Nobody wants to see you win unless there’s some benefit for them



Aug 25, 2024
People around you would rather see u lose. When u win it makes them feel bad about themselves. They won’t admit this and they might not even realize it themselves since it’s largely subconscious.

The only way people would be happy to see you win is if there’s some benefit for them
example: u get rich and u give them some of the money.

Humans are selfish creatures it’s in our biology to be selfish.

People might pretend to be happy for u, but in reality they really don’t care or they’re actually jealous.
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The only other way someone might be happy for u is if they’re already successful themselves, but even then they would only be happy for u until you start to outshine them, then it switches
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Cope my bhais @emeraldglass @TechnoBoss @NumbThePain @edodalic29 wanna see me win but it won’t happen. :feelsbadman:
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Cope my bhais @emeraldglass @TechnoBoss @NumbThePain @edodalic29 wanna see me win but it won’t happen. :feelsbadman:
You will win, in due time
You will.
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Cope my bhais @emeraldglass @TechnoBoss @NumbThePain @edodalic29 wanna see me win but it won’t happen. :feelsbadman:
i wanna see you win so big that you will reach the absolute pinacle of your life, only for you to fall so miserably that you will be unrecognisable. you will do anything to try and remember how it was before you fell into despair, you would turn to smoking crack only to quickly switch to heroin to get a cheaper "fix". you'll become homeless, a beggar on the streets of amsterdam, smelling of piss and booze. you'd make a living begging on the street and recycling bottles you find in trash bins.
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i wanna see you win so big that you will reach the absolute pinacle of your life, only for you to fall so miserably that you will be unrecognisable. you will do anything to try and remember how it was before you fell into despair, you would turn to smoking crack only to quickly switch to heroin to get a cheaper "fix". you'll become homeless, a beggar on the streets of amsterdam, smelling of piss and booze. you'd make a living begging on the street and recycling bottles you find in trash bins.
All this because I didn't check on whose ignore list you are on yet. :fuk:
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This and the other only way someone would love to see you win is if they really deeply loved or respected you which is rare.
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When the time is right, and it is written for you to receive it.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't there some implication in our religion that there are people who receive nothing in this world, but they do in the hereafter; but only if they are steadfast (i.e. praying five times a day, paying zakat, doing hajj/umrah, observing Ramadan, etc)? So there are some "ill-fated" people on this planet, and I'm using quotation marks only because in our perception they may seem that way, but the same people would be rewarded greatly in the hereafter, with a reward even bigger than what they were to receive on earth. Note I'm saying or thinking or implying I am one of these people, because I already failed at doing what is considered the basic step (and what some extremists would call me a heretic for), which is praying.
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Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't there some implication in our religion that there are people who receive nothing in this world, but they do in the hereafter; but only if they are steadfast (i.e. praying five times a day, paying zakat, doing hajj/umrah, observing Ramadan, etc)? So there are some "ill-fated" people on this planet, and I'm using quotation marks only because in our perception they may seem that way, but the same people would be rewarded greatly in the hereafter, with a reward even bigger than what they were to receive on earth. Note I'm saying or thinking or implying I am one of these people, because I already failed at doing what is considered the basic step (and what some extremists would call me a heretic for), which is praying.
Yes, but it’s not that someone is ill-fated in every aspect of their life. It could be one major area that deeply affects them, but no one, not even a non Muslim, faces misfortune in every single part of their life, unless they are truly an enemy of Islam, perhaps.
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Yes, but it’s not that someone is ill-fated in every aspect of their life. It could be one major area that deeply affects them, but no one, not even a non Muslim, faces misfortune in every single part of their life, unless they are truly an enemy of Islam, perhaps.
I see, so no cases where a person is ill-fated in every aspect? The only example I can think of was a prophet but he got a lot more in return for what he lost due to being steadfast. I have been up for 29 hours now. :ogre:
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I see, so no cases where a person is ill-fated in every aspect? The only example I can think of was a prophet but he got a lot more in return for what he lost due to being steadfast. I have been up for 29 hours now. :ogre:
No one is entirely ill-fated in every aspect of life, and here’s why: the Prophet said that if this world held even the value of a mosquito’s wing in Allah’s sight, He wouldn’t give a non believer even a sip of water. The world has no real worth, so Allah doesn’t withhold it, and He is always just. You might look at a rich man and a poor man and think it’s unfair, but often, the poor man lives a better life mentally, with resilience and contentment the rich man lacks. It’s all a trade off.

One person has this, and the other has something else; both possess something valuable, yet they often only see what the other has and feel like they’re missing out or being treated unfairly.
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No one is entirely ill-fated in every aspect of life, and here’s why: the Prophet said that if this world held even the value of a mosquito’s wing in Allah’s sight, He wouldn’t give a non believer even a sip of water. The world has no real worth, so Allah doesn’t withhold it, and He is always just. You might look at a rich man and a poor man and think it’s unfair, but often, the poor man lives a better life mentally, with resilience and contentment the rich man lacks. It’s all a trade off.

One person has this, and the other has something else; both possess something valuable, yet they often only see what the other has and feel like they’re missing out or being treated unfairly.
Perhaps, but when you're someone like me your faith just disappears. Sometimes I think life after death is nothingness. Depressing, eh?
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Perhaps, but when you're someone like me your faith just disappears. Sometimes I think life after death is nothingness. Depressing, eh?
I understand what you’re saying. It’s all about the perspective you have on life and the path you choose to walk. If you’re constantly reminded of what you lack on your current path, it might be best to find a different path. Regarding the idea that death leads to nothingness, it seems illogical because if something ends in nothingness, it would imply that the beginning was also nothingness. It’s hard to reconcile being created and then ending up in nothingness. Are you following my point Bhai?
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I understand what you’re saying. It’s all about the perspective you have on life and the path you choose to walk. If you’re constantly reminded of what you lack on your current path, it might be best to find a different path. Regarding the idea that death leads to nothingness, it seems illogical because if something ends in nothingness, it would imply that the beginning was also nothingness. It’s hard to reconcile being created and then ending up in nothingness. Are you following my point Bhai?
Well I mean we do not remember anything about from before when we were born, so isn't that technically the nothingness we came from? I get what you're saying though, when it's Ramadan these thoughts don't even enter my head because I'm actually reading the Qur'an. Not reading it, I suppose, is why one drifts astray. Luckily Ramadan is less than a half year away. In sha Allah.
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Well I mean we do not remember anything about from before when we were born, so isn't that technically the nothingness we came from? I get what you're saying though, when it's Ramadan these thoughts don't even enter my head because I'm actually reading the Qur'an. Not reading it, I suppose, is why one drifts astray. Luckily Ramadan is less than a half year away. In sha Allah.
Before coming to Earth, Allah gathered Adam and all future humans in a place known as Arafat. There, He spoke to us and declared Himself as our Lord, to which we all affirmed with a "yes." We made a covenant with Allah, promising to uphold our faith through various trials. Then, we were born with our memories erased. Allah gave us the choice: to be human with the responsibility of potentially entering paradise or hell, or to refuse and become another creature like an animal or a tree. We chose to bear this responsibility, as highlighted in the Quranic verse:

[33:72] We offered the responsibility (freedom of choice) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they refused to bear it, and were afraid of it. But the human being accepted it; he was transgressing, ignorant.

Thus, we existed before our birth, agreed to be human, and accept this test, which required a memory reset to ensure fairness in the trial.

Read the Quran regularly Bhai; it will strengthen you against Satan. Don’t wait for just one particular month of the year to do this. You can’t be armed only during that month while facing an enemy who is constantly stalking you every minute of every day.
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Before coming to Earth, Allah gathered Adam and all future humans in a place known as Arafat. There, He spoke to us and declared Himself as our Lord, to which we all affirmed with a "yes." We made a covenant with Allah, promising to uphold our faith through various trials. Then, we were born with our memories erased. Allah gave us the choice: to be human with the responsibility of potentially entering paradise or hell, or to refuse and become another creature like an animal or a tree. We chose to bear this responsibility, as highlighted in the Quranic verse:

[33:72] We offered the responsibility (freedom of choice) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they refused to bear it, and were afraid of it. But the human being accepted it; he was transgressing, ignorant.

Thus, we existed before our birth, agreed to be human, and accept this test, which required a memory reset to ensure fairness in the trial.

Read the Quran regularly Bhai; it will strengthen you against Satan. Don’t wait for just one particular month of the year to do this. You can’t be armed only during that month while facing an enemy who is constantly stalking you every minute of every day.
Where did you get the first part of this where it speaks for "all future humans"? Is it just tafsir? It could be a misinterpretation of whoever wrote that. Because in the Qur'anic verse, it points out to one singular being accepting it, rather than an entire group (all future humans AND Adam). So it's not overlapping, technically speaking. Don't mean to be nitpicky, but that's what I notice. I agree with your advice of reading the Qur'an regularly. The good thing about computers is that I can read it virtually even if I'm not in a state of cleanliness (like I have been for a long time :hnghn:).
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Where did you get the first part of this where it speaks for "all future humans"? Is it just tafsir? It could be a misinterpretation of whoever wrote that. Because in the Qur'anic verse, it points out to one singular being accepting it, rather than an entire group (all future humans AND Adam). So it's not overlapping, technically speaking. Don't mean to be nitpicky, but that's what I notice.
And ˹remember˺ when your Lord brought forth from the loins of the children of Adam their descendants and had them testify regarding themselves. ˹Allah asked,˺ “Am I not your Lord?” They replied, “Yes, You are! We testify.” ˹He cautioned,˺ “Now you have no right to say on Judgment Day, ‘We were not aware of this.’

I agree with your advice of reading the Qur'an regularly. The good thing about computers is that I can read it virtually even if I'm not in a state of cleanliness (like I have been for a long time :hnghn:).
Yes Bhai read Quran even if it’s just one verse a day or a small chapter.
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And ˹remember˺ when your Lord brought forth from the loins of the children of Adam their descendants and had them testify regarding themselves. ˹Allah asked,˺ “Am I not your Lord?” They replied, “Yes, You are! We testify.” ˹He cautioned,˺ “Now you have no right to say on Judgment Day, ‘We were not aware of this.’

Yes Bhai read Quran even if it’s just one verse a day or a small chapter.
Either it's my lack of sleep, my low IQ or a combination of both; but I don't get where it says that all of mankind is said to have agreed to it [before existing], it seems to me these peoples testified while they were living beings. That's how I am seeing it. Anyway, yeah, I will, in sha Allah. :)
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Either it's my lack of sleep, my low IQ or a combination of both; but I don't get where it says that all of mankind is said to have agreed to it [before existing], it seems to me these peoples testified while they were living beings. That's how I am seeing it. Anyway, yeah, I will, in sha Allah. :)
They agreed and then were sent to the womb to be born. They are referred to as humans because they chose to become humans. Before this choice, they were simply souls, and if they had chosen not to become humans, they would not have been referenced at all. And Allah knows best.
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They agreed and then were sent to the womb to be born. They are referred to as humans because they chose to become humans. Before this choice, they were simply souls, and if they had chosen not to become humans, they would not have been referenced at all. And Allah knows best.
The reason I am saying that is because the preceding verses are about Moses [and the people he was with]. The problematic thing about a lot of Islamic opinions is that scholars tend to pluck a verse and give their own spin to it, even if it doesn't really make sense. That's just what I have observed. Cherrypicking is a big thing so I am careful and read the preceding and verses after it to come to a logical conclusion. :ogre:
The reason I am saying that is because the preceding verses are about Moses [and the people he was with]. The problematic thing about a lot of Islamic opinions is that scholars tend to pluck a verse and give their own spin to it, even if it doesn't really make sense. That's just what I have observed. Cherrypicking is a big thing so I am careful and read the preceding and verses after it to come to a logical conclusion. :ogre:
The Quran can discuss a specific moment in a prophet's life and then shift to another topic without explicitly signaling the end of the previous discussion. Sometimes, a verse may serve as a bridge to another topic while also concluding the previous one. The tafsir (interpretation) of the Quran was completed by scholars who dedicated their lives to it over a thousand years ago. Yes some people may attempt to cherry pick verses today, but they are not considered true scholars. The tafsir is solid, it’s the fault of those who misuse it.
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The Quran can discuss a specific moment in a prophet's life and then shift to another topic without explicitly signaling the end of the previous discussion. Sometimes, a verse may serve as a bridge to another topic while also concluding the previous one. The tafsir (interpretation) of the Quran was completed by scholars who dedicated their lives to it over a thousand years ago. Yes some people may attempt to cherry pick verses today, but they are not considered true scholars. The tafsir is solid, it’s the fault of those who misuse it.
Interesting stuff, I thought they were all modern-day scholars that did the tafsir. Guess not then. :Comfy:
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Interesting stuff, I thought they were all modern-day scholars that did the tafsir. Guess not then. :Comfy:
The Tafsir was completed some time ago, and anyone doing it today would likely rely on the older interpretations as a basis. The most recent Tafsir that I’m aware of is from 1984, and it’s a innovative and reformist approache so not really traditional either, it doesn’t compare to comprehensive works like Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir, which is detailed and based on Hadith, thoroughly tracing back to the Prophet.
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They agreed and then were sent to the womb to be born. They are referred to as humans because they chose to become humans. Before this choice, they were simply souls, and if they had chosen not to become humans, they would not have been referenced at all. And Allah knows best.
Are you... fucking retarded? Lol. Yes, yes you are. Nobody agreed to be born
its not that people dont want you to win. its that people dont want their enviroment to change in any way. they dont want fat people to lose weight, they dont want jobless people to get jobs, they dont want sexless people to have sex in order for their perceived social equlibrium to be maintained
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Chad wins - everyone is happy for him, because they already respect and admire him, incel wins, let's say he becomes rich or famous - people close to him will hate him now even more, since the balance of power is broken and he mogs them now.
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The Tafsir was completed some time ago, and anyone doing it today would likely rely on the older interpretations as a basis. The most recent Tafsir that I’m aware of is from 1984, and it’s a innovative and reformist approache so not really traditional either, it doesn’t compare to comprehensive works like Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir, which is detailed and based on Hadith, thoroughly tracing back to the Prophet.
Thanks for informing me about this. I really had no idea before that it was the case. Genuinely thought it was something any scholar in any given era was giving.
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Thanks for informing me about this. I really had no idea before that it was the case. Genuinely thought it was something any scholar in any given era was giving.
Nonproblem Bhai there many many things I don’t know either. Islam is truly an ocean when it comes to info and knowledge.
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Nonproblem Bhai there many many things I don’t know either. Islam is truly an ocean when it comes to info and knowledge.
If there's one ocean I have to drown in, I'd take the Islamic ocean of knowledge.
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