Nigga i feel unmoggable with this FOID following me around



Leader of the LASACKRO gang, outlaw in the west 🔫🤠
Aug 1, 2022
She now started bumping into me we are waiting in the train rn and she's way too close like 1.5/2 cm from me and keeps bumping she literally does this every time i get into this train it's starting to get obvious
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You are like a animal running away from its own prey, when are you going to approach her?
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  • So Sad
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She now started bumping into me we are waiting in the train rn and she's way too close like 1.5/2 cm from me and keeps bumping she literally does this every time i get into this train it's starting to get obvious
Since when is bumping an ioi
  • JFL
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Average .org ioi thread
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This made me coom.
Time is of the essence
You are like a animal running away from its own prey, when are you going to approach her?
I feel like shit for being scared nigga it's basically 100% guarantee slay she's obviously following me around i was kinda in doubt but it got obvious ever since her and her ex broke up
Since when is bumping an ioi
Average .org ioi thread
Nigga this is a sequence she literally follows me around every day, Monday and Friday we take the same train and it's a huge train she's always coincidentally 2 feet away from me looking at me tho when i look back she looks away
Nigga this is a sequence she literally follows me around every day, Monday and Friday we take the same train and it's a huge train she's always coincidentally 2 feet away from me looking at me tho when i look back she looks away
Why don't you tyalk to her then MUTT
I get it, ive been in a such situation like this before in high school and its hard to come up with an approach without looking to thirsty or dumb. But you really should just talk with her before she loses interest. But since she is pursuing u this hard the approach shouldnt matter that much tbh. She already has high interest but prob just shy. Next time approach her my nigga. Tell her that ur phone is dead and you need to call someone, and after u done the fake calling, say thanks to her and ask her questions like what she study etc u know the basics. From there it should be easy mode cuz u broke the ice.
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If she goes to your school then that’s literally a reason to talk to her. The only men who look thirsty when they approach are the average looking cucks that women don’t want approaching them.
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Niggas who passed their abitur rn:
  • Woah
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I get it, ive been in a such situation like this before in high school and its hard to come up with an approach without looking to thirsty or dumb. But you really should just talk with her before she loses interest. But since she is pursuing u this hard the approach shouldnt matter that much tbh. She already has high interest but prob just shy. Next time approach her my nigga. Tell her that ur phone is dead and you need to call someone, and after u done the fake calling, say thanks to her and ask her questions like what she study etc u know the basics. From there it should be easy mode cuz u broke the ice.
I literally hope every day she says something but i think she's too nervous since she talks to all boys in class except me so i thought she just found me ugly but she literally is almost always looking at me sometimes i like to turn around since she sits behind and 2/3 times she's looking then quickly looks away and with her literally being so close to me in really large areas also noticed she's always trying to make her hair look good and looking on her phone IG this could be a sign cause i heard sometimes when girls talk to everyone in a class except 1 person (being she doesn't try comming up to me) but show other signs of attraction it could be that they are too nervous
If she goes to your school then that’s literally a reason to talk to her. The only men who look thirsty when they approach are the average looking cucks that women don’t want approaching them.
Problem is i don't really know since she does all this she's literally Alway glued to me when we go on busses or are in the same area i literally saw one day i came into the canteen and sat on a chair far from her 10 minutes after she changed to a chair close to me for apperently no reason but she also doesn't say anything and she talks to other people but doesn't try talking to me so idk

I heard sometimes when girls are nervous to talk to one specific person they sorta don't talk to that person only do this stalking thing, i just am worried i might be overlooking things
  • Hmm...
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I literally hope every day she says something but i think she's too nervous since she talks to all boys in class except me so i thought she just found me ugly but she literally is almost always looking at me sometimes i like to turn around since she sits behind and 2/3 times she's looking then quickly looks away and with her literally being so close to me in really large areas also noticed she's always trying to make her hair look good and looking on her phone IG this could be a sign cause i heard sometimes when girls talk to everyone in a class except 1 person (being she doesn't try comming up to me) but show other signs of attraction it could be that they are too nervous
- Talking with everyone except u in class
- Starring at you then blushes away
- Sitting close with u in the train
=Shy high interest girl

If i were u i would talk with her asap. Whats her tier?
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Reactions: poopoohead and Iasacrko
Problem is i don't really know since she does all this she's literally Alway glued to me when we go on busses or are in the same area i literally saw one day i came into the canteen and sat on a chair far from her 10 minutes after she changed to a chair close to me for apperently no reason but she also doesn't say anything and she talks to other people but doesn't try talking to me so idk

I heard sometimes when girls are nervous to talk to one specific person they sorta don't talk to that person only do this stalking thing, i just am worried i might be overlooking things
Inject T and charisma man. You should just enjoy shit like this because you will rope once it stops happening if you never make anything of it. Just talk to her and if you were wrong then who cares. It’s not illegal to flirt with a girl and this doesn’t mean using faggot pickup lines it just means talking to her while assuming she wants to fuck you and treating her like a woman not a friend.
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I get it, ive been in a such situation like this before in high school and its hard to come up with an approach without looking to thirsty or dumb. But you really should just talk with her before she loses interest. But since she is pursuing u this hard the approach shouldnt matter that much tbh. She already has high interest but prob just shy. Next time approach her my nigga. Tell her that ur phone is dead and you need to call someone, and after u done the fake calling, say thanks to her and ask her questions like what she study etc u know the basics. From there it should be easy mode cuz u broke the ice.
what an autistic thing to say, imagine if he actually done this... asked for her phone, says he needs to ring someone, pretends to ring someone, spends 5 minutes talking to himeself, jhands the phone back... just for her to check her phone history after hes done and realised he just spent 5 minutes talking to himself infront of her for no reason
  • JFL
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- Talking with everyone except u in class
- Starring at you then blushes away
- Sitting close with u in the train
=Shy high interest girl

If i were u i would talk with her asap. Whats her tier?
To me she’s htb I literally have the biggest crush on this girl bit more realistically mtb tho she has a really cute face and body but since this forum is so harsh I’ll say mtb
what an autistic thing to say, imagine if he actually done this... asked for her phone, says he needs to ring someone, pretends to ring someone, spends 5 minutes talking to himeself, jhands the phone back... just for her to check her phone history after hes done and realised he just spent 5 minutes talking to himself infront of her for no reason
Judging by his previous threads about this same girl, he just cant randomely talk with her because he lacks balls. Im giving him an easier solution, because this has worked for me 2 times before. By fake calling not only is it more easier, but he can also buy time to think of his words. He is non NT what other options do u have? A NT guy would talk with her ez but this case is different. Call session shouldnt be more than a minute anyway
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 24712
Judging by his previous threads about this same girl, he just cant randomely talk with her because he lacks balls. Im giving him an easier solution, because this has worked for me 2 times before. By fake calling not only is it more easier, but he can also buy time to think of his words. He is non NT what other options do u have? A NT guy would talk with her ez but this case is different. Call session shouldnt be more than a minute anyway
Wait you have actually done this 😭😭😭 that’s hilarious bro hahaha who did you ring (if you actually rang anyone) and what did you say when you were on the phone
She now started bumping into me we are waiting in the train rn and she's way too close like 1.5/2 cm from me and keeps bumping she literally does this every time i get into this train it's starting to get obvious
she's gonna give up and resent you you have a limited time window its now or never pussy tf gonna happen the worse she can do is say no
Wait you have actually done this 😭😭😭 that’s hilarious bro hahaha who did you ring (if you actually rang anyone) and what did you say when you were on the phone
The first time I just called a buddy of mine because we had an appointment previously made, so it went naturally and smooth and then i talked with this girl that has been lurking around me in the cantine and hallways for some days and talked with her+ exchanged social media. Went on a date with her but her father passed away some days after so it didnt go as i wish it would. I would never do this shit today tho, all this planning and bs just to talk with her, nah its better to just talk with her instantly. But it might appeal for @Iasacrko
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If a woman likes you, and you like her, approach. You have more to lose than to gain if you're a pussy.
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