Not going out and not getting sunlight into eyes make them longer and bulgier?



Aug 20, 2023
I recently saw a video about how looking at the screens is not directly related with vision problems. The video was saying the main reason we have disrupted vision and eyes is we don't go outdoors and don't take natural sunlight in our eyes. And this somehow makes vision problems such as myopia (the light fall in front of the yellow spot because of the elongated eye balls) and cause bug or prey eyes that are protruded too far away from the eye sockets. And he says sunlight or some kind of bright artificial light (orange and red lights are more favorable) avoids this "elongating" by signalising the dopamine neurotransmitter secretion and dopamine binds into the respective area and inhibits this growth in the childhood-adolescence but if you don't get enough dopamine in the area your eyes continue to grow outwards. So did anyone heard about it does it seems logical? As a kid I didn't go outside that much, I really am now dealing with protruding eye and high level of myopia. Also the more protruded eye has higher myopia number so I think it may really be correlated, what you guys think?
The main reason people have myopia isn't because of lack of light it's because when you don't exercise your vision on great distances and keep seeing things that are close to your eyes, your eyes will lose functionality a bit. But it can be recovered.
Add this to the fact the fact that many people have genetics related to eye's diseases.
Sun actually damages the eye and the skin. Don't take sunlight and always use SPF. To get your vitamin D just take pills
The main reason people have myopia isn't because of lack of light it's because when you don't exercise your vision on great distances and keep seeing things that are close to your eyes, your eyes will lose functionality a bit. But it can be recovered.
Add this to the fact the fact that many people have genetics related to eye's diseases.
Elaborate sir. What kind of excercises?
Elaborate sir. What kind of excercises?
Just search on YouTube " Eyes exercises to decrease myopia". There have been many reports from people in these groups that say their eyes improved.
In my case I just did the laser surgery. But these exercises are an option and I think you should try.
And try doing activities that require you to look at places that are far away from you. It will keep your eyes fresh.
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My eyes are too small, should I live in VR to fix this?
My eyes are too small, should I live in VR to fix this?
Not that kind of small I am talking about horizontal lenght you can't be sure of it unless you have hypermetropia
Sun actually damages the eye and the skin. Don't take sunlight and always use SPF. To get your vitamin D just take pills
I don't think not exposing yourself to sun is a good idea but there are smarter ways to take artificial light-sunlight to the eyes and skin while limiting UV ray induced oxidation and apoptosis. Looking at UV index charts, always wearing SPF and changing the thickness of the layer based on UV index, taking 5-15 minutes of sunlight daily in hours between 10 a.m and 3 p.m (avoiding prolonged hours of exposure while synthesizing enough vitamin d), not looking at the sun directly instead taking a walk 5-30 minutes after waking up and looking at long distances or looking at relatively intense articial light after waking up with the emphasis on blue color, watching sunset or looking at red and NIR light at the evening, avoiding blue light after sunset. These are the procedures I follow to take optimal sunlight for hormon regulation, adequate vitamin D3 synthesis, and skin health. I also do eye exercises and looking at long distances really help relaxing my eyes I follow the 20-20-20 rule when using technologic devices, also I avoid looking down too much when studying and using phone

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