Nervous around foids = over



Jul 26, 2023
Nervousness is one of the most broOotal incel traits you can have

Nervousness will manifest itself through your body language, speech mannerisms, eye contact etc

If you act like this in a store, the managers will think you are there to steal something, so imagine what foids think of you when you act like this when you first meet

I myself get aggravated when I'm talking to someone and they can't even project their voice enough for me to hear them three feet away

It is normal to be a little nervous when you're young and first start talking to females, but you should be able to get over it quickly

If you are past your early 20s and still getting nervous, it is because you have a scarcity mindset

She let a dyel norwood 4 nigga hit last week bc he's in a band, yet you're afraid of losing her because she's a "skibidi fine shyt"

Simply accept the fact that in the current dating market, you are playing on hard mode and most connections you make are most likely to end in nothing. It's simply the truth of the matter, so by accepting in you are accepting the truth, but you will also be less likely to act like a sperg and have the best chance possible to pull
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For some people it's impossible to not act like a sperg
Because they are actual spergs
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It only matters if girl finds you attractive, because if she does, this is confirmation of your value in her eyes that fills you with confidence and dgaf attitude, as you know you got her, you can treat it like a zero sum game, a positive or negative NPC you interact with, if it's positive, the interaction will be good, will lead to something, if it's negative it's a waste of time anyways
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It only matters if girl finds you attractive, because if she does, this is confirmation of your value in her eyes that fills you with confidence and dgaf attitude, as you know you got her, you can treat it like a zero sum game, a positive or negative NPC you interact with, if it's positive, the interaction will be good, will lead to something, if it's negative it's a waste of time anyways
Yea but you have to actually realize that she is attracted in order to get the confidence, which isn't something everyone does.

I literally ruined dates by being a nervous retard because I just assumed I got lucky or something to even get the date, when the reality is that a foid isn't going to respond to your messages let alone meet up with you unless she is already attracted
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Just lol even nervousness is a delusion and it's just how some people are destined to act based on the way they look imagine having a recessed chin or being short ofc you'll be nervous now tell me 1 cenario when you see a masc tall guy act nervous never (taking into account his not short height is also an important factor)
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You can’t be nervous around them if you dislike them and don’t respect them as fully human. I thank my high T dad for being a good example.
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It's over for me then
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Just lol even nervousness is a delusion and it's just how some people are destined to act based on the way they look imagine having a recessed chin or being short ofc you'll be nervous now tell me 1 cenario when you see a masc tall guy act nervous never (taking into account his not short height is also an important factor)

Such a high inhib guy he is

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You can’t be nervous around them if you dislike them and don’t respect them as fully human. I thank my high T dad for being a good example.
Yea this is actually a good mindset to have about everyone tbh. Someone on twitter said something similar about how it makes public speaking much easier if you have contempt for the people you are presenting to.
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dnr but title real
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Nervousness is one of the most broOotal incel traits you can have

Nervousness will manifest itself through your body language, speech mannerisms, eye contact etc

If you act like this in a store, the managers will think you are there to steal something, so imagine what foids think of you when you act like this when you first meet

I myself get aggravated when I'm talking to someone and they can't even project their voice enough for me to hear them three feet away

It is normal to be a little nervous when you're young and first start talking to females, but you should be able to get over it quickly

If you are past your early 20s and still getting nervous, it is because you have a scarcity mindset

She let a dyel norwood 4 nigga hit last week bc he's in a band, yet you're afraid of losing her because she's a "skibidi fine shyt"

Simply accept the fact that in the current dating market, you are playing on hard mode and most connections you make are most likely to end in nothing. It's simply the truth of the matter, so by accepting in you are accepting the truth, but you will also be less likely to act like a sperg and have the best chance possible to pull
if you are HTN+ being nervous doesn't matter
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Reactions: imightbewrong42 and HollyJolly
Yea this is actually a good mindset to have about everyone tbh. Someone on twitter said something similar about how it makes public speaking much easier if you have contempt for the people you are presenting to.
How you going to agree and not thumbs up bro?
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Legit thread. It’s easy to think all of the right things and mentally prepare yourself but when the girl is actually in front of you, what’s gonna happen. And this is not a question of her not finding you attractive enough, I know when a girl finds me attractive and so many times (not every time but a lot) it has made me freeze up and act weird.
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Best advice I ever heard for nervousness is from an old Owen Cook PUA video where he said women will feel whatever you’re feeling and if you’re being giga nervous and awkward you’re basically shooting yourself in the foot on every approach and that pretty much solved the problem for me because I would talk to a girl and get nervous and realize I was reducing my odds of success by being that way which completely contradicted my goal and realizing it was a negative feedback loop eradicated the nervousness completely because being nervous creates more negative outcomes that lead to more nervousness, etc, etc.

However it is over for you if you can’t control it and you just are physiologically incapable of handling stress
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It's not the possibile rejection itself that makes me nervous.

What makes me nervous is the thought of having to run into the foid again if the foid turns me down.
All of us aren't meant to be high T alphas, some are like me, sensitive neurotic losers
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Reactions: Suns9999, kebinGarnett and fluoride1337
It's not the possibile rejection itself that makes me nervous.

What makes me nervous is the thought of having to run into the foid again if the foid turns me down.
It's an irrational fear. Sure it will be slightly embarrassing at the time but if you leave her alone after, nobody will be justified in making fun of you and everyone will forget about it soon anyways.

All of us aren't meant to be high T alphas, some are like me, sensitive neurotic losers
It has nothing to do with being alpha. It's just recognizing how much importance you put on the idea of successfully bagging the foid. Just acknowledge how fickle relationships are, and get comfortable with being alone. Once you do this you will not only free yourself but you will pull more than before.
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It has nothing to do with being alpha. It's just recognizing how much importance you put on the idea of successfully bagging the foid. Just acknowledge how fickle relationships are, and get comfortable with being alone. Once you do this you will not only free yourself but you will pull more than before.
Nah just overall, some people are meant to be aspie loser aura niggers like me. I'm not trying to play any dominance or social games like normal people
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Legit thread. It’s easy to think all of the right things and mentally prepare yourself but when the girl is actually in front of you, what’s gonna happen. And this is not a question of her not finding you attractive enough, I know when a girl finds me attractive and so many times (not every time but a lot) it has made me freeze up and act weird.
I agree. It's also why going on as many dates as you can actually give you "practice" and make you much better at pulling. I have completely bombed dates by acting like a total sperg, but there were no long term consequences and I don't really care about any of the foids I fumbled from doing that. So now I don't get nervous because I know how inconsequential these things are.
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It's an irrational fear. Sure it will be slightly embarrassing at the time but if you leave her alone after, nobody will be justified in making fun of you and everyone will forget about it soon anyways.

It has nothing to do with being alpha. It's just recognizing how much importance you put on the idea of successfully bagging the foid. Just acknowledge how fickle relationships are, and get comfortable with being alone. Once you do this you will not only free yourself but you will pull more than before.
Rejection stings on a deeper level for me than it does for most men. I was known as the freaky creep no girl wanted in high school.

Additionally, I'm an autist. If I got rejected by a foid I thought was into me, I'd be reminded of what a stupid autist I am (for being unable to decipher a foid's interest level) every time I ran into her post-rejection.
Nah just overall, some people are meant to be aspie loser aura niggers like me. I'm not trying to play any dominance or social games like normal people
WHy do you think you are meant to be a loser?
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I agree. It's also why going on as many dates as you can actually give you "practice" and make you much better at pulling. I have completely bombed dates by acting like a total sperg, but there were no long term consequences and I don't really care about any of the foids I fumbled from doing that. So now I don't get nervous because I know how inconsequential these things are.
A first date that goes poorly is much easier for me to get over than a rejection.

Because at least the foid thought I was worthy of the first date.
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It's not the possibile rejection itself that makes me nervous.

What makes me nervous is the thought of having to run into the foid again if the foid turns me down.
Don’t approach women in places where you are likely to see them again.

There’s a reason PUA got so popular in big cities and that’s because you have a lot of anonymity in a crowd of millions of people.

One of the best things to do when learning “game” or social skills is to live in a big city, so much so that PUA’s would often tell guys if they don’t live in a big city practicing game is detrimental.

However nowadays with TikTok and IG clips this has also become a lot more risky than it used to be even 10 years ago.
Don’t approach women in places where you are likely to see them again.

There’s a reason PUA got so popular in big cities and that’s because you have a lot of anonymity in a crowd of millions of people.

One of the best things to do when learning “game” or social skills is to live in a big city, so much so that PUA’s would often tell guys if they don’t live in a big city practicing game is detrimental.

However nowadays with TikTok and IG clips this has also become a lot more risky than it used to be even 10 years ago.
I live in a big city.

What you're saying is true (if you live in a big city, you can approach a woman you're highly unlikely to run into again)

That being said, the vast majority of the female population won't accept the advances of a man who doesn't know her.

Statistically, I'm way more likely to succeed if I go for foids I already know. But the chance of getting rejected stops me from making a move on a woman I already know (even though a woman is more likely to accept the advances of a man who already knows her, that doesn't mean she'll definitely accept his advances)

This sucks. I end up getting forced to refrain from making a move on the very foids who are most likely to say "yeah"
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Nervousness is one of the most broOotal incel traits you can have

Nervousness will manifest itself through your body language, speech mannerisms, eye contact etc

If you act like this in a store, the managers will think you are there to steal something, so imagine what foids think of you when you act like this when you first meet

I myself get aggravated when I'm talking to someone and they can't even project their voice enough for me to hear them three feet away

It is normal to be a little nervous when you're young and first start talking to females, but you should be able to get over it quickly

If you are past your early 20s and still getting nervous, it is because you have a scarcity mindset

She let a dyel norwood 4 nigga hit last week bc he's in a band, yet you're afraid of losing her because she's a "skibidi fine shyt"

Simply accept the fact that in the current dating market, you are playing on hard mode and most connections you make are most likely to end in nothing. It's simply the truth of the matter, so by accepting in you are accepting the truth, but you will also be less likely to act like a sperg and have the best chance possible to pull
True confidence is attractive to foids like nothing else. When I was totally addicted to drugs and my life was a complete mess I had no problem getting girls (normal none drug using girls shouldnt of been going anywhere near me) and I think its because I had 0 inhibition whatsoever to the point getting arrested I couldn't care less at the time. Ppl might disagree with ur behaviour if ur argumentative in public and/or rude to ppl but they subconsciously respect it because they haven't got the balls to do it and it makes u appear high value on a subconscious level is my only explanation.
I'm sixteen years old, and I am experiencing this. Is there a way to change this?
I live in a big city.

What you're saying is true (if you live in a big city, you can approach a woman you're highly unlikely to run into again)

That being said, the vast majority of the female population won't accept the advances of a man who doesn't know her.

Statistically, I'm way more likely to succeed if I go for foids I already know. But the chance of getting rejected stops me from making a move on a woman I already know (even though a woman is more likely to accept the advances of a man who already knows her, that doesn't mean she'll definitely accept his advances)

This sucks. I end up getting forced to refrain from making a move on the very foids who are most likely to say "yeah"
Well yeah the success rate of approaching random foods heavily depends on your looks level
Well yeah the success rate of approaching random foods heavily depends on your looks level
I don't share a picture of myself on here.

I have posted the female rendition of me, however. Here you go.

Imagine her in male form. That's me. I don't think I have bad looks. Still, above average looks alone aren't enough to make the typical woman accept a total stranger's advances.

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