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"Some people view capitalism as having inevitable stages of direction leading to a point where the majority of the wealth becomes hoarded by a minority leading to an eventual collapse when the system no longer delivers for the basic expectations of the majority of users like being able to own a home and have nice things if you put in the work.
It could be argued we are now reaching that where Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are racing each other to make space rockets while average full-time workers cannot afford homes in many parts of the country."
Basically -- TL;DR -- in a hypercapitalist, selfish world, people immediately seek highest turnover value.
What provides the highest turnover value? Something of which is "assetizable" -- like drugs, sex. Anything with "dark" value, like tapping in to human physiology & twisting that in to what can be marketable; making the biological profitable; making the value of us the value of the dollar; the turning of what's good, kind, decent in to a figurative tablesheet of services, values, or means to maneuver human consciousness in to classic "market dynamics."
Since people want sex, what's of high value? Purveying one's ass if it's a price tag yielding asset.
This enables people to just simply mark up whatever is wanted, and assetize/object-appoint it as value.
We no longer consider morals, ethics, nothing -- it's just a matter of, "What provides me most value easily?"
When women look inward, as they do, they realize often THEY have the value themselves inherently.
What does this mean? Women in said market will say, "Well, my ass is valuable, so I'll sell it for quick gains."
And since we live in a consumerism-oriented market, people just see buy or sell, asset or non-asset.
Ass is an asset in markets, so long as both women purvey their ass as one, and men fulfill the other end.
No longer does it matter ANYTHING else -- just simply, "What provides quick value & is easiest to do?"
Since men rarely can sell their ass for women as readily & easily as most women can, they turn to drugs.
Cons. Business. Why do you think most men want to "start a business" or "be self-employed" or etc.
The system teaches them, "Well, since you can't sell your ass for easy money, learn how to capitalize others."
Hence how you explain the worst cases of such at all -- billionaire men, upper-business men, you name it.
They all do what women do -- essentially, instead of marking up your own ass & selling it, they mark up value of ANYTHING they can & try to push & sell it, i.e., big business, companies, corporations, services, "products," etc.
Markets are made to both create an idea of value over something, and then decide what's to be "sold" & how to convince people to consider buying it. This is the work of the Jew -- they STARTED most "markets" in U.S.A.
Women look inwardly and see, "My ass is able to marked up & sold to the buyers," so they prostitute.
Nowadays it can be done mostly via internet, thanks to human social collapse, anonymity & precautions.
For men, again, they can't usually sell ass, so they have to find something else to "mark up" like women do their own asses, and then find people who are depraved, obsessed, sick or etc. to try & get them hooked on it.
For drug dealers, drugs are the key asset -- and this turnover/possession/potential is how you get Tony Montana type guys. Find a way in, mark up, turnover, find a buyer, then sell -- then keep scaling up/profiting.
In short, every "market" or "asset" is about marking something up, whether it'd be accepted as value or not, then turning that "value" in when someone "buys in" to it, which is often addiction/depravation based.
Think drugs, consumerism, shopping addiction, gambling addiction, food/junk food addiction, sex addiction, you name it. Bottom line, every market is made so that someone sick can forever buy in. "Healthy markets" don't really exist.
The more someone buys in, the richer the seller gets, especially if they can assetize whatever on a grander scale, i.e., lots of things they can sell to addicts/consoomers, lots of porn/content from OnlyFans women; push depravity boundaries.
The thing is, market from the outside is apparent -- one can look and see how sick/depraved it is.
However, from the inside, it looks like economics on paper -- but only so if you consider "economics" as a principle that crosses lines of morality/decency & just value everything as a number & consumption.
That's exactly what Jews wanted. Come/immigrate from Germany/Israel in the early 1900s ... Come "create markets" (AKA mark up, play on addictions, advertise/brainwash of value, etc.) & essentially open up a HUGE gateway market spiraling out of control, all of which is traced back to the Jewish Party, now Elites & overall governments/markets/systems. It's all a matter of non-principle & sees humanity as just numbers.
They don't care if something hurts someone or not -- they just want you to see it all as "economics theory."
They don't give a fuck if its market is based on mark ups, brainwashing, social engineering or the like.
They can find a way to sell a pile of shit to someone & have people buy it if they really cared to.
But as humans you are supposed to know of some boundaries of morality; decency; what's good & kind.
When you lose that, what's to come? What blurs the lines between goods, morals, values & markets?
When you eliminate the idea of good or bad, bad always tends to win sooner or later -- that's how it is.
You need to have a system of people keeping reality and society in check -- can't just call it "free market" when ALL MARKETS ARE CREATED & OFTEN DEPEND ON AN ADDICTION. There's no "simple goods."
This is not the day of the ancient farmers; this is not post-apocalyptic living; this is late-stage capitalism.
No longer is there any "check" on value -- people are just raised to see ANYTHING as "value" or to "capitalize" off of regardless of what it is, causing people to further blur lines of any form of decency.
You got pedos buying cheese pizza ... That's also part of the "market" just a more underground kind but still. You got women & even people in general sold/human trafficked ... Are they just numbers too? Just value items?
When you're okay with just ANYTHING being of "for sale value" ... You lose a lot more than you think.
How about I go now & buy your mother, sister, etc. for value -- put them in a trafficker market?
Suddenly that whore you paid for sex, who could be trafficked, is "fine" -- but not your mother, eh?
But they're just "economics," remember? So your mother's ass on the street is the same as any woman.
Is that how you want the world to operate? Ignore ethics, forget decency -- just focus on assets & turnovers?
Forget about what you do when you "market" or "sell" something ... Just take in the money & not care?
This is not how any person would feel about their own, eh? Sell heroin to strangers ... But not to your mom?
Buy whores on the street ... But you'll kill someone if they even get near your sister? Talk about hypocrites.
You need to wake the fuck up and stop being hypocrites & dumbasses.
Everyone cannot be seen as blank-slate, numerical value or "economics."
If you do that, EVERYTHING is for sale ... You, your mother, your child.
That's what Niggernomics/Jewpitalism is ... All for sale, all marketable. Make markets ... Sell to addicted ... Promote no morals ... Then buy all valuables.

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