New generations in wealthy countries aren't getting taller



L'État, c'est moi
Oct 25, 2022
Data from the government below. Height growth is plateauing in wealthy countries.

This makes sense as the original factors that caused an increase in height growth in these countries (better nutrition, better healthcare, vaccinations to prevent childhood illness) have been around for 30+ years and have had their impact already.

Gen Z being 6'1" on average is a meme with no rationale whatsoever. Gen Z is the ultimate LARP generation.

This is different in developing countries ofc.

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bruh used united states where they import more and more 5'6 ethnics every year

europe and american whites are 5'11 avg and getting taller

east asia is decreasing in height tho despite having decent money

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A lot of wealthy countries (especially in Europe) have been experiencing immigration of often shorter foreigners, who mix with the local genepool. Even if they procreate among themselves, it should still count in the statistics. The full effect of this will show itself after two more decades though.

It's good that average height plateaus and I don't see why it would go up again in the near future.
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bruh used united states where they import more and more 5'6 ethnics every year

europe and american whites are 5'11 avg and getting taller

east asia is decreasing in height tho despite having decent money

Your post does not show any evidence of Euros and Americans growing. In fact, it shows evidence that wealthy and industrialized countries (Japan and Korea) have seen a height plateau, which supports my point. Why would this be different from Europe exactly? It should be the same pattern in the EU and US.

I am gen Z and certainly don't think 5'11" is the average height.
Your post does not show any evidence of Euros and Americans growing. In fact, it shows evidence that wealthy and industrialized countries (Japan and Korea) have seen a height plateau. Why would this be different from Europe exactly? It should be the same pattern in the EU and US.

I am gen Z and certainly don't think 5'11" is the average height.
ive literally got studies proving europe and whites in america are getting taller

and i dont give a shit about ur personal anecdotes.


the statistics say avg is 5'10-6'1 in europe

and in US it's 5'11 average height in the least ethnic most white state for men under 40
ive literally got studies proving europe and whites in america are getting taller

and i dont give a shit about ur personal anecdotes.

View attachment 2053025

the statistics say avg is 5'10-6'1 in europe

and in US it's 5'11 average height in the least ethnic most white state for men under 40
Well then link us to your studies showing height increase in Euros. Your other post has studies showing height plateaus in industrialized and healthy countries. Also give a rationale behind this increase. For the most part malnutrition and childhood disease rates haven't improved substantially in the last 30 years.
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ive literally got studies proving europe and whites in america are getting taller

and i dont give a shit about ur personal anecdotes.

View attachment 2053025

the statistics say avg is 5'10-6'1 in europe

and in US it's 5'11 average height in the least ethnic most white state for men under 40
Screen Shot 2023 01 24 at 80448 PM

Also a lot of these so called stats are either based on sample sizes that are super small (most <10% of pop) with some self-reported too.
I wonder if the averages slowing down in the West is due to niggers and pajeets arriving at record numbers
scroll down to the 19yo's section below, that is purely measured and our age range. the most legit study they couldve done. i have the study downloaded on my laptop
Those are just studies on average height not height over time.

I'm not arguing that Dutch and Balkans aren't tall... they certainly are. I'm arguing height in the West is plateauing (either not increasing on average or by very little) Yes the average height in the NL will be roughly 6' for our age range (study is probably off give or take 1cm) but that's literally the tallest country in the world and it's probably not going to increase meaningfully within the next 10 years.

This is to dispel the notion that new generations are getting taller and taller or that high schoolers are all 6'3" Some people will literally say that kids who are 3 years younger than them are so much taller now etc etc. which is bullshit.

I think the only potential driver of more height increases in the West would be female hypergamy. That would make more sense and is possible. But nutrition and healthcare have played their part.
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I believe that us Caucasians are quite similar to the Balkans in this regard too. I believe even Ptolemy described Colchisns as large in stature.
Thank you height Jesus for the gift of not being short anywhere in the world.

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