Need some tailored looksmaxxing advice



Oct 1, 2021
I know the status quo on this forum is to be contrarian, nihilistic, unhelpful, dismissive, etc., with shit like “yoUr GOalS ArE iMPOSSIBlE! jFL JUST roPe. HArD cOPE. DoN’t EVen Try!” flooding every thread to do nothing more than add no value and waste readers’ time. Hopefully, someone here can point me in the right direction(s) to help me with what I need without the neurotic bullshit.

There are a few things I’m looking for. The first is a quantitative and detailed facial analysis in which each part of my face is assessed to find deficiencies that need improvement to enhance my attractiveness. I also need an honest rating of my current face on a 10-point scale. I'd estimate I'm currently at a two or three out of 10.

Following the rating and in-depth facial analysis, I’ll need a comprehensive non-surgical protocol to "looksmax" as effectively as possible within 90 days. For example, this includes things like skincare routines, minoxidil for beard growth, haircut advice, eyebrow growth serum and grooming, cold masks for hunter eyes, mewing, exercises for jawline enhancement, dermarolling, red light therapy, supplements, telangiectasia appearance reduction, etc. I'm also considering more experimental methods, like spinal traction at night, to try to increase my height to 6’ from my current 5’10.3”.

I'll probably get surgery in the next couple of years because I'm skeptical that non-surgical methods alone will achieve the attractiveness rating I aspire to, ideally an 8/10 or higher. It would be beneficial to have detailed surgical suggestions tailored based on my facial deficits to plan for when I have the funds for such procedures. My skepticism extends to both surgical interventions and looksmaxing in general. It seems I've observed more negative outcomes than positive ones. If there are any compelling transformations, surgical or non-surgical, especially of individuals in their mid to late 20s or older, it would be motivating for my journey. It's essential that these transformations not merely be attributed to developmental changes during puberty or interventions occurring before the end of skeletal growth.

Lastly, as part of my 90-day transformation, I’ll use anabolic steroids and train intensively to reduce my body fat percentage from 15% to a sustainable 10%. I also aim to gain 18 pounds of muscle to reach my natural genetic potential for fat-free mass index. I'll have comprehensive blood work done before starting the steroid cycle. While I'm uncertain about which cycle to adopt, if you possess expertise in anabolics and can recommend an effective cycle, I'd appreciate the guidance. I’m trying to do an oral only cycle which I know isn’t optimal, but I have a fear of needles
I’ll help you, but going from a 2-3/10 to an 8/10 is nearly impossible due to hard cap limitations. I say nearly because now with giant implants; you can pretty much get any implant where you want. It will cost you well over the six figure range to jump 6 points, and there’s a 99.999% chance it won’t happen.

Have realistic expectations.
  • +1
Reactions: AngryShortMale and Offensive Bias
I’ll help you, but going from a 2-3/10 to an 8/10 is nearly impossible due to hard cap limitations. I say nearly because now with giant implants; you can pretty much get any implant where you want. It will cost you well over the six figure range to jump 6 points, and there’s a 99.999% chance it won’t happen.

Have realistic expectations.

You say that knowing nothing about my appearance other than my own personal account which could be inaccurate. It’s not just THAT I’m a 2 or 3 out of 10. It matters HOW I’m a 2-3/10.
You say that knowing nothing about my appearance other than my own personal account which could be inaccurate. It’s not just THAT I’m a 2 or 3 out of 10. It matters HOW I’m a 2-3/10.
Alright, I’ll DM you. Send me a front facing picture. Side picture. And send me your frame/Physique
I can provide my elite consulting services for only $500 in btc 🥰
i am not going to read allat

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