NCR guide (How to fix asymmetry and improve your cranial facial structure)


Deleted member 71360

Primal diet cured my autism
Apr 28, 2024

NCR (Neuro Cranial Restructuring)​

What is NCR? NCR is a powerful technique to loosen the bones and sutures in your face, as well as releases connective tissues to unwind the body and return it to it’s original design. It first started back in the 90s as a specific form of Bilateral Nasal Specific (BNS), which BNS was used back in the 1930s. So as you can see its been around for a while.

What exactly is NCR though? NCR is basically were you inflate a balloon in your skull. Sounds crazy I know but it is actually a medical practice.

What are the benefits of NCR?

NCR successfully improves many conditions including:

· Anxiety

· Attention Deficit Disorder; poor concentration and focus; dyslexia, hyperactivity and other learning disabilities; autism

· Depression

· Cerebral palsy; down's syndrome

· Concussion and other head injuries; brain surgery

· Dystonia

· Ear infection, acute & chronic, & deafness; tinnitus

· Glaucoma; double vision; other vision problems

· Headaches, head pressure and migraines

· Low energy (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue)

· TMD or TMJ (Mouth, head and jaw pains)

· Multiple sclerosis

· Muscular dystrophy

· Muscle spasms; neck and shoulder pain

· Orthodontic stress and bruxism (grinding)

· Parkinson's disease and tremors

· Sciatica; kyphosis (hunchback); lordosis (swayback); scoliosis (a spiral spine); military spine (from whiplash) and other back problems

· Seizures

· Sinusitis; sleep apnea; snoring; breathing and sinus disorders

· Strokes; thrombosis (excessive blood clotting)

· Vertigo and other balance problems

and lastly improved symmetry and cranial facial structure

How does NCR work?

NCR when done by a professional usually lasts 4 days with 1 hour treatment everyday and done once a month. It firsts starts off with a massage on the patient to open up the spine and allow skeletal alignment. Than the doctor analyzes the body’s pattern of balance to see which spots of the skull should be unlocked. Next the doctor inserts endonasal balloons through the nostril into the top of the throat through one of the six nasal passageways. The inflating bulb is squeezed, pumping air into the balloon and puffing up the nostril. Air pressure in the balloon increases, pressing outward against the bones inside the nose and upper throat. The pressure eventually pushes the balloon into the top of the throat and the bony joints of the head briefly open, releasing tensions stored in the connective tissues. The bone structures of the head now shift. So it basically release tension in the sphenoid bone and in the skull and helps it to become more loose and to be able to move more freely. But most of you know that pressure causes the sutures and bones to tighten. Yes this is true, but the amount of force causes their to be such a build in pressure that the pressure “breaks” and the bones become looser than ever before. The reason why some people get negative results is they don’t apply enough pressure and it just makes the school tighter (more on this later).

Here is a similar explanation from someone else:

“Here's the best way to understand it: the connective tissues (dura mater) hold the skull in place, and as skull is impacted in minor ways over time, these impacts "scrunch" the connective tissue pulling the skull plates with it. Over the course of various traumas the connective tissue becomes more and more scrunched and tense. Obviously there needs to be some kind of intervention to loosen the tissue and let it retake its original shape, but how? By nudging the sphenoid, apparently. When the sphenoid moves (less than .5mm), 20 other bones are "pushed" or "pulled" about ever so slightly. As the balloon is inflated, the sphenoid resists, tension builds in the skull, then comes the release. If you were to imagine it in numbers, let's say your connective tissue tension level starts at 75. With each inflation of the balloon against the sphenoid, tension movesup to 76, 77, 78 as the sphenoid resists, then suddenly gives slightly and releases back down to 73. This is why when people don't use enough force and don't get a proper amount of release, but instead just built more tension in the connective tissue, they get bad results or negative results. The wonderful thing about all of this is that tension in the connective tissue correlates directly with bone symmetry, cerebrospinal fluid flow and other important processes. As the connective tissuesdrop tension, the face becomes more beautiful and natural the way it would be without nutritional, emotional, genetic and physical trauma.”

How do I find a professional for NCR?

I would recommend you to search online and try to find one near you. But for many of you if not all, your not going to find one anywhere close to you, so that is were at home NCR comes into play. (Also not to mention its like 500 dollars per session and I know y’all some broke mofos)

Self NCR, the Basics:

First lets talk about the risks of Self NCR

  • Bone Fracture (You have to use a insane amount of force, like a crazy amount, trust me this won’t happen)
  • Inhaling the balloon (Just follow the steps ahead and this won’t happen)
  • Regression in symmetry and facial structure (This happens from not using enough pressure and not being consistent)
I want everyone to know that NCR doctors use a lot of force , and they build the force up in the nasal passage until the balloon essentially explodes into the upper throat/sphenoid. I don't recommend doing it this way at all. I've never needed to, the goal is to feel expansion throughout your face. Usually after the 3rd inflation or so you'll feel it in one side of your face, maybe one ear, then in the next inflation or two you'll feel it in the other side of your face. Once you get it in both sides, stop. Or if you've already inflated 5 times, stop (safety precaution). Once you get the hang of things you can do it your own way, but it helps in the beginning to know what to feel for.

To summarize: Use enough force when squeezing the bulb to feel expansion throughout one side of your face and into the other side. Once you feel expansion throughout your whole face, stop inflating. If you've already inflated 5 times or more than 20 seconds and have felt no expansion, stop and move to a different nasal passage.

How to make your device:​


Here is the equipment I use

  • Sphygmomanometer bulb with release valve
  • Finger cots (large)
  • Dental floss (waxed)
  • Flat tooth picks

You can buy all of this on amazon

Here is one fully constructed:


Make sure to wrap the dental floss 20-30x around so it doesn’t explode in your mouth, its also important to hold your breath during the treatment to lower any chances of inhaling the balloon. Make sure to replace your finger cot every 3-4 treatments.

Locating the Sphenoid Bone​

Many people don’t release that they are doing the treatment wrong at the begging. Most people inflate in the nasal turbinate's instead of the open space behind them.


Notice in the illustration above the three "holes" between the turbinate's. These are the nasal passages. There are three passages in each nostril. The goal is to insert the balloon through the passage so that most of the balloon is resting just behind the turbinate and into the upper throat (near the sphenoid bone, that white bone surrounding the sphenoid sinus in the above illustration). The best way to get the balloon through the nasal passage is to use the blunt end of a toothpick and a lubricated balloon (finger cot with water). To reach the top passage, insert the balloon while pushing it up against the top wall of the nose. To reach the bottom passage, insert the balloon while pushing it against the bottom wall of the nose. To get the balloon resting behind a nasal passage and into the throat, squeeze the bulb slowly, gently, and fully while pushing and making slight twists. This will ensure the balloon is straightened and in place. Once it's behind a nasal passage and in the throat you will feel it reach "open air." If the finger cot balloon is too large, it can possibly come down into the throat and gag you when inflated. If it's too small you won't be able to get it all the way through the nasal passage.

Inflating the Balloon:​

This is what I do: stand up in front of a mirror, making full pumps (squeezing out all the air) in succession, 3-4 times, pump in rapid succession. Never pump more than 5 times in one nasal passage, especially if you get no movement/expansion/release. During inflation, always hold the breath to ensure the balloon wont be inhaled. If there's a sudden pressure differential (release of pressure in the throat) and a feeling of movement/expansion through one side of the face then the next, immediately deflate the balloon and withdraw it from the nasal passage. Usually I'll feel the expansion through one side of my face after 13 inflations, then on the 3rd4th inflation I'll feel it in the other side of my face>through to the ear. When the expansion has gone through both sides of the face, stop. Some people think they're supposed to hear a cracking sound or feel something phenomenal but this probably won't happen all at once unless a lot of force is used (not recommended). The NCR specialists use a ton of force and treat only four times a month in order to maximize each treatment. It’s better to treat yourself 12-15 times gently and without all the massage.

Best Patterns:​

Asymmetrical Method (TL ML BL or TR MR BR)

Asymmetrical = top left, middle left, bottom left the first day... top right, middle right, bottom right the second day, etc. Some people also study their face closely, and treat asymmetrically on the weakest side. So for example if the left side is more narrow than the right side, they would treat the left side until it's even with the right. This actually does work although the NCR doctors are told it's unreliable (probably having to do with promoting and controlling the techniques involved in NCR). Dr. Howell invented proprioceptive testing, which supposedly allows the NCR practitioner to determine the "most unstable" part of the physical structure to correct, corresponding to an area of the sphenoid. I still haven't determined whether this is true or not. It seems there are more effective placements and less effective placements, but it's not all or nothing as NCR practitioners claim. This method is not available to me or anyone else, as it takes a while to learn. This is primarily what sets NCR apart from BNS and other balloon based cranial therapies.

Intuitive Placement Method

The method that works the best for the most people is intuitive placement. If one side of the face is particularly asymmetrical or narrow, you may want to treat on that side (because you'll get greater expansion on the side of the face that you're treating). You can use these kinds of assessments to decide the best place for the balloon, and oftentimes this means going in the same nasal passage over and over. There's nothing wrong with that, but you may want to experiment and try other passages just to get a better sense over time for the best placement. In either case if you're treating the left side or right side, or upper passage or lower passage, bones throughout the face and head will change position (especially in the beginning)

When and how often?​

I treat between 2pm and 8pm assuming a normal day/night schedule, and no later than 8pm (earlier than 2pm is okay). Treating too early in the morning can be risky as you get tired, whereas too late in the day might make you too energized to sleep. Also, doctors advise 20 minutes of walking per day at minimum (POST treatment) to facilitate and stimulate the unwinding process. I agree. As for the question of "how often?" Dr. Howell writes, He goes on to say that the patient who underwent 24 treatments in one month had excellent results, but a lot more cranial sensitivity ("movement" aka unwinding sensations in the skull/body). I stick with 10-15 times (days) per month. It only takes a minute or two each day.

Achieving Maximum Results:​

People need to be in the right mindset when it comes to healing at such a fundamental, structural level. The body will not change if it isn't ready to change. These therapies are essentially about undoing, allowing the body to reset to it's ideal, normal position. The body will hold its current unhealthy structure and 'wind back up' after treatment if it isn't given what it needs to unwind. Getting on a good diet, avoiding sugar and wheat, sticking to a regular exercise routine, stretching and yoga are extremely helpful strategies recommended by all practitioners.



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  • JFL
Reactions: endlessrequiem, moreroidsmoredates, Deleted member 117195 and 9 others
Someone should try this (not me)
  • +1
Reactions: mozart888, PolishBateman, viclate and 1 other person
  • +1
Reactions: viclate
good thread Adolf hitler. Will give it a try
  • +1
Reactions: kzmjpn7 and Deleted member 71360

NCR (Neuro Cranial Restructuring)​

What is NCR? NCR is a powerful technique to loosen the bones and sutures in your face, as well as releases connective tissues to unwind the body and return it to it’s original design. It first started back in the 90s as a specific form of Bilateral Nasal Specific (BNS), which BNS was used back in the 1930s. So as you can see its been around for a while.

What exactly is NCR though? NCR is basically were you inflate a balloon in your skull. Sounds crazy I know but it is actually a medical practice.

What are the benefits of NCR?

NCR successfully improves many conditions including:

· Anxiety

· Attention Deficit Disorder; poor concentration and focus; dyslexia, hyperactivity and other learning disabilities; autism

· Depression

· Cerebral palsy; down's syndrome

· Concussion and other head injuries; brain surgery

· Dystonia

· Ear infection, acute & chronic, & deafness; tinnitus

· Glaucoma; double vision; other vision problems

· Headaches, head pressure and migraines

· Low energy (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue)

· TMD or TMJ (Mouth, head and jaw pains)

· Multiple sclerosis

· Muscular dystrophy

· Muscle spasms; neck and shoulder pain

· Orthodontic stress and bruxism (grinding)

· Parkinson's disease and tremors

· Sciatica; kyphosis (hunchback); lordosis (swayback); scoliosis (a spiral spine); military spine (from whiplash) and other back problems

· Seizures

· Sinusitis; sleep apnea; snoring; breathing and sinus disorders

· Strokes; thrombosis (excessive blood clotting)

· Vertigo and other balance problems

and lastly improved symmetry and cranial facial structure

How does NCR work?

NCR when done by a professional usually lasts 4 days with 1 hour treatment everyday and done once a month. It firsts starts off with a massage on the patient to open up the spine and allow skeletal alignment. Than the doctor analyzes the body’s pattern of balance to see which spots of the skull should be unlocked. Next the doctor inserts endonasal balloons through the nostril into the top of the throat through one of the six nasal passageways. The inflating bulb is squeezed, pumping air into the balloon and puffing up the nostril. Air pressure in the balloon increases, pressing outward against the bones inside the nose and upper throat. The pressure eventually pushes the balloon into the top of the throat and the bony joints of the head briefly open, releasing tensions stored in the connective tissues. The bone structures of the head now shift. So it basically release tension in the sphenoid bone and in the skull and helps it to become more loose and to be able to move more freely. But most of you know that pressure causes the sutures and bones to tighten. Yes this is true, but the amount of force causes their to be such a build in pressure that the pressure “breaks” and the bones become looser than ever before. The reason why some people get negative results is they don’t apply enough pressure and it just makes the school tighter (more on this later).

Here is a similar explanation from someone else:

“Here's the best way to understand it: the connective tissues (dura mater) hold the skull in place, and as skull is impacted in minor ways over time, these impacts "scrunch" the connective tissue pulling the skull plates with it. Over the course of various traumas the connective tissue becomes more and more scrunched and tense. Obviously there needs to be some kind of intervention to loosen the tissue and let it retake its original shape, but how? By nudging the sphenoid, apparently. When the sphenoid moves (less than .5mm), 20 other bones are "pushed" or "pulled" about ever so slightly. As the balloon is inflated, the sphenoid resists, tension builds in the skull, then comes the release. If you were to imagine it in numbers, let's say your connective tissue tension level starts at 75. With each inflation of the balloon against the sphenoid, tension movesup to 76, 77, 78 as the sphenoid resists, then suddenly gives slightly and releases back down to 73. This is why when people don't use enough force and don't get a proper amount of release, but instead just built more tension in the connective tissue, they get bad results or negative results. The wonderful thing about all of this is that tension in the connective tissue correlates directly with bone symmetry, cerebrospinal fluid flow and other important processes. As the connective tissuesdrop tension, the face becomes more beautiful and natural the way it would be without nutritional, emotional, genetic and physical trauma.”

How do I find a professional for NCR?

I would recommend you to search online and try to find one near you. But for many of you if not all, your not going to find one anywhere close to you, so that is were at home NCR comes into play. (Also not to mention its like 500 dollars per session and I know y’all some broke mofos)

Self NCR, the Basics:

First lets talk about the risks of Self NCR

  • Bone Fracture (You have to use a insane amount of force, like a crazy amount, trust me this won’t happen)
  • Inhaling the balloon (Just follow the steps ahead and this won’t happen)
  • Regression in symmetry and facial structure (This happens from not using enough pressure and not being consistent)
I want everyone to know that NCR doctors use a lot of force , and they build the force up in the nasal passage until the balloon essentially explodes into the upper throat/sphenoid. I don't recommend doing it this way at all. I've never needed to, the goal is to feel expansion throughout your face. Usually after the 3rd inflation or so you'll feel it in one side of your face, maybe one ear, then in the next inflation or two you'll feel it in the other side of your face. Once you get it in both sides, stop. Or if you've already inflated 5 times, stop (safety precaution). Once you get the hang of things you can do it your own way, but it helps in the beginning to know what to feel for.

To summarize: Use enough force when squeezing the bulb to feel expansion throughout one side of your face and into the other side. Once you feel expansion throughout your whole face, stop inflating. If you've already inflated 5 times or more than 20 seconds and have felt no expansion, stop and move to a different nasal passage.

How to make your device:​

View attachment 2948071

Here is the equipment I use

  • Sphygmomanometer bulb with release valve
  • Finger cots (large)
  • Dental floss (waxed)
  • Flat tooth picks

You can buy all of this on amazon

Here is one fully constructed:

View attachment 2948073

Make sure to wrap the dental floss 20-30x around so it doesn’t explode in your mouth, its also important to hold your breath during the treatment to lower any chances of inhaling the balloon. Make sure to replace your finger cot every 3-4 treatments.

Locating the Sphenoid Bone​

Many people don’t release that they are doing the treatment wrong at the begging. Most people inflate in the nasal turbinate's instead of the open space behind them.

View attachment 2948074

Notice in the illustration above the three "holes" between the turbinate's. These are the nasal passages. There are three passages in each nostril. The goal is to insert the balloon through the passage so that most of the balloon is resting just behind the turbinate and into the upper throat (near the sphenoid bone, that white bone surrounding the sphenoid sinus in the above illustration). The best way to get the balloon through the nasal passage is to use the blunt end of a toothpick and a lubricated balloon (finger cot with water). To reach the top passage, insert the balloon while pushing it up against the top wall of the nose. To reach the bottom passage, insert the balloon while pushing it against the bottom wall of the nose. To get the balloon resting behind a nasal passage and into the throat, squeeze the bulb slowly, gently, and fully while pushing and making slight twists. This will ensure the balloon is straightened and in place. Once it's behind a nasal passage and in the throat you will feel it reach "open air." If the finger cot balloon is too large, it can possibly come down into the throat and gag you when inflated. If it's too small you won't be able to get it all the way through the nasal passage.

Inflating the Balloon:​

This is what I do: stand up in front of a mirror, making full pumps (squeezing out all the air) in succession, 3-4 times, pump in rapid succession. Never pump more than 5 times in one nasal passage, especially if you get no movement/expansion/release. During inflation, always hold the breath to ensure the balloon wont be inhaled. If there's a sudden pressure differential (release of pressure in the throat) and a feeling of movement/expansion through one side of the face then the next, immediately deflate the balloon and withdraw it from the nasal passage. Usually I'll feel the expansion through one side of my face after 13 inflations, then on the 3rd4th inflation I'll feel it in the other side of my face>through to the ear. When the expansion has gone through both sides of the face, stop. Some people think they're supposed to hear a cracking sound or feel something phenomenal but this probably won't happen all at once unless a lot of force is used (not recommended). The NCR specialists use a ton of force and treat only four times a month in order to maximize each treatment. It’s better to treat yourself 12-15 times gently and without all the massage.

Best Patterns:​

Asymmetrical Method (TL ML BL or TR MR BR)

Asymmetrical = top left, middle left, bottom left the first day... top right, middle right, bottom right the second day, etc. Some people also study their face closely, and treat asymmetrically on the weakest side. So for example if the left side is more narrow than the right side, they would treat the left side until it's even with the right. This actually does work although the NCR doctors are told it's unreliable (probably having to do with promoting and controlling the techniques involved in NCR). Dr. Howell invented proprioceptive testing, which supposedly allows the NCR practitioner to determine the "most unstable" part of the physical structure to correct, corresponding to an area of the sphenoid. I still haven't determined whether this is true or not. It seems there are more effective placements and less effective placements, but it's not all or nothing as NCR practitioners claim. This method is not available to me or anyone else, as it takes a while to learn. This is primarily what sets NCR apart from BNS and other balloon based cranial therapies.

Intuitive Placement Method

The method that works the best for the most people is intuitive placement. If one side of the face is particularly asymmetrical or narrow, you may want to treat on that side (because you'll get greater expansion on the side of the face that you're treating). You can use these kinds of assessments to decide the best place for the balloon, and oftentimes this means going in the same nasal passage over and over. There's nothing wrong with that, but you may want to experiment and try other passages just to get a better sense over time for the best placement. In either case if you're treating the left side or right side, or upper passage or lower passage, bones throughout the face and head will change position (especially in the beginning)

When and how often?​

I treat between 2pm and 8pm assuming a normal day/night schedule, and no later than 8pm (earlier than 2pm is okay). Treating too early in the morning can be risky as you get tired, whereas too late in the day might make you too energized to sleep. Also, doctors advise 20 minutes of walking per day at minimum (POST treatment) to facilitate and stimulate the unwinding process. I agree. As for the question of "how often?" Dr. Howell writes, He goes on to say that the patient who underwent 24 treatments in one month had excellent results, but a lot more cranial sensitivity ("movement" aka unwinding sensations in the skull/body). I stick with 10-15 times (days) per month. It only takes a minute or two each day.

Achieving Maximum Results:​

People need to be in the right mindset when it comes to healing at such a fundamental, structural level. The body will not change if it isn't ready to change. These therapies are essentially about undoing, allowing the body to reset to it's ideal, normal position. The body will hold its current unhealthy structure and 'wind back up' after treatment if it isn't given what it needs to unwind. Getting on a good diet, avoiding sugar and wheat, sticking to a regular exercise routine, stretching and yoga are extremely helpful strategies recommended by all practitioners.

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View attachment 2948063
View attachment 2948067
Nice copying my threat @coisbhai @Michael Myers ban this nigger heres my thread its the exact same just different structure
Thread 'Neuro Cranial Restructuring (Full Guide)'
  • +1
  • JFL
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  • 2395813_My_Self-Treatment_Protocol_Locked_-_CTS-2.pdf
    1.7 MB · Views: 0
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: LordBBC, miles tioki and coispet
Nice copying my threat @coisbhai @Michael Myers ban this nigger heres my thread its the exact same just different structure
Thread 'Neuro Cranial Restructuring (Full Guide)'
haha your a retard the thread you made was a exact copy of a guide, at least I put some effort in this instead of copying the guide word for word
Either way, NCR is cope

Either way, NCR is cope

dont ban me ong, i didnt copy from him, he copied from that guide which i copied from as well lmao
  • +1
Reactions: coispet
Either way, NCR is cope

Yes but he copied my thread
  • +1
Reactions: IvanIvanIvanIvan
  • JFL
Reactions: coispet
i didnt copy from ur guide I copied from the guide u copied from nigga stop making albanians seem like retards
We are retarted idiot we are superior tho iq has nothing to do
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 71360

NCR (Neuro Cranial Restructuring)​

What is NCR? NCR is a powerful technique to loosen the bones and sutures in your face, as well as releases connective tissues to unwind the body and return it to it’s original design. It first started back in the 90s as a specific form of Bilateral Nasal Specific (BNS), which BNS was used back in the 1930s. So as you can see its been around for a while.

What exactly is NCR though? NCR is basically were you inflate a balloon in your skull. Sounds crazy I know but it is actually a medical practice.

What are the benefits of NCR?

NCR successfully improves many conditions including:

· Anxiety

· Attention Deficit Disorder; poor concentration and focus; dyslexia, hyperactivity and other learning disabilities; autism

· Depression

· Cerebral palsy; down's syndrome

· Concussion and other head injuries; brain surgery

· Dystonia

· Ear infection, acute & chronic, & deafness; tinnitus

· Glaucoma; double vision; other vision problems

· Headaches, head pressure and migraines

· Low energy (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue)

· TMD or TMJ (Mouth, head and jaw pains)

· Multiple sclerosis

· Muscular dystrophy

· Muscle spasms; neck and shoulder pain

· Orthodontic stress and bruxism (grinding)

· Parkinson's disease and tremors

· Sciatica; kyphosis (hunchback); lordosis (swayback); scoliosis (a spiral spine); military spine (from whiplash) and other back problems

· Seizures

· Sinusitis; sleep apnea; snoring; breathing and sinus disorders

· Strokes; thrombosis (excessive blood clotting)

· Vertigo and other balance problems

and lastly improved symmetry and cranial facial structure

How does NCR work?

NCR when done by a professional usually lasts 4 days with 1 hour treatment everyday and done once a month. It firsts starts off with a massage on the patient to open up the spine and allow skeletal alignment. Than the doctor analyzes the body’s pattern of balance to see which spots of the skull should be unlocked. Next the doctor inserts endonasal balloons through the nostril into the top of the throat through one of the six nasal passageways. The inflating bulb is squeezed, pumping air into the balloon and puffing up the nostril. Air pressure in the balloon increases, pressing outward against the bones inside the nose and upper throat. The pressure eventually pushes the balloon into the top of the throat and the bony joints of the head briefly open, releasing tensions stored in the connective tissues. The bone structures of the head now shift. So it basically release tension in the sphenoid bone and in the skull and helps it to become more loose and to be able to move more freely. But most of you know that pressure causes the sutures and bones to tighten. Yes this is true, but the amount of force causes their to be such a build in pressure that the pressure “breaks” and the bones become looser than ever before. The reason why some people get negative results is they don’t apply enough pressure and it just makes the school tighter (more on this later).

Here is a similar explanation from someone else:

“Here's the best way to understand it: the connective tissues (dura mater) hold the skull in place, and as skull is impacted in minor ways over time, these impacts "scrunch" the connective tissue pulling the skull plates with it. Over the course of various traumas the connective tissue becomes more and more scrunched and tense. Obviously there needs to be some kind of intervention to loosen the tissue and let it retake its original shape, but how? By nudging the sphenoid, apparently. When the sphenoid moves (less than .5mm), 20 other bones are "pushed" or "pulled" about ever so slightly. As the balloon is inflated, the sphenoid resists, tension builds in the skull, then comes the release. If you were to imagine it in numbers, let's say your connective tissue tension level starts at 75. With each inflation of the balloon against the sphenoid, tension movesup to 76, 77, 78 as the sphenoid resists, then suddenly gives slightly and releases back down to 73. This is why when people don't use enough force and don't get a proper amount of release, but instead just built more tension in the connective tissue, they get bad results or negative results. The wonderful thing about all of this is that tension in the connective tissue correlates directly with bone symmetry, cerebrospinal fluid flow and other important processes. As the connective tissuesdrop tension, the face becomes more beautiful and natural the way it would be without nutritional, emotional, genetic and physical trauma.”

How do I find a professional for NCR?

I would recommend you to search online and try to find one near you. But for many of you if not all, your not going to find one anywhere close to you, so that is were at home NCR comes into play. (Also not to mention its like 500 dollars per session and I know y’all some broke mofos)

Self NCR, the Basics:

First lets talk about the risks of Self NCR

  • Bone Fracture (You have to use a insane amount of force, like a crazy amount, trust me this won’t happen)
  • Inhaling the balloon (Just follow the steps ahead and this won’t happen)
  • Regression in symmetry and facial structure (This happens from not using enough pressure and not being consistent)
I want everyone to know that NCR doctors use a lot of force , and they build the force up in the nasal passage until the balloon essentially explodes into the upper throat/sphenoid. I don't recommend doing it this way at all. I've never needed to, the goal is to feel expansion throughout your face. Usually after the 3rd inflation or so you'll feel it in one side of your face, maybe one ear, then in the next inflation or two you'll feel it in the other side of your face. Once you get it in both sides, stop. Or if you've already inflated 5 times, stop (safety precaution). Once you get the hang of things you can do it your own way, but it helps in the beginning to know what to feel for.

To summarize: Use enough force when squeezing the bulb to feel expansion throughout one side of your face and into the other side. Once you feel expansion throughout your whole face, stop inflating. If you've already inflated 5 times or more than 20 seconds and have felt no expansion, stop and move to a different nasal passage.

How to make your device:​

View attachment 2948071

Here is the equipment I use

  • Sphygmomanometer bulb with release valve
  • Finger cots (large)
  • Dental floss (waxed)
  • Flat tooth picks

You can buy all of this on amazon

Here is one fully constructed:

View attachment 2948073

Make sure to wrap the dental floss 20-30x around so it doesn’t explode in your mouth, its also important to hold your breath during the treatment to lower any chances of inhaling the balloon. Make sure to replace your finger cot every 3-4 treatments.

Locating the Sphenoid Bone​

Many people don’t release that they are doing the treatment wrong at the begging. Most people inflate in the nasal turbinate's instead of the open space behind them.

View attachment 2948074

Notice in the illustration above the three "holes" between the turbinate's. These are the nasal passages. There are three passages in each nostril. The goal is to insert the balloon through the passage so that most of the balloon is resting just behind the turbinate and into the upper throat (near the sphenoid bone, that white bone surrounding the sphenoid sinus in the above illustration). The best way to get the balloon through the nasal passage is to use the blunt end of a toothpick and a lubricated balloon (finger cot with water). To reach the top passage, insert the balloon while pushing it up against the top wall of the nose. To reach the bottom passage, insert the balloon while pushing it against the bottom wall of the nose. To get the balloon resting behind a nasal passage and into the throat, squeeze the bulb slowly, gently, and fully while pushing and making slight twists. This will ensure the balloon is straightened and in place. Once it's behind a nasal passage and in the throat you will feel it reach "open air." If the finger cot balloon is too large, it can possibly come down into the throat and gag you when inflated. If it's too small you won't be able to get it all the way through the nasal passage.

Inflating the Balloon:​

This is what I do: stand up in front of a mirror, making full pumps (squeezing out all the air) in succession, 3-4 times, pump in rapid succession. Never pump more than 5 times in one nasal passage, especially if you get no movement/expansion/release. During inflation, always hold the breath to ensure the balloon wont be inhaled. If there's a sudden pressure differential (release of pressure in the throat) and a feeling of movement/expansion through one side of the face then the next, immediately deflate the balloon and withdraw it from the nasal passage. Usually I'll feel the expansion through one side of my face after 13 inflations, then on the 3rd4th inflation I'll feel it in the other side of my face>through to the ear. When the expansion has gone through both sides of the face, stop. Some people think they're supposed to hear a cracking sound or feel something phenomenal but this probably won't happen all at once unless a lot of force is used (not recommended). The NCR specialists use a ton of force and treat only four times a month in order to maximize each treatment. It’s better to treat yourself 12-15 times gently and without all the massage.

Best Patterns:​

Asymmetrical Method (TL ML BL or TR MR BR)

Asymmetrical = top left, middle left, bottom left the first day... top right, middle right, bottom right the second day, etc. Some people also study their face closely, and treat asymmetrically on the weakest side. So for example if the left side is more narrow than the right side, they would treat the left side until it's even with the right. This actually does work although the NCR doctors are told it's unreliable (probably having to do with promoting and controlling the techniques involved in NCR). Dr. Howell invented proprioceptive testing, which supposedly allows the NCR practitioner to determine the "most unstable" part of the physical structure to correct, corresponding to an area of the sphenoid. I still haven't determined whether this is true or not. It seems there are more effective placements and less effective placements, but it's not all or nothing as NCR practitioners claim. This method is not available to me or anyone else, as it takes a while to learn. This is primarily what sets NCR apart from BNS and other balloon based cranial therapies.

Intuitive Placement Method

The method that works the best for the most people is intuitive placement. If one side of the face is particularly asymmetrical or narrow, you may want to treat on that side (because you'll get greater expansion on the side of the face that you're treating). You can use these kinds of assessments to decide the best place for the balloon, and oftentimes this means going in the same nasal passage over and over. There's nothing wrong with that, but you may want to experiment and try other passages just to get a better sense over time for the best placement. In either case if you're treating the left side or right side, or upper passage or lower passage, bones throughout the face and head will change position (especially in the beginning)

When and how often?​

I treat between 2pm and 8pm assuming a normal day/night schedule, and no later than 8pm (earlier than 2pm is okay). Treating too early in the morning can be risky as you get tired, whereas too late in the day might make you too energized to sleep. Also, doctors advise 20 minutes of walking per day at minimum (POST treatment) to facilitate and stimulate the unwinding process. I agree. As for the question of "how often?" Dr. Howell writes, He goes on to say that the patient who underwent 24 treatments in one month had excellent results, but a lot more cranial sensitivity ("movement" aka unwinding sensations in the skull/body). I stick with 10-15 times (days) per month. It only takes a minute or two each day.

Achieving Maximum Results:​

People need to be in the right mindset when it comes to healing at such a fundamental, structural level. The body will not change if it isn't ready to change. These therapies are essentially about undoing, allowing the body to reset to it's ideal, normal position. The body will hold its current unhealthy structure and 'wind back up' after treatment if it isn't given what it needs to unwind. Getting on a good diet, avoiding sugar and wheat, sticking to a regular exercise routine, stretching and yoga are extremely helpful strategies recommended by all practitioners.

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What the fuck did i just read?
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this shit DOES NOT work boyo

NCR (Neuro Cranial Restructuring)​

What is NCR? NCR is a powerful technique to loosen the bones and sutures in your face, as well as releases connective tissues to unwind the body and return it to it’s original design. It first started back in the 90s as a specific form of Bilateral Nasal Specific (BNS), which BNS was used back in the 1930s. So as you can see its been around for a while.

What exactly is NCR though? NCR is basically were you inflate a balloon in your skull. Sounds crazy I know but it is actually a medical practice.

What are the benefits of NCR?

NCR successfully improves many conditions including:

· Anxiety

· Attention Deficit Disorder; poor concentration and focus; dyslexia, hyperactivity and other learning disabilities; autism

· Depression

· Cerebral palsy; down's syndrome

· Concussion and other head injuries; brain surgery

· Dystonia

· Ear infection, acute & chronic, & deafness; tinnitus

· Glaucoma; double vision; other vision problems

· Headaches, head pressure and migraines

· Low energy (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue)

· TMD or TMJ (Mouth, head and jaw pains)

· Multiple sclerosis

· Muscular dystrophy

· Muscle spasms; neck and shoulder pain

· Orthodontic stress and bruxism (grinding)

· Parkinson's disease and tremors

· Sciatica; kyphosis (hunchback); lordosis (swayback); scoliosis (a spiral spine); military spine (from whiplash) and other back problems

· Seizures

· Sinusitis; sleep apnea; snoring; breathing and sinus disorders

· Strokes; thrombosis (excessive blood clotting)

· Vertigo and other balance problems

and lastly improved symmetry and cranial facial structure

How does NCR work?

NCR when done by a professional usually lasts 4 days with 1 hour treatment everyday and done once a month. It firsts starts off with a massage on the patient to open up the spine and allow skeletal alignment. Than the doctor analyzes the body’s pattern of balance to see which spots of the skull should be unlocked. Next the doctor inserts endonasal balloons through the nostril into the top of the throat through one of the six nasal passageways. The inflating bulb is squeezed, pumping air into the balloon and puffing up the nostril. Air pressure in the balloon increases, pressing outward against the bones inside the nose and upper throat. The pressure eventually pushes the balloon into the top of the throat and the bony joints of the head briefly open, releasing tensions stored in the connective tissues. The bone structures of the head now shift. So it basically release tension in the sphenoid bone and in the skull and helps it to become more loose and to be able to move more freely. But most of you know that pressure causes the sutures and bones to tighten. Yes this is true, but the amount of force causes their to be such a build in pressure that the pressure “breaks” and the bones become looser than ever before. The reason why some people get negative results is they don’t apply enough pressure and it just makes the school tighter (more on this later).

Here is a similar explanation from someone else:

“Here's the best way to understand it: the connective tissues (dura mater) hold the skull in place, and as skull is impacted in minor ways over time, these impacts "scrunch" the connective tissue pulling the skull plates with it. Over the course of various traumas the connective tissue becomes more and more scrunched and tense. Obviously there needs to be some kind of intervention to loosen the tissue and let it retake its original shape, but how? By nudging the sphenoid, apparently. When the sphenoid moves (less than .5mm), 20 other bones are "pushed" or "pulled" about ever so slightly. As the balloon is inflated, the sphenoid resists, tension builds in the skull, then comes the release. If you were to imagine it in numbers, let's say your connective tissue tension level starts at 75. With each inflation of the balloon against the sphenoid, tension movesup to 76, 77, 78 as the sphenoid resists, then suddenly gives slightly and releases back down to 73. This is why when people don't use enough force and don't get a proper amount of release, but instead just built more tension in the connective tissue, they get bad results or negative results. The wonderful thing about all of this is that tension in the connective tissue correlates directly with bone symmetry, cerebrospinal fluid flow and other important processes. As the connective tissuesdrop tension, the face becomes more beautiful and natural the way it would be without nutritional, emotional, genetic and physical trauma.”

How do I find a professional for NCR?

I would recommend you to search online and try to find one near you. But for many of you if not all, your not going to find one anywhere close to you, so that is were at home NCR comes into play. (Also not to mention its like 500 dollars per session and I know y’all some broke mofos)

Self NCR, the Basics:

First lets talk about the risks of Self NCR

  • Bone Fracture (You have to use a insane amount of force, like a crazy amount, trust me this won’t happen)
  • Inhaling the balloon (Just follow the steps ahead and this won’t happen)
  • Regression in symmetry and facial structure (This happens from not using enough pressure and not being consistent)
I want everyone to know that NCR doctors use a lot of force , and they build the force up in the nasal passage until the balloon essentially explodes into the upper throat/sphenoid. I don't recommend doing it this way at all. I've never needed to, the goal is to feel expansion throughout your face. Usually after the 3rd inflation or so you'll feel it in one side of your face, maybe one ear, then in the next inflation or two you'll feel it in the other side of your face. Once you get it in both sides, stop. Or if you've already inflated 5 times, stop (safety precaution). Once you get the hang of things you can do it your own way, but it helps in the beginning to know what to feel for.

To summarize: Use enough force when squeezing the bulb to feel expansion throughout one side of your face and into the other side. Once you feel expansion throughout your whole face, stop inflating. If you've already inflated 5 times or more than 20 seconds and have felt no expansion, stop and move to a different nasal passage.

How to make your device:​

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Here is the equipment I use

  • Sphygmomanometer bulb with release valve
  • Finger cots (large)
  • Dental floss (waxed)
  • Flat tooth picks

You can buy all of this on amazon

Here is one fully constructed:

View attachment 2948073

Make sure to wrap the dental floss 20-30x around so it doesn’t explode in your mouth, its also important to hold your breath during the treatment to lower any chances of inhaling the balloon. Make sure to replace your finger cot every 3-4 treatments.

Locating the Sphenoid Bone​

Many people don’t release that they are doing the treatment wrong at the begging. Most people inflate in the nasal turbinate's instead of the open space behind them.

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Notice in the illustration above the three "holes" between the turbinate's. These are the nasal passages. There are three passages in each nostril. The goal is to insert the balloon through the passage so that most of the balloon is resting just behind the turbinate and into the upper throat (near the sphenoid bone, that white bone surrounding the sphenoid sinus in the above illustration). The best way to get the balloon through the nasal passage is to use the blunt end of a toothpick and a lubricated balloon (finger cot with water). To reach the top passage, insert the balloon while pushing it up against the top wall of the nose. To reach the bottom passage, insert the balloon while pushing it against the bottom wall of the nose. To get the balloon resting behind a nasal passage and into the throat, squeeze the bulb slowly, gently, and fully while pushing and making slight twists. This will ensure the balloon is straightened and in place. Once it's behind a nasal passage and in the throat you will feel it reach "open air." If the finger cot balloon is too large, it can possibly come down into the throat and gag you when inflated. If it's too small you won't be able to get it all the way through the nasal passage.

Inflating the Balloon:​

This is what I do: stand up in front of a mirror, making full pumps (squeezing out all the air) in succession, 3-4 times, pump in rapid succession. Never pump more than 5 times in one nasal passage, especially if you get no movement/expansion/release. During inflation, always hold the breath to ensure the balloon wont be inhaled. If there's a sudden pressure differential (release of pressure in the throat) and a feeling of movement/expansion through one side of the face then the next, immediately deflate the balloon and withdraw it from the nasal passage. Usually I'll feel the expansion through one side of my face after 13 inflations, then on the 3rd4th inflation I'll feel it in the other side of my face>through to the ear. When the expansion has gone through both sides of the face, stop. Some people think they're supposed to hear a cracking sound or feel something phenomenal but this probably won't happen all at once unless a lot of force is used (not recommended). The NCR specialists use a ton of force and treat only four times a month in order to maximize each treatment. It’s better to treat yourself 12-15 times gently and without all the massage.

Best Patterns:​

Asymmetrical Method (TL ML BL or TR MR BR)

Asymmetrical = top left, middle left, bottom left the first day... top right, middle right, bottom right the second day, etc. Some people also study their face closely, and treat asymmetrically on the weakest side. So for example if the left side is more narrow than the right side, they would treat the left side until it's even with the right. This actually does work although the NCR doctors are told it's unreliable (probably having to do with promoting and controlling the techniques involved in NCR). Dr. Howell invented proprioceptive testing, which supposedly allows the NCR practitioner to determine the "most unstable" part of the physical structure to correct, corresponding to an area of the sphenoid. I still haven't determined whether this is true or not. It seems there are more effective placements and less effective placements, but it's not all or nothing as NCR practitioners claim. This method is not available to me or anyone else, as it takes a while to learn. This is primarily what sets NCR apart from BNS and other balloon based cranial therapies.

Intuitive Placement Method

The method that works the best for the most people is intuitive placement. If one side of the face is particularly asymmetrical or narrow, you may want to treat on that side (because you'll get greater expansion on the side of the face that you're treating). You can use these kinds of assessments to decide the best place for the balloon, and oftentimes this means going in the same nasal passage over and over. There's nothing wrong with that, but you may want to experiment and try other passages just to get a better sense over time for the best placement. In either case if you're treating the left side or right side, or upper passage or lower passage, bones throughout the face and head will change position (especially in the beginning)

When and how often?​

I treat between 2pm and 8pm assuming a normal day/night schedule, and no later than 8pm (earlier than 2pm is okay). Treating too early in the morning can be risky as you get tired, whereas too late in the day might make you too energized to sleep. Also, doctors advise 20 minutes of walking per day at minimum (POST treatment) to facilitate and stimulate the unwinding process. I agree. As for the question of "how often?" Dr. Howell writes, He goes on to say that the patient who underwent 24 treatments in one month had excellent results, but a lot more cranial sensitivity ("movement" aka unwinding sensations in the skull/body). I stick with 10-15 times (days) per month. It only takes a minute or two each day.

Achieving Maximum Results:​

People need to be in the right mindset when it comes to healing at such a fundamental, structural level. The body will not change if it isn't ready to change. These therapies are essentially about undoing, allowing the body to reset to it's ideal, normal position. The body will hold its current unhealthy structure and 'wind back up' after treatment if it isn't given what it needs to unwind. Getting on a good diet, avoiding sugar and wheat, sticking to a regular exercise routine, stretching and yoga are extremely helpful strategies recommended by all practitioners.

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last guy looks like dexter
I got NCR done a few months ago, will post results in a few weeks.
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