

Humble Chad
Apr 23, 2020
Started No FAP today! I’ve been horny all the time, recently I lost my urge to beat the meat, so I’ve decided to just stop. Will probably release every 14 days, that would be something to look forward to tbh. I’m not an expert on this neither have I done my research, I’m just going for it. Heard people claim it raises T and makes you happy in general. ofc porn is also out the window atm. I need to know what are your thoughts on my new endeavour? Tips?
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  • JFL
Reactions: Copeful, goat2x, SoyGune and 1 other person
Good Luck bro
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Nofap doesn't raise T. If you don't feel the urge to have sex at least once a day, then there is a problem, your sex drive is lower than it should be, and Nofap isn't going to fix that. Nofap is just cope for guys who can't get laid who think that by not jerking off, it's going to fix everything. Since I'm not you, I can't tell you exactly what caused your low libido. But speaking from personal experience, it's either due to elevated stress, depression, bad diet (not eating enough), lack of sleep, or low testosterone. Do what I did, get your testosterone levels tested, the average healthy range for men who are 18-35 years old is around 700 ng/dl, if you are at around 500, the 200 ng/dl difference isnt really going to affect you, but if you are at around 200, its enough to fuck up your hormonal profile and ruin your health, so you should definitely get your T levels tested.
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Nofap doesn't raise T. If you don't feel the urge to have sex at least once a day, then there is a problem, your sex drive is lower than it should be, and Nofap isn't going to fix that. Nofap is just cope for guys who can't get laid who think that by not jerking off, it's going to fix everything. Since I'm not you, I can't tell you exactly what caused your low libido. But speaking from personal experience, it's either due to elevated stress, depression, bad diet (not eating enough), lack of sleep, or low testosterone. Do what I did, get your testosterone levels tested, the average healthy range for men who are 18-35 years old is around 700 ng/dl, if you are at around 500, the 200 ng/dl difference isnt really going to affect you, but if you are at around 200, its enough to fuck up your hormonal profile and ruin your health, so you should definitely get your T levels tested.
Thanks. Will get tested ASAP!
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Doesnt do shit for muscle building or looks
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what will u gain from it ? am serious
what will u gain from it ? am serious
Never tried it before, so if I do try it for 3 months and I gain nothing, I would simply know that it’s cope and start fapping again!
  • +1
I would try no fap but im concerned my dick will get even smaller.
Anyone who is against nofap has fell for the Jewish psyop that is hyper promiscuity. OP, don’t listen to these coomers. Nofap is the way of Jesus and chad.
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  • JFL
Reactions: TopzCat1, St. Wristcel and maxxedfalloutdweller
Think about your granny jfl
Tbh i was just going to get a penis pump instead. Do dickmaxxing while no fap, because my dick will get tired from the penis pump and than i wouldnt be able to fap.
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Reactions: Greecgawd
Anyone who is against nofap has fell for the Jewish psyop that is hyper promiscuity. OP, don’t listen to these coomers. Nofap is the way of Jesus and chad.
Could not agree more
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Tbh i was just going to get a penis pump instead. Do dickmaxxing while no fap, because my dick will get tired from the penis pump and than i wouldnt be able to fap.
I did Nofap for 9 months, it did absolutely nothing good for me, it made me so horny that I couldn't focus properly, and it made me jizz in my boxers 2 times per month). Nofap is a stupid religion just like being vegan. If you really want to improve yourself but don't want to do risky surgeries or take dangerous drugs. Just focus on getting stronger (to become more muscular) and eat just enough to maintain your weight, once you stall, add 10%, then if you stall again later on, add another 10%, for the program do something like Starting Strength or ICF 2.0, personally I prefer ICF 2.0 because it has better exercise selection and higher frequency. By not eating too much, you are going to recomp very nicely by gaining muscle and losing fat and gaining little to no weight, this is great because in only a few months you will be able to see great results. And after 3 years, you will be close to your natural limit. Other than gymmaxxing you can also skinmax by doing a good skin routine or going to a pro, and you can improve your social skills by doing public speaking classes or other forms of exposure therapy, where you are put in front lots of strangers and forced to improve and get rid of your shyness.

Nofap is a waste of time, it will get you nowhere but it will make it very difficult for you to fall asleep which will ruin your results if you are gymmaxxing. Instead of wasting time on Nofap, you would be better off focusing on becoming muscular, improving your skin, improving your social skills and maybe learning the guitar. Those things would make you into a more interesting and cool guy that women want to spend time with. Nofap will never achieve that goal, not even a little. As for the penis pump, I haven't tried it myself because I don't need to since my dick is 7 inches in length and 6 inches in girth, but according to good looking loser, it gives you great temporary gains, you can improve your girth by 1 inch and your length by around 0.5 to 0.7 inches, which isn't much imo, and you have to do it very frequently. Dick size doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things anyways, if you can do foreplay well and last longer during sex. From what I've heard, most of the sex is actually foreplay, that's how guys last a long time in bed.
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Reactions: Vidyacoper and bladeeout
I did Nofap for 9 months, it did absolutely nothing good for me, it made me so horny that I couldn't focus properly, and it made me jizz in my boxers 2 times per month). Nofap is a stupid religion just like being vegan. If you really want to improve yourself but don't want to do risky surgeries or take dangerous drugs. Just focus on getting stronger (to become more muscular) and eat just enough to maintain your weight, once you stall, add 10%, then if you stall again later on, add another 10%, for the program do something like Starting Strength or ICF 2.0, personally I prefer ICF 2.0 because it has better exercise selection and higher frequency. By not eating too much, you are going to recomp very nicely by gaining muscle and losing fat and gaining little to no weight, this is great because in only a few months you will be able to see great results. And after 3 years, you will be close to your natural limit. Other than gymmaxxing you can also skinmax by doing a good skin routine or going to a pro, and you can improve your social skills by doing public speaking classes or other forms of exposure therapy, where you are put in front lots of strangers and forced to improve and get rid of your shyness.

Nofap is a waste of time, it will get you nowhere but it will make it very difficult for you to fall asleep which will ruin your results if you are gymmaxxing. Instead of wasting time on Nofap, you would be better off focusing on becoming muscular, improving your skin, improving your social skills and maybe learning the guitar. Those things would make you into a more interesting and cool guy that women want to spend time with. Nofap will never achieve that goal, not even a little. As for the penis pump, I haven't tried it myself because I don't need to since my dick is 7 inches in length and 6 inches in girth, but according to good looking loser, it gives you great temporary gains, you can improve your girth by 1 inch and your length by around 0.5 to 0.7 inches, which isn't much imo, and you have to do it very frequently. Dick size doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things anyways, if you can do foreplay well and last longer during sex. From what I've heard, most of the sex is actually foreplay, that's how guys last a long time in bed.
Screencapped and screencapped. O will read later. Thank you.
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Just warning you, on day 14 when you cum it’s going to be the most amazing thing you ever felt and you’re going to want to do it 5 more times. You gotta resist though
  • +1
Reactions: Greecgawd
Just warning you, on day 14 when you cum it’s going to be the most amazing thing you ever felt and you’re going to want to do it 5 more times. You gotta resist though
Will keep an eye on that

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