Obese 5'7 black icnel goes on EPIC rant BONE_CHILLING GET IN HERE



Jun 17, 2019
Insane says hes gonna snap because he has no women, demands he has sexy attractive women. Hasn't had a job in 14 years is 33 years years old is obese and is 5'7and is neet just plays video games and smokes weed all day and pays no bills, the auntie pays all the bills. Blames hes younger cousin who is age 20 for not teaching him how to drive. Says he has to go out in this world, and says he doesn't know how people worked a 9-5 job . Says he has no support yet lives in a home and pays no bills at all. Says he needs a attractive women in hes life for motivation ,else why go to a 9-5. In my mind iam like ye a attractive women in hes life is magically gonna make you not be a loser with no job living with your auntie and paying no bills and obese. If you were a compelete loser before women you will be a complete loser after. These types folks are INSANE this is my new favorite comedy channel.

These are the future 50-60 year old men you see homeless with no skills or any money in the streets demanding you give them money because they opened a door for you at a local mc donalds. Or the ones in the subway demanding you pay them to go through a turn style.

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  • JFL
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Offensive Bias, reek and 6 others
What a baby
Insane says hes gonna snap because he has no women, demands he has sexy attractive women. Hasn't had a job in 14 years is 33 years years old is obese and is 5'7and is neet just plays video games and smokes weed all day and pays no bills, the auntie pays all the bills. Blames hes younger cousin who is age 20 for not teaching him how to drive. Says he has to go out in this world, and says he doesn't know how people worked a 9-5 job . Says he has no support yet lives in a home and pays no bills at all. Says he needs a attractive women in hes life for motivation ,else why go to a 9-5. In my mind iam like ye a attractive women in hes life is magically gonna make you not be a loser with no job living with your auntie and paying no bills and obese. If you were a compelete loser before women you will be a complete loser after. These types folks are INSANE this is my new favorite comedy channel.

These are the future 50-60 year old men you see homeless with no skills or any money in the streets demanding you give them money because they opened a door for you at a local mc donalds. Or the ones in the subway demanding you pay them to go through a turn style.

This is on another level of squizoid personality disorder
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Zeta, reek and 1 other person
Why can't this negro work at maccas flipping burgers?
Why can't this negro work at maccas flipping burgers?
he says work is for slaves, and doesnt want to work a job, he wants to create beats and music and become a future rapper and says he knows he would rich and famous if he has someone invest money and time into him. Blames hes father for not having a good paying job set-up for him like rich people. He says why he has to go out be unhappy working a 9-5 job. Basically their whole apartment condo was being payed off by the grand father who served in the army but once he and the grandma died the checks stopped coming in. So now the auntie is paying the bills but their getting eviction notices and this guy says he has to get a job soon but its been like 6 months, all he talks about is women and playing video games in hes room. He says hes depressed but the truth is hes just obese and lazy and doesn't want to work.

He said hes mother looked at him with disgust and sadness, but guess what he still has no job or skills. Hes 33 and worked once 14 years ago. Blames hes cousins for not teaching him how to drive, and says he has to go out in the real world and get a job eventually. Complains that attractive women won't fuck him.

Ive seen shit on this forum nothing ever like this before, Hes not crazy or has depression hes just a loser and lazy.
He said water and the internet and food should be free, and provided for by the government.:lul: Blames being a sub 5/10 for him being a loser. Savvy guy/oreo-man is obese to but he has construction job and hes own car and place, this dude literally offers NOTHING. Iam a dude and i would tell my daughter to avoid this guy even in public.

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  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and ROPEBYATHOUSANDMOGS
he says work is for slaves, and doesnt want to work a job, he wants to create beats and music and become a future rapper and says he knows he would rich and famous if he has someone invest money and time into him. Blames hes father for not having a good paying job set-up for him like rich people. He says why he has to go out be unhappy working a 9-5 job. Basically their whole apartment condo was being payed off by the grand father who served in the army but once he and the grandma died the checks stopped coming in. So now the auntie is paying the bills but their getting eviction notices and this guy says he has to get a job soon but its been like 6 months, all he talks about is women and playing video games in hes room. He says hes depressed but the truth is hes just obese and lazy and doesn't want to work.

He said hes mother looked at him with disgust and sadness, but guess what he still has no job or skills. Hes 33 and worked once 14 years ago. Blames hes cousins for not teaching him how to drive, and says he has to go out in the real world and get a job eventually. Complains that attractive women won't fuck him.

Ive seen shit on this forum nothing ever like this before, Hes not crazy or has depression hes just a loser and lazy.
He said water and the internet and food should be free, and provided for by the government.:lul: Blames being a sub 5/10 for him being a loser. Savvy guy/oreo-man is obese to but he has construction job and hes own car and place, this dude literally offers NOTHING. Iam a dude and i would tell my daughter to avoid this guy even in public.

What a loser he can jbmaxx by flipping Burgers lmao
Literally gets to live NEET life paid for and still complains
  • +1
Reactions: try2beme
Literally gets to live NEET life paid for and still complains
he says he has to go out in this world with no guidence and support, dude literally pays no bills and hes auntie pays all the bills he could go to training program as nursing assistant or go to a trade school, or do a apprencticeship. He basically smokes weed all day in hes room and plays video games.
Insane says hes gonna snap because he has no women, demands he has sexy attractive women. Hasn't had a job in 14 years is 33 years years old is obese and is 5'7and is neet just plays video games and smokes weed all day and pays no bills, the auntie pays all the bills. Blames hes younger cousin who is age 20 for not teaching him how to drive. Says he has to go out in this world, and says he doesn't know how people worked a 9-5 job . Says he has no support yet lives in a home and pays no bills at all. Says he needs a attractive women in hes life for motivation ,else why go to a 9-5. In my mind iam like ye a attractive women in hes life is magically gonna make you not be a loser with no job living with your auntie and paying no bills and obese. If you were a compelete loser before women you will be a complete loser after. These types folks are INSANE this is my new favorite comedy channel.

These are the future 50-60 year old men you see homeless with no skills or any money in the streets demanding you give them money because they opened a door for you at a local mc donalds. Or the ones in the subway demanding you pay them to go through a turn style.

Hes a narcissist
how so?:oops: i thought hes just lazy
Narcissist traits he has
Parasytic lifestyle
Gluttony- Substance abuse and food abuse
Attention seeking
  • Hmm...
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Narcissist traits he has
Parasytic lifestyle
Gluttony- Substance abuse and food abuse
Attention seeking
:ROFLMAO:delusional is the most insane one, blames god for why is a loser and says 90 percent of the blame for the reason hes in this situation is other people like women and hes oneisitis that ruined hes confidence. Makes videos calling young attractive women evil for not wanting to sleep with him is the most insane part.

Hes one of the rare folks ive seen who is obese but demands young attractive women to have sex with him, then says he needs to be millionare to pay for sex with attractive women, so working a 9-5 job is no point if he has no women to come home to and it won't be enough to turn him into a millionare. He doesnt realize the older you get physically and mentally it gets harder, you either sacrifice your life and time now when your younger or struggle when your older and its even worse.

These are the most dangerous people in society in a CRISIS, imagine a world crisis or disaster these types will be such a burden to society its not even funny. If they act this way in a civil society imagine in times of hardship. Hes gonna be the one the group while the men go out to scavage parts or wild animals to kill, will say guys im to tired ill be at camp. And when the guys come back to camp and say bro you gotta prepare the food and cook hes gonna say wdf i look like a women, this isnt fair why the women get to stay and chill in camp and i can't. The guys will say next scavage and hunting trip you gota come with us. And when he gets kicked out of the group he will say he is a good person and people in the world are evil.:LOL:

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How does he even feed himself
Insane says hes gonna snap because he has no women, demands he has sexy attractive women. Hasn't had a job in 14 years is 33 years years old is obese and is 5'7and is neet just plays video games and smokes weed all day and pays no bills, the auntie pays all the bills. Blames hes younger cousin who is age 20 for not teaching him how to drive. Says he has to go out in this world, and says he doesn't know how people worked a 9-5 job . Says he has no support yet lives in a home and pays no bills at all. Says he needs a attractive women in hes life for motivation ,else why go to a 9-5. In my mind iam like ye a attractive women in hes life is magically gonna make you not be a loser with no job living with your auntie and paying no bills and obese. If you were a compelete loser before women you will be a complete loser after. These types folks are INSANE this is my new favorite comedy channel.

These are the future 50-60 year old men you see homeless with no skills or any money in the streets demanding you give them money because they opened a door for you at a local mc donalds. Or the ones in the subway demanding you pay them to go through a turn style.

He’s correct tbh he ain’t even cappin I see no fuckin lie
Narcissist traits he has
Parasytic lifestyle
Gluttony- Substance abuse and food abuse
Attention seeking
Or maybe undiagnosed adhd and autism…

I have both and meet all of these boxes other than attention seeking and delusional but then again WHO would admit to being delusional? I am quite pragmatic and a reason why I have no confidence when speaking to women is because I view myself as a loser so I’m willing to say I am not delusional.

@stamaster21 this is the effect of unmedicated ADHD most likely. Either that or he’s an emotional Narcie

Or just hates life because he’s obese and 5’7. How a man lets his kept become Obese I have no idea

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