Nootropic Guide



Founder of the Ethnic nepotism-pill | Ntpill
Oct 16, 2020
Do your own research before ingesting things you read on internet. Find dosage and usage instructions from very reputable sources. (Also, here's a long tl;dr article about nootropics and college.)
Forum for discussion of nootropics (Longecity)
Spreadsheet on various nootropics compiled by Longecity Comprehensive list of every drug in the nootropic community to date

* Unregulated = Regulatory agencies have not approved it for sale, but does not generally fall under the jurisdiction of drug enforcement agencies; in other words, cops don't care
** OTC = over the counter; approved for over the counter sale
*** Prescription only but not a controlled substance: if you happen to obtain it, you cannot necessarily get into legal trouble.
****Controlled substance means although it can be obtained legally with a prescription, without one you can get v&.

Name(s)Effects & CommentsPharmacologyAvailabilityLinks & Usage info
Amphetamine (Adderall)Attention and wakefulness (closest thing to NZT)Modulates neurotransmitters, namely dopamine and norepinephrine.Prescription only; controlled substanceErowid trip reports
L-lysine-D-amphetamine (Vyvanse)Same effects as amphetamine, but the effects last longer but are less intense. Initially designed to be an amphetamine alternative with less potential for abuse.Prodrug which metabolizesThe researchers concluded that this region of the visual cortex, known as layer six of region V2, is responsible for creating visual memories. When the region is removed, mice can no longer remember any object they see. If this protein boosts visual memory in humans, the implications are staggering. In their paper, the researchers say that it could be used as a memory-enhancer – which seems like an understatement. What's particularly intriguing is the fact that this protein works on visual memory only. So as I mentioned earlier, it would be perfect for mapping. It would also be useful for engineers and architects who need to hold a lot of visual images in their minds at once. And it would also be a great drug for detectives and spies.

Could it also be a way to gain photographic memory? For example, if I look at a page of text will I remember the words perfectly? Or will I simply remember how the page looked? I can't see much of a downside for this potential drug, unless the act of not forgetting what you see causes problems or trauma." into dextroamphetamine
Prescription only; controlled substance (by analogue laws)
Piracetam and its derivativesMemory; general cognitive function; increases communication between two hemispheres; increases cognitive performanceNot fully understood; likely acts on ion channels to cause non-specific increased neuron excitability, may also cause increased cell membrane permeability. Improves function of acetylcholine via muscarinic cholinergic receptors (involved with memory). May have effect on NMDA glutamate receptors (inovlved with learning).Unregulated*Erowid trip reports
Recommended to take with a cholinergic (e.g., choline, alpha-GPC, DMAE) to reduce side effects.
AniracetamDerivative of piracetam that is more potent; anxiolytic effectsAnxiolytic mechanism is facilitated by D2/D3, nACh, and 5-HT2a receptors. Similar to piracetam.Unregulated in the U.S., prescription only in EuropeErowid trip report
PramiracetamDerivative of piracetam; 8-30 times stronger than piracetam; far superior in terms of strength over piracetamVery little research; assumed to be similar to piracetam (though of course much more potent)UnregulatedErowid trip reports
OxiracetamDerivative of piracetamVery little research; assumed to be similar to piracetamUnregulated
Methylphenidate (Ritalin)Attention and wakefulnessReuptake inhibition of monoamine transporters, as with cocaine.Prescription only; controlled substance
CholineMemory; weak effectsMetabolizes into neurotransmitter acetylcholine (involved in memory)OTC**
Alpha-GPCMemoryForm of choline which rapidly and effectively crosses the blood brain barrier.OTC
Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)Vigilance, alertness, moodBiochemical precursor to acetylcholineOTC
Modafinil (Provigil)Wakefulness; coffee without the jittersNot fully understood and under research. Increases monoamine levels; also increases brain histamine levels. Orexin peptides may be implicated.Prescription only; controlled substance
AdrafinilProdrug which metabolizes into modafinil. Not controlled in the U.S., whereas modafinil isVery similar to modafinilUnregulated
GalantamineMemory; alkaloid used for treatment of Alzheimer'sCompetitive and reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor; increases concentration of acetylcholine in the brainPrescription only***
IdebenoneMemory; used for treatment of Alzheimer'sSynthetic analogue of CoQ10; under researchUnregulated
Ergoloid mesylates (Hydergine)Memory; used for treatment of Alzheimer's and stroke recoveryNot clearPrescription only
EphedrineAttention and wakefulness; much less pronounced than amphetamine. Natural plant alkaloid (Ephedra sp.)Stimulates andrenergic receptors to increase activity of noradrenalineOTC (with restrictions due to its use as a reagent for meth)Erowid trip reports
Vitamin D
Bacopa monnieriAnxiolytic; improves memory capacity and motor learning ability in rats. In human subjects, it increases memory and retention capacity, but not attention or other mental faculties [Neuropsychopharmacology 27:279–281, 2002].Not clearOTC
Ginkgo bilobaConflicting studies; may improve attention and memoryVasodilator, increases blood flow to brain. May block norepinephrine uptake [Pharmacol Res. 2009 Jul;60(1):68-73]. OTC
Green tea (Camellia sinensis)Negligible effects, though impressive considering the availability of green tea. Can increase alertness, boost memory, and have positive effects on mood. Most nootropic effects are exerted due to L-theanine and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), both of which occur more in green tea as opposed to black tea.Polyphenols inhibit acetylcholinesterase, can reverse the scopolamine-induced brain damage [Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., Vol. 68, 1977-1979 (2004)]. L-theanine induces relaxation and mental focus [Trends in Food Science & Technology, Volume 10, Issues 6-7, June 1999, 199-204], possibly due to its ability to increase levels of GABA and dopamine. EGCG promotes neurite outgrowth; phenomenon of "neurorescue" after induction of neuron damage [Journal of Neurochemistry, Volume 93, Issue 5, pages 1157–1167, June 2005]. EGCG can protect brain against monoamine oxidase-B (associated with aging and lower dopamine levels) and increase brain antioxidant capacity [Nutrition, Volume 26, Issue 11, Pages 1195-1200 (November 2010)]. Can inhibit butyrylcholinesterase, which is involved in protein deposits in Alzheimer's.OTC* Wikipedia: Overview of health effects
* Science Daily: Tea to improve memory
* Citrus to improve tea polyphenol bioavailability: Purdue research
Lentivirus-RGS-14 injection in Layer 6 of V2 Visual Cortex region of brain (invasive) [experimental]Vastly improves visual memory in mice. It basically gave the mice photographic memory. This is under research. The future holds amazing things.Overexpression of the RGS-14 gene in a certain region of the visual cortex "overclocks" the brain's perceptual memory abilities. [Science 3 July 2009:Vol. 325 no. 5936 pp. 87-89]UnregulatedFull text of study
Articles about this study and related ones: [1], [2], [3]
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) of parietal lobe (non-invasive) [experimental]Improves numerical competence, or mathematical ability. This procedure improved numerical competence for over six months after treatment. It was tested and intended for patients who have suffered strokes or neurodegenerative illnesses, but this can feasibly be used to treat people with dyscalculia.Electrically stimulating the parietal lobes of the brain can selectively inhibit or excitate neuronal populations by modulating local GABAergic and glutamatergic activity.
[Current Biology; 23 November 2010 (Vol. 20, Issue 22, pp. 2016-2020)]

Not a chemical, but a neuro-enhancer nevertheless.
Full text of study

Rough description of experiment procedures (not that we're recommending you do it at home)

Suggested combo by me: 1200mg Pramiracetam + 800mg Alpha GPC + 12mg Galantamine
  • +1
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing and RoundHouse
High iq guide but i cant take u srsly with ur avi jfl
  • +1
Reactions: RAMU KAKA, WadlowMaxxing and 6ft7Mogger
High iq guide but i cant take u srsly with ur avi jfl
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, WadlowMaxxing and RoundHouse
Amphetamines aren't a nootropic
  • +1
Reactions: Salience and BigBoy
Can confirm aniracetam is anxiolytic, good for social events, pair with choline source
Phenibut not on there? It's insane for social gains if you use it rarely.
  • +1
Reactions: W0KESTMOTHF
I love your posts
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973
melt.brain theorem??
  • +1
Reactions: 6ft7Mogger
can you take aniracetam and phenylracetam at the same time?

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