

Apr 17, 2023
"The work recently done in this field by Dr. Hector Mortimer and his associates in McGill
University, Montreal, has included studies of skull development of rats. He has shown that the

surgical removal of the pituitary body at the base of the brain in very young rats produces regularly a certain type of defect in skull development. This has been characterized by a lack of development forward of the muzzle or face, with a narrowing of the nose and dental arches. He found that by the addition of extracts made from the pituitary glands, which he had removed surgically, he entirely prevented the development of these defects, thereby establishing the relation of the injury to deficiencies of the hormones developed by that organ."
It is the first "direction" of the relation, it could mean that aside mechanical pressure posture, etc, chemicals will affect the palate's width.

He also talks about the lack of vitamin E:

"The changes observed [by vitamin E deficiency] are similar in several ways to those produced by hypophysectomy (removal of pituitary gland). Marked degranulation of the anterior pituitary is found in both the abnormal young and the adult sterile animals. Lack of vitamin E therefore produces a virtual nutritional hypophysectomy in the young rat."
Well, it shows the importance of vitamin E for good pituitary and therefor good hormonal balance. If we link it to Ray Peat's work on PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), we can guess that excess PUFAs negatively affect the pituitary and therefore the maxilla and palate. I'm only making the link with what I know, we don't know how much, etc.

And more importantly, the other relation from maxilla to pituitary:

"A striking case is that of a boy sixteen years of age who was a typical Mongolian idiot. [...]
This boy at the age of sixteen was infantile in many of his
characteristics and developments. The genitals were those of a boy eight years old.
The facial expression was that of the typical Mongolian idiot. By the Binet test he had a mentality of about four years. Roentgenograms of his hands showed that the epiphyseal bones had not united. [...]

The outstanding physical characteristic was his maxillary arch which was so much smaller than the mandibular arch that it went entirely inside it. In order to give him a masticating surface, and with the hope of helping him both physically and mentally, since several cases had greatly benefited by such an operation, I determined to widen his arch by moving the maxillary bones apart about one-half inch. "
This is the before/after 30 days / after 6 months pics

bandicam 2020-02-01 12-59-39-281.jpg

bandicam 2020-02-01 12-59-56-308.jpg

And what is shocking is the pic's legend:

"Aged sixteen,
infantile before, adolescent after operation. While he
improved mentally he was harmless before and a sex pervert
after operation and had to be placed in an institution.
And then:

"With the movement of the maxillary bones laterally, as shown progressively in Fig. 126, there was a very great change in his physical development and mentality. He grew three inches in about four months. His moustache started to grow immediately; and in twelve weeks' time the genitals developed from those of a child to those of a man, and with it a sense of modesty. His mental change was even more marked. The space between the maxillary bones was widened about one-half inch in about thirty days. This lateral pressure on the maxillary bones was accomplished by rigid attachments to the teeth of the two sides of the upper arch. The outward movement of the maxillary bones (which form the roof of the mouth and sides of the nose) by pressure on the temporal bones produced a tension downward on the floor of the anterior part of the brain, thus stimulating the pituitary gland in the base of the brain. In a few weeks' time he passed through stages that usually take several years."
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon, lightskinbengali, ALP and 10 others
I'm not gonna let you get rep for this bullshit.

"The work recently done in this field by Dr. Hector Mortimer and his associates in McGill
University, Montreal, has included studies of skull development of rats. He has shown that the

surgical removal of the pituitary body at the base of the brain in very young rats produces regularly a certain type of defect in skull development. This has been characterized by a lack of development forward of the muzzle or face, with a narrowing of the nose and dental arches. He found that by the addition of extracts made from the pituitary glands, which he had removed surgically, he entirely prevented the development of these defects, thereby establishing the relation of the injury to deficiencies of the hormones developed by that organ."
It is the first "direction" of the relation, it could mean that aside mechanical pressure posture, etc, chemicals will affect the palate's width.
He also talks about the lack of vitamin E:
"The changes observed [by vitamin E deficiency] are similar in several ways to those produced by hypophysectomy (removal of pituitary gland). Marked degranulation of the anterior pituitary is found in both the abnormal young and the adult sterile animals. Lack of vitamin E therefore produces a virtual nutritional hypophysectomy in the young rat."
Well, it shows the importance of vitamin E for good pituitary and therefor good hormonal balance. If we link it to Ray Peat's work on PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), we can guess that excess PUFAs negatively affect the pituitary and therefore the maxilla and palate. I'm only making the link with what I know, we don't know how much, etc.
And more importantly, the other relation from maxilla to pituitary:
"A striking case is that of a boy sixteen years of age who was a typical Mongolian idiot. [...]
This boy at the age of sixteen was infantile in many of his

characteristics and developments. The genitals were those of a boy eight years old. The facial expression was that of the typical Mongolian idiot. By the Binet test he had a mentality of about four years. Roentgenograms of his hands showed that the epiphyseal bones had not united. [...]
The outstanding physical characteristic was his maxillary arch which was so much smaller than the mandibular arch that it went entirely inside it. In order to give him a masticating surface, and with the hope of helping him both physically and mentally, since several cases had greatly benefited by such an operation, I determined to widen his arch by moving the maxillary bones apart about one-half inch. "
This is the before/after 30 days / after 6 months pics

bandicam 2020-02-01 12-59-39-281.jpg

bandicam 2020-02-01 12-59-56-308.jpg

And what is shocking is the pic's legend:
"Aged sixteen,
infantile before, adolescent after operation. While he
improved mentally he was harmless before and a sex pervert

after operation and had to be placed in an institution."
And then:
"With the movement of the maxillary bones laterally, as shown progressively in Fig. 126, there was a very great change in his physical development and mentality. He grew three inches in about four months. His moustache started to grow immediately; and in twelve weeks' time the genitals developed from those of a child to those of a man, and with it a sense of modesty. His mental change was even more marked. The space between the maxillary bones was widened about one-half inch in about thirty days. This lateral pressure on the maxillary bones was accomplished by rigid attachments to the teeth of the two sides of the upper arch. The outward movement of the maxillary bones (which form the roof of the mouth and sides of the nose) by pressure on the temporal bones produced a tension downward on the floor of the anterior part of the brain, thus stimulating the pituitary gland in the base of the brain. In a few weeks' time he passed through stages that usually take several years."

Also this only works if you are so recessed that the maxilliary bones are touching the pituitary gland.
  • +1
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 47332, diabolusx666, Fgsfds and 17 others
I'm not gonna let you get rep for this bullshit.

It is the first "direction" of the relation, it could mean that aside mechanical pressure posture, etc, chemicals will affect the palate's width.
He also talks about the lack of vitamin E:

Well, it shows the importance of vitamin E for good pituitary and therefor good hormonal balance. If we link it to Ray Peat's work on PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), we can guess that excess PUFAs negatively affect the pituitary and therefore the maxilla and palate. I'm only making the link with what I know, we don't know how much, etc.
And more importantly, the other relation from maxilla to pituitary:

This is the before/after 30 days / after 6 months pics

bandicam 2020-02-01 12-59-39-281.jpg

bandicam 2020-02-01 12-59-56-308.jpg

And what is shocking is the pic's legend:

And then:

Also this only works if you are so recessed that the maxilliary bones are touching the pituitary gland.
  • Ugh..
  • Hmm...
Reactions: ALP and Deleted member 29078
mewing = cope

Copium cat
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ALP, SonOfDarkseid, ⠀ℒ⠀ and 1 other person
Cna mewing increase skull size just a little bit?
  • JFL
Reactions: IndianMewingChad69
thats stupid but yes hormonal profiles are insanely important in development. It annoys me there isnt a thread about it
  • +1
Reactions: IndianMewingChad69
not if u do it proper at young or hard and dedicated as teen
do you have any scientific evidence for that claim? no! the reason it only works for teens is because they are still losing their baby fat and growing bones from puberty. no shit that they will improve it doesn't mean mewing works. mewing could cause the jaws and teeth to become misaligned it's on the same level as bonesmashing (bro science).
  • JFL
Reactions: IndianMewingChad69
do you have any scientific evidence for that claim? no! the reason it only works for teens is because they are still losing their baby fat and growing bones from puberty. no shit that they will improve it doesn't mean mewing works. mewing could cause the jaws and teeth to become misaligned it's on the same level as bonesmashing (bro science).
ight stay recessed jfl

@5.5psl you can grow taller with mewing?? 😵😵😵
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Reactions: 5.5psl and BongMog
@5.5psl you can grow taller with mewing?? 😵😵😵
Yes bro when we insert a rod in the asshole the spine stretches itself and helps us to get taller
This is nothing tho i grow 7 inches from mewing + butt clench
  • JFL
Reactions: VladimirtheGreat
Yes bro when we insert a rod in the asshole the spine stretches itself and helps us to get taller
This is nothing tho i grow 7 inches from mewing + butt clench
And we wonder why faggots and pretty boys have good jaws and are tall....its all mewing with didlo/dick in butt
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Reactions: 5.5psl

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