My progress from a subhuman to a low tier normie [with pics]



Oct 25, 2020
Here we go:

Photo 2020 09 14 20 32 14
Photo 2020 09 14 20 32 18

Picture 1- I'm 22 (so no, it's not pubertymaxx)
Picture 2-I'm 26 now

What did I do to?

With my nonexistent lower third I always knew that I need to grow a beard because I don't have tens of thousands of dollars for all the surgeries. Shit wasn't growing at all, then I found out about minoxidil and started to use it. On the first picture I am already using it for maybe a month. So that is me already making some progress :lul: Before that I had 0 facial hair, never had to shave anything other than my gay teenage mustache. I was inconsistent with it so in 4 years I probably went through only 12 kirkland 60ml bottles. I started doing it again recently with a roller and it works way better together, so hopefully eventually I will have a decent beard that connects with mustache.

I honestly don't believe that you can grow bones on your face with it (especially in your 20's). But it sure did help me with my posture. And with good posture my chin looks less recessed which changed a lot for me.

Even tho it became a meme in our community I still believe that a fresh cut that looks good on you is the best soft looksmax out there. But being cheap myself there is no f way I'm paying 30$ every 2-3 weeks for a haircut lmao. So I decided to learn how to do it myself. Got my own clippers and didn't see my barber ever since. Maybe it's not a proper fancy fade but it still looks ok to me and I can do it whenever I want.

-Left my room and got some tan
Naturally I'm pale af and it doesn't look good on me at all. You can tell the difference.

I started working out, eating cleaner, being outside more, getting better sleep and cut pmo. All this probably helped in some way. My bodyfat is probably 3-5% less rn.

How it affected my life
It's probably hard to believe but I wasn't a virgin on my before pic lmao
My lay count was proly around 4 at that time. But here is the deal, the only reason I got some success and wasn't a kissless virgin was only due to me being delusional about looks importance for a guy. Back in the day I was bluepilled by PUA that it's all about game. So younger me around 16-18yo was cold approaching and cold texting girls on social media thinking that I'm the shit JFL. Thinking about those times make me cringe because I would get multiple rejections due to my subhuman looks. But just the fact that I was so cocky and overconfident for no reason saved me from inceldom early in my life (lost my v card at 16)
Looking like this:

So rn I look objectively best I ever had (which is still shite in our social media/tinder era), what changed for me?

100% it made me more confident which proves that in a way your looks=confidence. Because better looks=better treatment and better treatment= more confidence. Back in my ugly pua days I was pumping myself with fake confidence that had nothing to back it up with. Now I begin to feel what real confidence feels like for a man. And when you have it you don't have to tryhard to fake it. And it came not just from my little boost in looks but also from getting my life together, living on my own, getting a car and etc. Dating became easier overall, even tho I'm not slaying, I get something here and there with 5-6 girls (mostly asian, cause abusing JBW is easy).

People started to take me seriously
I remember I would be in a meeting at my job, seating with older guys and they would joke about me being old enough to be there, when I'm 23 (fucking brutal). Just because of my lack of lower third I looked undeveloped and of course people are quick to make their assumptions and opinions based on your looks and treat you this way. Now I get more respect from people at work and in life. Get called "sir" a lot more. Finally people guess my age right but if they miss, it's usually still younger:feelsbadman:

Finally getting something from dating apps
Still a lot of whales but ocasionally I get some cute asian, black, latina girls. Some 3-4 white girls that I just ignore because I would rather sleep with attractive girl outside my race (like most of us would). Also get some IOI from girls through social circle which never happened before.

Plans for future looksmaxing
2) Saving up for rhino
3)SEA+South America+Eastern Europe maxxing(I'm Slav living in the West)
4)Status and social circle maxxing

So yeah that was my first post after lurking for more that a year :feelsgood:


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Here we go:

View attachment 759111View attachment 759112

Picture 1- I'm 22 (so no, it's not pubertymaxx)
Picture 2-I'm 26 now

What did I do to?

With my nonexistent lower third I always knew that I need to grow a beard because I don't have tens of thousands of dollars for all the surgeries. Shit wasn't growing at all, then I found out about minoxidil and started to use it. On the first picture I am already using it for maybe a month. So that is me already making some progress :lul: Before that I had 0 facial hair, never had to shave anything other than my gay teenage mustache. I was inconsistent with it so in 4 years I probably went through only 12 kirkland 60ml bottles. I started doing it again recently with a roller and it works way better together, so hopefully eventually I will have a decent beard that connects with mustache.

I honestly don't believe that you can grow bones on your face with it (especially in your 20's). But it sure did help me with my posture. And with good posture my chin looks less recessed which changed a lot for me.

Even tho it became a meme in our community I still believe that a fresh cut that looks good on you is the best soft looksmax out there. But being cheap myself there is no f way I'm paying 30$ every 2-3 weeks for a haircut lmao. So I decided to learn how to do it myself. Got my own clippers and didn't see my barber ever since. Maybe it's not a proper fancy fade but it still looks ok to me and I can do it whenever I want.

-Left my room and got some tan
Naturally I'm pale af and it doesn't look good on me at all. You can tell the difference.

I started working out, eating cleaner, being outside more, getting better sleep and cut pmo. All this probably helped in some way. My bodyfat is probably 3-5% less rn.

How it affected my life
It's probably hard to believe but I wasn't a virgin on my before pic lmao
My lay count was proly around 4 at that time. But here is the deal, the only reason I got some success and wasn't a kissless virgin was only due to me being delusional about looks importance for a guy. Back in the day I was bluepilled by PUA that it's all about game. So younger me around 16-18yo was cold approaching and cold texting girls on social media thinking that I'm the shit JFL. Thinking about those times make me cringe because I would get multiple rejections due to my subhuman looks. But just the fact that I was so cocky and overconfident for no reason saved me from inceldom early in my life (lost my v card at 16)
Looking like this:

So rn I look objectively best I ever had (which is still shite in our social media/tinder era), what changed for me?

100% it made me more confident which proves that in a way your looks=confidence. Because better looks=better treatment and better treatment= more confidence. Back in my ugly pua days I was pumping myself with fake confidence that had nothing to back it up with. Now I begin to feel what real confidence feels like for a man. And when you have it you don't have to tryhard to fake it. And it came not just from my little boost in looks but also from getting my life together, living on my own, getting a car and etc. Dating became easier overall, even tho I'm not slaying, I get something here and there with 5-6 girls (mostly asian, cause abusing JBW is easy).

People started to take me seriously
I remember I would be in a meeting at my job, seating with older guys and they would joke about me being old enough to be there, when I'm 23 (fucking brutal). Just because of my lack of lower third I looked undeveloped and of course people are quick to make their assumptions and opinions based on your looks and treat you this way. Now I get more respect from people at work and in life. Get called "sir" a lot more. Finally people guess my age right but if they miss, it's usually still younger:feelsbadman:

Finally getting something from dating apps
Still a lot of whales but ocasionally I get some cute asian, black, latina girls. Some 3-4 white girls that I just ignore because I would rather sleep with attractive girl outside my race (like most of us would). Also get some IOI from girls through social circle which never happened before.

Plans for future looksmaxing
2) Saving up for rhino
3)SEA+South America+Eastern Europe maxxing(I'm Slav living in the West)
4)Status and social circle maxxing

So yeah that was my first post after lurking for more that a year :feelsgood:
I'm glad you don't despise facial hair like some retards do
I do think you need some surgical procedures for your lower third tho ngl
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Reactions: AscendingHero, LastHopeForNorman, Deleted member 4106 and 12 others
Would like to see more pics after ascension, but wow man. Great job. Way to stick with the process, it worked out for you.
  • +1
Reactions: TopzCat1 and Jamal2222
you need bsso or double jaw
  • +1
Reactions: wateriswet
Nice progress OP, the only person you need to mog is your former self
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Reactions: Deleted member 756, BigNoseSlavcel, Deleted member 9355 and 3 others
I'm glad you don't despise facial hair like some retards do
I do think you need some surgical procedures for your lower third tho ngl
Yeah I agree. I think nose is more important for me rn cause it's big, crooked and you can't hide it. Also rhino is cheaper and I don't have to take a long ass vacation to do it. So I plan on doing it next year. Meanwhile keep hiding my chin with beard lol.
  • +1
Reactions: PYT
If anyone here tries to bully you, tell them to fuck off, and you mog them. Yes you're normie level. Congratulations bro. You went from complete subhuman to probably getting Latinas, thick ones too
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4797
great progress man, looking good
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Reactions: Deleted member 4797
All softmaxxes yet it made such an effect

this is more looksmaxxing than 80% of the site will ever do
  • +1
Reactions: Kosidius, Deleted member 4797 and Kingkellz
Would like to see more pics after ascension, but wow man. Great job. Way to stick with the process, it worked out for you.
  • +1
Reactions: Kingkellz
Nice. Keep it up, you’re really close. Rhino is the way.
ideally you should get bimax, but braces for years are suifuel and you’re prime won’t last much. If your smile is normie tier then it’s ok, otherwise don’t cope.
Congratulations mate on the beard. Minoxdill never ever worked for me. My cheeks refuse to fill out, so I look like a neckbeard, so I have to shave unfortunately
Get lean af and get a plane ticket to AL
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Yeah I agree. I think nose is more important for me rn cause it's big, crooked and you can't hide it. Also rhino is cheaper and I don't have to take a long ass vacation to do it. So I plan on doing it next year. Meanwhile keep hiding my chin with beard lol.
If you're ever going to get double jaw surgery hold off on the rhino because double jaw alters the nose to an extent so save rhino for last unless you're only going to get something that only affects the mandible (bsso, chin wing, jaw implants, or genio).
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Reactions: AscendingHero and Marsiere214
Congratulations mate on the beard. Minoxdill never ever worked for me. My cheeks refuse to fill out, so I look like a neckbeard, so I have to shave unfortunately
cheeks took way longer for me as well. I think key is to do it twice a day, be consistent and 1mm roller. If you got some result you are a responder and it should work in a long run.
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shoutout to all my graycels that stay doing the most looksmaxing on this "looksmaxing forum" meanwhile the ones here with the most rep just shitpost most of the times and do these pointless ethnic mog battles lmao.
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Reactions: AscendingHero, Marsiere214 and NothingCanStopMe
congratulations on ascending. unfortunately I still haven't seen a single manlet ascend on this site, FUCK.
Man, the only thing that keeps me in this grind for better life and pussy is the fact that I'm okay height and white. I really don't know If I could continue being 5'5-5'6 ethnic. Nature way is brutal.
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Reactions: animo123 and Deleted member 4797
Good progress... at least you did something and are getting results instead of people that do nothing until surgery. Would you mind posting a frontal pic as well? You said you are from balkan... I'm guessing Bulgarian? Prior to my surgeries I had a very similar profile to you, I actually just took out my chin implant the other day and got double jaw but had a rhino over 10 years ago.
congratulations on ascending. unfortunately I still haven't seen a single manlet ascend on this site, FUCK.
I’ll be the first remember this <3
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4797
Man, the only thing that keeps me in this grind for better life and pussy is the fact that I'm okay height and white. I really don't know If I could continue being 5'5-5'6 ethnic. Nature way is brutal.
You need surgeries
The fact that you are only getting unattractive girls should be motivation enough to get surgeries. You also need to do everything asap, because your prime watch is ticking very fast. Your brow bone is really the strongest in your face. You would need bimax+genio and rhino plus cheek filler.
Btw are you only getting matches and iois or are you really having lays/ons/dates?
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Reactions: Marsiere214
The fact that you are only getting unattractive girls should be motivation enough to get surgeries. You also need to do everything asap, because your prime watch is ticking very fast. Your brow bone is really the strongest in your face. You would need bimax+genio and rhino plus cheek filler.
Btw are you only getting matches and iois or are you really having lays/ons/dates?
I had 4 lays this year so far. I could get more but I'm not motivated to go after quantity cause they are all sub 6 anyways. I highly doubt I will ever do bimax. Shit is too expensive. Realisticly I can only afford it in 3-4 years which won't make much sence at that point. Fillers and rhino is the only surgeries I'm planning. I think social status maxing has way more potential than chasing after perfect face cause I will never have it. Too many failos that will cost me too much money to fix and too much time as well. And even then I can't compete with true chads so I have to find other ways.

I have other ideas how to ascend through status and logistics or locationmax cause I did some experiments already and the matches that I get in Russia and Ukraine are fucking ridiculous(and russian is my first language). I think me getting rhino,fillers, body on roids+tatts will easily get me 7-8 bitches and an 8-9 russian trophy wife in my late 30's when I'm done fucking around. I'll be ok with that.
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do a rhinoplasty and bimax
it will legit ascend you so hard, your base is very good
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Reactions: Deusmaximus
bsso or chin wing go do it
Hop on Bimax and Rhino ASAP. Your softmaxes did very well. You, like me have some downward growth. Bimax with a degree of CCW and Genio chin projection would ascend you very hard.
Here we go:

View attachment 759111View attachment 759112

Picture 1- I'm 22 (so no, it's not pubertymaxx)
Picture 2-I'm 26 now

What did I do to?

With my nonexistent lower third I always knew that I need to grow a beard because I don't have tens of thousands of dollars for all the surgeries. Shit wasn't growing at all, then I found out about minoxidil and started to use it. On the first picture I am already using it for maybe a month. So that is me already making some progress :lul: Before that I had 0 facial hair, never had to shave anything other than my gay teenage mustache. I was inconsistent with it so in 4 years I probably went through only 12 kirkland 60ml bottles. I started doing it again recently with a roller and it works way better together, so hopefully eventually I will have a decent beard that connects with mustache.

I honestly don't believe that you can grow bones on your face with it (especially in your 20's). But it sure did help me with my posture. And with good posture my chin looks less recessed which changed a lot for me.

Even tho it became a meme in our community I still believe that a fresh cut that looks good on you is the best soft looksmax out there. But being cheap myself there is no f way I'm paying 30$ every 2-3 weeks for a haircut lmao. So I decided to learn how to do it myself. Got my own clippers and didn't see my barber ever since. Maybe it's not a proper fancy fade but it still looks ok to me and I can do it whenever I want.

-Left my room and got some tan
Naturally I'm pale af and it doesn't look good on me at all. You can tell the difference.

I started working out, eating cleaner, being outside more, getting better sleep and cut pmo. All this probably helped in some way. My bodyfat is probably 3-5% less rn.

How it affected my life
It's probably hard to believe but I wasn't a virgin on my before pic lmao
My lay count was proly around 4 at that time. But here is the deal, the only reason I got some success and wasn't a kissless virgin was only due to me being delusional about looks importance for a guy. Back in the day I was bluepilled by PUA that it's all about game. So younger me around 16-18yo was cold approaching and cold texting girls on social media thinking that I'm the shit JFL. Thinking about those times make me cringe because I would get multiple rejections due to my subhuman looks. But just the fact that I was so cocky and overconfident for no reason saved me from inceldom early in my life (lost my v card at 16)
Looking like this:

So rn I look objectively best I ever had (which is still shite in our social media/tinder era), what changed for me?

100% it made me more confident which proves that in a way your looks=confidence. Because better looks=better treatment and better treatment= more confidence. Back in my ugly pua days I was pumping myself with fake confidence that had nothing to back it up with. Now I begin to feel what real confidence feels like for a man. And when you have it you don't have to tryhard to fake it. And it came not just from my little boost in looks but also from getting my life together, living on my own, getting a car and etc. Dating became easier overall, even tho I'm not slaying, I get something here and there with 5-6 girls (mostly asian, cause abusing JBW is easy).

People started to take me seriously
I remember I would be in a meeting at my job, seating with older guys and they would joke about me being old enough to be there, when I'm 23 (fucking brutal). Just because of my lack of lower third I looked undeveloped and of course people are quick to make their assumptions and opinions based on your looks and treat you this way. Now I get more respect from people at work and in life. Get called "sir" a lot more. Finally people guess my age right but if they miss, it's usually still younger:feelsbadman:

Finally getting something from dating apps
Still a lot of whales but ocasionally I get some cute asian, black, latina girls. Some 3-4 white girls that I just ignore because I would rather sleep with attractive girl outside my race (like most of us would). Also get some IOI from girls through social circle which never happened before.

Plans for future looksmaxing
2) Saving up for rhino
3)SEA+South America+Eastern Europe maxxing(I'm Slav living in the West)
4)Status and social circle maxxing

So yeah that was my first post after lurking for more that a year :feelsgood:
Rhino would help you so much ngl
I just dont understand one thing, why is your beard so lighter compared to your hair
Damn you looked so ugly at 16 I'm amazed you got laid
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Damn you looked so ugly at 16 I'm amazed you got laid
It would never work with current state of online dating. 10 years ago social media was way more limited so was your options to meet someone. Being sociable and falling for pua saved my life, ngl. Also growing up in EE where it's way easier to get laid if ur ugly.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 110
All softmaxxes yet it made such an effect

this is more looksmaxxing than 80% of the site will ever do

Softmaxx is easy to do but for real... Im also cutting my hair.. Its really easy to cut nice hair..... No need to pay barber..
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  • +1
Reactions: PYT
Dan Bilzerian tier of Beard frauding.
  • JFL
Reactions: Marsiere214 and uglynihilist
Softmaxx is easy to do but for real... Im also cutting my hair.. Its really easy to cut nice hair..... No need to pay barber..
helps saving money towards things you can't do yourself- surgeries
Oh shit btw, wdy think about minox + microneedling combo ?
Oh shit btw, wdy think about minox + microneedling combo ?
it's op. I did minox alone for months and now doing microneedling once a week and it boosted growth especially on my cheeks.
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Mirin indeed, congrats brotha. I look forward to reading these type of threads
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
it's op. I did minox alone for months and now doing microneedling once a week and it boosted growth especially on my cheeks.
Lifefuel for jawcel
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
U seem like a tallfag, thats y u got laid with that face b4. Anyways im mirin ur ascension. Impressive. U still need to surgery maxx ur lower third though
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
U seem like a tallfag, thats y u got laid with that face b4. Anyways im mirin ur ascension. Impressive. U still need to surgery maxx ur lower third though
I'm 178cm barefoot which is barely above average height. I look tall cause I'm skinny af. I used to weight 54kg with this height lmao. As I said I got laid only due to me living in the EE and doing "game" 10 years ago before tinder.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 110, Marsiere214 and Deleted member 8080
im impressed
keep it up op
Here we go:

View attachment 759111View attachment 759112

Picture 1- I'm 22 (so no, it's not pubertymaxx)
Picture 2-I'm 26 now

What did I do to?

With my nonexistent lower third I always knew that I need to grow a beard because I don't have tens of thousands of dollars for all the surgeries. Shit wasn't growing at all, then I found out about minoxidil and started to use it. On the first picture I am already using it for maybe a month. So that is me already making some progress :lul: Before that I had 0 facial hair, never had to shave anything other than my gay teenage mustache. I was inconsistent with it so in 4 years I probably went through only 12 kirkland 60ml bottles. I started doing it again recently with a roller and it works way better together, so hopefully eventually I will have a decent beard that connects with mustache.

I honestly don't believe that you can grow bones on your face with it (especially in your 20's). But it sure did help me with my posture. And with good posture my chin looks less recessed which changed a lot for me.

Even tho it became a meme in our community I still believe that a fresh cut that looks good on you is the best soft looksmax out there. But being cheap myself there is no f way I'm paying 30$ every 2-3 weeks for a haircut lmao. So I decided to learn how to do it myself. Got my own clippers and didn't see my barber ever since. Maybe it's not a proper fancy fade but it still looks ok to me and I can do it whenever I want.

-Left my room and got some tan
Naturally I'm pale af and it doesn't look good on me at all. You can tell the difference.

I started working out, eating cleaner, being outside more, getting better sleep and cut pmo. All this probably helped in some way. My bodyfat is probably 3-5% less rn.

How it affected my life
It's probably hard to believe but I wasn't a virgin on my before pic lmao
My lay count was proly around 4 at that time. But here is the deal, the only reason I got some success and wasn't a kissless virgin was only due to me being delusional about looks importance for a guy. Back in the day I was bluepilled by PUA that it's all about game. So younger me around 16-18yo was cold approaching and cold texting girls on social media thinking that I'm the shit JFL. Thinking about those times make me cringe because I would get multiple rejections due to my subhuman looks. But just the fact that I was so cocky and overconfident for no reason saved me from inceldom early in my life (lost my v card at 16)
Looking like this:

So rn I look objectively best I ever had (which is still shite in our social media/tinder era), what changed for me?

100% it made me more confident which proves that in a way your looks=confidence. Because better looks=better treatment and better treatment= more confidence. Back in my ugly pua days I was pumping myself with fake confidence that had nothing to back it up with. Now I begin to feel what real confidence feels like for a man. And when you have it you don't have to tryhard to fake it. And it came not just from my little boost in looks but also from getting my life together, living on my own, getting a car and etc. Dating became easier overall, even tho I'm not slaying, I get something here and there with 5-6 girls (mostly asian, cause abusing JBW is easy).

People started to take me seriously
I remember I would be in a meeting at my job, seating with older guys and they would joke about me being old enough to be there, when I'm 23 (fucking brutal). Just because of my lack of lower third I looked undeveloped and of course people are quick to make their assumptions and opinions based on your looks and treat you this way. Now I get more respect from people at work and in life. Get called "sir" a lot more. Finally people guess my age right but if they miss, it's usually still younger:feelsbadman:

Finally getting something from dating apps
Still a lot of whales but ocasionally I get some cute asian, black, latina girls. Some 3-4 white girls that I just ignore because I would rather sleep with attractive girl outside my race (like most of us would). Also get some IOI from girls through social circle which never happened before.

Plans for future looksmaxing
2) Saving up for rhino
3)SEA+South America+Eastern Europe maxxing(I'm Slav living in the West)
4)Status and social circle maxxing

So yeah that was my first post after lurking for more that a year :feelsgood:
lifefuel for me, can't wait for my beard to grow in
Here we go:

View attachment 759111View attachment 759112

Picture 1- I'm 22 (so no, it's not pubertymaxx)
Picture 2-I'm 26 now

What did I do to?

With my nonexistent lower third I always knew that I need to grow a beard because I don't have tens of thousands of dollars for all the surgeries. Shit wasn't growing at all, then I found out about minoxidil and started to use it. On the first picture I am already using it for maybe a month. So that is me already making some progress :lul: Before that I had 0 facial hair, never had to shave anything other than my gay teenage mustache. I was inconsistent with it so in 4 years I probably went through only 12 kirkland 60ml bottles. I started doing it again recently with a roller and it works way better together, so hopefully eventually I will have a decent beard that connects with mustache.

I honestly don't believe that you can grow bones on your face with it (especially in your 20's). But it sure did help me with my posture. And with good posture my chin looks less recessed which changed a lot for me.

Even tho it became a meme in our community I still believe that a fresh cut that looks good on you is the best soft looksmax out there. But being cheap myself there is no f way I'm paying 30$ every 2-3 weeks for a haircut lmao. So I decided to learn how to do it myself. Got my own clippers and didn't see my barber ever since. Maybe it's not a proper fancy fade but it still looks ok to me and I can do it whenever I want.

-Left my room and got some tan
Naturally I'm pale af and it doesn't look good on me at all. You can tell the difference.

I started working out, eating cleaner, being outside more, getting better sleep and cut pmo. All this probably helped in some way. My bodyfat is probably 3-5% less rn.

How it affected my life
It's probably hard to believe but I wasn't a virgin on my before pic lmao
My lay count was proly around 4 at that time. But here is the deal, the only reason I got some success and wasn't a kissless virgin was only due to me being delusional about looks importance for a guy. Back in the day I was bluepilled by PUA that it's all about game. So younger me around 16-18yo was cold approaching and cold texting girls on social media thinking that I'm the shit JFL. Thinking about those times make me cringe because I would get multiple rejections due to my subhuman looks. But just the fact that I was so cocky and overconfident for no reason saved me from inceldom early in my life (lost my v card at 16)
Looking like this:

So rn I look objectively best I ever had (which is still shite in our social media/tinder era), what changed for me?

100% it made me more confident which proves that in a way your looks=confidence. Because better looks=better treatment and better treatment= more confidence. Back in my ugly pua days I was pumping myself with fake confidence that had nothing to back it up with. Now I begin to feel what real confidence feels like for a man. And when you have it you don't have to tryhard to fake it. And it came not just from my little boost in looks but also from getting my life together, living on my own, getting a car and etc. Dating became easier overall, even tho I'm not slaying, I get something here and there with 5-6 girls (mostly asian, cause abusing JBW is easy).

People started to take me seriously
I remember I would be in a meeting at my job, seating with older guys and they would joke about me being old enough to be there, when I'm 23 (fucking brutal). Just because of my lack of lower third I looked undeveloped and of course people are quick to make their assumptions and opinions based on your looks and treat you this way. Now I get more respect from people at work and in life. Get called "sir" a lot more. Finally people guess my age right but if they miss, it's usually still younger:feelsbadman:

Finally getting something from dating apps
Still a lot of whales but ocasionally I get some cute asian, black, latina girls. Some 3-4 white girls that I just ignore because I would rather sleep with attractive girl outside my race (like most of us would). Also get some IOI from girls through social circle which never happened before.

Plans for future looksmaxing
2) Saving up for rhino
3)SEA+South America+Eastern Europe maxxing(I'm Slav living in the West)
4)Status and social circle maxxing

So yeah that was my first post after lurking for more that a year :feelsgood:
Good shit man keep ascending
Yeah I agree. I think nose is more important for me rn cause it's big, crooked and you can't hide it. Also rhino is cheaper and I don't have to take a long ass vacation to do it. So I plan on doing it next year. Meanwhile keep hiding my chin with beard lol.
Do not get any surgeries until you have surgically corrected an obvious malocclusion.
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