Nobody has 'autism' here or is non NT, you're just ugly.



May 27, 2022
JFL at the people here constantly whining about being non-NT as if it causes their inceldom. I'd go as far to say that being NT literally doesn't matter and that high neuroticism is actually ideal for sex and relationships. Imagine being both a slayer and having that neurotic personality that regular normies don't have. The biggest slayer I knew was non-NT as fuck, dude literally played obscure weird games all day every day, he was bullied by the males at school and spoke like an autist, yet had all the girls on his dick because of high PSL. None of the guys actually thought he was an actual autist just really weird but I was close with this guy so he confessed to me he had an autism diagnosis as a younger child, but he was still 'normal' enough to blend into normal society yet weird enough to get ample hate, yet he slayed because of PSL. Meanwhile plenty of ugly guys, short guys are NT and very social yet constantly get rejected.

Being non-NT doesn't matter at all unless you're a chair throwing 40 IQ autist which none of us are. Nobody here is actually non-NT, you're just ugly or short and can't accept it. Autism diagnosis is just a way for big pharma to make money by hooking you all into kikemeds and doctors can bring more profit from constant appointment allocations, if you were true autists then none of you would have found an obscure internet forum in the first place. So yeah, quit coping, you're just fucking ugly there's nothing wrong with your brain except for maybe a few IQ points below the mean.
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the title is something i wanted to wrote months ago or i wrote i dont remember
the autism diagnosis i had at 8yrs old must of been bullshit then
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  • JFL
Reactions: LooksThinker, optimisticzoomer, greycel and 4 others
The biggest slayer I knew was non-NT as fuck, dude literally played obscure weird games all day every day, he was bullied by the males at school and spoke like an autist, yet had all the girls on his dick because of high PSL.
what psl was he
or autistic because you are ugly
JFL at the people here constantly whining about being non-NT as if it causes their inceldom. I'd go as far to say that being NT literally doesn't matter and that high neuroticism is actually ideal for sex and relationships. Imagine being both a slayer and having that neurotic personality that regular normies don't have. The biggest slayer I knew was non-NT as fuck, dude literally played obscure weird games all day every day, he was bullied by the males at school and spoke like an autist, yet had all the girls on his dick because of high PSL. None of the guys actually thought he was an actual autist just really weird but I was close with this guy so he confessed to me he had an autism diagnosis as a younger child, but he was still 'normal' enough to blend into normal society yet weird enough to get ample hate, yet he slayed because of PSL. Meanwhile plenty of ugly guys, short guys are NT and very social yet constantly get rejected.

Being non-NT doesn't matter at all unless you're a chair throwing 40 IQ autist which none of us are. Nobody here is actually non-NT, you're just ugly or short and can't accept it. Autism diagnosis is just a way for big pharma to make money by hooking you all into kikemeds and doctors can bring more profit from constant appointment allocations, if you were true autists then none of you would have found an obscure internet forum in the first place. So yeah, quit coping, you're just fucking ugly there's nothing wrong with your brain except for maybe a few IQ points below the mean.
Words words words
I'd go as far to say that being NT literally doesn't matter and that high neuroticism is actually ideal for sex and relationships.
hahahahaha look at this utter braindead garbage thread @ElTruecel
NTpill deniers are so stupid
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Reactions: rand anon and ElTruecel
"nobody here is non NT"

how would you know dalit
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Yet another "I know a guy thread"

Kys OP. Your IQ is retard tier
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: 0S4MA, Hyperborean Citizen, rand anon and 2 others
Yet another "I know a guy thread"

Kys OP. Your IQ is retard tier
another triggered big pharma jew cocksucking idiot, IM A VICTIM BRO IM A VICTIM LOOK AT AND FEEL SORRU FOR ME I GOT SOME MAGICAL CONDITION. fuck off
"nobody here is non NT"

how would you know dalit
drooling chair throwing autist can't ever find an obscure internet forum.
another triggered big pharma jew cocksucking idiot, IM A VICTIM BRO IM A VICTIM LOOK AT AND FEEL SORRU FOR ME I GOT SOME MAGICAL CONDITION. fuck off

drooling chair throwing autist can't ever find an obscure internet forum.
Youre subhumanly dumb for believing one example of a chad autist means that your social skills dont matter
  • +1
Reactions: ElTruecel and try2beme
Youre subhumanly dumb for believing one example of a chad autist means that your social skills dont matter
These incels need to stop talking about chads and start using normies and incels as examples
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It fucking matters Nigga because if u are not social u give off vibes that u want to be alone.
JFL at the people here constantly whining about being non-NT as if it causes their inceldom. I'd go as far to say that being NT literally doesn't matter and that high neuroticism is actually ideal for sex and relationships. Imagine being both a slayer and having that neurotic personality that regular normies don't have. The biggest slayer I knew was non-NT as fuck, dude literally played obscure weird games all day every day, he was bullied by the males at school and spoke like an autist, yet had all the girls on his dick because of high PSL. None of the guys actually thought he was an actual autist just really weird but I was close with this guy so he confessed to me he had an autism diagnosis as a younger child, but he was still 'normal' enough to blend into normal society yet weird enough to get ample hate, yet he slayed because of PSL. Meanwhile plenty of ugly guys, short guys are NT and very social yet constantly get rejected.

Being non-NT doesn't matter at all unless you're a chair throwing 40 IQ autist which none of us are. Nobody here is actually non-NT, you're just ugly or short and can't accept it. Autism diagnosis is just a way for big pharma to make money by hooking you all into kikemeds and doctors can bring more profit from constant appointment allocations, if you were true autists then none of you would have found an obscure internet forum in the first place. So yeah, quit coping, you're just fucking ugly there's nothing wrong with your brain except for maybe a few IQ points below the mean.
I mean it doesn’t take long to find threads about once in a bluemoon excursions to the outside where the topic of discussion is “how did short/ugly/fat guy have gf and I don’t??”, what is this thread to those. Anecdotes don’t prove shit and to be honest I think this whole binary way of thinking where one thing has to be the answer is retarded. You’re the low IQ retard trying to fight with “I know this guy!”. Fuck that other guy too that said this forum is high IQ most of the threads here fall victim to common logical fallacies.
Youre subhumanly dumb for believing one example of a chad autist means that your social skills dont matter
Poor social skills doesn't necessarily mean you have autism, but they can be inherited which makes it harder, however it can always be improved upon. Most of the mentalcels I saw around .is were just sheltered spoiled people that never had it hard growing up, they had enough PSL to ascend but they didnt because theyre too scared, life was so easy up to that point that they became risk adverse then they blame autism for it or they were just plain ugly and couldnt ascend even with a supposed normal brain

Also it wasn't just one person, I only used that example because i was close to that guy, don't feel like listing more because then it sounds like I'm saying something fake
@Zelenskyiv check out this absolute 30 iq basement trash
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  • JFL
Reactions: Zelenskyiv and ElTruecel
hahahahaha look at this utter braindead garbage thread @ElTruecel
NTpill deniers are so stupid
this is all Deluded greycel ramblings. Not even going to bother to read this sperg shit
this is all Deluded greycel ramblings. Not even going to bother to read this sperg shit
he's saying he knows a slayer who can barely talk in conversations and plays obscure video games
  • JFL
Reactions: ElTruecel
@Zelenskyiv check out this absolute 30 iq basement trash
first 2 sentences were enough for me to come to the conclusion that OP is another basement hindu retard who should be castrated.

Waste of time arguing with those monkeys, so i'm going to post my honest reaction instead:

Last edited:
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  • JFL
Reactions: 0S4MA, Xtra, Pollorex and 1 other person
he's saying he knows a slayer who can barely talk in conversations and plays obscure video games
Sounds like bs. It’s probably just some guy he doesn’t like that slays so he claims he can’t talk properly in convos to cope
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  • JFL
Reactions: Xtra and Zelenskyiv
OP is above average iq I know it just from reading this average ass post. Most of the users here are low iq but not necessaily nt. Just a bunch of copers. They just don’t want to accept that they lack social skills for whatever the reason may be :feelshah:
How he slayed? Tell the full tale so i can see if you are larping hard :feelshah:
Slay count ONLY with good looking girls your friend slayed obese fat diabetic women, nobody cares about slaying obese women:woke:
JFL at the people here constantly whining about being non-NT as if it causes their inceldom. I'd go as far to say that being NT literally doesn't matter and that high neuroticism is actually ideal for sex and relationships. Imagine being both a slayer and having that neurotic personality that regular normies don't have. The biggest slayer I knew was non-NT as fuck, dude literally played obscure weird games all day every day, he was bullied by the males at school and spoke like an autist, yet had all the girls on his dick because of high PSL. None of the guys actually thought he was an actual autist just really weird but I was close with this guy so he confessed to me he had an autism diagnosis as a younger child, but he was still 'normal' enough to blend into normal society yet weird enough to get ample hate, yet he slayed because of PSL. Meanwhile plenty of ugly guys, short guys are NT and very social yet constantly get rejected.

Being non-NT doesn't matter at all unless you're a chair throwing 40 IQ autist which none of us are. Nobody here is actually non-NT, you're just ugly or short and can't accept it. Autism diagnosis is just a way for big pharma to make money by hooking you all into kikemeds and doctors can bring more profit from constant appointment allocations, if you were true autists then none of you would have found an obscure internet forum in the first place. So yeah, quit coping, you're just fucking ugly there's nothing wrong with your brain except for maybe a few IQ points below the mean.
Retard thread. This site has completely gone to shit with stupid posts like this
Having hung around real autists I would agree that I don't think a lot of people here are on the spectrum but I disagree that having legit autism would prevent you from finding a forum like this. Hyperanalysing social rules to better traverse social spaces wouldn't be too far off for someone non-NT to take interest in. Not to mention IQ can vary greatly whilst all the same being autistic. Being autistic isn't a setback in intelligence, it's just a different way of perceiving the world and intaking our environments.

Now that this forum has grown more public though I find more and more of the people here to be rather NT, just loud, obnoxious, stupid, and usually ethnic.
  • JFL
Reactions: optimisticzoomer
Water. People just wanna feel special. It's like all the foids claiming to have "ADHD". No, you're all normal
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the autism diagnosis i had at 8yrs old must of been bullshit then
if you can write and speak you're not an autist you're brainwashed by the jews to make you think you are

true autism is when a person can't talk, walk or think normally
  • +1
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if you can write and speak you're not an autist you're brainwashed by the jews to make you think you are

true autism is when a person can't talk, walk or think normally
autism is a spectrum, ASD1/Aspergers is classified as high functioning, either way idgaf what they call it, if is jewish or not, i;ve been the weird/outcast kid since age 8 so either way doesn't make a bit of difference to me what it's called or isnt
if women are more mentally ill than men, why tf do u wanna be NT.

it's like eating shit cause everyone else eats normal.
Being non-NT doesn't matter at all unless you're a chair throwing 40 IQ autist which none of us are. Nobody here is actually non-NT, you're just ugly or short and can't accept it.
If you aren’t very gl even mild autism can fuck your whole life up
first 2 sentences were enough for me to come to the conclusion that OP is another basement hindu retard who should be castrated.

Waste of time arguing with those monkeys, so i'm going to post my honest reaction instead:

watched the whole video
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NT is the 2nd filter, looks is 1st filter

It still matters
Chad-tier face haloes your personality, including your 'autism'.
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