

Tall, Dark & Handsome >
Apr 14, 2022
TLDR: Your name matters more than you think. Not only does it have a great effect on your perceived SMV and career opportunities, but it might also have a direct role in shaping your actual attractiveness (the Dorian Gray effect).

We all know your name can contribute to your SMV and how likely you get hired at that new sales job you're desperately hoping for.
But new research appears to suggest there your name plays an even greater role in your life - including your actual appearance & personality.

"Prior research has shown there are cultural stereotypes attached to names, including how someone should look," said lead author Dr Yonat Zwebner, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

To find out if face shape was linked to name, researchers conducted eight studies to see it was possible for strangers to correctly identify the names of people simply by looking at their faces.
In every experiment, the participants were significantly better (up to 40 per cent accurate) at matching the name to the face than random chance (20 - 25 per cent accurate) even when ethnicity, age and other socioeconomic variables were controlled for.

It is the first study to show that social preconceptions and expectations in a name can alter the way we look, not just genes and hormone levels.

"Our given name is our very first social tagging. Each name has associated characteristics, behaviours and a look. Over time these stereotypical facial expectations of how we should look may eventually manifest in our facial appearance. We develop the personality that other people expect us to exhibit.

"The study implies that people live up to their given name. The possibility that our name can influence our look, even to small extent is intriguing.

The study also proved it was possible to create a computer algorithm which could guess names better than chance, simply by looking at facial characteristics.

"Together, these findings suggest that facial appearance represents social expectations of how a person with a particular name should look. In this way, a social tag may influence one's facial appearance," said co-author Dr Ruth Mayo."

This is the Dorian Gray effect.

Anecdotally, this is easily provable. Just make 2 identical accounts on Tinder, with the only difference being a high-SMV name vs a low-SMV name.

High SMV names are usually Mediterranean-based or Anglo-based, as they imply good looks and/or affluent background.
Low SMV names are usually ethnic-sounding, as they imply bad stereotypes. Worse ones by far are Curry-sounding names.

Namepill Examples
(For fun... try to visualize the face, height, occupation associated with each name):

High SMV (Med): Lorenzo, Fabio, Alessandro, Mateo, Lucio, etc.
High SMV (Anglo): James, William, George, Thomas, Alexander, etc.
High SMV (Black): Tyrone, Travis, Dwayne, Carter, etc.
Low SMV (Curry): Poopjeet, Rajput, Vajdeep, Saramparamjeet, @the BULL ( :forcedsmile: ) , etc.

If your name is Poopjeet, you literally cannot be high-PSL/SMV or be taken seriously in any high-level career.

This is the infamous Dorian Gray effect. Over if your parents gave you a shitty name.
Your reputation preceeds you, even when it's out of your control.
If you ascend and have kids, make sure you come up with high-SMV names for your children.

@5.5psl @curlyheadjames @tristan18 @Esteban1997 @Blackgymmax @Arborist @FailedNormieManlet @Zer0/∞ (boosting algorithm for 1st thread)
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  • JFL
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Boost :chad:
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True Rakesh mogs
  • +1
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Yeah ur name has to sound sexy for her to imagine moaning it. something like Jhonny.

now imagine having Hubert or Paul as your name :forcedsmile:
  • JFL
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AB7C304E ABFB 4F8C A57C F7743B4D44A1
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  • JFL
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Gert and Bob are best english names
  • +1
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An employer jokingly said that they thought I was a noble due to my last name. Who knows, it might have been to my favour. A failo name (typically an ethnic name here in the west) will render you invisible. The association between names and behaviour is quite well understood, since it implies class. Low class name = shit worker.
  • +1
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Chris is the unmoggable fuckboi name
  • Hmm...
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  • JFL
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TLDR: Your name matters more than you think. Not only does it have a great effect on your perceived SMV and career opportunities, but it might also have a direct role in shaping your actual attractiveness (the Dorian Gray effect).

We all know your name can contribute to your SMV and how likely you get hired at that new sales job you're desperately hoping for.
But new research appears to suggest there your name plays an even greater role in your life - including your actual appearance & personality.

"Prior research has shown there are cultural stereotypes attached to names, including how someone should look," said lead author Dr Yonat Zwebner, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

To find out if face shape was linked to name, researchers conducted eight studies to see it was possible for strangers to correctly identify the names of people simply by looking at their faces.
In every experiment, the participants were significantly better (up to 40 per cent accurate) at matching the name to the face than random chance (20 - 25 per cent accurate) even when ethnicity, age and other socioeconomic variables were controlled for.

It is the first study to show that social preconceptions and expectations in a name can alter the way we look, not just genes and hormone levels.

"Our given name is our very first social tagging. Each name has associated characteristics, behaviours and a look. Over time these stereotypical facial expectations of how we should look may eventually manifest in our facial appearance. We develop the personality that other people expect us to exhibit.

"The study implies that people live up to their given name. The possibility that our name can influence our look, even to small extent is intriguing.

The study also proved it was possible to create a computer algorithm which could guess names better than chance, simply by looking at facial characteristics.

"Together, these findings suggest that facial appearance represents social expectations of how a person with a particular name should look. In this way, a social tag may influence one's facial appearance," said co-author Dr Ruth Mayo."

This is the Dorian Gray effect.

Anecdotally, this is easily provable. Just make 2 identical accounts on Tinder, with the only difference being a high-SMV name vs a low-SMV name.

High SMV names are usually Mediterranean-based or Anglo-based, as they imply good looks and/or affluent background.
Low SMV names are usually ethnic-sounding, as they imply bad stereotypes. Worse ones by far are Curry-sounding names.

Namepill Examples
(For fun... try to visualize the face, height, occupation associated with each name):

High SMV (Med): Lorenzo, Fabio, Alessandro, Mateo, Lucio, etc.
High SMV (Anglo): James, William, George, Thomas, Alexander, etc.
High SMV (Black): Tyrone, Travis, Dwayne, Carter, etc.
Low SMV (Curry): Poopjeet, Rajput, Vajdeep, Saramparamjeet, @the BULL ( :forcedsmile: ) , etc.

If your name is Poopjeet, you literally cannot be high-PSL/SMV or be taken seriously in any high-level career.
View attachment 2160112

This is the infamous Dorian Gray effect. Over if your parents gave you a shitty name.
Your reputation preceeds you, even when it's out of your control.
If you ascend and have kids, make sure you come up with high-SMV names for your children.

@5.5psl @curlyheadjames @tristan18 @Esteban1997 @Blackgymmax @Arborist @FailedNormieManlet @Zer0/∞ (boosting algorithm for 1st thread)

JFL at anyone taking these hurricanes seriously
3356894 1681323382676
Pretty good thread good job OP
Pretty good thread good job OP

Thanks bro. Hope you don't mind the tag.
Also, I can confirm you're the most handsome user on
  • +1
Reactions: Esteban1997
name pill is legit
  • +1
Reactions: Xerryx
I have a shitty old man name but I'm going to start using a better name.
every day i am pissed off knowing my parents chose the name dylan over ryan

it was over before i was born
whats the highest med/anglo smv name of all?
my legal name is longer version of forum name so im fine
TLDR: Your name matters more than you think. Not only does it have a great effect on your perceived SMV and career opportunities, but it might also have a direct role in shaping your actual attractiveness (the Dorian Gray effect).

We all know your name can contribute to your SMV and how likely you get hired at that new sales job you're desperately hoping for.
But new research appears to suggest there your name plays an even greater role in your life - including your actual appearance & personality.

"Prior research has shown there are cultural stereotypes attached to names, including how someone should look," said lead author Dr Yonat Zwebner, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

To find out if face shape was linked to name, researchers conducted eight studies to see it was possible for strangers to correctly identify the names of people simply by looking at their faces.
In every experiment, the participants were significantly better (up to 40 per cent accurate) at matching the name to the face than random chance (20 - 25 per cent accurate) even when ethnicity, age and other socioeconomic variables were controlled for.

It is the first study to show that social preconceptions and expectations in a name can alter the way we look, not just genes and hormone levels.

"Our given name is our very first social tagging. Each name has associated characteristics, behaviours and a look. Over time these stereotypical facial expectations of how we should look may eventually manifest in our facial appearance. We develop the personality that other people expect us to exhibit.

"The study implies that people live up to their given name. The possibility that our name can influence our look, even to small extent is intriguing.

The study also proved it was possible to create a computer algorithm which could guess names better than chance, simply by looking at facial characteristics.

"Together, these findings suggest that facial appearance represents social expectations of how a person with a particular name should look. In this way, a social tag may influence one's facial appearance," said co-author Dr Ruth Mayo."

This is the Dorian Gray effect.

Anecdotally, this is easily provable. Just make 2 identical accounts on Tinder, with the only difference being a high-SMV name vs a low-SMV name.

High SMV names are usually Mediterranean-based or Anglo-based, as they imply good looks and/or affluent background.
Low SMV names are usually ethnic-sounding, as they imply bad stereotypes. Worse ones by far are Curry-sounding names.

Namepill Examples
(For fun... try to visualize the face, height, occupation associated with each name):

High SMV (Med): Lorenzo, Fabio, Alessandro, Mateo, Lucio, etc.
High SMV (Anglo): James, William, George, Thomas, Alexander, etc.
High SMV (Black): Tyrone, Travis, Dwayne, Carter, etc.
Low SMV (Curry): Poopjeet, Rajput, Vajdeep, Saramparamjeet, @the BULL ( :forcedsmile: ) , etc.

If your name is Poopjeet, you literally cannot be high-PSL/SMV or be taken seriously in any high-level career.
View attachment 2160112

This is the infamous Dorian Gray effect. Over if your parents gave you a shitty name.
Your reputation preceeds you, even when it's out of your control.
If you ascend and have kids, make sure you come up with high-SMV names for your children.

@5.5psl @curlyheadjames @tristan18 @Esteban1997 @Blackgymmax @Arborist @FailedNormieManlet @Zer0/∞ (boosting algorithm for 1st thread)

Same language, same year (2019).
Let's recall what foids on social media said about two prominent hurricanes?

Hurricane Lorenzo: sexualising the hurricane
Hurricane Humberto: laughing at the name, claiming weathermen "scraped the absolute bottom of the barrel" to find names
  • +1
Reactions: Xerryx and garoupilled_
Same language, same year (2019).
Let's recall what foids on social media said about two prominent hurricanes?

Hurricane Lorenzo: sexualising the hurricane
Hurricane Humberto: laughing at the name, claiming weathermen "scraped the absolute bottom of the barrel" to find names
  • +1
Reactions: garoupilled_
  • +1
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Hey bro, if possible, please post looksmaxxing advice thread on bone growth soon. Spill the sauce

Also, love the music
thx bro wish i could but i cannot vouch for my old methods anytmore
Just literally fake ur name jfl
Jfl thinking that "George" is high SMV name, my name is George (when translated) and I never got any compliments or nice reactions to it
  • JFL
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn and SPFromNY914
TLDR: Your name matters more than you think. Not only does it have a great effect on your perceived SMV and career opportunities, but it might also have a direct role in shaping your actual attractiveness (the Dorian Gray effect).

We all know your name can contribute to your SMV and how likely you get hired at that new sales job you're desperately hoping for.
But new research appears to suggest there your name plays an even greater role in your life - including your actual appearance & personality.

"Prior research has shown there are cultural stereotypes attached to names, including how someone should look," said lead author Dr Yonat Zwebner, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

To find out if face shape was linked to name, researchers conducted eight studies to see it was possible for strangers to correctly identify the names of people simply by looking at their faces.
In every experiment, the participants were significantly better (up to 40 per cent accurate) at matching the name to the face than random chance (20 - 25 per cent accurate) even when ethnicity, age and other socioeconomic variables were controlled for.

It is the first study to show that social preconceptions and expectations in a name can alter the way we look, not just genes and hormone levels.

"Our given name is our very first social tagging. Each name has associated characteristics, behaviours and a look. Over time these stereotypical facial expectations of how we should look may eventually manifest in our facial appearance. We develop the personality that other people expect us to exhibit.

"The study implies that people live up to their given name. The possibility that our name can influence our look, even to small extent is intriguing.

The study also proved it was possible to create a computer algorithm which could guess names better than chance, simply by looking at facial characteristics.

"Together, these findings suggest that facial appearance represents social expectations of how a person with a particular name should look. In this way, a social tag may influence one's facial appearance," said co-author Dr Ruth Mayo."

This is the Dorian Gray effect.

Anecdotally, this is easily provable. Just make 2 identical accounts on Tinder, with the only difference being a high-SMV name vs a low-SMV name.

High SMV names are usually Mediterranean-based or Anglo-based, as they imply good looks and/or affluent background.
Low SMV names are usually ethnic-sounding, as they imply bad stereotypes. Worse ones by far are Curry-sounding names.

Namepill Examples
(For fun... try to visualize the face, height, occupation associated with each name):

High SMV (Med): Lorenzo, Fabio, Alessandro, Mateo, Lucio, etc.
High SMV (Anglo): James, William, George, Thomas, Alexander, etc.
High SMV (Black): Tyrone, Travis, Dwayne, Carter, etc.
Low SMV (Curry): Poopjeet, Rajput, Vajdeep, Saramparamjeet, @the BULL ( :forcedsmile: ) , etc.

If your name is Poopjeet, you literally cannot be high-PSL/SMV or be taken seriously in any high-level career.
View attachment 2160112

This is the infamous Dorian Gray effect. Over if your parents gave you a shitty name.
Your reputation preceeds you, even when it's out of your control.
If you ascend and have kids, make sure you come up with high-SMV names for your children.

@5.5psl @curlyheadjames @tristan18 @Esteban1997 @Blackgymmax @Arborist @FailedNormieManlet @Zer0/∞ (boosting algorithm for 1st thread)

Anyone here having kids name your son Jason. Ultimate mogger name.
TLDR: Your name matters more than you think. Not only does it have a great effect on your perceived SMV and career opportunities, but it might also have a direct role in shaping your actual attractiveness (the Dorian Gray effect).

We all know your name can contribute to your SMV and how likely you get hired at that new sales job you're desperately hoping for.
But new research appears to suggest there your name plays an even greater role in your life - including your actual appearance & personality.

"Prior research has shown there are cultural stereotypes attached to names, including how someone should look," said lead author Dr Yonat Zwebner, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

To find out if face shape was linked to name, researchers conducted eight studies to see it was possible for strangers to correctly identify the names of people simply by looking at their faces.
In every experiment, the participants were significantly better (up to 40 per cent accurate) at matching the name to the face than random chance (20 - 25 per cent accurate) even when ethnicity, age and other socioeconomic variables were controlled for.

It is the first study to show that social preconceptions and expectations in a name can alter the way we look, not just genes and hormone levels.

"Our given name is our very first social tagging. Each name has associated characteristics, behaviours and a look. Over time these stereotypical facial expectations of how we should look may eventually manifest in our facial appearance. We develop the personality that other people expect us to exhibit.

"The study implies that people live up to their given name. The possibility that our name can influence our look, even to small extent is intriguing.

The study also proved it was possible to create a computer algorithm which could guess names better than chance, simply by looking at facial characteristics.

"Together, these findings suggest that facial appearance represents social expectations of how a person with a particular name should look. In this way, a social tag may influence one's facial appearance," said co-author Dr Ruth Mayo."

This is the Dorian Gray effect.

Anecdotally, this is easily provable. Just make 2 identical accounts on Tinder, with the only difference being a high-SMV name vs a low-SMV name.

High SMV names are usually Mediterranean-based or Anglo-based, as they imply good looks and/or affluent background.
Low SMV names are usually ethnic-sounding, as they imply bad stereotypes. Worse ones by far are Curry-sounding names.

Namepill Examples
(For fun... try to visualize the face, height, occupation associated with each name):

High SMV (Med): Lorenzo, Fabio, Alessandro, Mateo, Lucio, etc.
High SMV (Anglo): James, William, George, Thomas, Alexander, etc.
High SMV (Black): Tyrone, Travis, Dwayne, Carter, etc.
Low SMV (Curry): Poopjeet, Rajput, Vajdeep, Saramparamjeet, @the BULL ( :forcedsmile: ) , etc.

If your name is Poopjeet, you literally cannot be high-PSL/SMV or be taken seriously in any high-level career.
View attachment 2160112

This is the infamous Dorian Gray effect. Over if your parents gave you a shitty name.
Your reputation preceeds you, even when it's out of your control.
If you ascend and have kids, make sure you come up with high-SMV names for your children.

@5.5psl @curlyheadjames @tristan18 @Esteban1997 @Blackgymmax @Arborist @FailedNormieManlet @Zer0/∞ (boosting algorithm for 1st thread)

  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 29078
Jfl thinking that "George" is high SMV name, my name is George (when translated) and I never got any compliments or nice reactions to it
curious george GIF
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29155
someone needs to make a high smv name list
Over for you @IndianMewingChad69
  • +1
  • So Sad
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