new study from norway basically confirms everything turbo autist from psl are preaching for years now (MODS STICKY)



rookie of the year
Jul 12, 2019
In the study, 435 undergraduate students completed anonymous surveys about when they last met with a potential sexual partner. The surveys assessed how interested they thought the potential partner was in them and how sexually attracted they felt towards the potential partner. The participants also reported the sexual signals they received and those they conveyed.

Bendixen and his colleagues found no evidence that women consistently rated their signaled sexual attraction lower than their actual sexual attraction. In other words, female students usually did not play hard-to-get. In fact, they tended to pretend to be a little more interested in sex than they actually were. Men, on the other hand, acted less interested in sex than they really were.

“There was no tendency for women in general to act coy when meeting someone of the opposite sex in a potentially romantic or sexual situation. The exception were those few women who reported being strongly sexually attracted to the man. On the other hand, men downplayed their signals of sexual attraction far more than women did, and they did so increasingly more at higher levels of sexual attraction.”

The researchers found differences between men and women when it came to who ended up having sex. Women were much more likely to have sex if they thought the potential partner was attractive. For men, a history of sexual activity was the most important factor in whether they had sex.

Other studies show that long-term relationships function slightly differently. In this case women may have to lower their expectations a bit, because the most attractive men are often already taken or because they are able to pursue short-term relationships instead of long-term ones.

"A lot of women have had sex with more attractive partners than the men they end up with in long-term relationships," says Kennair.

original study here: just lol at paying money for it though

my 2 cents:

1. "Women were much more likely to have sex if they thought the potential partner was attractive. For men, a history of sexual activity was the most important factor in whether they had sex"

aka women can just pick any man they want like in a store. and history of sexual activity is mostly a codewort for good looks

2. "On the other hand, men downplayed their signals of sexual attraction far more than women did, and they did so increasingly more at higher levels of sexual attraction"

norway men are absolute cucks. they act against normal instincts and against what makes sense from an evolutionary point of view. if they had done the same study in ethnic countries like egypt or something this outcome would have been totally different.


"Costly Errors

Evolutionarily, for men, it may be more costly to miss a potential mating opportunity than it is to risk rejection due to the misperception of sexual interest. Men who misperceive women’s sexual interest may have had more successful mating opportunities and, thus, may have evolved the bias to overestimate women’s sexual interest (Perrilloux et al., 2012). In fact, researchers even predict that women’s physical attractiveness should be related to men’s misperception, because missing a mating opportunity with an attractive woman (and thus likely a fertile woman) would be more costly than missing an opportunity with a less attractive woman.

Because women also tend to underestimate men's sexual interest (Levesque et al., 2006; Perilloux et al., 2012), more research will be necessary to increase accuracy in the perception of sexual interest among heterosexual pairs"

imagine being an non chad actually and DOWNPLAYING your sexual interest. the norway scientist are too low iq to understand the motivation behind it. (or maybe they dont want? there is no biological reason for it. its pure high inhibition which a lot of men in the west suffer now. the fear of losing your face in front of the girl, high cortisol if you are around a girl you like, the fear to fuck up, fragile ego that gets more hurt if you get reject from a girl that you like compared to a girl you dont like.

and read this finding (from the norway study)

""The exception to this general sex difference is when the woman is as interested as the man. In this case, women also pretend to show less interest."

"By playing it cool, women and men can also avoid some of the sting of rejection if their partner is not actually interested in them," says Haselton. "

looks and low inhib is everything

the leading researcher is a hardcore feminist btw.


Main areas of interest: sexual harassment, conflict and violence in close relationships, antisocial and aggressive behavior, ostracism, evolutionary social psychology

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  • +1
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‘Playing hard to get’ seems mostly a cope to the type of men that are having trouble accepting that they are actually having problems attracting women. The cope is understandable but it’s best to just face reality.
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"Among singles, we found differences between men and women when it came to who ended up having sex," says Bendixen.

Women were much more likely to have sex if they thought the potential partner was attractive. This was consistent with previous findings.

They were also far more likely to have sex if they were new students. Female students who had been at university for a while were much more selective.

"More than half of the new female students who had met an attractive partner the last time they were at a pub or at a party ended up having sex with him," says Bendixen.

"This behaviour is probably related to two factors: one is the absence of 'daughter-guarding' or 'sister-guarding'" once students arrive at university," says Kennair.

Fathers - and siblings - might keep a watchful eye on young women's sexual behaviour and dissuade them from having casual sex. This can be explained by evolutionary biology. But new students in a new city no longer have those same obstacles hindering their free sexual expression.

"The second factor has to do with the perception of increased competition for the men," Bendixen says.

Female students outnumber male students. So in a lot of groups it can seem like there's some competition for the men.

In this kind of a situation, women are more willing to have sex. The few guys that are available are simply perceived as more attractive.
"Among singles, we found differences between men and women when it came to who ended up having sex," says Bendixen.

Women were much more likely to have sex if they thought the potential partner was attractive. This was consistent with previous findings.

They were also far more likely to have sex if they were new students. Female students who had been at university for a while were much more selective.

"More than half of the new female students who had met an attractive partner the last time they were at a pub or at a party ended up having sex with him," says Bendixen.

"This behaviour is probably related to two factors: one is the absence of 'daughter-guarding' or 'sister-guarding'" once students arrive at university," says Kennair.

Fathers - and siblings - might keep a watchful eye on young women's sexual behaviour and dissuade them from having casual sex. This can be explained by evolutionary biology. But new students in a new city no longer have those same obstacles hindering their free sexual expression.

"The second factor has to do with the perception of increased competition for the men," Bendixen says.

Female students outnumber male students. So in a lot of groups it can seem like there's some competition for the men.

In this kind of a situation, women are more willing to have sex. The few guys that are available are simply perceived as more attractive.
Over for many men.
We are 100 years ahead of scientists
  • +1
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Over for many men.

Some get a lot - a lot get none

The most important factor in whether men had sex was how many sexual partners they have had previously. This could contribute to their being perceived as sexually attractive and available.

"It's really the same reason for both men and women - the man's sex appeal - that decides whether they end up having sex," says Kennair.

So there's a lot for some, and much less for the rest. Once a woman decides to have casual sex, she usually chooses the man she finds most sexually attractive.

some might argue it never begun. nothing new though

@Blackpill Scholar @norwoodreaper you guys can add this to your blackpill knowledge
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Women can afford to be overly picky.
Women can afford to be overly picky.

well if we look at the animal kingdom pussy is always the picker. it has evolutionary reasons women are the choser
  • +1
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They should publish here
Good post bro
This isn’t new. Women throw themselves at hot guys
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"More than half of the new female students who had met an attractive partner the last time they were at a pub or at a party ended up having sex with him," says Bendixen.

Holy fuck, that's actually BRUTAL.
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"A lot of women have had sex with more attractive partners than the men they end up with in long-term relationships," says Kennair.



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They were also far more likely to have sex if they were new students. Female students who had been at university for a while were much more selective.

lol no shit!

every dude after the first year knows this

lmao at these fucking nerds
not paulie_walnuts

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