
Jan 15, 2024
even for short normies, against some of the advice on this thread. So I've been NTmaxxing the past couple weeks and it's been completely working. I am a nerd with straight A's and an above 1500 SAT. Before I used to sit alone at lunch and study or read books even though I was reasonably far into my looks maxing journey and could be considered MTN. However, now I sit with a group of girls and one other guy (all the goals are MTB to stacylite, athletic soccer and track kids). I decided to sit with them because they were always nice to me even before I ascended and because we used to play soccer together. Now, for the first time ever I've been invited to a friend's house, the stacylites with the rest of the table to watch the super bowl together.
tl;dr: NTmaxxing should be your first priority beyond all of the autistic cope that we see on this forum.
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NTmaxxing should be your first priority beyond all of the autistic cope that we see on this forum.
Before I used to sit alone at lunch and study or read books even though I was reasonably far into my looks maxing journey and could be considered MTN.
You just contradicted yourself, looksmaxxing is the first priority as it always should be, just like what you did. There is a reason why the subhumans do not sit with the popular kids, and it is not personality.
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even for short normies, against some of the advice on this thread. So I've been NTmaxxing the past couple weeks and it's been completely working. I am a nerd with straight A's and an above 1500 SAT. Before I used to sit alone at lunch and study or read books even though I was reasonably far into my looks maxing journey and could be considered MTN. However, now I sit with a group of girls and one other guy (all the goals are MTB to stacylite, athletic soccer and track kids). I decided to sit with them because they were always nice to me even before I ascended and because we used to play soccer together. Now, for the first time ever I've been invited to a friend's house, the stacylites with the rest of the table to watch the super bowl together.
tl;dr: NTmaxxing should be your first priority beyond all of the autistic cope that we see on this forum.
its all cope obviously. looks are the only thing that matters in 2024. or ever. in fact, human attraction has not changed significantly overtime. you must be 6'5 green eyed hunter eyes with 10x8 bp, gymaxxed 25 inch bideltoids, and skippy peanut butter consumption. nt is joke in 2024. im not autistic in 2024


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  • JFL
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Reactions: Patient A, Egyptianmogger and SubhumanEyeArea
Yeah, I came to a similar conclusion as an autist myself. There's not point in being good looking if you behave in a way that's off putting to people.
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You just contradicted yourself, looksmaxxing is the first priority as it always should be, just like what you did. There is a reason why the subhumans do not sit with the popular kids, and it is not personality.
do as I say, not as I do. In hindsight and my experience, I SHOULD HAVE focused on NT over looks in the past, before gaining this insight
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Reactions: The Antichrist and N1666
NTpill is legit... on opposite day that is
BBC and NTpill are law!
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Before I used to sit alone at lunch and study or read books even though I was reasonably far into my looks maxing journey and could be considered MTN. However, now I sit with a group of girls and one other guy (all the goals are MTB to stacylite, athletic soccer and track kids). I decided to sit with them because they were always nice to me even before I ascended and because we used to play soccer together. Now, for the first time ever I've been invited to a friend's house, the stacylites with the rest of the table to watch the super bowl together.
tl;dr: NTmaxxing should be your first priority beyond all of the autistic cope that we see on this forum.
Oh wow, who knew you needed to act normally to have a thriving social life
Now... did you get pussy?

Unfortunately, NT won't get you any, it's cope, literally reddit tier "good personality" meme but repackaged.
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Bro I'm in hs I'm concerned abt ivy halo before slaying (no pussy)
how are u ntmaxxing
You just contradicted yourself, looksmaxxing is the first priority as it always should be, just like what you did. There is a reason why the subhumans do not sit with the popular kids, and it is not personality.
you are in the UK same as me therefore you are the last person who should be saying this shit, this country has fuck tons of popular subhumans who get with hotter girls than anyone on this site

fuck this country for being so nt based, if it was mainly lookism here then my avi would not be a great britain flag being burned
  • JFL
Reactions: N1666
tl;dr: NTmaxxing should be your first priority beyond all of the autistic cope that we see on this forum.
this is true if your neurotransmitters are not permanently fucked like mine. if someone is still in hs and not mindbroken then they should be ntmaxxing instead of doing the retarded copes spewed on this forum
NTmaxxing leads to friendzone if ur ugly
you are in the UK same as me therefore you are the last person who should be saying this shit, this country has fuck tons of popular subhumans who get with hotter girls than anyone on this site

fuck this country for being so nt based, if it was mainly lookism here then my avi would not be a great britain flag being burned
Yeah you are right ngl, my friend is an NT footballer but LTN in looks and 5'8. He will send me snaps of him at the club with women or be bragging about his slays, which he only gets through his social circle.

My old sixth form was full of subhumans and I was confused when they would get female attention, but I wouldn't despite me mogging them to oblivion (which isn't an achievement because they looked deformed). It is then when I realised that being NT is very important as a teenager. Sadly no amount of trying to be NT will work due to trauma and isolation, when I am high maybe I have some hope.
even for short normies, against some of the advice on this thread. So I've been NTmaxxing the past couple weeks and it's been completely working. I am a nerd with straight A's and an above 1500 SAT. Before I used to sit alone at lunch and study or read books even though I was reasonably far into my looks maxing journey and could be considered MTN. However, now I sit with a group of girls and one other guy (all the goals are MTB to stacylite, athletic soccer and track kids). I decided to sit with them because they were always nice to me even before I ascended and because we used to play soccer together. Now, for the first time ever I've been invited to a friend's house, the stacylites with the rest of the table to watch the super bowl together.
tl;dr: NTmaxxing should be your first priority beyond all of the autistic cope that we see on this forum.
JFL ive been shut out of my friend group because i dont do drugs it was fine before but now they started smoking and slowly i started getting left out.
option 1: destroy ur lungs and health by heavily looksminning yourself
option 2:have no friends but better looking
sure, but is there a way back AFTER you became a friendless late virgin? because it doesn't seem like there is. and that makes it more of a luck pill than an NT pill.
  • JFL
Reactions: SubhumanEyeArea
JFL ive been shut out of my friend group because i dont do drugs it was fine before but now they started smoking and slowly i started getting left out.
option 1: destroy ur lungs and health by heavily looksminning yourself
option 2:have no friends but better looking
Option 3: find better friends
just be NT and in high school theory
You will never have this opportunity again
This is clearly complete bullshit.

"A table full of MTB-Stacylite" Yeah sure buddy.
  • +1
Reactions: SubhumanEyeArea
fair callout, maybe I'm exaggerating slightly. However, everyone at the table is at least ltb and up to stacylite
even for short normies, against some of the advice on this thread. So I've been NTmaxxing the past couple weeks and it's been completely working. I am a nerd with straight A's and an above 1500 SAT. Before I used to sit alone at lunch and study or read books even though I was reasonably far into my looks maxing journey and could be considered MTN. However, now I sit with a group of girls and one other guy (all the goals are MTB to stacylite, athletic soccer and track kids). I decided to sit with them because they were always nice to me even before I ascended and because we used to play soccer together. Now, for the first time ever I've been invited to a friend's house, the stacylites with the rest of the table to watch the super bowl together.
tl;dr: NTmaxxing should be your first priority beyond all of the autistic cope that we see on this forum.
Stfu faggot. Stop posting ragebait
Stfu faggot. Stop posting ragebait
completely true story, if ur getting mad at advice to be a normal person and talk to people then maybe ur the faggot
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completely true story, if ur getting mad at advice to be a normal person and talk to people then maybe ur the faggot
Nigga why are you taking it srsly. You sound insecure.
created a whole water thread just to talk indirectly about good grades, ntmaxxing and still no one around who u can talk to

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