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I typically dont talk much abt my personal life on here but I needed to write this down soon as the more time that passes from an event the worse your memory is of it. and I thought to share it w you guys. b4 I begin im sure i will get mad "tales" and other comments but u guys can think what u want. For context I was high on edibles. and my Aunt's friend S for some reason thinks very highly of me because im "in shape" and go to a "very good" college. ( curries look at ivy leagues like the gook foids look at 6 foot aryans). Apparently, she's known me since I was a kid and I used to be mad goofy + skinny and no one thought I would amnt to anything. Whenever she asks me abt things I always over downplay it and fabricate lies that are I make to make myself look worse so she gets off my ass and stops asking me abt "the gym and college) I swear this is all this bitch ever talks to me abt. Its like shes never met someone whose capable of being a good student and has a decent physique. Things changed. Also cause you guys will be curious S is a avg white 45-50 yr old woman married to a neurosurgeon. shes mildly overweight like most Americans are but has a classic estrogenic milf body. that's abtt her only halo everything else is like LTB ish.
Id say she looks like this except a bit fatter and bigger tits, but just as ugly.
Hope you guys enjoyed the story. Id love to hear ur thoughts, I tried to recall as much as I could and be as honest as possible there was definitely a lot she did and stuff that happened I probably didn't pick up on but I'm glad I didn't, cause I would've been ever more lustful for this woman.
Id say she looks like this except a bit fatter and bigger tits, but just as ugly.

So its Dec. 31 and my mom is forcing me to go to a little kick back type thing at my aunt's house. Everytime I have to go top a dinner I dont want to or go to a funeral or some shit I take edibles. Last time I had THC was 4 months ago (remember this). My aunts 2 friends are there. lets called them R and S. S is baking a cake (important later) R's 2 kids are talking about 1st vs 2nd wave feminism and S's kids who are older are at a local club. After 15 mintes I have to make a decision. 1.) go to a club. My sister and her friend want me to go with them to the club because they don't want to go alone. If I go with them IDK what time I would've gotten home ( I never stay up past 11 PM) 2.) stay with S and and everyone else and end up going to bed on time. I pick 2. So now my sis and her friend leave. and Im forced to talk to R's kids abt feminism, occams razor, how GENZ isnt actually cooked, and other shit. Around this time the edibles start hitting. Hitting too hard. because I have no tolerance and am sensitive to most drugs the tiny 5 mgs I took were pulling me into my chair. So at this point I lost 10 IQ points and cant understand why going on. I start cheering up and start talking but soon realize I sound drunk so I stop and leave the card game we were playing and sit on the couch and boot up my cousins xbox and start playing some old COD campaign. From here on my memory gets hazy, so I will try my best to recall as much as I can as accurately. I WILL NOT FABRICATE OR EMBELLSIH DETAILS TO GIVE THE story more continuity and flow as I'm trying to be as honest to myself and u guys as possible. So some time passes and my aunt R and mom have to leave because the restaurant they were ordering from couldn't make the delivery, so they had to drive 35 minutes there and 35 back to get it. S, one of R's kids who was upstairs playing god knows what on her ipad, and I were the only others who didn't go because I made up an excuse I wasn't feeling well (I hate travelling) and S had watch over her cake.
So some more time passes im way too high and S keeps distracting me while im playing COD trying to talk to me and I just keep making up lies abt me failing college, Im majoring in gender studies, or im selling drugs to piss her and perivicate from her questions and annoy her a little. Then while Im playing shes takes off my headphones and turns off the TV. im too lazy to do anything so I just have to sit there on this couch as she facing towards me talking to me. Like I said my memory is hazy, but the next thing I remember I was laughing to something and I have a deep voice and off weed its even deeper and she puts her hand over my adams apple and starts acting mesmerized by how point and outward it is. ive had ppl noticed my adams apple, but never do anything more than make a joke of it. I could be wrong here like I said but it seems like she was beginning flirting w me as she kept palpating her fingers on it, then she started her hand through my hair and I notice sometime her arm is around me on the couch and shes close to me. She started saying some shit but forgot. This whole time my attention wasn't even on her I had no clue she was flirting w me at all and im just high sinking into the couch. This was bad I was letting myself getting taken advantage of. there were two thigns to do establish boundaries and stop the touching or feed into and fuck in my aunts guest room. Now I recently came to the conclusion that it is odius and disgusting to halve a high bodycount and I don't want to fuck any body I see myself fucking multiple times and enjoying their presence. While I have a special place in my heart for milfs, my first was one + its way easier to be dominant cause they're way older and I don't have to pretend to be gentle like virgin teens girls like+ Milfs are typically more into u then ur into them + the one I had will teach u how to fuck and hit the right spot. Anyways, I should've cut it off but I didn't I was too faded to be in reality.
Then she started asking me abt how to lose fat and bullshit and the gym. some tother shit happened and she convinced me to do pushups with her as part of her resolution start. so we in the pushup position looking at each other and I make of looking at her and seeing her tits hanging from her shirt. those who have been in this situation know what im talking abt (c an basically see the chicks tits.) I notice her DD mom tits and my monkey brain goes brrrrrr. then we atart pushing, she fails and then proceeds to sit on me to see if I can pushup her overweight seed oil consuming body. I obvs. fail and she then full on sits on back in my aunts living room then lies on top of me as if she so tired. I felt her tits on me and I was abt to got bricked. She starts massaging my upper back and shit she started saying how proud of she was of me ( this bitch had nothing to do with my upbringing) and I could be making this up in my head because I want it to be real so I could be wrong here but I think I remember her grinding her groin/ pussy on me. at this point I'm hard. then DING DING DING. her alarm goes off to get the cake so she gets up immediately to check on it and she nearly burnt it. She gets it out the oven as I get up trying to conceal my boner and thankfully my family came in and things go back to normal. I go home and suffer from painful erections throughout the whole night and keep waking up because of it.
I cannot allow myself to be taken advantage of by other people, had the situation been different where my family wasn't there I could've sinned and fucked this mom and wife ( casuing her to lose even more respect for her betabuxx husband), but because I was high was docile like a sheep and didn't know what was going on and became reptilian brain, not logical and only driven by carnal desires. Despite the fact I barely do intoxicants I shouldn't do them around ppl
Hope you guys enjoyed the story. Id love to hear ur thoughts, I tried to recall as much as I could and be as honest as possible there was definitely a lot she did and stuff that happened I probably didn't pick up on but I'm glad I didn't, cause I would've been ever more lustful for this woman.
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