my social circle is this fourm



Sep 27, 2018
wbu guys?
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i dont have a large social circle, less then 5 people that i regularly talk to irl
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That's our #1 problem tbh, not our looks.

I have 3 friends, one who moved 3 hours away, one who is always working, and one who lifts with me regularly. And gf. That's it really, I need more friends.
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That's our #1 problem tbh, not our looks.

I have 3 friends, one who moved 3 hours away, one who is always working, and one who lifts with me regularly. And gf. That's it really, I need more friends.
Easy to make friends and get girls if you have the looks tho
My social circle is me, myself and I.
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Reactions: AntiSocial-Fakecel, Swagwaffle, kobecel and 7 others
I don't have a social circle, just one stroke of a pencil mark.
i dont have a large social circle, less then 5 people that i regularly talk to irl
That's a large social circle by 2019 standards imo
Just realize when u get older u have less and less friends.
The book about the guy who called everybody phonies is a good example of it, I can’t remember the name tho
This forum and you guys are my social circle.
That's our #1 problem tbh, not our looks.

I have 3 friends, one who moved 3 hours away, one who is always working, and one who lifts with me regularly. And gf. That's it really, I need more friends.
That's one big normie rhetoric that we're so used to listen.

Good looks allow you to even do what regular people can't like getting laid out of daygame.

When you have a fucked up face, people tend to simply avoid you.
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Incel trait#45667
My social circle is my dog. Good enough tho
  • +1
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This forum and you guys are my social circle.

That's one big normie rhetoric that we're so used to listen.

Good looks allow you to even do what regular people can't like getting laid out of daygame.

When you have a fucked up face, people tend to simply avoid you.

I don't have a fucked up face but still have no social circle.
I don't have a fucked up face but still have no social circle.
Sure. But as you know (especially nowadays), not being at least over 6.5/10 means you don't worth Jack shit
The book about the guy who called everybody phonies is a good example of it, I can’t remember the name tho

The Catcher in the Rye?
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I wanted to laugh at you but I realised that for days I've been sitting here alone because nobody wants to put up with my bullshit
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mine is @Nibba and @battlefieldincel
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Steve jobs isnt a 6.5 but proged greatly to society etc
Ur telling him to a build a billion dollar phone company Fatman
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Steve jobs isnt a 6.5 but proged greatly to society etc

young steve jobs was a 7

and also things worked different back in those days

People will genuinely value you and like you if you're notably skillful in one or several venues they care about (competence halo?). I love this kind of appreaciation, people will literally treat you like you're some sort of superior human holder of holy/secret knowledge. This works for below average looking people too. Just become good at something, boyos. Join a group of people that do the same, if you mogg all or most of them and you're not too socially retarded/weird, some will want to be your friend and probably all of them will respect you and remember you. You'll have presence and a sense of belonging.
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I have friends but I don't see them often. I'd rather have one best friend I'd see everyday than dozens of friends you barely see.
Go find a passion and make friends through that.
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I have a few good friends I’ve had throughout my whole life but one has moved away and the other and me work a lot. My main social life is the women I fuck, this forum and my family.
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You don't need looks to make friends.

That is not true. I'm a certified truecel and guys do not avoid me. Only women do.
tbh, biggest subhuman i know has at least 10x more friends than me.
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tbh, biggest subhuman i know has at least 10x more friends than me.
It's just an excuse the non-ugly guys on here and .is have when they talk about not having friends. They just don't try.
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It's just an excuse the non-ugly guys on here and .is have when they talk about not having friends. They just don't try.

there is nothing easier than making a big social circle

i knew a guy last year that was 2/10 at best, skinny manlet framecel acnecel fucking ogre tier recessed chin incel glasses

still he was playing basketball with us, even he was talking with most of school

you only need to be low inhib
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there is nothing easier than making a big social circle

i knew a guy last year that was 2/10 at best, skinny manlet framecel acnecel fucking ogre tier recessed chin incel glasses

still he was playing basketball with us, even he was talking with most of school

you only need to be low inhib
Exactly. The guys on here and .is can even get girlfriends if they put in some effort but they're all lazy faggots who don't try. Makes a 2/10 truecel like me rage tbhtbh ngl.
  • +1
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Exactly. The guys on here and .is can even get girlfriends if they put in some effort but they're all lazy faggots who don't try. Makes a 2/10 truecel like me rage tbhtbh ngl.

why do you rate yourself 2/10 boyo?
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People will genuinely value you and like you if you're notably skillful in one or several venues they care about (competence halo?). I love this kind of appreaciation, people will literally treat you like you're some sort of superior human holder of holy/secret knowledge. This works for below average looking people too. Just become good at something, boyos. Join a group of people that do the same, if you mogg all or most of them and you're not too socially retarded/weird, some will want to be your friend and probably all of them will respect you and remember you. You'll have presence and a sense of belonging.
I don't disagree.

But in the grand scheme of things, it has little to no relevance when it comes to getting laid or being attractive to the opposite sex. The whole friendzone thing doesn't exist for any reason though.
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I don't disagree.

But in the grand scheme of things, it has little to no relevance when it comes to getting laid or being attractive to the opposite sex. The whole friendzone thing doesn't exist for any reason though.

TL;DR: average 20 y.o. guy got himself top percentile 18 y.o. girl because of status he obtained by being recognized for his talent. I can attest he's not a cuck and is in power of the relationship (he seems very socially aware).

You're understimating this if you think it has no relevance to being attractive or getting in nice relationships with decent women that judge you as high quality male (your potential level of success with this varies depending on the social circles you move, because female demographic varies in function of this).

I have a real life example of someone I know IRL: a guy in my mathematics program, he's white, dark hair and his face is ∼5 PSL, but it is bloated, clear but with some visible acne scars/mediocre texture, and he's a little overweight (not super fat, but he's got a little paunch and he's only 20, rare). He doesn't care too much about his grooming and appearance (Think an "INTP" type of guy), you can tell he doesn't touch his hair too much after getting out of the shower, he doesn't style it, he just lets it air dry, he's got patchy light stubble (doesn't shave regularly)… He looks decent still (average to little above average in my country), you can't call him ugly.

The thing is: he's very smart and socially adjusted. You can't help but respect him. He's very good at pure mathematics and has the favor of important people at the math department (including the department head). Almost every math student worth remembering at my school knows him. He's gained prestige and status based mostly on his skills (I know for sure that if he was just like the average student here, he'd be a nobody like everyone else). I was in french class with him this semester, he got mostly perfect marks, and everyone knew that he dominated the material because he always participates in class. This is important because you stop being invisible to people (to women…). You start becoming familiar. I know this has a weak point, if a girl doesn't see you're socially valued, you'll be just another guy. And I don't doubt he's got this problem, but anyway, getting women is a lot more easy for him thanks to this (and this is my point, and it's something everyone should leverage, it also works for moneymaxing, obviously).

The striking part is this: He's in a relationship with a top tier white blonde Colombian girl 2 years younger than him (she's ALSO enrolled in the math program, I know, weird). She doesn't even look Colombian, she could easily pass as anglo or european. It doesn't make sense from a looks standpoint alone that this guy got in a relationship with this woman in 2016 (if you're thinking betabux, it doesn't make sense, they're too young for that, I saw them kissing and they were passionate/savage af while doing it), then last year he broke up with her (telling her he confused love with lust, lol). And now they're back together after being separated for several months.

This wouldn't happen if he was an average joe in terms of skill. I guess this is basic LMS but whatever. Just a reminder that looks are not the absolute standard in life. And I know getting good at something is harder than it sounds, but if you're not doing it and leveranging it socially/financially, then what the fuck are you doing?

If you're curious I can PM you pics. (This is too long even for me, wtf, I just like practicing my english writting skills...)

Edit: I forgot to mention she's a math student as well and she's also very good at it (but not as good as him, tho).
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