My orchestra is utterly incompetent



Jan 9, 2019

So my biggest cope to having no friends or chicks is my career in music. I love music with a passion and I take it very seriously, this unfortunately isn't the case for most of my orchestra. I was attempting to lead a sectional today with the cellos and basses, but most of them are entitled cunts or just braindead guys so we achieved nothing and my teacher doesn't even care. It's really frustrating trying to improve as a whole when no one else respects or cares about you or the music. This is why I cant wait to graduate from this shithole and go into a real orchestra. With people who fucking care.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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So my biggest cope to having no friends or chicks is my career in music. I love music with a passion and I take it very seriously, this unfortunately isn't the case for most of my orchestra. I was attempting to lead a sectional today with the cellos and basses, but most of them are entitled cunts or just braindead guys so we achieved nothing and my teacher doesn't even care. It's really frustrating trying to improve as a whole when no one else respects or cares about you or the music. This is why I cant wait to graduate from this shithole and go into a real orchestra. With people who fucking care.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

It all boils down to looks . If you are a good looking man , they will cheer you even if your music Is shitty. If you are subhuman , no one cares about your genuinely good music .
You copemog me hard tbh
It all boils down to looks . If you are a good looking man , they will cheer you even if your music Is shitty. If you are subhuman , no one cares about your genuinely good music .
God it's so fucking pathetic . I still there and compose amazing pieces for them and the teacher praises me for them, yet the stuck up cunts that make up the class don't care one bit. It's sad.
You copemog me hard tbh
Music is best cope
God it's so fucking pathetic . I still there and compose amazing pieces for them and the teacher praises me for them, yet the stuck up cunts that make up the class don't care one bit. It's sad.

Yep . The foids only care about looks - everything else is a cope , including money and status ( unless you pass the looks test - then it amplifies your SMV and slayer potential )

For example
You ( subhuman Guy ) + great music ability = invisible to femoids

Chad + autism + no music ability = slays a few foids

Chad + good music ability = slayer of Becky’s and low tier Stacie’s

Chad + good music abilities + money + fame = GIGA chad and slayer = can slay any Stacy pretty much

You ( subhuman ) + good music + good money + fame = beta buxx with gold diggers

Music is best cope
10/10 ted talk
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Reactions: dogtown and Mansnob
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