My updated skincare that is getting me more looks, waves, numbers, and dates. Also a bit about breaking out of social awkwardness.

2d v2

2d v2

Jan 24, 2022
So tretinoin has been the main one since october. I started seeing my skin get better after about 3 months.

Now I use argirilene and copper peptides during the day.

Wash the skin once a week with kojic acid soap. Use a legitimate brand though, kojisan is nice but the box it comes in looks like it was made for a korean woman.

I use urea cream on days I am driving around in the sun, and I always wear it on my face with the argirilene. Most days I work, I look like a grease ball. Very oily face and coconut oil on my slicked back hair. The next day if I am clubbing, I look at least like 5 years younger, and my hair looks great after washing the coconut oil out.
I pretty much have avacado oil and aloe vera oil on my face any time I am not hanging out with friends or clubbing. Obviously I wash it off if I am trying to pick up a girl, which brings me to the next point:
I have no social awkwardness left, that is, I don't get bothered by what people may think.

I talk to random strangers all the time now. I will go up and talk to a group of people just for the fun of it.

Interacting with strangers has become very entertaining to me now. I ask a lot of women for numbers, and rejection literally feels like nothing anymore.

I can even stand and talk to them after saying no, just because I am now confident enough, Skin looking good, upper shoulders strong, and confidence in my attitude.

Once you get laid a few times, It is not difficult to talk to women anymore, and you won't be embarrassed or hurt from rejections.

I have a lot more people I talk to on snap these days, and a lot more friends to hang out with. It's not so much about rizz game, more about being friendly, funny, and being likeable. Don't go up and insult people or try to rizz, it makes people dislike you and when people dislike you, others can tell.
It almost gives you like, a bad aura or something. Anyways try those skin care products for a really good glow up.
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tret + urea + sunscreen i already use. need to buy ghk cu. tret, urea, and ghk-cu is the trifecta tbh.
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I have no social awkwardness left, that is, I don't get bothered by what people may think.
skincare is pretty much water is wet tier by now but how tf do you achieve this?
tret + urea + sunscreen i already use. need to buy ghk cu. tret, urea, and ghk-cu is the trifecta tbh.
urea seriously does give your face a glow.
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How tall are you?
tret + urea + sunscreen i already use. need to buy ghk cu. tret, urea, and ghk-cu is the trifecta tbh.
aloe vera is really good too. Im almost thinking of trying the serum that more plates more dates has on his website. I have oil on my face all the time. I dont wear sunscreen because I have shades over all my car windows. I get at most 30 mins of sunlight every day Im working.
skincare is pretty much water is wet tier by now but how tf do you achieve this?
I just dont care. I mean I just talk to people, in a sort of awkward way, but the way I talk to people is like zero boundaries. I just talk and give complements, but also say what I want to say.
The way you get people to listen to you and not tell you to fuck off, is to keep up complements. You can pretty much just say everything you want and kind of mog with your personality.
How tall are you?
So yea i'm like 6'2 or 6'3, but i saw a dude the other day, around 5'8, he has kind of long hair, good goatee style, he had a tattoo of a sort of viking helmet, a really good design, and really properly done. He had the hookup for this tattoo. he would just kind of move from person to person talking in the same way as I was. He would talk to one guy, and its almost as it he had like a fifth sense for social queus or something. In between, complimenting the women as well. He was making moves under that fucking radar.

He showed personality, had a bold looking jaw, and a personality that people would want to relate to. Just like a tall guy would have something men would want to relate to. Remember, people see personality traits as a feature of the person. Anyways, ive witnessed all myriads of people using that tactic.

Picture yourself as a pirate. You've been at sea for the last 140 days. Nothing but smelly sweaty men, cheap food from the weekly stops at the depot, and heavy lifting. All day. You get a month off. Your mind is opened, and you have targeted the very things that make a man attractive. If you don't have one trait, you don't COPE, you COMPROMISE. You start going to the pubs every night, and you are flirting with women, and you score. This is why guys whoa re 5'6 to 5'8 exist. Becuase they're ancestors knew how to COMPROMISE.

These days you have everything served on a silver fucking platter. Make use of this current realm. Learn to talk. You will get rejected by women, groups of people, and it may hurt, but after one summer of it, you wont care anymore. By going out two of three days a week and just being HUMAN, you will win in life.
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aloe vera is really good too. Im almost thinking of trying the serum that more plates more dates has on his website. I have oil on my face all the time. I dont wear sunscreen because I have shades over all my car windows. I get at most 30 mins of sunlight every day Im working.

I just dont care. I mean I just talk to people, in a sort of awkward way, but the way I talk to people is like zero boundaries. I just talk and give complements, but also say what I want to say.
The way you get people to listen to you and not tell you to fuck off, is to keep up complements. You can pretty much just say everything you want and kind of mog with your personality.

So yea i'm like 6'2 or 6'3, but i saw a dude the other day, around 5'8, he has kind of long hair, good goatee style, he had a tattoo of a sort of viking helmet, a really good design, and really properly done. He had the hookup for this tattoo. he would just kind of move from person to person talking in the same way as I was. He would talk to one guy, and its almost as it he had like a fifth sense for social queus or something. In between, complimenting the women as well. He was making moves under that fucking radar.

He showed personality, had a bold looking jaw, and a personality that people would want to relate to. Just like a tall guy would have something men would want to relate to. Remember, people see personality traits as a feature of the person. Anyways, ive witnessed all myriads of people using that tactic.

Picture yourself as a pirate. You've been at sea for the last 140 days. Nothing but smelly sweaty men, cheap food from the weekly stops at the depot, and heavy lifting. All day. You get a month off. Your mind is opened, and you have targeted the very things that make a man attractive. If you don't have one trait, you don't COPE, you COMPROMISE. You start going to the pubs every night, and you are flirting with women, and you score. This is why guys whoa re 5'6 to 5'8 exist. Becuase they're ancestors knew how to COMPROMISE.

These days you have everything served on a silver fucking platter. Make use of this current realm. Learn to talk. You will get rejected by women, groups of people, and it may hurt, but after one summer of it, you wont care anymore. By going out two of three days a week and just being HUMAN, you will win in life.
Man this post deserves more reacts, I have so much respect for you

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