New Heightmaxxing Technique Open or Closed Growth Plates (HEIGHTMAXXER GTFIH) HIGH EFFORT



Aug 15, 2024

The information provided in this height growth tutorial is for educational and informational purposes only. The content, including methods that may involve microfractures in bones or other physical practices, is based on personal research and should not be considered medical advice.
I am not a licensed medical professional, and I strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare provider before attempting any techniques or exercises described herein. Engaging in any activities or practices that could affect your body, especially those that involve intentional bone fractures or other invasive methods, carries inherent risks and may result in injury, pain, or other adverse effects.
By using this tutorial, you agree that you are voluntarily assuming any and all risks associated with these methods. I will not be held responsible for any injury, harm, or other consequences that may arise from following the advice or techniques in this tutorial. Always prioritize your health and safety above all else.

Use at your own risk.

No idea why nobody is talking about this new method of height growth so I took it upon myself to write all about it

Rustam Akhmetov grew 5'4 to 6'2 and later went on to make a school on teaching people how to grow.
He suggested 2 main techniques on how to grow: Using the mind, and "bone micro tearing" then bone stretching which will be discussed.
These exercises were done with people who had growth plates open and closed.


Using the mind

• Akhmetov told his students to write on a peice of paper they're height goals, e.g: "I'm (name) and I will be 6'5". He taught to make many copies on paper and put it in places where you'd be able to see it a shit ton. e.g: bathroom, bed, room walls ect. Idriss Kiba, a person who teaches alot of the things here but using his info from some education he got, gave this idea (a lot of the info from here is from this specific video).

Akhmetov had a student who wanted to grow to be able to marry his love which was around 6 inches taller than him. She told him to get taller then she'd marry him. He went to Akhmetov's school and took his information. He gained 7.9 inches and married the girl. This shows the important of BELIEVEING that you can grow. Idris gave an example of thinking of biting into a lemon. Your mouth starts watering right? Just like that you need to believe that you will grow. Be in a constant need of growing, but don't stress too much about it.

• Think of growing as a game, example: you're walking around the city and you see some sign or a post that's too tall for you to reach (not stupidly higher ofc). Try jumping and touching it. With more tries (over days or weeks) eventually your body will adapt and find ANY way to touch the thing. From either growing stronger legs or through growing taller (our goal).

In short the gold fish theory is this:
The theory says that if a goldfish is put in a bowl or a small tank, its growth will be unnoticed. Whereas you leave the same fish in a pond, it grows bigger and if you give it a chance to grow it in a river, it grows much bigger than it could even imagine.

Akhmetov recommended the first step for getting into the "zone" of growing. Then from there the 2nd main point should be put into practice:


Bone micro tear and stretch

This techniques uses microfractures, as seen in bonesmashing, wolff's law ect. General overview:
Wolff's Law states that bones will adapt to the degree of mechanical loading, such that an increase in loading will cause the architecture of the internal, spongy bone to strengthen, followed by the strengthening of the cortical layer.

Basically, a healthy individual's bones WILL adapt to any stress placed on it by either getting stronger or bigger.
An example of this is weightlifting, it happens here but it's a suboptimal way of microtearing your bones.

Proof (PubMed study):

Bone mineral density in elite junior Olympic weightlifters

B P Conroy 1, W J Kraemer, C M Maresh, S J Fleck, M H Stone, A C Fry, P D Miller, G P Dalsky
"The BMD values of the spine and femoral neck of the junior weightlifters when compared with adult reference data (i.e., 20-39 yr old men) were found to be significantly greater. Both simple and multiple regression analyses demonstrated significant relationships of BMD with strength accounting for 30-65% of the variance. These data suggest that in elite junior weightlifters, muscle strength, highly specific to the sport of weightlifting, has a major influence on BMD due to the influence of the chronic overloads experienced in training."
However much greater loads therefore higher levels of microtears in bones can be achieved with:
• Sprints (stay with me here this is nothing about HGH spiking)
• Kicking a boxing bag, high kick strength and intensity
• Box/Stair jumps
• Massai jumps

What these exercises do is place stress on primary the shin/tibia and femur.
What does this do? It causes the bone to rebuild it self thicker and stronger just like muscle. However the bone grows thicker, expands, rather than grow longer.
After the above exercises, after you want to stretch the bone "like crazy". The bone when stressed to heal themselves they use collagen, which then calcifies itself to make bone. However before this process is finished, the bone needs to be stretched to achieve our goal of it growing longer.

The best way to do this is using some sort of cable or resistance band, tie it to just above your ankles and to the bottom of your bed. Lay down and pull your body up till you feel tension in your legs. This is what Akhmetov's students did, they would sleep in this position, taking it as far as having bands on their necks and keeping tension between the neck and the top part of the bed. So quite literally stretching their whole body.

This is called banded sleeping (found image on google images) but this is how it works.

More on the goldfish theory:

NBA player Gordan Hayward grew from 5'8 to 6'8. His father was 5'10. Same with Michael Jordan, his father was 5'9 and mother 5'6, whereas he grew to 6'6.
"Hayward attended Brownsburg High School in Brownsburg, Indiana. He grew from 5'11" (1.80 m) in height as a freshman to 6'7" (2.01 m) as a senior. Until his growth spurt, Hayward was more successful in tennis, in which he was a two-time all-state singles player." Wikipedia

Goldfish are placed in small tanks, they grow as much as they need to to survive within the tank as survival. But if you put that same fish in a river, the size will exponentially increase. Literal example with a study done (cannot quote idk where it is)
(This technique takes a long time, depending on genetic and environmental factors it could take 2 to 10 years for decent growth)
Another way is surrounding yourself with large things such as playing basketball. The net is over 9' tall. Your body would adapt and get taller.
The theory is if you surround yourself with taller people, you will slowly but surely grow taller. Expect 1/8 to 1/4 inches per year if done correctly. Competing against other tall people will especially help in your body trying to adapt to place the ball into the net.

Any questions ask I'll be ready to respond if I'm not dead :). Also dedicated 2 years now into serious heightmaxxing research, over 4 hours a day. Bc i NEED to grow tf taller
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Mirin BDSM device
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Great cope stack 👍
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Maybe not the goldfish theory
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The information provided in this height growth tutorial is for educational and informational purposes only. The content, including methods that may involve microfractures in bones or other physical practices, is based on personal research and should not be considered medical advice.
I am not a licensed medical professional, and I strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare provider before attempting any techniques or exercises described herein. Engaging in any activities or practices that could affect your body, especially those that involve intentional bone fractures or other invasive methods, carries inherent risks and may result in injury, pain, or other adverse effects.
By using this tutorial, you agree that you are voluntarily assuming any and all risks associated with these methods. I will not be held responsible for any injury, harm, or other consequences that may arise from following the advice or techniques in this tutorial. Always prioritize your health and safety above all else.

Use at your own risk.

No idea why nobody is talking about this new method of height growth so I took it upon myself to write all about it

Rustam Akhmetov grew 5'4 to 6'2 and later went on to make a school on teaching people how to grow.
He suggested 2 main techniques on how to grow: Using the mind, and "bone micro tearing" then bone stretching which will be discussed.
These exercises were done with people who had growth plates open and closed.


Using the mind

• Akhmetov told his students to write on a peice of paper they're height goals, e.g: "I'm (name) and I will be 6'5". He taught to make many copies on paper and put it in places where you'd be able to see it a shit ton. e.g: bathroom, bed, room walls ect. Idriss Kiba, a person who teaches alot of the things here but using his info from some education he got, gave this idea (a lot of the info from here is from this specific video).

• Think of growing as a game, example: you're walking around the city and you see some sign or a post that's too tall for you to reach (not stupidly higher ofc). Try jumping and touching it. With more tries (over days or weeks) eventually your body will adapt and find ANY way to touch the thing. From either growing stronger legs or through growing taller (our goal).

In short the gold fish theory is this:

Akhmetov recommended the first step for getting into the "zone" of growing. Then from there the 2nd main point should be put into practice:


Bone micro tear and stretch

This techniques uses microfractures, as seen in bonesmashing, wolff's law ect. General overview:

Basically, a healthy individual's bones WILL adapt to any stress placed on it by either getting stronger or bigger.
An example of this is weightlifting, it happens here but it's a suboptimal way of microtearing your bones.

Proof (PubMed study):

Bone mineral density in elite junior Olympic weightlifters

B P Conroy 1, W J Kraemer, C M Maresh, S J Fleck, M H Stone, A C Fry, P D Miller, G P Dalsky

However much greater loads therefore higher levels of microtears in bones can be achieved with:
• Sprints (stay with me here this is nothing about HGH spiking)
• Kicking a boxing bag, high kick strength and intensity
• Box/Stair jumps
• Massai jumps

What these exercises do is place stress on primary the shin/tibia and femur.
What does this do? It causes the bone to rebuild it self thicker and stronger just like muscle. However the bone grows thicker, expands, rather than grow longer.
After the above exercises, after you want to stretch the bone "like crazy". The bone when stressed to heal themselves they use collagen, which then calcifies itself to make bone. However before this process is finished, the bone needs to be stretched to achieve our goal of it growing longer.

The best way to do this is using some sort of cable or resistance band, tie it to just above your ankles and to the bottom of your bed. Lay down and pull your body up till you feel tension in your legs. This is what Akhmetov's students did, they would sleep in this position, taking it as far as having bands on their necks and keeping tension between the neck and the top part of the bed. So quite literally stretching their whole body.

View attachment 3133510 This is called banded sleeping (found image on google images) but this is how it works.

More on the goldfish theory:

NBA player Gordan Hayward grew from 5'8 to 6'8. His father was 5'10. Same with Michael Jordan, his father was 5'9 and mother 5'6, whereas he grew to 6'6.

Goldfish are placed in small tanks, they grow as much as they need to to survive within the tank as survival. But if you put that same fish in a river, the size will exponentially increase. Literal example with a study done (cannot quote idk where it is)
(This technique takes a long time, depending on genetic and environmental factors it could take 2 to 10 years for decent growth)
Another way is surrounding yourself with large things such as playing basketball. The net is over 9' tall. Your body would adapt and get taller.
The theory is if you surround yourself with taller people, you will slowly but surely grow taller. Expect 1/8 to 1/4 inches per year if done correctly. Competing against other tall people will especially help in your body trying to adapt to place the ball into the net.

Any questions ask I'll be ready to respond if I'm not dead :). Also dedicated 2 years now into serious heightmaxxing research, over 4 hours a day. Bc i NEED to grow tf talle

The information provided in this height growth tutorial is for educational and informational purposes only. The content, including methods that may involve microfractures in bones or other physical practices, is based on personal research and should not be considered medical advice.
I am not a licensed medical professional, and I strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare provider before attempting any techniques or exercises described herein. Engaging in any activities or practices that could affect your body, especially those that involve intentional bone fractures or other invasive methods, carries inherent risks and may result in injury, pain, or other adverse effects.
By using this tutorial, you agree that you are voluntarily assuming any and all risks associated with these methods. I will not be held responsible for any injury, harm, or other consequences that may arise from following the advice or techniques in this tutorial. Always prioritize your health and safety above all else.

Use at your own risk.

No idea why nobody is talking about this new method of height growth so I took it upon myself to write all about it

Rustam Akhmetov grew 5'4 to 6'2 and later went on to make a school on teaching people how to grow.
He suggested 2 main techniques on how to grow: Using the mind, and "bone micro tearing" then bone stretching which will be discussed.
These exercises were done with people who had growth plates open and closed.


Using the mind

• Akhmetov told his students to write on a peice of paper they're height goals, e.g: "I'm (name) and I will be 6'5". He taught to make many copies on paper and put it in places where you'd be able to see it a shit ton. e.g: bathroom, bed, room walls ect. Idriss Kiba, a person who teaches alot of the things here but using his info from some education he got, gave this idea (a lot of the info from here is from this specific video).

• Think of growing as a game, example: you're walking around the city and you see some sign or a post that's too tall for you to reach (not stupidly higher ofc). Try jumping and touching it. With more tries (over days or weeks) eventually your body will adapt and find ANY way to touch the thing. From either growing stronger legs or through growing taller (our goal).

In short the gold fish theory is this:

Akhmetov recommended the first step for getting into the "zone" of growing. Then from there the 2nd main point should be put into practice:


Bone micro tear and stretch

This techniques uses microfractures, as seen in bonesmashing, wolff's law ect. General overview:

Basically, a healthy individual's bones WILL adapt to any stress placed on it by either getting stronger or bigger.
An example of this is weightlifting, it happens here but it's a suboptimal way of microtearing your bones.

Proof (PubMed study):

Bone mineral density in elite junior Olympic weightlifters

B P Conroy 1, W J Kraemer, C M Maresh, S J Fleck, M H Stone, A C Fry, P D Miller, G P Dalsky

However much greater loads therefore higher levels of microtears in bones can be achieved with:
• Sprints (stay with me here this is nothing about HGH spiking)
• Kicking a boxing bag, high kick strength and intensity
• Box/Stair jumps
• Massai jumps

What these exercises do is place stress on primary the shin/tibia and femur.
What does this do? It causes the bone to rebuild it self thicker and stronger just like muscle. However the bone grows thicker, expands, rather than grow longer.
After the above exercises, after you want to stretch the bone "like crazy". The bone when stressed to heal themselves they use collagen, which then calcifies itself to make bone. However before this process is finished, the bone needs to be stretched to achieve our goal of it growing longer.

The best way to do this is using some sort of cable or resistance band, tie it to just above your ankles and to the bottom of your bed. Lay down and pull your body up till you feel tension in your legs. This is what Akhmetov's students did, they would sleep in this position, taking it as far as having bands on their necks and keeping tension between the neck and the top part of the bed. So quite literally stretching their whole body.

View attachment 3133510 This is called banded sleeping (found image on google images) but this is how it works.

More on the goldfish theory:

NBA player Gordan Hayward grew from 5'8 to 6'8. His father was 5'10. Same with Michael Jordan, his father was 5'9 and mother 5'6, whereas he grew to 6'6.

Goldfish are placed in small tanks, they grow as much as they need to to survive within the tank as survival. But if you put that same fish in a river, the size will exponentially increase. Literal example with a study done (cannot quote idk where it is)
(This technique takes a long time, depending on genetic and environmental factors it could take 2 to 10 years for decent growth)
Another way is surrounding yourself with large things such as playing basketball. The net is over 9' tall. Your body would adapt and get taller.
The theory is if you surround yourself with taller people, you will slowly but surely grow taller. Expect 1/8 to 1/4 inches per year if done correctly. Competing against other tall people will especially help in your body trying to adapt to place the ball into the net.

Any questions ask I'll be ready to respond if I'm not dead :). Also dedicated 2 years now into serious heightmaxxing research, over 4 hours a day. Bc i NEED to grow tf taller

nigga 80% of the words u used i’m pretty sure that russian nigga with contacts used stfu and link the video instead of making everyone read that bull shit
nigga 80% of the words u used i’m pretty sure that russian nigga with contacts used stfu and link the video instead of making everyone read that bull shit
u retarded?
Just write an essay to ascend to chad bro
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Reactions: Deleted member 97572 and Fusionxz

The information provided in this height growth tutorial is for educational and informational purposes only. The content, including methods that may involve microfractures in bones or other physical practices, is based on personal research and should not be considered medical advice.
I am not a licensed medical professional, and I strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare provider before attempting any techniques or exercises described herein. Engaging in any activities or practices that could affect your body, especially those that involve intentional bone fractures or other invasive methods, carries inherent risks and may result in injury, pain, or other adverse effects.
By using this tutorial, you agree that you are voluntarily assuming any and all risks associated with these methods. I will not be held responsible for any injury, harm, or other consequences that may arise from following the advice or techniques in this tutorial. Always prioritize your health and safety above all else.

Use at your own risk.

No idea why nobody is talking about this new method of height growth so I took it upon myself to write all about it

Rustam Akhmetov grew 5'4 to 6'2 and later went on to make a school on teaching people how to grow.
He suggested 2 main techniques on how to grow: Using the mind, and "bone micro tearing" then bone stretching which will be discussed.
These exercises were done with people who had growth plates open and closed.


Using the mind

• Akhmetov told his students to write on a peice of paper they're height goals, e.g: "I'm (name) and I will be 6'5". He taught to make many copies on paper and put it in places where you'd be able to see it a shit ton. e.g: bathroom, bed, room walls ect. Idriss Kiba, a person who teaches alot of the things here but using his info from some education he got, gave this idea (a lot of the info from here is from this specific video).

• Think of growing as a game, example: you're walking around the city and you see some sign or a post that's too tall for you to reach (not stupidly higher ofc). Try jumping and touching it. With more tries (over days or weeks) eventually your body will adapt and find ANY way to touch the thing. From either growing stronger legs or through growing taller (our goal).

In short the gold fish theory is this:

Akhmetov recommended the first step for getting into the "zone" of growing. Then from there the 2nd main point should be put into practice:


Bone micro tear and stretch

This techniques uses microfractures, as seen in bonesmashing, wolff's law ect. General overview:

Basically, a healthy individual's bones WILL adapt to any stress placed on it by either getting stronger or bigger.
An example of this is weightlifting, it happens here but it's a suboptimal way of microtearing your bones.

Proof (PubMed study):

Bone mineral density in elite junior Olympic weightlifters

B P Conroy 1, W J Kraemer, C M Maresh, S J Fleck, M H Stone, A C Fry, P D Miller, G P Dalsky

However much greater loads therefore higher levels of microtears in bones can be achieved with:
• Sprints (stay with me here this is nothing about HGH spiking)
• Kicking a boxing bag, high kick strength and intensity
• Box/Stair jumps
• Massai jumps

What these exercises do is place stress on primary the shin/tibia and femur.
What does this do? It causes the bone to rebuild it self thicker and stronger just like muscle. However the bone grows thicker, expands, rather than grow longer.
After the above exercises, after you want to stretch the bone "like crazy". The bone when stressed to heal themselves they use collagen, which then calcifies itself to make bone. However before this process is finished, the bone needs to be stretched to achieve our goal of it growing longer.

The best way to do this is using some sort of cable or resistance band, tie it to just above your ankles and to the bottom of your bed. Lay down and pull your body up till you feel tension in your legs. This is what Akhmetov's students did, they would sleep in this position, taking it as far as having bands on their necks and keeping tension between the neck and the top part of the bed. So quite literally stretching their whole body.

View attachment 3133510 This is called banded sleeping (found image on google images) but this is how it works.

More on the goldfish theory:

NBA player Gordan Hayward grew from 5'8 to 6'8. His father was 5'10. Same with Michael Jordan, his father was 5'9 and mother 5'6, whereas he grew to 6'6.

Goldfish are placed in small tanks, they grow as much as they need to to survive within the tank as survival. But if you put that same fish in a river, the size will exponentially increase. Literal example with a study done (cannot quote idk where it is)
(This technique takes a long time, depending on genetic and environmental factors it could take 2 to 10 years for decent growth)
Another way is surrounding yourself with large things such as playing basketball. The net is over 9' tall. Your body would adapt and get taller.
The theory is if you surround yourself with taller people, you will slowly but surely grow taller. Expect 1/8 to 1/4 inches per year if done correctly. Competing against other tall people will especially help in your body trying to adapt to place the ball into the net.

Any questions ask I'll be ready to respond if I'm not dead :). Also dedicated 2 years now into serious heightmaxxing research, over 4 hours a day. Bc i NEED to grow tf taller

No offence but is there any actual prove for your purported goldfish theory in application to height? It sounds quite silly to be honest, using the mind to force yourself to be taller? In that case why don't I engineer a way to do that for everything? I just don't buy it similarily with the idea that you can grow past the fusion of your growth plates. Just doesn't make sense to me, any addition and or further explanation would be welcomed. I however do notice some of the content on this thread you've posted seems worthwhile with the bands and jumps.
No offence but is there any actual prove for your purported goldfish theory in application to height? It sounds quite silly to be honest, using the mind to force yourself to be taller? In that case why don't I engineer a way to do that for everything? I just don't buy it similarily with the idea that you can grow past the fusion of your growth plates. Just doesn't make sense to me, any addition and or further explanation would be welcomed. I however do notice some of the content on this thread you've posted seems worthwhile with the bands and jumps.
he listens to "grow taller overnight" bhainaural beats
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No offence but is there any actual prove for your purported goldfish theory in application to height? It sounds quite silly to be honest, using the mind to force yourself to be taller? In that case why don't I engineer a way to do that for everything? I just don't buy it similarily with the idea that you can grow past the fusion of your growth plates. Just doesn't make sense to me, any addition and or further explanation would be welcomed. I however do notice some of the content on this thread you've posted seems worthwhile with the bands and jumps.
No actual studies on the goldfish theory that I could find, it is a decent theory to look at although I agree with you.

"• Think of growing as a game, example: you're walking around the city and you see some sign or a post that's too tall for you to reach (not stupidly higher ofc). Try jumping and touching it. With more tries (over days or weeks) eventually your body will adapt and find ANY way to touch the thing. From either growing stronger legs or through growing taller (our goal)."

That's linked to the goldfish theory and has worked with Akhmetov and his students since that's what he taught but as far as official medical studies I don't think there are any.
  • +1
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2nd method is the main part and I have a fuckton of faith in that one
he listens to "grow taller overnight" bhainaural beats
Are those an actual thing lol. Fair to say most should focus on their physical for changes regarding the physical rather than their mental. I can tell he's put some thought in work into this though so well done to him at least.
No actual studies on the goldfish theory that I could find, it is a decent theory to look at although I agree with you.

"• Think of growing as a game, example: you're walking around the city and you see some sign or a post that's too tall for you to reach (not stupidly higher ofc). Try jumping and touching it. With more tries (over days or weeks) eventually your body will adapt and find ANY way to touch the thing. From either growing stronger legs or through growing taller (our goal)."

That's linked to the goldfish theory and has worked with Akhmetov and his students since that's what he taught but as far as official medical studies I don't think there are any.
With this Akhmetov what was the tested subject? height? Intelligence? I didn't really read into that section of your thread if its not anything revolving physical I don't think it'll be trustworthy. Even if it is height is such a complex and contrasting topic to other subjects.
Are those an actual thing lol. Fair to say most should focus on their physical for changes regarding the physical rather than their mental. I can tell he's put some thought in work into this though so well done to him at least.
Whole point of this thread was to quote exactly what Akhmetov taught and I did that, maybe it was the 2nd method that worked and 1st did fuckall but who knows. Also binural beats could work for stuff like anxiety since you trick yourself into calming down it's basically placebo but from what I know it works for alot of people
With this Akhmetov what was the tested subject? height? Intelligence? I didn't really read into that section of your thread if its not anything revolving physical I don't think it'll be trustworthy. Even if it is height is such a complex and contrasting topic to other subjects.
Yes it is mainly physical, you create microfractures and before they have time to heal you stretch them for longitudinal growth rather bone thickening. And he had a school that hosted many students after he found success in what he did to grow taller.
Whole point of this thread was to quote exactly what Akhmetov taught and I did that, maybe it was the 2nd method that worked and 1st did fuckall but who knows. Also binural beats could work for stuff like anxiety since you trick yourself into calming down it's basically placebo but from what I know it works for alot of people
shit thread by manlet from the slums of mumbai chor bazaar
  • +1
Reactions: nicksaprigkin and Fusionxz

The information provided in this height growth tutorial is for educational and informational purposes only. The content, including methods that may involve microfractures in bones or other physical practices, is based on personal research and should not be considered medical advice.
I am not a licensed medical professional, and I strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare provider before attempting any techniques or exercises described herein. Engaging in any activities or practices that could affect your body, especially those that involve intentional bone fractures or other invasive methods, carries inherent risks and may result in injury, pain, or other adverse effects.
By using this tutorial, you agree that you are voluntarily assuming any and all risks associated with these methods. I will not be held responsible for any injury, harm, or other consequences that may arise from following the advice or techniques in this tutorial. Always prioritize your health and safety above all else.

Use at your own risk.

No idea why nobody is talking about this new method of height growth so I took it upon myself to write all about it

Rustam Akhmetov grew 5'4 to 6'2 and later went on to make a school on teaching people how to grow.
He suggested 2 main techniques on how to grow: Using the mind, and "bone micro tearing" then bone stretching which will be discussed.
These exercises were done with people who had growth plates open and closed.


Using the mind

• Akhmetov told his students to write on a peice of paper they're height goals, e.g: "I'm (name) and I will be 6'5". He taught to make many copies on paper and put it in places where you'd be able to see it a shit ton. e.g: bathroom, bed, room walls ect. Idriss Kiba, a person who teaches alot of the things here but using his info from some education he got, gave this idea (a lot of the info from here is from this specific video).

• Think of growing as a game, example: you're walking around the city and you see some sign or a post that's too tall for you to reach (not stupidly higher ofc). Try jumping and touching it. With more tries (over days or weeks) eventually your body will adapt and find ANY way to touch the thing. From either growing stronger legs or through growing taller (our goal).

In short the gold fish theory is this:

Akhmetov recommended the first step for getting into the "zone" of growing. Then from there the 2nd main point should be put into practice:


Bone micro tear and stretch

This techniques uses microfractures, as seen in bonesmashing, wolff's law ect. General overview:

Basically, a healthy individual's bones WILL adapt to any stress placed on it by either getting stronger or bigger.
An example of this is weightlifting, it happens here but it's a suboptimal way of microtearing your bones.

Proof (PubMed study):

Bone mineral density in elite junior Olympic weightlifters

B P Conroy 1, W J Kraemer, C M Maresh, S J Fleck, M H Stone, A C Fry, P D Miller, G P Dalsky

However much greater loads therefore higher levels of microtears in bones can be achieved with:
• Sprints (stay with me here this is nothing about HGH spiking)
• Kicking a boxing bag, high kick strength and intensity
• Box/Stair jumps
• Massai jumps

What these exercises do is place stress on primary the shin/tibia and femur.
What does this do? It causes the bone to rebuild it self thicker and stronger just like muscle. However the bone grows thicker, expands, rather than grow longer.
After the above exercises, after you want to stretch the bone "like crazy". The bone when stressed to heal themselves they use collagen, which then calcifies itself to make bone. However before this process is finished, the bone needs to be stretched to achieve our goal of it growing longer.

The best way to do this is using some sort of cable or resistance band, tie it to just above your ankles and to the bottom of your bed. Lay down and pull your body up till you feel tension in your legs. This is what Akhmetov's students did, they would sleep in this position, taking it as far as having bands on their necks and keeping tension between the neck and the top part of the bed. So quite literally stretching their whole body.

View attachment 3133510 This is called banded sleeping (found image on google images) but this is how it works.

More on the goldfish theory:

NBA player Gordan Hayward grew from 5'8 to 6'8. His father was 5'10. Same with Michael Jordan, his father was 5'9 and mother 5'6, whereas he grew to 6'6.

Goldfish are placed in small tanks, they grow as much as they need to to survive within the tank as survival. But if you put that same fish in a river, the size will exponentially increase. Literal example with a study done (cannot quote idk where it is)
(This technique takes a long time, depending on genetic and environmental factors it could take 2 to 10 years for decent growth)
Another way is surrounding yourself with large things such as playing basketball. The net is over 9' tall. Your body would adapt and get taller.
The theory is if you surround yourself with taller people, you will slowly but surely grow taller. Expect 1/8 to 1/4 inches per year if done correctly. Competing against other tall people will especially help in your body trying to adapt to place the ball into the net.

Any questions ask I'll be ready to respond if I'm not dead :). Also dedicated 2 years now into serious heightmaxxing research, over 4 hours a day. Bc i NEED to grow tf taller

bhai using the power of friendship to grow a foot taller
  • +1
Reactions: Dave1
i wonder if i can round up a couple of guys on here to spam report your account and get you banned
Teach me how to lengthen clavicles with this method
Teach me how to lengthen clavicles with this method
clavicular growth plates close way later than other plates so hgh could work but idk that much about clavicles. ah and maintaining a high testosterone level above 1000ng/dl would help. ofc this is hard natty so up to u
Interesting theory, however it fails many things it suggests

Like the fact:

Why won't manlets grow more since sexual selection, therefore future reproduction, forces them to?

Why won't people studying hours per day or asian students gain more iq, since it would make studying easier?

There are a lot of problems with the theory, even thought it sounds good on paper
  • +1
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Bone micro tear and stretch

This techniques uses microfractures, as seen in bonesmashing, wolff's law ect. General overview:

Basically, a healthy individual's bones WILL adapt to any stress placed on it by either getting stronger or bigger.
An example of this is weightlifting, it happens here but it's a suboptimal way of microtearing your bones.

Proof (PubMed study):

Bone mineral density in elite junior Olympic weightlifters

B P Conroy 1, W J Kraemer, C M Maresh, S J Fleck, M H Stone, A C Fry, P D Miller, G P Dalsky

However much greater loads therefore higher levels of microtears in bones can be achieved with:
• Sprints (stay with me here this is nothing about HGH spiking)
• Kicking a boxing bag, high kick strength and intensity
• Box/Stair jumps
• Massai jumps

What these exercises do is place stress on primary the shin/tibia and femur.
What does this do? It causes the bone to rebuild it self thicker and stronger just like muscle. However the bone grows thicker, expands, rather than grow longer.
After the above exercises, after you want to stretch the bone "like crazy". The bone when stressed to heal themselves they use collagen, which then calcifies itself to make bone. However before this process is finished, the bone needs to be stretched to achieve our goal of it growing longer.

The best way to do this is using some sort of cable or resistance band, tie it to just above your ankles and to the bottom of your bed. Lay down and pull your body up till you feel tension in your legs. This is what Akhmetov's students did, they would sleep in this position, taking it as far as having bands on their necks and keeping tension between the neck and the top part of the bed. So quite literally stretching their whole body.
Does swimming, stretching and tightening your legs before sleep work?
Also I cycle to my school and work like 1 hour minimum 5 days a week, does it count as micro-fracture?

However much greater loads therefore higher levels of microtears in bones can be achieved with:
• Sprints (stay with me here this is nothing about HGH spiking)
• Kicking a boxing bag, high kick strength and intensity
• Box/Stair jumps
• Massai jumps
Does swimming, stretching and tightening your legs before sleep work?
Also I cycle to my school and work like 1 hour minimum 5 days a week, does it count as micro-fracture?
Biking will probably cause microfractures however all 3 of those are suboptimal. Best way to tell is if you're placing mechanical stress on the bone. Tightening your legs probably wouldn't work at all. And for stretching I so recommend banded and if you can't do that then if you have loads of random wires laying around tie it to your leg and to your bedframe and move up your bed so you feel tension there and keep it preferably overnight while sleeping if not then atleast 1 hour. Stretching should be done after the microfractures.
Akhmetov told his students to write on a peice of paper they're height goals, e.g: "I'm (name) and I will be 6'5"
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The information provided in this height growth tutorial is for educational and informational purposes only. The content, including methods that may involve microfractures in bones or other physical practices, is based on personal research and should not be considered medical advice.
I am not a licensed medical professional, and I strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare provider before attempting any techniques or exercises described herein. Engaging in any activities or practices that could affect your body, especially those that involve intentional bone fractures or other invasive methods, carries inherent risks and may result in injury, pain, or other adverse effects.
By using this tutorial, you agree that you are voluntarily assuming any and all risks associated with these methods. I will not be held responsible for any injury, harm, or other consequences that may arise from following the advice or techniques in this tutorial. Always prioritize your health and safety above all else.

Use at your own risk.

No idea why nobody is talking about this new method of height growth so I took it upon myself to write all about it

Rustam Akhmetov grew 5'4 to 6'2 and later went on to make a school on teaching people how to grow.
He suggested 2 main techniques on how to grow: Using the mind, and "bone micro tearing" then bone stretching which will be discussed.
These exercises were done with people who had growth plates open and closed.


Using the mind

• Akhmetov told his students to write on a peice of paper they're height goals, e.g: "I'm (name) and I will be 6'5". He taught to make many copies on paper and put it in places where you'd be able to see it a shit ton. e.g: bathroom, bed, room walls ect. Idriss Kiba, a person who teaches alot of the things here but using his info from some education he got, gave this idea (a lot of the info from here is from this specific video).

• Think of growing as a game, example: you're walking around the city and you see some sign or a post that's too tall for you to reach (not stupidly higher ofc). Try jumping and touching it. With more tries (over days or weeks) eventually your body will adapt and find ANY way to touch the thing. From either growing stronger legs or through growing taller (our goal).

In short the gold fish theory is this:

Akhmetov recommended the first step for getting into the "zone" of growing. Then from there the 2nd main point should be put into practice:


Bone micro tear and stretch

This techniques uses microfractures, as seen in bonesmashing, wolff's law ect. General overview:

Basically, a healthy individual's bones WILL adapt to any stress placed on it by either getting stronger or bigger.
An example of this is weightlifting, it happens here but it's a suboptimal way of microtearing your bones.

Proof (PubMed study):

Bone mineral density in elite junior Olympic weightlifters

B P Conroy 1, W J Kraemer, C M Maresh, S J Fleck, M H Stone, A C Fry, P D Miller, G P Dalsky

However much greater loads therefore higher levels of microtears in bones can be achieved with:
• Sprints (stay with me here this is nothing about HGH spiking)
• Kicking a boxing bag, high kick strength and intensity
• Box/Stair jumps
• Massai jumps

What these exercises do is place stress on primary the shin/tibia and femur.
What does this do? It causes the bone to rebuild it self thicker and stronger just like muscle. However the bone grows thicker, expands, rather than grow longer.
After the above exercises, after you want to stretch the bone "like crazy". The bone when stressed to heal themselves they use collagen, which then calcifies itself to make bone. However before this process is finished, the bone needs to be stretched to achieve our goal of it growing longer.

The best way to do this is using some sort of cable or resistance band, tie it to just above your ankles and to the bottom of your bed. Lay down and pull your body up till you feel tension in your legs. This is what Akhmetov's students did, they would sleep in this position, taking it as far as having bands on their necks and keeping tension between the neck and the top part of the bed. So quite literally stretching their whole body.

View attachment 3133510 This is called banded sleeping (found image on google images) but this is how it works.

More on the goldfish theory:

NBA player Gordan Hayward grew from 5'8 to 6'8. His father was 5'10. Same with Michael Jordan, his father was 5'9 and mother 5'6, whereas he grew to 6'6.

Goldfish are placed in small tanks, they grow as much as they need to to survive within the tank as survival. But if you put that same fish in a river, the size will exponentially increase. Literal example with a study done (cannot quote idk where it is)
(This technique takes a long time, depending on genetic and environmental factors it could take 2 to 10 years for decent growth)
Another way is surrounding yourself with large things such as playing basketball. The net is over 9' tall. Your body would adapt and get taller.
The theory is if you surround yourself with taller people, you will slowly but surely grow taller. Expect 1/8 to 1/4 inches per year if done correctly. Competing against other tall people will especially help in your body trying to adapt to place the ball into the net.

Any questions ask I'll be ready to respond if I'm not dead :). Also dedicated 2 years now into serious heightmaxxing research, over 4 hours a day. Bc i NEED to grow tf taller

Why don’t you just make a megathread on everything you know about highmaxxing?
Why don’t you just make a megathread on everything you know about highmaxxing?
Why though. It'd take EXTREMELY long and the best way to heightmaxx is HGH + aromasin anyway and personalized requests can just me DM'd to me

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