusted by looks. What hes doing here is trying to be "agreeable". Given he knows most men are not in the top 20% of males, he virtue signals by saying its being "NT" and that looks don't matter despite all the data we have. Hes not really thinking too far though, as a neurodivergent person don't project too much on him. Hes just trying to be the "agreeable" person, he doesn't "see" far enough to understand lookism etc. from a neurodivergent standpoint hes "nearsighted", from his smaller bubble perspective not so. What he cares about is sex, money, and social status. Since virtue signalling that looks don't matter, hes gaining status on this forum from his point of view and going up the social ladder.
JFL at thinking I'm trying to be agreeable when my views often go against the status quo on this forum and have most people disagreeing with me.
My theories are based on my life experiences and what I see play out in real life, I'm not virtue signalling that looks dont matter.
In situations where you are unfamiliar to the girl (nightclubs, dating apps) the looks standards girls have are so high that the chance of someone "looksmaxxing" to become a slayer of attractive foids is more often than not a pipe dream.
Whereas to find a relationship (the life ambition of 95% of the guys on here since they have no ambition to slay) the bar for looks is close to non existent and this is proven by the amount of genetic failures that have decent GFs.
This is why I point out the importance of NT over looks for getting a GF.
When it comes to fighting for scraps in terms of casual sex (which all statusless sub Chads are doing) both NT and looks play their part.

You say in a later post that relationships are for non Chads and that goodlooking guys (Chads) fuck with no strings attached.
Yeah, no shit, I've never denied this, but what the fuck is the point in caring about what Chad is doing when you are either born with the genes to become Chad or you're not and 99.9% of people will never be Chad. In fact going by this forum's standards 99.99% of people will never be Chad.
You seem to think that I've been saying looks dont ever matter in any circumstance and that you can get the same slaying results as a Chad simply by being an NT LTN?

Here he outright brags about his "contribution to psl" to yet again try to gain more status.
I dont see how it could be considered as bragging to have spent a considerable amount of time of a forum
The thread was to show that 2024 was the year that I've put the most time and effort into making threads, then I questioned how it compares to previous years and what I was doing in my life at those points.
I dont see why posts like this should be scrutinized any more than someone who shit posts zero effort threads, something comes into my head and I make a thread on it, it's not much deeper than that

Again proving he only cares about social status in the community. For him everythings social. Hes pretending to himself to be this agreeable guy whos been in the community for years, its a "role" hes playing. Of course his authentic self is literally just a normie you pass on the street every day. Its a normie pretending to be a role. Hes likely grew up doing "intentional display" to get things, which explains why hes trying to brag about his slay count while saying its all about being "NT".
The reason I use this forum is to try find the actual truth (relating to everything) and the blackpill explains some of that truth but is off the mark on other regards so I try to contribute my honest beliefs and if someone refutes my claims or finds better theories or evidence I'm willing to accept it. The occasional good poster that shows up here and drops a nugget of gold is what keeps me coming back.

I dont know what you mean about everything being social for me, it's only come into my mind this year that there could even be a benefit to having "forum status" in the sense that if I ever made my face public and tried to gain status on social media platforms I could have the benefit of users here commenting on my posts to boost them, similar to the guys with forum and tiktok status like Zeta and Cavicular.
I dont know what "intentional display" means

As for my authentic self being a normie you pass on the street every day, are non NTs able to detect other non NTs on the street or something?
Do you expect me to walk down the street and shout PSL lingo to showcase to strangers that I'm non NT?
With that being said, although I have an NT physical package, NTs can very quickly detect from my aura, lack of ability to maintain eye contact and lack of ability to speak in front of a group that I am non NT and they punish me for it.
I did a several days course a few weeks ago which was my first time in a class environment in years and by the fourth day I was basically nicknamed as the quiet kid/school shooter by these obese, manlet, sub4 NTs who spent the "banter" segments of class often talking about their girlfriends.

Where have I bragged about my slay count? (I made one thread on it once I decided I was done chasing slay numbers)
It's usually other users who bring up my slay count or else if a user who doesn't know me asks my slay count I'll tell them and explain how I did it simply to give my perspective as someone who tried everything to slay.
Also this goes back to my point about fighting for scraps for casual sex requiring both a certain level of looks and NT.
Yes the looksmaxxing I did during that time helped me slay but if it wasn't for me getting extremely drunk each time I slayed I wouldn't have been able to slay either, proving I needed to rid myself of my aspieness with alcohol to be NT enough to slay.
Any sober tinder date attempts were utter failures

Another thing is, he never actually replies to any of his threads. Its because people with smaller mental bubbles generally pretend things don't exist. Its an easy way of withdrawing from the situation if something doesn't benefit them sexually, socially or economically. Its because he doesn't care about what hes writing, its just mental masturbation.
My threads are often the equivalent of diary entries and if someone else sees the value in what I've written then I'm happy that's the case.
Sometimes I feel my threads are so aspie that I just write them to get it off my chest then dont bother responding to the replies because I dont want actually want to keep the thread bumped, I'd rather just let it die after I've got it off my chest.

6"4 is basically a typical normie whos trying to compensate for insecurities or something by virtue signalling (from a neurodivergent point of view) to a community that he feels is "edgy" compared to other normies on his social level. He wants to be a normie that is different to the other normies, but at the same time keep his blue pill beliefs that its all about personality and not looks. The fact that someone can be in these spheres for years yet still be like this proves to me that most people can't be blackpilled given it goes against the normie-agreeable way of thinking.
When the fuck have I ever mentioned personality
I mention behaviour which I've always noted is something you cant change much without substances and is less malleable than looks.
Someone who's introverted and aspie will always resort back to a certain type of behaviour no matter how hard he tries to change it.
I've never once said bluepill shit about "just being a nice guy and having a good personality is all you need to get success with girls"

Realizing that putting your dick inside a girl (whether that be via a cucked relationship or by fucking a girl in social circle) is largely due to displaying certain behaviours that come entirely naturally and are extremely hard to fake is actually more brutal than the "blackpill" idea that your dating success would change completely if you just softmaxxed from 50th percentile looks to 65th percentile looks

Let 6"4 go around manipulating, hedonismmaxxing and what not. He doesn't "care" beyond social status. If he manages to find this thread he will not understand it. Why would he? He will either ignore it or maybe view it as an attack and as a way to get some attention. Nobody can change the "underlying" person though.

Well thats basically my opinion on 6"4, I hope no neurodivergent people fall for a typical dime a dozen normie like him.
JFL at saying I'm manipulating
Any thread I've made where I said I was going to push a certain agenda (promoting my own physical features as the ideal ie. TFBEM theory) I've OPENLY stated that I was pushing it for my own gain (close to non existent potential gain) and admitting to this also has a comedic effect.

"He doesn't care beyond social status"
The conclusion you've drawn about me trying to convince non NTs that personality is all that matters so that these non NTs boost my forum status is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read on this site.
Where exactly are these supposed hoards of non NTs agreeing with my posts and somehow boosting my "forum status" because of it?
At least half of the responses to my threads are "dnrd"
My posting style has actually prevented me from gaining forum status, I turn half of the forum against me by actually writing high effort posts about why no ethnics should be allowed in white countries and ethnics will get emotional and refer to me as the forum racist while other posters who make low effort posts about wanting to kill certain ethnics dont receive any pushback or emotional responses.

If I wanted forum status I would engage in forum drama and bring up countless threads mentioning other users and make low effort posts on trivial topics but the fact that I'm still seen as an obscure user after a decade here proves I've actually remained true to myself and post what I genuinely believe in
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  • +1
  • Woah
  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_When_Lean, forevergymcelling, NZb6Air and 12 others
Good thread. Most of what he says has no value or substance, yet there’s retards on here who say we should learn from him because he’s an “older user”. If anything I’m not going to take advice from a complete loser who is nearly as old as my father and still makes essays on psl forums.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: halloweed, sportsmogger, FUE Mogger and 6 others
He's an autistic 32 year old man who got a botched maxilla surgery and looks like a chipmunk now. And he has no job just makes shitty rugby youtube videos which don't even get any views.
JFL at the chipmunk claim as if that wasn't a joke I made towards myself when swollen from surgery, strong lack of awareness that the swelling goes down more after 2 months and the result looks completely natural
JFL at trying to shit on me for not having a job when I am financially free and have the freedom of not having to work which is something that you crave but you're stuck working some factory job trying to save up for LL which you'll never be able to afford.

Also he's an extreme seether and hates to see people improving themselves he will try drag them down immediately.
I forgot that walking into a tattoo shop and getting a tattoo sleeve on a whim was the holy grail of self improvement and not something that any British normie NPC can do.
JFL at still being salty over that a year later, I assumed the sleeve pic belonged to someone else when you showed it and you were just considering getting it.

Pretty sad as a 32yo grown man. Lives with his mommy still.
As if you've ever even moved out of your mother's house at 22, inb4 larp response
I'm moving to a new city in 2 weeks and I lived the uni experience of sharing a house with other students from 18-22 then had my own place from 22-27

Also his theories are completely detached from reality. He thinks he's not slaying in Ireland cos they don't care about height there but supposedly they care about height in North Europe so he will slay there so he's trying to move there (most detached from reality theory I've ever heard)
Foids from the Shittish Isles have proven they're willing to fuck guys who are 5'4 which means I'm competing against 100% of the males there for any foid I approach since they dont even disqualify turbo manlets.
In Northern Europe they actually disqualify manlets from having access to their vaginas meaning I have less men to compete with

@6ft4 Got maxilla surgery and looks like a chipmunk now despite he looked fine before. Literally paid money to deform himself at 6ft4. Holy shit what a retard

@dr_looksmax got nose surgery which fair he had a bad nose before. But now he looks like a Michael Jackson botched alien freak and its still big
Speaking of doctorlooksmax, he actually had a boxing match which he won and got all the footage for the status halo to post to his instagram.
Meanwhile you continue to fantasize about your future in your signature "Future Undefeated MMA Fighter & Software Development Company Owner Millionaire." without ever actually taking action.

Before you even try to deny anything

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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: forevergymcelling, sportsmogger, spark and 3 others
Literally none of this “high iq” thread is even good, none of 6ft4s threads are about pandering to subhumans (believe me he doesnt give a fuck about “forum clout”).

Your point is retarded most of all about him playing it safe with that take, his idea that hypergamy being a cope is anti blackpill and against the forums ideology, however he backed it up with strong logic which got me on bored with the idea.

And inb4 “your sucking OPs dick” the reason I like a few users threads so much on here is because of how personally relatable they are. Everything I read from @6ft4 and amnesia is spot on as we have had the same experiences so I can confirm the legitimacy of their threads. I mean ffs me and 6ft4 have had the same job and the same goals of acquiring slays within that job, nothing hes said is untrue about real world shit.

The only thing he is slightly retarded on is branding yourself with a swastika tattoo:lul::lul::lul:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: forevergymcelling, sportsmogger, Deleted member 69862 and 2 others
Literally none of this “high iq” thread is even good, none of 6ft4s threads are about pandering to subhumans (believe me he doesnt give a fuck about “forum clout”).

Your point is retarded most of all about him playing it safe with that take, his idea that hypergamy being a cope is anti blackpill and against the forums ideology, however he backed it up with strong logic which got me on bored with the idea.

And inb4 “your sucking OPs dick” the reason I like a few users threads so much on here is because of how personally relatable they are. Everything I read from @6ft4 and amnesia is spot on as we have had the same experiences so I can confirm the legitimacy of their threads. I mean ffs me and 6ft4 have had the same job and the same goals of acquiring slays within that job, nothing hes said is untrue about real world shit.

The only thing he is slightly retarded on is branding yourself with a swastika tattoo:lul::lul::lul:
Everything he wrote in this thread is the exact opposite of how @6ft4 is
how he came to conclude those points is a sign of his ridiculous low iq and incel delusions
  • +1
Reactions: Clavicular and 6ft4
What did I say in that thread that's been repeated hundreds/thousands of time?
If anything, the commonly held belief (particularly in the bp sphere) is that women are extremely harsh when it comes to mate selection and only select the best genes, I've been on PSL for a decade and the idea that it's possible that women's mate selection has had no impact on the upwards progression of male traits over time isn't something I've seen posted before, the idea only came to my mind yesterday.
Fair enough if it's been posted before but all I ever hear in the BP sphere is that if women are left to their own devices and have the ability to reproduce with whoever they want they will only pick the best genes but I'm arguing that may have never been the case.

JFL at thinking I'm trying to be agreeable when my views often go against the status quo on this forum and have most people disagreeing with me.
My theories are based on my life experiences and what I see play out in real life, I'm not virtue signalling that looks dont matter.
In situations where you are unfamiliar to the girl (nightclubs, dating apps) the looks standards girls have are so high that the chance of someone "looksmaxxing" to become a slayer of attractive foids is more often than not a pipe dream.
Whereas to find a relationship (the life ambition of 95% of the guys on here since they have no ambition to slay) the bar for looks is close to non existent and this is proven by the amount of genetic failures that have decent GFs.
This is why I point out the importance of NT over looks for getting a GF.
When it comes to fighting for scraps in terms of casual sex (which all statusless sub Chads are doing) both NT and looks play their part.

You say in a later post that relationships are for non Chads and that goodlooking guys (Chads) fuck with no strings attached.
Yeah, no shit, I've never denied this, but what the fuck is the point in caring about what Chad is doing when you are either born with the genes to become Chad or you're not and 99.9% of people will never be Chad. In fact going by this forum's standards 99.99% of people will never be Chad.
You seem to think that I've been saying looks dont ever matter in any circumstance and that you can get the same slaying results as a Chad simply by being an NT LTN?

I dont see how it could be considered as bragging to have spent a considerable amount of time of a forum
The thread was to show that 2024 was the year that I've put the most time and effort into making threads, then I questioned how it compares to previous years and what I was doing in my life at those points.
I dont see why posts like this should be scrutinized any more than someone who shit posts zero effort threads, something comes into my head and I make a thread on it, it's not much deeper than that

The reason I use this forum is to try find the actual truth (relating to everything) and the blackpill explains some of that truth but is off the mark on other regards so I try to contribute my honest beliefs and if someone refutes my claims or finds better theories or evidence I'm willing to accept it. The occasional good poster that shows up here and drops a nugget of gold is what keeps me coming back.

I dont know what you mean about everything being social for me, it's only come into my mind this year that there could even be a benefit to having "forum status" in the sense that if I ever made my face public and tried to gain status on social media platforms I could have the benefit of users here commenting on my posts to boost them, similar to the guys with forum and tiktok status like Zeta and Cavicular.
I dont know what "intentional display" means

As for my authentic self being a normie you pass on the street every day, are non NTs able to detect other non NTs on the street or something?
Do you expect me to walk down the street and shout PSL lingo to showcase to strangers that I'm non NT?
With that being said, although I have an NT physical package, NTs can very quickly detect from my aura, lack of ability to maintain eye contact and lack of ability to speak in front of a group that I am non NT and they punish me for it.
I did a several days course a few weeks ago which was my first time in a class environment in years and by the fourth day I was basically nicknamed as the quiet kid/school shooter by these obese, manlet, sub4 NTs who spent the "banter" segments of class often talking about their girlfriends.

Where have I bragged about my slay count? (I made one thread on it once I decided I was done chasing slay numbers)
It's usually other users who bring up my slay count or else if a user who doesn't know me asks my slay count I'll tell them and explain how I did it simply to give my perspective as someone who tried everything to slay.
Also this goes back to my point about fighting for scraps for casual sex requiring both a certain level of looks and NT.
Yes the looksmaxxing I did during that time helped me slay but if it wasn't for me getting extremely drunk each time I slayed I wouldn't have been able to slay either, proving I needed to rid myself of my aspieness with alcohol to be NT enough to slay.
Any sober tinder date attempts were utter failures

My threads are often the equivalent of diary entries and if someone else sees the value in what I've written then I'm happy that's the case.
Sometimes I feel my threads are so aspie that I just write them to get it off my chest then dont bother responding to the replies because I dont want actually want to keep the thread bumped, I'd rather just let it die after I've got it off my chest.

When the fuck have I ever mentioned personality
I mention behaviour which I've always noted is something you cant change much without substances and is less malleable than looks.
Someone who's introverted and aspie will always resort back to a certain type of behaviour no matter how hard he tries to change it.
I've never once said bluepill shit about "just being a nice guy and having a good personality is all you need to get success with girls"

Realizing that putting your dick inside a girl (whether that be via a cucked relationship or by fucking a girl in social circle) is largely due to displaying certain behaviours that come entirely naturally and are extremely hard to fake is actually more brutal than the "blackpill" idea that your dating success would change completely if you just softmaxxed from 50th percentile looks to 65th percentile looks

JFL at saying I'm manipulating
Any thread I've made where I said I was going to push a certain agenda (promoting my own physical features as the ideal ie. TFBEM theory) I've OPENLY stated that I was pushing it for my own gain (close to non existent potential gain) and admitting to this also has a comedic effect.

"He doesn't care beyond social status"
The conclusion you've drawn about me trying to convince non NTs that personality is all that matters so that these non NTs boost my forum status is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read on this site.
Where exactly are these supposed hoards of non NTs agreeing with my posts and somehow boosting my "forum status" because of it?
At least half of the responses to my threads are "dnrd"
My posting style has actually prevented me from gaining forum status, I turn half of the forum against me by actually writing high effort posts about why no ethnics should be allowed in white countries and ethnics will get emotional and refer to me as the forum racist while other posters who make low effort posts about wanting to kill certain ethnics dont receive any pushback or emotional responses.

If I wanted forum status I would engage in forum drama and bring up countless threads mentioning other users and make low effort posts on trivial topics but the fact that I'm still seen as an obscure user after a decade here proves I've actually remained true to myself and post what I genuinely believe in
I dont see how it could be considered as bragging to have spent a considerable amount of time of a forum

I did a several days course a few weeks ago which was my first time in a class environment in years and by the fourth day I was basically nicknamed as the quiet kid/school shooter by these obese, manlet, sub4 NTs who spent the "banter" segments of class often talking about their girlfriends.
The fact that you're using the term "banter" (British isles slang) just shows that you are more socially orientated



You literally just shitpost every day to stay relevant. You know that if you don't post constantly that you will be less relevant. In fact you post almost a thread a day in the 5 years you've been here.

I don't hate you, the same way I don't hate mosquitos. However I acknowledge you are a socially orientated normie with a "fighting/negociating" stance, and will likely forget this thread exists tomorrow.

You live in a hierarchical reality where self benefit and social connections are the most important. It seems to be working for you though so you do you honestly.

Literally none of this “high iq” thread is even good, none of 6ft4s threads are about pandering to subhumans (believe me he doesnt give a fuck about “forum clout”).

Your point is retarded most of all about him playing it safe with that take, his idea that hypergamy being a cope is anti blackpill and against the forums ideology, however he backed it up with strong logic which got me on bored with the idea.

And inb4 “your sucking OPs dick” the reason I like a few users threads so much on here is because of how personally relatable they are. Everything I read from @6ft4 and amnesia is spot on as we have had the same experiences so I can confirm the legitimacy of their threads. I mean ffs me and 6ft4 have had the same job and the same goals of acquiring slays within that job, nothing hes said is untrue about real world shit.

The only thing he is slightly retarded on is branding yourself with a swastika tattoo:lul::lul::lul:
Everything he wrote in this thread is the exact opposite of how @6ft4 is
how he came to conclude those points is a sign of his ridiculous low iq and incel delusions
Lmfao its not meant to be a "high iq" thread, I'm just trying to point out to neurodivergent people that hes a normie minded chadlite tall guy who is unaware of his gaslighting and bias etc.

His POV will be ok for someone like him but extremely destructive to someone whos ugly, short etc.

Maybe this wasn't the best way to do it though, I should have made a thread on the archetype instead of a specific person.
  • +1
Reactions: N1666
When I got outside it’s normal nt guys with girlfriends they’re nothing special
If anything the chads are alone
There’s more to it than muh looks
If you were a woman would personality actually make you want to put a normal guys dick in ur pussy instead of a chad
If you were a woman would personality actually make you want to put a normal guys dick in ur pussy instead of a chad
No I would use them for resources and put out once and a while
imagine writing all this for some guy on .org like wooooow, wow dude man
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: halloweed, Improver- and autistic_tendencies
View attachment 3179473

The fact that you're using the term "banter" (British isles slang) just shows that you are more socially orientated


View attachment 3179853

You literally just shitpost every day to stay relevant. You know that if you don't post constantly that you will be less relevant. In fact you post almost a thread a day in the 5 years you've been here.

I don't hate you, the same way I don't hate mosquitos. However I acknowledge you are a socially orientated normie with a "fighting/negociating" stance, and will likely forget this thread exists tomorrow.

You live in a hierarchical reality where self benefit and social connections are the most important. It seems to be working for you though so you do you honestly.

Lmfao its not meant to be a "high iq" thread, I'm just trying to point out to neurodivergent people that hes a normie minded chadlite tall guy who is unaware of his gaslighting and bias etc.

His POV will be ok for someone like him but extremely destructive to someone whos ugly, short etc.

Maybe this wasn't the best way to do it though, I should have made a thread on the archetype instead of a specific person.
He is giga autistic lol trust me if you couldnt ascertain that by scouring over his threads, its utterly finished for you.
  • +1
Reactions: nofap, 6ft4 and Deleted member 93539
I wish I was at that height tbh
forum clout lmao
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies and Prince of Pakistan
He is giga autistic lol trust me if you couldnt ascertain that by scouring over his threads, its utterly finished for you.
I doubt it, he has a fight/negotiation stance as well as a hierarchical sense of thinking. He's been joining communities for years and networking with e.g faceandlms, he travels all over Europe and lives in places while having a good amount of disposable income. On top of this he uses slang from where hes from meaning he identifies with his native culture and doesn't resent them. I doubt he has autism given all this, and if he somehow does it has to be super mild.
all this just because i said his threads are too smart for you idiots, lmao
  • +1
Reactions: N1666
I’ve never seen someone overreact so much to not getting the OP to reply to their posts. Bro wrote a whole essay because someone ignored his replies
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: cromagnon, Deleted member 59278, Deleted member 23472 and 1 other person
Holy fuck paragraph upon paragraphs, biggest fattest dnrd of my career
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23472, bloomercel, psychomandible and 1 other person
He's an autistic 32 year old man who got a botched maxilla surgery and looks like a chipmunk now. And he has no job just makes shitty rugby youtube videos which don't even get any views.

Also he's an extreme seether and hates to see people improving themselves he will try drag them down immediately. Pretty sad as a 32yo grown man. Lives with his mommy still.

Also his theories are completely detached from reality. He thinks he's not slaying in Ireland cos they don't care about height there but supposedly they care about height in North Europe so he will slay there so he's trying to move there (most detached from reality theory I've ever heard)
funniest and most accurate shit about a user I've read in awhile. Its not fair to be too harsh on him tho. he's mentally ill and likely needs to be medicated
  • +1
Reactions: Jonnyboi, Deleted member 81422 and N1666
Literally none of this “high iq” thread is even good, none of 6ft4s threads are about pandering to subhumans (believe me he doesnt give a fuck about “forum clout”).

Your point is retarded most of all about him playing it safe with that take, his idea that hypergamy being a cope is anti blackpill and against the forums ideology, however he backed it up with strong logic which got me on bored with the idea.

And inb4 “your sucking OPs dick” the reason I like a few users threads so much on here is because of how personally relatable they are. Everything I read from @6ft4 and amnesia is spot on as we have had the same experiences so I can confirm the legitimacy of their threads. I mean ffs me and 6ft4 have had the same job and the same goals of acquiring slays within that job, nothing hes said is untrue about real world shit.

The only thing he is slightly retarded on is branding yourself with a swastika tattoo:lul::lul::lul:
Hypergamy is overexaggerated here tbh. Online with dating apps and social media is where hypergamy is at its extreme but IRL it way less severe then ppl here think.

That being said 6'4 is one of the most mentally ill people on these spaces and needs help. Theres no denying that
Hypergamy is overexaggerated here tbh. Online with dating apps and social media is where hypergamy is at its extreme but IRL it way less severe then ppl here think.

That being said 6'4 is one of the most mentally ill people on these spaces and needs help. Theres no denying that
Hes one of the most based users lol
Hes likely not going to reply to this because I know the type of person he is, unless he does it to prove this first sentance wrong then lol. I feel like I need to make this thread becaue there are going to be other autists out there who take him too literally and what not so I have to make something for them. He will also view me as a low status member of this "community" therefore he likely will forget about this thread after 1 minute given his mental bubble is small. Its not about him rather for more neurodivergent people to understand what this type of user is about.

First I'll bring this thread up. He is basically writing this because he is pretending to be "smart" while saying things that have been repeated hundreds if not thousands of times. He picked a safe topic to do this, he doesn't care about what hes saying of course its all part of trying to gain status in this community and make himself feel smart which is why he writes so many paragraphs. He doesn't "care" about whats hes writing at all.

He basically states here that its all about being "NT" and women are not disgusted by looks. What hes doing here is trying to be "agreeable". Given he knows most men are not in the top 20% of males, he virtue signals by saying its being "NT" and that looks don't matter despite all the data we have. Hes not really thinking too far though, as a neurodivergent person don't project too much on him. Hes just trying to be the "agreeable" person, he doesn't "see" far enough to understand lookism etc. from a neurodivergent standpoint hes "nearsighted", from his smaller bubble perspective not so. What he cares about is sex, money, and social status. Since virtue signalling that looks don't matter, hes gaining status on this forum from his point of view and going up the social ladder.

Here he outright brags about his "contribution to psl" to yet again try to gain more status.

Again proving he only cares about social status in the community. For him everythings social. Hes pretending to himself to be this agreeable guy whos been in the community for years, its a "role" hes playing. Of course his authentic self is literally just a normie you pass on the street every day. Its a normie pretending to be a role. Hes likely grew up doing "intentional display" to get things, which explains why hes trying to brag about his slay count while saying its all about being "NT".

Another thing is, he never actually replies to any of his threads. Its because people with smaller mental bubbles generally pretend things don't exist. Its an easy way of withdrawing from the situation if something doesn't benefit them sexually, socially or economically. Its because he doesn't care about what hes writing, its just mental masturbation.

6"4 is basically a typical normie whos trying to compensate for insecurities or something by virtue signalling (from a neurodivergent point of view) to a community that he feels is "edgy" compared to other normies on his social level. He wants to be a normie that is different to the other normies, but at the same time keep his blue pill beliefs that its all about personality and not looks. The fact that someone can be in these spheres for years yet still be like this proves to me that most people can't be blackpilled given it goes against the normie-agreeable way of thinking.

Let 6"4 go around manipulating, hedonismmaxxing and what not. He doesn't "care" beyond social status. If he manages to find this thread he will not understand it. Why would he? He will either ignore it or maybe view it as an attack and as a way to get some attention. Nobody can change the "underlying" person though.

Well thats basically my opinion on 6"4, I hope no neurodivergent people fall for a typical dime a dozen normie like him.
Good thread OP
I hate niggas who act smart just be retarded
  • +1
Reactions: Jonnyboi
Hes likely not going to reply to this because I know the type of person he is, unless he does it to prove this first sentance wrong then lol. I feel like I need to make this thread becaue there are going to be other autists out there who take him too literally and what not so I have to make something for them. He will also view me as a low status member of this "community" therefore he likely will forget about this thread after 1 minute given his mental bubble is small. Its not about him rather for more neurodivergent people to understand what this type of user is about.

First I'll bring this thread up. He is basically writing this because he is pretending to be "smart" while saying things that have been repeated hundreds if not thousands of times. He picked a safe topic to do this, he doesn't care about what hes saying of course its all part of trying to gain status in this community and make himself feel smart which is why he writes so many paragraphs. He doesn't "care" about whats hes writing at all.

He basically states here that its all about being "NT" and women are not disgusted by looks. What hes doing here is trying to be "agreeable". Given he knows most men are not in the top 20% of males, he virtue signals by saying its being "NT" and that looks don't matter despite all the data we have. Hes not really thinking too far though, as a neurodivergent person don't project too much on him. Hes just trying to be the "agreeable" person, he doesn't "see" far enough to understand lookism etc. from a neurodivergent standpoint hes "nearsighted", from his smaller bubble perspective not so. What he cares about is sex, money, and social status. Since virtue signalling that looks don't matter, hes gaining status on this forum from his point of view and going up the social ladder.

Here he outright brags about his "contribution to psl" to yet again try to gain more status.

Again proving he only cares about social status in the community. For him everythings social. Hes pretending to himself to be this agreeable guy whos been in the community for years, its a "role" hes playing. Of course his authentic self is literally just a normie you pass on the street every day. Its a normie pretending to be a role. Hes likely grew up doing "intentional display" to get things, which explains why hes trying to brag about his slay count while saying its all about being "NT".

Another thing is, he never actually replies to any of his threads. Its because people with smaller mental bubbles generally pretend things don't exist. Its an easy way of withdrawing from the situation if something doesn't benefit them sexually, socially or economically. Its because he doesn't care about what hes writing, its just mental masturbation.

6"4 is basically a typical normie whos trying to compensate for insecurities or something by virtue signalling (from a neurodivergent point of view) to a community that he feels is "edgy" compared to other normies on his social level. He wants to be a normie that is different to the other normies, but at the same time keep his blue pill beliefs that its all about personality and not looks. The fact that someone can be in these spheres for years yet still be like this proves to me that most people can't be blackpilled given it goes against the normie-agreeable way of thinking.

Let 6"4 go around manipulating, hedonismmaxxing and what not. He doesn't "care" beyond social status. If he manages to find this thread he will not understand it. Why would he? He will either ignore it or maybe view it as an attack and as a way to get some attention. Nobody can change the "underlying" person though.

Well thats basically my opinion on 6"4, I hope no neurodivergent people fall for a typical dime a dozen normie like him.
i like @6ft4 he’s a high og user
I have the same aspieness as this guy, i get surprised when i see the way he thinks, i do think in the similar austistic way but i will never be able to write it down cause how cringe it sound
Hes stupid and thinks hes some ubermensch or whatever despite posting on an indian incel forum. I ignored him, hes probably suffering some mental illness like psychopathy or superiority complex
  • JFL
Reactions: Montgomery
Good thread OP

6ft4 has interesting takes and a keen observation of human traits & behaviour, but he’s someone I would never want to interact with IRL. He’s dangerous IMO.

Many narcissists are able to effectively use their traits for personal success by smoothly navigating social interactions to achieve their primary aims.

However, when you pair this trait with autism, it creates an internal conflict whereby the individual has grand estimations of their abilities (& proofs), but they fail socially since social dexterity is necessary for social success.

This is why a man can be 6ft4 yet struggles with LTR, despite height being one of the most important traits for dating success.

The result of this over a span of 20-30 years is nihilism and jadedness, which creates an inner turmoil of hate.

Seeing people that he views as below him doing better than him socially (based on height and race) therefore creates extreme anger which explains his racist and heightist rage.

He’ll move to a new city and find out the most horrifying realisation of his life, which is that…

Wherever he is, there he is.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: sqwertyl, Xangsane, HTN_When_Lean and 2 others
He’ll move to a new city and find out the most horrifying realisation of his life, which is that…

Wherever he is, there he is.
Guy is trapped inside his own head and has been since his days on Lookism. The smartest thing he could do is leave this site and hang out with people in real life. Will he do that? No, he will be on here writing the King James Bible in response to a thread like this.

Likely undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder, and not in the mean way that Internet people use it, I mean actually. Some of his views are legit, but the vast majority are painfully overwrought with neuroticism. He needs to stop using PSL forums, yesterday.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane, infini, 6ft4 and 1 other person
Guy is trapped inside his own head and has been since his days on Lookism. The smartest thing he could do is leave this site and hang out with people in real life. Will he do that? No, he will be on here writing the King James Bible in response to a thread like this.

Likely undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder, and not in the mean way that Internet people use it, I mean actually. Some of his views are legit, but the vast majority are painfully overwrought with neuroticism. He needs to stop using PSL forums, yesterday.
I have since changed my opinion about @6ft4 for the positive since my post that you responded to

I was initially hostile due to his views on race, but I no longer care since it's clear that each race has a subset that act like subhumans in varying proportions, which his posts correctly shine light upon

He's clearly an abused dog just like me – both of us having the ingredients to build a good life but not the recipe

Suggestions like ditching .org to focus on IRL is easier said than done
  • +1
Reactions: 6ft4
Good thread OP
I dont see how anything OP said was even remotely accurate
I refuted everything he said and I have no idea how he has such a positive rep ratio
People are just getting amusement from him and anyone else who shits on me in this thread regardless of how inaccurate it is because they have dislike for me don't have any legitimate angle to criticize me from themselves

6ft4 has interesting takes and a keen observation of human traits & behaviour, but he’s someone I would never want to interact with IRL. He’s dangerous IMO.

Many narcissists are able to effectively use their traits for personal success by smoothly navigating social interactions to achieve their primary aims.

However, when you pair this trait with autism, it creates an internal conflict whereby the individual has grand estimations of their abilities (& proofs), but they fail socially since social dexterity is necessary for social success.

This is why a man can be 6ft4 yet struggles with LTR, despite height being one of the most important traits for dating success.

The result of this over a span of 20-30 years is nihilism and jadedness, which creates an inner turmoil of hate.

Seeing people that he views as below him doing better than him socially (based on height and race) therefore creates extreme anger which explains his racist and heightist rage.
Good assessment, I respect these takes (excluding the dangerous part)

He’ll move to a new city and find out the most horrifying realisation of his life, which is that…

Wherever he is, there he is.
Yes I will still be the same aspie unable to gain any foothold among normie circles but I am generally an optimist and I think that my new found low inhib from surgery and improving my life and fully understanding I'm against the clock will work to my favour to allow me to get some results with foids

I have since changed my opinion about @6ft4 for the positive since my post that you responded to

I was initially hostile due to his views on race, but I no longer care since it's clear that each race has a subset that act like subhumans in varying proportions, which his posts correctly shine light upon

He's clearly an abused dog just like me – both of us having the ingredients to build a good life but not the recipe

Suggestions like ditching .org to focus on IRL is easier said than done
Legit. I just have the assumption that if I have a good exchange with someone on here, if they turn out to be ethnic then see a post of mine that's anti ethnic they should still be able to continue to have good exchanges with me without suddenly changing their entire stance on the legitimacy of my posts.
In response to what you said in the earlier paragraph about me being dangerous and someone you wouldn't want to interact with irl, I think if you met me you would feel the complete opposite
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: PROMETHEUS and PlayersGetPlayed
He's an autistic 32 year old man who got a botched maxilla surgery and looks like a chipmunk now. And he has no job just makes shitty rugby youtube videos which don't even get any views.

Also he's an extreme seether and hates to see people improving themselves he will try drag them down immediately. Pretty sad as a 32yo grown man. Lives with his mommy still.

Also his theories are completely detached from reality. He thinks he's not slaying in Ireland cos they don't care about height there but supposedly they care about height in North Europe so he will slay there so he's trying to move there (most detached from reality theory I've ever heard)
Height matters in Ireland but competition is completely brutal. Looks don't even come into play if you don't have €100k sitting in a bank account, saved.

Most young people work jobs and rent just to end up owing more money than they save because monthly rent around the city centre + expenses are more than a good starting salary.

It ends after university even for people who had it good in those years. The financial pressures especially on post college independent working people below 40 are insane.

Most boomers are cucks and are in denial that it's potentially over for some young Turks unless they run a crime ring alongside their 9-5 to actually be able to save money.

Unlike in more traditional parts of the world. Irish boomers spend their money on themselves and cope with "muh retirement", which is their right tbh. But no one really cares about zoomers in Ireland, it's true lol.
Height matters in Ireland but competition is completely brutal. Looks don't even come into play if you don't have €100k sitting in a bank account, saved.

Most young people work jobs and rent just to end up owing more money than they save because monthly rent around the city centre + expenses are more than a good starting salary.

It ends after university even for people who had it good in those years. The financial pressures especially on post college independent working people below 40 are insane.

Most boomers are cucks and are in denial that it's potentially over for some young Turks unless they run a crime ring alongside their 9-5 to actually be able to save money.

Unlike in more traditional parts of the world. Irish boomers spend their money on themselves and cope with "muh retirement", which is their right tbh. But no one really cares about zoomers in Ireland, it's true lol.
utter nonsense and irrelevant lol
  • JFL
Reactions: Seth Walsh
Seeing people that he views as below him doing better than him socially (based on height and race) therefore creates extreme anger which explains his racist and heightist rage.

He’ll move to a new city and find out the most horrifying realisation of his life, which is that…

Wherever he is, there he is.
lmao so true
  • +1
gonna read later
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 65825
Good thread OP

6ft4 has interesting takes and a keen observation of human traits & behaviour, but he’s someone I would never want to interact with IRL. He’s dangerous IMO.

Many narcissists are able to effectively use their traits for personal success by smoothly navigating social interactions to achieve their primary aims.

However, when you pair this trait with autism, it creates an internal conflict whereby the individual has grand estimations of their abilities (& proofs), but they fail socially since social dexterity is necessary for social success.

This is why a man can be 6ft4 yet struggles with LTR, despite height being one of the most important traits for dating success.

The result of this over a span of 20-30 years is nihilism and jadedness, which creates an inner turmoil of hate.

Seeing people that he views as below him doing better than him socially (based on height and race) therefore creates extreme anger which explains his racist and heightist rage.

He’ll move to a new city and find out the most horrifying realisation of his life, which is that…

Wherever he is, there he is.
  • +1
In response to what you said in the earlier paragraph about me being dangerous and someone you wouldn't want to interact with irl, I think if you met me you would feel the complete opposite
I made a thread yesterday that got ruined by low iq kids, and have noticed similar outcomes on introspective posts by other users

We need a sub-forum restricted to 10-20 members to make these types of posts in
  • +1
Reactions: 6ft4 and Seth Walsh
I made a thread yesterday that got ruined by low iq kids, and have noticed similar outcomes on introspective posts by other users

We need a sub-forum restricted to 10-20 members to make these types of posts in
Yeah that's a good idea.

Whenever I really put effort into posts and try to help the OP or provide insight on whatever theme's being discussed, I get ignored pretty much all the time.

Over the past week or so I've been making low effort copy/paste threads posting prettyboys from Pinterest and adding a one-liner like "how can you cope", which garner like 400+ views and 40+ replies even though they're dogshit tier quality and literally a repeat of what I posted the day prior.

I miss times when interesting things were actually discussed on the forum. One thing I'd love anyone to make threads on is how to style and maintain hair. Seems like it's never really been discussed.
  • +1
Reactions: 6ft4 and PROMETHEUS
I made a thread yesterday that got ruined by low iq kids, and have noticed similar outcomes on introspective posts by other users

We need a sub-forum restricted to 10-20 members to make these types of posts in
You're not that important jfl, typical narcassist
I refuted everything he said and I have no idea how he has such a positive rep ratio
You're literally proving my point, its all status and hierarchy for you rather than the subject/forum itself. You are a normie adopting the beliefs of the group, and it explains why you use British isles lingo becaue you absorb your surroundings for status etc.
You're literally proving my point, its all status and hierarchy for you rather than the subject/forum itself. You are a normie adopting the beliefs of the group, and it explains why you use British isles lingo becaue you absorb your surroundings for status etc.

On top of this he uses slang from where hes from meaning he identifies with his native culture and doesn't resent them

The fact that you're using the term "banter" (British isles slang) just shows that you are more socially orientated

Your entire argument here is formulated around my use of the word banter which was put in quotation marks to show I was using it ironically since the people engaging in the behaviour would regard their behaviour as banter while I seen it as juvenile behaviour and not worthy of using the term banter sincerely to describe it.


Banter is not a word that's used where I'm from because I'm not from the UK
I use it on this forum sure, since it's the easiest word to use to get the point across since everyone knows what it means whereas the equivalent word for banter used by people where I am from wont be familiar to most people on here

predicted response:

Is this goon ever going to admit defeat?
Last edited:
  • JFL
Reactions: forevergymcelling

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