New theory I came up with on the family (Possible low IQ thread)



Sep 13, 2019
A couple months ago (September) I had an argument with a leftist who said that there’s nothing wrong with families that have more than 2 parents, at the time I didnt research the topic or ever engage with that topic so I didn’t have much of a response.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, wouldn’t more than 2 parents throw off the balance of the household?

if there’s 2 mothers and one father, wouldn’t that make the environment more estrogenic than it should be and have an impact on the upbringing of children?

For example, Is a boy going to develop properly when he has a much more feminine upbringing due to him interacting more with females at home than males and being given guidance by females more than males? Which in turn, makes the boy more estrogenic and emotional due to him having the majority of his upbringing done by women? We can already see this in low T, emotional men that were raised by single mothers.

Or how about the fact that people are biologically hardwired to care for their own children over other children that aren’t their own. Or people wanting their children to succeed over other children.

Wouldn’t that breed an environment of competition and potential neglect when you have multiple mothers present with kids of their own in a singular home?

Or how about attention? Women need attention, they crave it. They crave validation. When women don’t have the full undivided attention of their significant other, they get mad. If they don’t have enough attention or validation from their significant other, they will often find it from other men to make up for it (aka, they cheat). Wouldn’t this pose a problem in this example of a house hold with multiple mothers and one father?

Or how about sexual competition? If one woman is more attractive than the other in the household, a massive imbalance in sexual activity can occur. Which leads to anger, resentment, cheating, etc.

I used the 2 mom and one dad scenario because I didn’t want to get into the endless scenarios that exist in 2+ partner families. It was the first example that came to mind.

However, are these arguments legit or low IQ? I need answers and feedback

@Alt Number 3
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Reactions: stuckneworleans, AscendenceImminent and Alt Number 3
Reading right now but I sense High IQ.
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Lol you shouldn’t waste time arguing with those kinds of people. They the kind to throw away the chess board and think they won.

Of course it would be highly unnatural and undesirable because of all the reasons listed above. But if they can’t come to that conclusion themselves, they can’t be reasoned with. All they needed to do was think about it for a while but they couldn’t. If they can’t even help themselves why should you?
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Low iq thred
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Lol you shouldn’t waste time arguing with those kinds of people. They the kind to throw away the chess board and think they won.

Of course it would be highly unnatural and undesirable because of all the reasons listed above. But if they can’t come to that conclusion themselves, they can’t be reasoned with. All they needed to do was think about it for a while but they couldn’t. If they can’t even help themselves why should you?
Indeed. Took me 5 minutes to think up all of these things
Low iq thred
Lol you shouldn’t waste time arguing with those kinds of people. They the kind to throw away the chess board and think they won.

Of course it would be highly unnatural and undesirable because of all the reasons listed above. But if they can’t come to that conclusion themselves, they can’t be reasoned with. All they needed to do was think about it for a while but they couldn’t. If they can’t even help themselves why should you?
Gonna make a thread on the 1 mom 2 dads scenario tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Alt Number 3
this is some pretty obvious stuff
in chinese shows, the trope of multiple wives fighting for their kids inheritance is overdone
we all know the effect of having no father figure in household. the reason niggers don't turn to soyboys without a father is cus the street taught them
  • +1
Reactions: AscendenceImminent and Blackout.xl
this is some pretty obvious stuff
in chinese shows, the trope of multiple wives fighting for their kids inheritance is overdone
we all know the effect of having no father figure in household. the reason niggers don't turn to soyboys without a father is cus the street taught them
Yes. Why are you letting libtards ruin your mind?
  • +1
Reactions: stuckneworleans
Yes, this has always been the case. A two parent household is best to balance masculine and feminine elements. But what matters most is the character of the parents and the advice and mannerism they impart on to their children advertently and inadvertently. 3 parents with good character will always trump two mediocre/shitty parents. pro-social parents will have pro-social children if the child didn't have some sort of trauma.
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This scenario resembles the story of Jose da Biblia.
Briefly, the father Jaco had 4 wives who gave 12 children, they were fighting among themselves for the husband. Of the 12 children only one had the presence of the father, Jose, he was more stable and intelligent of the brothers, in comparison his brothers grew up being raised for their mothers who were constantly fighting, and later sold their brother as a slave.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
This scenario resembles the story of Jose da Biblia.
Briefly, the father Jaco had 4 wives who gave 12 children, they were fighting among themselves for the husband. Of the 12 children only one had the presence of the father, Jose, he was more stable and intelligent of the brothers, in comparison his brothers grew up being raised for their mothers who were constantly fighting, and later sold their brother as a slave.

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