Nobody cares about your muscles.



Jan 19, 2020
Who's right, the skinny guy or the muscular guy?
  • JFL
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  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser, ezio6, piscicide and 10 others
But muscle is a healthmax and looksmax so stop the cope and go to the gym
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser, Deleted member 15099, SPFromNY914 and 11 others
That skinny guy is a giga faggot jfl
  • +1
Reactions: LongForgotten, Toth's thot, Deleted member 15099 and 15 others
Based gymcel. Skinny guys with 0 muscle mass are pathetic and look embarrassing.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099, Deleted member 4332, EverythingMaxxer and 17 others
@Kingkellz would actually stomp this estrogenized voice faggot to death for saying this shit
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4332, Kingkellz, .👽. and 1 other person
Who's right, the skinny guy or the muscular guy?

Unironically, the average body that girls like would be closer to the skinny framelet, than to the roided mutant guy.
The lanklet in the video would just need to calisthenicsmaxx and would look way more appealing than a freak of nature roided mutant that the other dude is.
  • JFL
Reactions: gamma and Acnno
Based gymcel. Skinny guys with 0 muscle mass are pathetic and look embarrassing.
Gym and hair transplant are the biggest looksmaxxers you could do
  • +1
Reactions: Gargantuan
Unironically, the average body that girls like would be closer to the skinny framelet, than to the roided mutant guy.
The lanklet in the video would just need to calisthenicsmaxx and would look way more appealing than a freak of nature roided mutant that the other dude is.
You don't need to be roided freak but you need to look like you workout
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099, randomuser2407 and Deleted member 13197
having muscles increases your sex appeal, gets you a lot more respect from people, and just makes you appear aesthetic in everything you do. How fucking stupid does someone have to be to deny this

Users who bring up that Chico quote have the same level of retardation as people who bring up short celebrities to say height doesn't matter
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099, Deleted member 10913, BigBoy and 7 others
Gym and hair transplant are the biggest looksmaxxers you could do
HT yes, gym is so so...

1. there is no gym for one's face
2. in 99% of scenarios we interact with other ppl, we wear clothes. So unless one lives in a hot area like Cali/Florida etc. and wears T-Shirts 24/7, the muscles wont even be visible, unless giga roided like the guy in the video.

But it is true that one needs to at least exercisemaxx / calisthenicsmaxx just to look healthier and be more agile and strong. However legit gymcelling like lifting weights etc., going 3-4 x week to gym is a gigacope with small ROI.
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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Copeful and owlofathena
  • Love it
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having muscles increases your sex appeal, gets you a lot more respect from people, and just makes you appear aesthetic in everything you do. How fucking stupid does someone have to be to deny this

Users who bring up that Chico quote have the same level of retardation as people who bring up short celebrities to say height doesn't matter
It still matters for chico actually, that twinky gook faggot has no actual sex appeal like gandy who is one of the few models that gymmaxes, even o'pry does it now.
  • +1
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  • JFL
Reactions: oldcelloser, Mouthbreath, ManzareK and 6 others
It still matters for chico actually, that twinky gook faggot has no actual sex appeal like gandy who is one of the few models that gymmaxes, even o'pry does it now.
Exactly. Chico still slays without the body but his sex appeal would be 2x higher than it already is just by having a gymmaxxed body
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099, volcelfatcel and owlofathena
HT yes, gym is so so...

1. there is no gym for one's face
2. in 99% of scenarios we interact with other ppl, we wear clothes. So unless one lives in a hot area like Cali/Florida etc. and wears T-Shirts 24/7, the muscles wont even be visible, unless giga roided like the guy in the video.

But it is true that one needs to at least exercisemaxx / calisthenicsmaxx just to look healthier and be more agile and strong. However legit gymcelling like lifting weights etc., going 3-4 x week to gym is a gigacope with small ROI.
Only if your face is really bad or something even then gym is still not cope. The last thing you want is to be a fat guy
  • Hmm...
  • +1
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Only if your face is really bad or something even then gym is still not cope. The last thing you want is to be a fat guy
Never mentioned it is good to be fat or not do any exercises at least.
I just think the ROI after certain physique is very low. Like yeah one can get even bigger and more muscular etc., but will it truly increase the SMV after certain physique? Usually not.

Usually it is enough to be lean and have some decent muscles.

What Im trying to say is, going retard mode with gymcelling, like getting totally obsessed with it and training 4+ times per week with insane weightlifting etc. is wasted energy and time, because the SMV increase will be very minimal when compared to the time and energy wasted.

It is about hitting the sweet spot, like with most things in life.

Same as with height- I see these copers obsessed with frauding height using lifts etc., even though they are already 180cm or taller. The reality is- if youre solid 178+ without any frauding, additional height literally adds zero SMV to a person. Only face does, or even physique (lean + muscular), but some 4-5 cm will literally not add any SMV if youre like 178-180cm already without frauding.
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  • +1
Reactions: owlofathena
  • +1
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Who's right, the skinny guy or the muscular guy?

Girls honestly don’t give a fuck about muscles as long as you’re lean it’s fine girls go crazy over a face. This is just from experience.
  • +1
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Girls honestly don’t give a fuck about muscles as long as you’re lean it’s fine girls go crazy over a face. This is just from experience.
Honestly this. If youre lean without visible fatpads around stomach and maybe some visible muscle insertions and have an attractive lean face that looks good on pictures, youre literally all set.

Imagine spending hours upon hours lifting heavy weights and wrecking one's spine, knees etc. just for a very small SMV increase that is a complete disaster in terms of Return On Investment. It becomes like chasing unicorns for people who get obsessed with gymcelling. They think that if they just get bigger and more muscular, it might skyrocket their SMV "somehow" and make them hella attractive. In reality, they gain close to 0% SMV boost by upping their gymcelling routine.

Basically by becoming a giga gymcel bodybuilder, like the guy in the video, you unknowingly limit yourself to being attractive to MILFs and Cougars mostly. You never see a small feminine looking woman together with a roidcel mutant. The small, petite and feminine looking women are usually with tall, lean, aesthetic looking men. Not with ogresque cavemen looking gymcel roidsters.

The women I usually see with roided ogres look like post wall milfs who look like former prostitutes.
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  • +1
Reactions: Jagged0
Contrary to the popular belief that muscles aren't attractive due to the negative enforcement in most people's minds that muscles = roided bulked 300lbs Mr. Oylmpia with GH gut. The body is a essential factor in attracting women since just like face it determines important sexually dimorphic traits that would be useful for survival. If you a some below average frame then gymcelling in theory should be able to save some of your frame and make you look more attractive but the problem is just like face the body has some traits that are inherent(genetic) such as muscle insertions or how your androgen receptors respond to a workout(important because it can increase shoulder therefore increasing shoulder width). Some copers look at gymmaxxing as cope because they don't havw the genetics that would save their frame or just lack the effort to actually do it so they dismiss it because of that.
Who's right, the skinny guy or the muscular guy?
  • +1
Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel
Contrary to the popular belief that muscles aren't attractive due to the negative enforcement in most people's minds that muscles = roided bulked 300lbs Mr. Oylmpia with GH gut. The body is a essential factor in attracting women since just like face it determines important sexually dimorphic traits that would be useful for survival. If you a some below average frame then gymcelling in theory should be able to save some of your frame and make you look more attractive but the problem is just like face the body has some traits that are inherent(genetic) such as muscle insertions or how your androgen receptors respond to a workout(important because it can increase shoulder therefore increasing shoulder width). Some copers look at gymmaxxing as cope because they don't havw the genetics that would save their frame or just lack the effort to actually do it so they dismiss it because of that.
This is not wrong, however out of couples I know, and basically everyone I see outside, at work and so on, none of them are visibly gymcelled.

That just means that it is possible to ascend with normal, lean body, since most if not all dudes with gfs/wives I know, arent gymcelling.

Also visible gymcelling often comes off as way too "tryhard", like the dude has to compensate for other things, like small D or smth like that. Same as driving huge expensive cars- ppl are not so impressed with that shit anymore and most assume that the man driving that car has to compensate for other shortcomings.
Unironically, the average body that girls like would be closer to the skinny framelet, than to the roided mutant guy.
The lanklet in the video would just need to calisthenicsmaxx and would look way more appealing than a freak of nature roided mutant that the other dude is.
Roided mutant just needs to hop off roids and wait a few months then he'll have ideal body for aesthetics
  • +1
Reactions: PYT
Yeah I really don't know who's right in all these comments cos world is so fucked up now.

I agree that roided mass monster bodybuilders (let's say for simplicity arms >19 inches @ BF 12% or lower) are not appealing to 99% of girls, but aside from that I really don't know if masc is attractive or twink is attractive.

I live in Asia and I'd say 90% of guys can be classed as twink, another 9% as normie, and 1% as big. If being a twink wasn't acceptable you would imagine the ricemen would do something about it.

Similarly when I lived in UK and Australia I would say a minority were twinks, a large number of guys are big, and majority are normies, so maybe it is more desired to not be a twink there, yet you see so many tiktokkers getting laid all over the world and they are all faggotmaxxed so go figure
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5061
Same as with height- I see these copers obsessed with frauding height using lifts etc., even though they are already 180cm or taller. The reality is- if youre solid 178+ without any frauding, additional height literally adds zero SMV to a person. Only face does, or even physique (lean + muscular), but some 4-5 cm will literally not add any SMV if youre like 178-180cm already without frauding.
Height is really important especially in 21st century and adds SMV brutally.
  • +1
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If someone has a high tier normie look in the face I think that getting that V physique is a big plus. Just wear a t shirt to show it off and girls will come up feeling on your chest and arms etc. many times. Thinking on a 10 scale here but I am not sure how effective it would be for a 5 but my guess is if the girl is into muscles at all it would improve a 6 or 7s chances for sure.
  • +1
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Never mentioned it is good to be fat or not do any exercises at least.
I just think the ROI after certain physique is very low. Like yeah one can get even bigger and more muscular etc., but will it truly increase the SMV after certain physique? Usually not.

Usually it is enough to be lean and have some decent muscles.

What Im trying to say is, going retard mode with gymcelling, like getting totally obsessed with it and training 4+ times per week with insane weightlifting etc. is wasted energy and time, because the SMV increase will be very minimal when compared to the time and energy wasted.

It is about hitting the sweet spot, like with most things in life.

Same as with height- I see these copers obsessed with frauding height using lifts etc., even though they are already 180cm or taller. The reality is- if youre solid 178+ without any frauding, additional height literally adds zero SMV to a person. Only face does, or even physique (lean + muscular), but some 4-5 cm will literally not add any SMV if youre like 178-180cm already without frauding.
It depends anything after 6ft 6 is usually bad and awkward looking. But 6ft 3 will always be the ideal height
I dont know why but the first guy is so annoying, talks like a stereotypical faggot or like black women:y'all::ogre:

Music Video Dancing GIF
  • +1
Reactions: gamma
I am actually subscribed to that guy, I found him by accident through youtube shorts, he is a steroid user who is actually honest about the fact that he takes steroids, which is very rare nowadays.
  • +1
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Gymcelling is legit you basement dwelling faggots. Part of gymcelling is leaner face and I'm getting alot more iois than ever before despite my shit nose failo.
  • +1
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No gym for your face
You don't need to be roided freak but you need to look like you workout
Yes, and the thing is that there is no such thing as too big, even if you take steroids. People think that taking steroids will make them look like Ronnie Coleman or Arnold Schwarzennegger when they were in their prime, even though those guys had top tier genetics and were on very high amounts of drugs while most people don't do either of those things.

And even if you could get as big as those guys, you would still be considered attractive by women because there is no such thing as too muscular for most women except for women who are searching for a specific type of guy which isn't too muscular, but those are the exception, not the rule.

Also, yes, as you said, it doesn't take much to have a very good physique that is appealing to women, most people can achieve that without steroids.

@Chinacurry , @Austrian Oak , @Lawton88 , @Gazzamogga ,@Clark69 , @Yellow_fever_cel , @skooLX-aM , @Sny , @gymislife , @Nonstoplooksmax , @Jagged0 , @Toska , @Gargantuan , @gamma , @larsanova69 , @Gonthar , @LondonVillie , @zeke714 , @BigBoy

Here is what the average person thinks is most attractive to women (easily achievable within 6-12 months naturally):

GQvsZqBgZgUVnNwkoTJT3 YwvS5 zX1oKx4qzVDnRJw
Tom Holland Workout 1

Here is what is considered very appealing for most women and achievable naturally within 2-3 years
The ideal physique for drug-free gymmaxxing (no steroids needed):

Maxresdefault 2
Joe Manganiello showed off his shirtless body Miami

Here is what is even more appealing to women but not necessary (the difference in sexual success between this and the row of pictures before this isn't huge although the extra size does provide some advantage with some women).
This is also what most steroid users think women need men to look like and it's the look that most famous male instagram influencers who lift usually have.
The ideal physique for gymmaxxing with steroids:

Jeff no3
865ee7b8e90980af8f5f6c5fd30ce4a0 1
The weight of Dwayne Johnson
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099, Lawton88, owlofathena and 4 others
Yes, and the thing is that there is no such thing as too big, even if you take steroids. People think that taking steroids will make them look like Ronnie Coleman or Arnold Schwarzennegger when they were in their prime, even though those guys had top tier genetics and were on very high amounts of drugs while most people don't do either of those things.

And even if you could get as big as those guys, you would still be considered attractive by women because there is no such thing as too muscular for most women except for women who are searching for a specific type of guy which isn't too muscular, but those are the exception, not the rule.

Also, yes, as you said, it doesn't take much to have a very good physique that is appealing to women, most people can achieve that without steroids.

@Chinacurry , @Austrian Oak , @Lawton88 , @Gazzamogga ,@Clark69 , @Yellow_fever_cel , @skooLX-aM , @Sny , @gymislife , @Nonstoplooksmax , @Jagged0 , @Toska , @Gargantuan , @gamma , @larsanova69 , @Gonthar , @LondonVillie , @zeke714 , @BigBoy

Here is what the average person thinks is most attractive to women (easily achievable within 6-12 months naturally):

View attachment 1152319View attachment 1152350View attachment 1152354

Here is what is considered very appealing for most women and achievable naturally within 2-3 years
The ideal physique for drug-free gymmaxxing (no steroids needed):

View attachment 1152320View attachment 1152321View attachment 1152324View attachment 1152349

Here is what is even more appealing to women but not necessary (the difference in sexual success between this and the row of pictures before this isn't huge although the extra size does provide some advantage with some women).
This is also what most steroid users think women need men to look like and it's the look that most famous male instagram influencers who lift usually have.
The ideal physique for gymmaxxing with steroids:

View attachment 1152327View attachment 1152329View attachment 1152332View attachment 1152337
I agree my body is the same as the superman guy but a little bigger muscles and more veins
  • +1
Reactions: randomuser2407
Yes, and the thing is that there is no such thing as too big, even if you take steroids. People think that taking steroids will make them look like Ronnie Coleman or Arnold Schwarzennegger when they were in their prime, even though those guys had top tier genetics and were on very high amounts of drugs while most people don't do either of those things.

And even if you could get as big as those guys, you would still be considered attractive by women because there is no such thing as too muscular for most women except for women who are searching for a specific type of guy which isn't too muscular, but those are the exception, not the rule.

Also, yes, as you said, it doesn't take much to have a very good physique that is appealing to women, most people can achieve that without steroids.

@Chinacurry , @Austrian Oak , @Lawton88 , @Gazzamogga ,@Clark69 , @Yellow_fever_cel , @skooLX-aM , @Sny , @gymislife , @Nonstoplooksmax , @Jagged0 , @Toska , @Gargantuan , @gamma , @larsanova69 , @Gonthar , @LondonVillie , @zeke714 , @BigBoy

Here is what the average person thinks is most attractive to women (easily achievable within 6-12 months naturally):

View attachment 1152319View attachment 1152350View attachment 1152354

Here is what is considered very appealing for most women and achievable naturally within 2-3 years
The ideal physique for drug-free gymmaxxing (no steroids needed):

View attachment 1152320View attachment 1152321View attachment 1152324View attachment 1152349

Here is what is even more appealing to women but not necessary (the difference in sexual success between this and the row of pictures before this isn't huge although the extra size does provide some advantage with some women).
This is also what most steroid users think women need men to look like and it's the look that most famous male instagram influencers who lift usually have.
The ideal physique for gymmaxxing with steroids:

View attachment 1152327View attachment 1152329View attachment 1152332View attachment 1152337
Bro why you're spreading this way you can get Cavill physique in just 2 years of gym...unless you have great genetic

You should know it, you're going to the gym since 2-3 years and you're still skinny
  • +1
Reactions: Toth's thot, Carolus and Deleted member 5061
I agree my body is the same as the superman guy but a little bigger muscles and more veins
Yeah, actors are not a perfect example because a lot of them use steroids to achieve their transformations but even when they do, they usually don't have a lot of muscle mass on their frame because they don't need the amount that Jeff Seid has, nor would they have the time to gain so much, even with steroids.

The only actors that I know of who can keep carrying a ton of muscle mass on their frame and have been doing so for over 10 years are Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Terry Crews, and they both use high amounts of steroids to do so.

I think that most actors only do steroid cycles when they need the muscle mass for a role, they do it to make millions for a role and for their reputation as an actor but they don't keep doing cycles endlessly if they don't have to.

Maybe a better example would be fitness youtubers like Omarisuf, Scott Herman or AlphaDestiny but they have been training for many years and we don't exactly have a perfect timeline of their transformation for most of those guys and we can't be sure if they even are naturals or if our genetics will match theirs.

The interesting thing also is that if you're short, you look bigger on camera but smaller in person and if you're tall, you look smaller on camera but bigger in person.
Yes, and the thing is that there is no such thing as too big, even if you take steroids. People think that taking steroids will make them look like Ronnie Coleman or Arnold Schwarzennegger when they were in their prime, even though those guys had top tier genetics and were on very high amounts of drugs while most people don't do either of those things.

And even if you could get as big as those guys, you would still be considered attractive by women because there is no such thing as too muscular for most women except for women who are searching for a specific type of guy which isn't too muscular, but those are the exception, not the rule.

Also, yes, as you said, it doesn't take much to have a very good physique that is appealing to women, most people can achieve that without steroids.

@Chinacurry , @Austrian Oak , @Lawton88 , @Gazzamogga ,@Clark69 , @Yellow_fever_cel , @skooLX-aM , @Sny , @gymislife , @Nonstoplooksmax , @Jagged0 , @Toska , @Gargantuan , @gamma , @larsanova69 , @Gonthar , @LondonVillie , @zeke714 , @BigBoy

Here is what the average person thinks is most attractive to women (easily achievable within 6-12 months naturally):

View attachment 1152319View attachment 1152350View attachment 1152354

Here is what is considered very appealing for most women and achievable naturally within 2-3 years
The ideal physique for drug-free gymmaxxing (no steroids needed):

View attachment 1152320View attachment 1152321View attachment 1152324View attachment 1152349

Here is what is even more appealing to women but not necessary (the difference in sexual success between this and the row of pictures before this isn't huge although the extra size does provide some advantage with some women).
This is also what most steroid users think women need men to look like and it's the look that most famous male instagram influencers who lift usually have.
The ideal physique for gymmaxxing with steroids:

View attachment 1152327View attachment 1152329View attachment 1152332View attachment 1152337
You make sense but I don't think Hemsworth or cavill or even mangianello are achievable naturally for anyone over the age of 25, or anyone over the age of 21 of they have a full time job, except people (and most would be BBC in this category) with 1 in a million genetics like Anthony Joshua
Bro why you're spreading this way you can get Cavill physique in just 2 years of gym...unless you have great genetic

You should know it, you're going to the gym since 2-3 years and you're still skinny
No, I haven't been going for 2-3 years, I started in 2016, but I was never consistent and I lifted weights maybe 3-4 months at most on some years and on other years I didn't lift at all. And on the times where I did 3-4 months, it was never 3-4 months non stop, so most of the time, I was losing time by regaining what I had lost.

I can blame my own laziness for this but there is a very big chance that it is due to a health issue that I have which has never been solved because I am gaining fat easily while recomping and I am losing strength and muscle mass, there is only a small chance that I may be wrong but I highly doubt that.

Anyways, in a couple of days, I will have my answer through a blood test that checks my cortisol and thyroid levels. I have a family history of thyroid disease so that could be the reason why.

As for Cavill's physique, I showed his physique in Man of Steel, not his physique in The Witcher where he is clearly on high amounts of drugs. That is not to say that for Man of Steel he was natural, but the level of muscle mass that he has is achievable naturally within 2-3 years.

In other words, maybe Cavill's capped 3d delts are a result of steroid use so they aren't achievable naturally, but in 2-3 years, it is possible to get a much bigger chest. Lat width will depend on genetics, in my case, I have a narrow frame which makes width difficult to achieve but most of the mass just makes my back look thicker since the frame is smaller.

I'm not saying that in 2 years, I'll look exactly the same, but I'll look similar. It doesn't take many years to get a Brad Pitt type of physique.
Yes, and the thing is that there is no such thing as too big, even if you take steroids. People think that taking steroids will make them look like Ronnie Coleman or Arnold Schwarzennegger when they were in their prime, even though those guys had top tier genetics and were on very high amounts of drugs while most people don't do either of those things.

And even if you could get as big as those guys, you would still be considered attractive by women because there is no such thing as too muscular for most women except for women who are searching for a specific type of guy which isn't too muscular, but those are the exception, not the rule.

Also, yes, as you said, it doesn't take much to have a very good physique that is appealing to women, most people can achieve that without steroids.

@Chinacurry , @Austrian Oak , @Lawton88 , @Gazzamogga ,@Clark69 , @Yellow_fever_cel , @skooLX-aM , @Sny , @gymislife , @Nonstoplooksmax , @Jagged0 , @Toska , @Gargantuan , @gamma , @larsanova69 , @Gonthar , @LondonVillie , @zeke714 , @BigBoy

Here is what the average person thinks is most attractive to women (easily achievable within 6-12 months naturally):

View attachment 1152319View attachment 1152350View attachment 1152354

Here is what is considered very appealing for most women and achievable naturally within 2-3 years
The ideal physique for drug-free gymmaxxing (no steroids needed):

View attachment 1152320View attachment 1152321View attachment 1152324View attachment 1152349

Here is what is even more appealing to women but not necessary (the difference in sexual success between this and the row of pictures before this isn't huge although the extra size does provide some advantage with some women).
This is also what most steroid users think women need men to look like and it's the look that most famous male instagram influencers who lift usually have.
The ideal physique for gymmaxxing with steroids:

View attachment 1152327View attachment 1152329View attachment 1152332View attachment 1152337
You forgot the most important reasons why Ronnie and Arnold achieved such elite physiques: Hard training, hardcore dieting and crazy consistency for 10+ years
  • +1
Reactions: randomuser2407
You make sense but I don't think Hemsworth or cavill or even mangianello are achievable naturally for anyone over the age of 25, or anyone over the age of 21 of they have a full time job, except people (and most would be BBC in this category) with 1 in a million genetics like Anthony Joshua
Of course, not the exact physique since steroids make muscles look more full, but it is possible to achieve a similar look as Joe Manganiello within 2-3 years, my 2 cousins achieved it in that time frame and they weren't anything special. However, what is true when talking about lifestyle choices is that if you have kids later on, although you will maintain most of your muscle mass even after a year away from the gym, you may get fatter and lose your six pack, that is definitely possible.

But even with a full time job, it is possible to be a natural bodybuilder. In fact, you could have a full time job, a girlfriend, a social life, some hobbies on the side and you would still have time to lift because you only need 6 hours of lifting per week realistically. More time is spent recovering than actually lifting. Those who spend 3 hours or more per workout in the gym as a natural aren't doing it properly.

As for the time it takes to go to the gym and come back home, that can be reduced greatly by getting a home gym.

The only time you could say you don't have time to lift consistently is if you are married and just had a bunch of kids or if you have a controlling partner who eats up all of your time, both of which are choices to make, not something you're forced to do.
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  • +1
Reactions: Chinacurry
You forgot the most important reasons why Ronnie and Arnold achieved such elite physiques: Hard training, hardcore dieting and crazy consistency for 10+ years
Yes of course, I definitely know that, but it isn't just because they were consistent and training hard, it's because they had the genetics for that sport. Because unlike in some other sports, in bodybuilding, in powerlifting and in strongman, to make it to the top, you need:

1 - Top tier genetics
2 - The right amount and types of drugs
3 - Hard training and good programming
4 - Optimal Diet
5 - Perfect Consistency
Yes, and the thing is that there is no such thing as too big, even if you take steroids. People think that taking steroids will make them look like Ronnie Coleman or Arnold Schwarzennegger when they were in their prime, even though those guys had top tier genetics and were on very high amounts of drugs while most people don't do either of those things.

And even if you could get as big as those guys, you would still be considered attractive by women because there is no such thing as too muscular for most women except for women who are searching for a specific type of guy which isn't too muscular, but those are the exception, not the rule.

Also, yes, as you said, it doesn't take much to have a very good physique that is appealing to women, most people can achieve that without steroids.

@Chinacurry , @Austrian Oak , @Lawton88 , @Gazzamogga ,@Clark69 , @Yellow_fever_cel , @skooLX-aM , @Sny , @gymislife , @Nonstoplooksmax , @Jagged0 , @Toska , @Gargantuan , @gamma , @larsanova69 , @Gonthar , @LondonVillie , @zeke714 , @BigBoy

Here is what the average person thinks is most attractive to women (easily achievable within 6-12 months naturally):

View attachment 1152319View attachment 1152350View attachment 1152354

Here is what is considered very appealing for most women and achievable naturally within 2-3 years
The ideal physique for drug-free gymmaxxing (no steroids needed):

View attachment 1152320View attachment 1152321View attachment 1152324View attachment 1152349

Here is what is even more appealing to women but not necessary (the difference in sexual success between this and the row of pictures before this isn't huge although the extra size does provide some advantage with some women).
This is also what most steroid users think women need men to look like and it's the look that most famous male instagram influencers who lift usually have.
The ideal physique for gymmaxxing with steroids:

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  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser, PYT and Deleted member 5061
Bro why you're spreading this way you can get Cavill physique in just 2 years of gym...unless you have great genetic

You should know it, you're going to the gym since 2-3 years and you're still skinny
That clown is coping hardcore. There was an article about how much Cavill trained almost every single day and how much food & proteins he needed to eat for some specific roles... The shit is like a full time job, training like a retard for HOURS daily and eating like a horse to maintain the muscle mass.

Let these gymcels cope, I dont even care. A twink Eboy with nice hair, jaw and eyes, like prime Chico and all these Tik Tok eboys would still get every best looking woman with barely any muscles, just being lean + some muscle insertions.

Meanwhile these gymcel copers, esp. the ones who still look normie-tier with their bland face and roided-tier body, just look like tryhard losers, getting 0 attention from prime 22 yo gl women and walk around like a pile of mutated roided meat.

Reality doesnt lie, all the stacies and stacylites are dating Surfer-boy type dudes who are tall and have gl faces, who are just lean and have minimal muscle mass.
  • +1
Reactions: PYT and gamma
That clown is coping hardcore. There was an article about how much Cavill trained almost every single day and how much food & proteins he needed to eat for some specific roles... The shit is like a full time job, training like a retard for HOURS daily and eating like a horse to maintain the muscle mass.

Let these gymcels cope, I dont even care. A twink Eboy with nice hair, jaw and eyes, like prime Chico and all these Tik Tok eboys would still get every best looking woman with barely any muscles, just being lean + some muscle insertions.

Meanwhile these gymcel copers, esp. the ones who still look normie-tier with their bland face and roided-tier body, just look like tryhard losers, getting 0 attention from prime 22 yo gl women and walk around like a pile of mutated roided meat.

Reality doesnt lie, all the stacies and stacylites are dating Surfer-boy type dudes who are tall and have gl faces, who are just lean and have minimal muscle mass.
You're clearly saying it from a biased point of view, you have to think about your appearence long term as well as in the moment

You won't always have perfect hair and collagen and your body is going to start breaking down and putting on a lot of fat. If not for aesthetics atleast do it for your health. A ripped prettyboy mogs a skinny one.

And it's mog or be mogged in 2021, not giving yourself any type of advantage is fucking yourself

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